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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 648 KB, 420x643, Siddhartha_Gautama_meditating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8757243 No.8757243 [Reply] [Original]

We've never had a thread like this have we?
How do you party in an /fa/ way? Popping molly and sweating? Staying semi-sober networking? Getting super pissed and throwing at the tube carriage on the way home? Not partying?

Point is I'm going raving tomorrow and as a socially delayed /fa/ggot don't really know what to expect and what to do.

PS What kinda clothes do you wear? Do you wear your best shit and stunt on fuccbois or nothing expensive cuz can be ruined by some cunts who can't hold the liquor?

>> No.8757257

/Fa/ partying is partying like everyone else just dressed way better while acting like you're not dressed way better than everyone else.

>> No.8757563


just stand in the corner with like one or two people you dont even like chatting to you getting progressively drunker and complaining about the music before eventually leaving alone and crying

>> No.8758682

are you going with friends?

my college is having a kickoff party next friday with some cool dj's and i dont know anyone there so ill basically be going alone. i have a few good friends out of state but they're not able to make it ._.

>> No.8758794

Especially at a legit - er, preferably illegal, but you know what I mean - rave, the point of a party is to toss all that shit aside.

Go in fixed on a direction. Not getting laid, or getting drunk, or finding Real Molly™. The direction you want to be fixed on is: enjoying, producing joy out of, the facts that you are in a body and that you are a social animal. A necessary goal for that, for us people who ask these kinds of questions, is making an active effort to jettison this kind of neurotic self-consciousness.

To hold onto it not only is bad for you, it's disrespectful to everyone else in the space trying to feel something else. Don't get me wrong - you'll feel it. Of course you will, because how often does it ever really leave? But you can and must make the conscious choice to disregard it, ignore it, continually choose while you're in that space to act in accordance with other feelings and not. that. one., to pay it no attention. Makes everything better. Even satisfies it, in a way, because it gives you a reason for being there, and fuck whatever kind of hater doesn't want someone to feel better for a few hours or has contempt for anyone's joy, seriously, right?

Sort of like your picture, except not, because instead of insisting on dull toxic shit like asceticism and the idea that "life is suffering," it insists on sensual and social pleasure as a means to discover it can be everything else.

>> No.8758815

nigga i'm getting fucked up, why would I trigger my autism. the most /fa/ way to party is to have a lot of fun without being a nuisance, and to help other people have fun too.

>> No.8758836

I only do kickbacks. Dance music is dead, it's all terrible jump music now. I wasn't 21 for electros hay day, fuck that.

>> No.8758848
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>tfw no shadow to sink in

>> No.8758850

>mfw i go to a concert with /fa/ people and they're too autistic to actually dance
>mfw they just stand facing the stage while pretending to play with their phones

>> No.8758854

What the fuck are you on my niga, I just want to get turnt and my dick sucked by an asian

>> No.8758862

p much this.

if you're in college (like actually attending the school) it seems reasonable to go to a party on campus... besides that parties are whack as fuck. bunch of grown kids getting slimy lol.

>> No.8758869

I dance and mosh. But I'm a /fit/ /fa/ mixture with major swag.

>> No.8758886
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Yeaaa I don't have any friends

>> No.8758914
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>pull up in2 the driveway nonchalantly late as you flick your cigarette out the window
>have people swarm around you asking how you are, where you've been, how school/work is, etc.
>blatantly disregard all of them as you walk up the steps to the door and enter
>quickly give the room a survey for the best looking person and tell them, "Let's get out of here, yeah?"
You came there to get laid (which is your main goal at the end of the day), and it only took about 20 seconds

>> No.8758942


Imagining this scenario, it would only work if anon was wearing full slp

>> No.8758943

Why an Asian?

>> No.8758948
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>> No.8759042

wear cool clothes, do drugs, get in fights

>> No.8759099
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>tfw purposely avoid drinking at the few parties ive been to because i have no idea what kind of drunk i am and i dont want to embarrass myself

>> No.8759118

Weed speed and LSD

>> No.8759133

That sounds pretty cool actually

You must a be a huge nerd

>> No.8759138

>Rick Owens

>> No.8759149

>Raf Simons

>> No.8759152

its really not that great, and yeah i guess i am

everyones wasted having a great time messing around and you have to try and communicate with a bunch of drunks, and then you kinda just sit there like "when is this gonna end so i can go home and lurk /fa/"

>> No.8759158

>Some times how I clothe myself

>> No.8759183
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>mfw I was the same way but ended up being a super cool and confident drunk who can talk to grills better than my aspie sober self

>> No.8759207

Being sober and interacting with drunk people is honestly the funniest thing in the world. All you have to do is crack light hearted jokes, be passionate about whatever the topic is, and exaggerate your expressions.

Just relax and go with the flow

>> No.8759208
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ive told myself like 3 times now that next time i go to a party ill drink and have a good time

i keep pussying out last second

but thanks for the inspiration friend

>> No.8759211

i personally i do all the drugs available and just dance, i dont even talk

wear light comfycore, no layers/draps

>> No.8759241

you sound insufferable

>> No.8759245

No u

>> No.8759250


>> No.8759271

u sound like the hipster at the party that semi-dances and looks around all the time judging everybody

>> No.8759280

1) Drunk is honest. That's really all there is to it - there's no types of drunks, just types of people with a few control mechanisms and inhibitions suppressed by the alcohol.

2) As a drug, alcohol doesn't actually do that much - it's very socially modulated. People "act drunk" because they're performing, unconsciously mostly, this social ritual around the drug. You can actually stay extremely lucid and "sober" on alcohol if you don't play the mind game that goes with it, and, conversely, if you give people fake alcohol and they think it's real you even see the effects on memory and cognition alcohol produces.

N.b. this doesn't mean it can't fuck you up or that it doesn't affect your coordination. Don't drink and operate heavy machinery, etc.

3) You don't have to get drunk! Most people at most parties are going to be only drinking mildly. My SOP is to get one or two glasses of whiskey neat, because I enjoy the taste and psychotropic profile of it, over a whole night.

You don't even have to drink if you don't feel like it - I'll opt out sometimes just because I'm not feeling the extremely overrated alcohol high or because there's better stuff available. But don't make your choices out of fear of embarrassment.

4) Do avoid parties run on cheap beer. Cheap beer ruins everything it saturates: people, parties, whole milieus. I don't even understand it, but even bum plastic vodka seems to fare people better.

This is kind of an exception to #1, insofar as literally every party I've been at run on Bud shit or similar has been marked by petty aggression in a way others just aren't. Again, don't understand it, to what degree it's chemical or social or cultural or whatever, but trust me.

>> No.8759289

at least he/she is enjoying themselves.

unlike you just being a fucking judgey joe

>> No.8759306

you're retarded.

>> No.8759321
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Yeah some guy at a party high out out of his mind dancing in the corner by himself isn't going to be judged by anyone?
That's like saying the girl who is always blackout drunk and needs to be carried out of the party is smart.

Yeah I judge people at parties but then again who doesn't. If you say you don't you need to get off your high horse.

I'm the guy at the party that 99% of the time knows the host and is cool with everyone there, brings drinks and other substances and share with everyone.

>> No.8759344

>going alone
don't do this

like for real this is for your benefit

>> No.8759350

>That's like saying the girl who is always blackout drunk and needs to be carried out of the party is smart.

>> No.8759356

I get what you're saying, but it's a college kickoff party. Most people aren't going to know anyone besides their roommate they're beginning to hate. The point is to meet people.

>> No.8759362

trust me, they will know other people

there will already be circles

and you will be the one guy trying to enter the circle while they all think you're a creep and give you shifty-eyed looks

>> No.8759379

And what else is he supposed to do, stay a shut-in for the rest of college as those circles get tighter?

>> No.8759398

You don't go to parties to make friends where you have none, you go to parties to enjoy time with friends and it'll so happen that you make new ones

Would you go to some house party alone?

>> No.8759407

yeah being honest would not be great for me in a social setting, i'm kind of a recluse with a lot of secret hobbies that not a lot of people know i'm into

but, this was pretty interesting to read. last time the main beer of choice was PBR, which i can assume is not a very high quality beer lol. I'll probably try drinking really mildly at first, to test it out

thanks bruh

>> No.8759411
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sometimes you get lucky, you go to a party and some random dude starts introducing you to like his friends and literally everyone there. takes you under his wing.

it happened to me maybe 10percent of the time. it really really should become standard at parties. You could act like it is standard from where you're from, and introduce anyone to anyone, or ask to be introduced to ppl and hack it?

(the rest of the time there will be like 20 ppl at a party, 4 groups of 5, that will literally not even comingle, shits retarded)

>> No.8759425

last weekend i even went to liek my best friend's party. about 15 ppl there, from their school so i dont know them. they meet me at the door hug, do some small talk, then walk away. not introduced to even one other person. just stood in the corner. ppl dont know how to host, not your fault when a party goes like that.

>> No.8759432

There are massage parlors for that

>> No.8759447

/fa/ partying is staying at home and crying about >nogf

Fashionable partying is dressing and partying appropriately for the event or venue making the best impression on your peers.

>> No.8759500

>he doesn't even /bleep/

>> No.8759509

I usually introduce people and say something that relates the people. Like if both are fans of the same band or both are sneakerheads or both from the same side of the country.

>> No.8759513

I wish I was 21 back when this kind of dance music was popular because it's actually fun to dance to.


All I can do is go to the industrial club to get the same 4 on the floor bpm and have fun dancing but I stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.8759540

Hang out with the house owners pet.

>> No.8759608
File: 892 KB, 564x350, autist-sasha.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pull up in2 the driveway late
>holding cigarette in left hand
>it's only burned down a half inch because you've had to just hold it out the window since Mom would get angry if the car smelled like smoke
>you realize you should have lit it earlier instead of right before you pulled up
>try to flick the cigarette out
>you fumble it and you half-flick it towards the car instead of away from it
>luckily it just hits the door and falls on the ground
>make sure to clean off the ash marks later
>open the door and get out
>one guy smoking a joint outside the door says "hey, you're from that place, right?"
>"y-yeah, what's up"
>he doesn't respond
>let yourself in
>stand awkwardly in the hallway, squinting into the kitchen where everyone is drinking
>see a cute girl
>walk into the kitchen, making sure nobody steps on your month-old geobaskets
>stand near the girl
>she doesn't acknowledge you
>mumble "h-hey"
>she doesn't hear you
>"hey, you want to get of here?" you manage to quickly shout
>"what? sorry, do I know you?"
>growl "fuccboi" and half-sprint over to the counter and take a natty lite
>it fizzes, splattering shitty beer all over your fit
>drive home
>give some sage advice to /fa/ on parties
>cry yourself to sleep

>> No.8759711

that's my strategy

>> No.8759722
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>tfw intoxication problem
>start drinking and cant stop
>fake 'normal' persona goes out the window
>all the fucked up weird shit in my head flying out of my mouth as i soar around going batshit insane.

>> No.8760792

I used to be the same way, it turns out I'm a really nice apologetic drunk and I end up being more confident and enjoy myself a lot more.
The only problem I have when I'm really drunk is that I start speaking Germanic languages, as in speaking understandable and translatable German and I have to focus really hard to speak English
>I can barely speak German/Dutch/Danish when I'm sober

>> No.8760801

underrated post

>> No.8760815

if he's your best friend then you should have just asked him to introduce you bruh

>> No.8760902

Whenever I go somewhere (last time: two years ago), I drink just like two beers very very slowly so I look busy. I'm absolutely unusable when drunk. What happens after two to four bears is, that I notice that I can't really focus on anything, am extremely clumsy and can't talk straight, as I tend to forget how my sentences began. I know most people don't give a fuck about that when drunk as they lose their shame proportionally, but somehow this doesn't happen to me. I just notice I'm losing my cognitive skills and simply shut the fuck up for the rest of the evening and think about other stuff.

>> No.8760932

I get drunk every weekend around the city from bar to bar, sometimes I have fights with people (I'm not very huge so I get beat often) and I drive 20 miles home with my car completely wasted. I don't know how much I can continue this way

>> No.8760950

just get wasted on anything you can have fun and dont give too much of much of a fuck

>> No.8760966

this is my life

>> No.8760973

to elaborate on this. I've been so fucking drunk and done and said so much weird shit. it randomly flashes back in my head all the cringe, like repeatedly telling a gay guy to suck my dick over and over lmao. that's like the tamest incident, I wasn't gonna let him. but other shit. jesus christ. I love liquor, I love when I can loosen up but it can backfire so much so fast

>> No.8760982

You sound like a goddamn hipster, if everyone just partied "on fashion" nothing would be interesting or different, do what you like silly

>> No.8761040

fookn kekd m8

I-I could s-suck it for you, I mean if you still w-want it to get s-sucked senpai

>> No.8761047


>> No.8761055

pop molly i swet. and i wear a loose black t shirt and black uniqlo jeans for stretchiness and adidas sambas. Techno all day all night berghain life. I take mdma or 2cb

>> No.8761068

>two to four bears

>> No.8761069

nice dubs

the question was related to effay people partying though, not to fucking plebs popping molly and wearing uniqlo stuff. I lmao @ your life fuccboi

>> No.8761092

>drink enough alcohol to dampen my soul crushing anxiety
>dance, socialize, have fun

>> No.8761102


don't wear nice clothes while partying. If they have a backyard, beer and mud will combine to make a disgusting mud and drunk people will accidentally step on your shoes.

>> No.8761112

>I drink more beer than you therefore I'm better than you
Gotta hate those manly attitudes.

>> No.8761160

I think he was pointing out le typo

>> No.8761176

Where do you live? I'm always down to party

>> No.8761217

Oh. I'm sorry Anon.
I take it back, you are alright.

>> No.8761453


>> No.8761508

m8 you dont drink one sip and bam, wasted
it takes like 2 beers (4 for american piss water probably) to get a slight buzz and only if you carry on you will slowly go towards super drunk

>> No.8761575

>have 2 qt girls over to drink
>start drinking a bit
>we all sit down on the big couch
>they start talking about kissing and how they need practice
>They start making out with each other
>I go outside and have a smoke and decide not to give them the attention they want
>come back inside and they are on top of my bed groping each other
>"hey anon come here" shit tons of giggling
>one motions for me to come over
>I say "wow" pull out a joint and start smoking it while hunched over in the chair in the corner of my room
>smoke while watching them go at it
>give them both a hit and they pass out eventually both on my bed
>leave them in my bed and go fuck their hotter friend at their place

Is this /fa/ party?

>> No.8761582

a real lad would have banged em both out left em in bed THEN went to their crib and banged out their friend.


>> No.8761596

When I get drunk to the point where I won't remember it in the morning, I start becoming disrespectful.

I drink a few beers to get social, then I'll keep it to maybe 2 or 3 per hour. Being /fa/ at parties is not an issue for me because I live in a town where most people in their 20s are just vapid versions of who their 12 year old selves thought they'd be at this age.

>> No.8761641

I'm really flamboyant and boisterous. I told all my friends I'd fuck a tranny if she was hot enough at the last party and have since had to own it and defend myself multiple times. There were two gay dudes at the party. I don't remember any of what I said but I'm sure it was graphic because I'm very descriptive and gesturious.

>> No.8761699


Coke at this deep house place. And then, some vodka to wash it all down. Then I go outside and smoke a cigarette. The next morning I take some Excedrin and a glass of water with a mug of coffee, and I wait until the following night to do it all over again.

>> No.8761737

>deep house place.
don't rate route 94 tbh

>> No.8761805
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Why do you even have to ask how to party

>be the best dressed person there (not hard since I assume you don't wear the frat bro uniform)
>get drunk enough to be easily sociable
>play beer pong to get talking
>don't talk about clothes or anything deep, leave that for tomorrow
>chill out, casually chat if possible
Seriously, standing in a corner drinking slowly looks shy but it's way better than getting smashed and annoying people, and other shy people will notice you

On the other hand if you're going to a rave, wear beater clothes and go hard with drugs

>> No.8761933

>be the best dressed person
so recommend a good outfit?
tried APC raw denims with a white a. wang shirt last time. got a few compliments but feel like i could have done better. plus i was really afraid someone would spill his drink over me

>> No.8761985

Lol stop being such a selfaware fucktard fagboy just wear something like everyonr else

>> No.8762016
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hey dude
make your own fun

>> No.8762028

Something subtle that hints that you know more about clothes than everyone else. Take whatever everyone else is dressed in and wear it better.
For a house party I usually wear black APC raws with a nice fitting white shirt or a n&f cotton shirt, nothing I'd be worried about spilling on. High end solid colored sneakers/shoes
Color blocking is your friend at parties with dim lighting but don't be fucking autistic

>> No.8762033

I have the same thing happen to me. I get to a certain level of drunk and I start speaking Swedish.

>> No.8762067
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For something that doesn't make a whole lot of sense it makes a lot of sense to me.

>> No.8762773

Electro house?
It's still popular, m80.

>> No.8762997

Fuck. Are you me?

>> No.8763012

>get buzzed with my mates
>grab some weed and walk to where we think a party will be
>drink more there
>find some people there to smoke with
>chat and have a good time
>leave when the cops come/the hosts pretend the cops are there for the seventh time that night