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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 370 KB, 816x902, aintgonnasuckitself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8756108 No.8756108 [Reply] [Original]

Morning Routine thread
(with particular emphasis on hair) - >>PLEASE include actual product names<<

>Wake up
>Get out my workout/yoga mat
>Sit in crossed-leg position for 10 minutes (with timer) doing my best to meditate and focus on tasks ahead of me, what's going on in my life and preparing myself mentally for the day
>brush teeth with Janina Ultra White Extra Strength Whitening Toothpaste
>apply Eucerin Dermato Clean to face (currently going through a period of minor acne, fml)
>Take a mouthful of colgate teeth whitening mouthwash, which I use while in the shower for about 30s-1m
>Wet my hair carefully not to remove any of my facewash which I'm still leaving on
>Apply adidas bodywash to body (pretty pleb I know)
>Rinse off body and face
>If it is that day of the week (I wash hair about 2-3 times a week) I apply head & shoulders shampoo and wash my hair
>Get out shower, gently pat face and dry body
>Apply deodorant by Clinique (amazing to avoid body odour throughout the day)
>Apply a thin squirt of Goldwell Style Sign Roughman Matte Cream Paste to hair and roughly comb it in the right direction
>Get dressed (suit & tie every day)
>Apply a layer of Shiseido moisturiser to face
>Once dried, apply a thin layer of Shiseido suncream
>Before leaving the house for the day's work I use a cologne which is usually Gucci Sport if it's a casual/active/average day/event or Bandit by Robert Piguet if it's a more formal/exclusive event. I also comb my hair again (by this time it's mostly dry).

Also general discussion for self-care products

I'm interested in what I could do to get my hair looking like Chris John Millington in the picture. I find that my hair gets really scruffy and loses it's thick shape after a few hours and then regains it by the very end of the day... Have really really thick hair and it's a conservative Hitler Youth cut and doesn't look good naturally, just thick and scruffy.

>> No.8756119

In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.8756128

Is this a fuccboi copypasta?

I fucking swear this gets posted, word for word, in every routine thread.

>> No.8756129


>> No.8756132

>tfw rosacea
literally no point in trying to make my face look good.

>> No.8756133


>being this new in life

>> No.8756140


That's because it works.

>> No.8756143

Because I'm nice today: It's a quote from American Psycho.

>> No.8756150

>get up
>splash cold water on my face
>shower using whatever shampoo/soap was cheapest at Tesco
>eat breakfast
>brush teeth

OP I enjoy sucking dick and I'm less gay than you.

>> No.8756156

>taking care of oneself

>> No.8756383

>>Sit in crossed-leg position for 10 minutes

haha people actually fucking do that. how pretentious.

>> No.8756385


>> No.8756463

it's from American Psycho you fucking /fa/got pleb

>> No.8756465

>'Wake up'
>Stumble to bathroom
>Wash hands
>Wash face
>Put on fresh underwear and socks
>Put on pants
>Apply deodorant (Old Spice roller, not a massive fan of the scent but it work amazingly well for me)
>Apply cologne (switching between heWood and Bleu de Chanel depending on the day)
>Put on top
>Apply contacts
>Eat breakfast (usually just some muesli with fruit and a glass of water)
>Brush teeth with random toothpaste
>Mouthwash (Listerine)
>Put on shoes
>Put on jacket/coat depending on how the weather is
>Leave for uni

>> No.8756482

>wake up
>dont forget to breath during the day
>go to sleep

>> No.8756740

>Wake Up
>Smoke Cigarrettes
>Drink Coffee
>Smoke Cigarrettes

etc etc

>> No.8756762

Just want to know which products to use to get OPs pic hair

>> No.8756767

>wake up
>take a shit
>wash dick and ass
>brush teeth

>> No.8756806

Good looking parents

>> No.8756839

>and ass

o-oh anon you preparing for something entering you?

>> No.8756850

no i like my ass fresh and not smelling of shit

>> No.8756856
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do not wipe, my white friend??

>> No.8756874

Put a shit on your hand
Then clean it with paper
the smell is still here
You need water and soap for that

>> No.8756876

maybe dry your ass properly instead

>> No.8756885

>wake up ~45 minutes before i need to leave
>go directly in bathroom
>wash hair in sink
>towel dry while brushing teeth
>add mouse
>add redken working material
>blowdry on low
>add vilain greyfox paste
>mess with it till it looks alright
>change clothes after fixing hair to make it even more messy
>put on shoes and leave

i can't eat in the morning without feeling sick all day, dunno why

>> No.8756985

>wake up
>take a piss
>make a high kcal meal (200g bacon, 5 eggs, 1 pancake, some beans)
>head to gym
>40 min morning routine
>shower with self made soap
>go to college

>> No.8757025


It blows my mind how many people are not taught to wash their ass by their parents.

Like I've had people act shocked when I told them I wash my ass.

People who live in first world nations are scared to touch their own assholes with a soaped up hand. What the fuck.

>> No.8757045

>People who live in first world nations are scared to touch their own assholes with a soaped up hand.

I once stuck my finger in my gfs asshole during sex. My finger smelled like shit 3 days after even though I washed my hands dozens of times per day.

>> No.8757046
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>shower every two days
>oats, green tea, cod liver oil, multivitamins and water for breakfast
>floss, brush and whiten teeth then use a mouth wash
>go to uni
>come back
>do weights every two days
>cook a meal
>study for an hour
>spend free time either watching tv, playing video games, reading, listening to music or surfing the internet

>morning same as weekdays
>tai chi
>free time/go out with mates

>> No.8757075


b/c you date a foul bitch who lets rancid poop sit on her asshole for her whole life

>wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe, wet wipe
>wash asshole in shower

is the only way to live life

my gf's angus is immaculate. probably because she's asian and knows proper hygiene.

>> No.8757085


you just be french

>> No.8757093


This so much.

>> No.8757096

nigga it aint that hard

>Wake up
>browse phone for 15 minutes if it's a chill day
>get out of bed
>make bed
>have shower
>wash hair with colder water than what I used for my body (no poo)
>towel dry hair so it's not dripping
>style hair and leave to dry in that position after getting dressed

simple man

>> No.8757119

>I apply head & shoulders shampoo and wash my hair

herp derp. morning routine gone. you wash your hair 3 times a day lmao wtf is wrong with you?

>using shampoo

>> No.8757121

that routine, and sometimes i'll even use a wetwipe if intimacy (not even butt-related) is imminent.

question: how often do guys wash their balls before getting intimate?

>> No.8757146

>wake up
>wash my face with home made soap
>eat breakfast (orange juice, fruit, 2 squares of 90% dark chocolate, 60g nuts, oats and rice crispies with almond milk, 4-5 digestive biscuits with least amount of sugar, slice of cheese, green tea) quick and easy 1300+/- calories that I can munch on until lunch
>brush my teeth with whatever
>style my hair in a hurry
>5mins until I gotta leave for uni
>try on different outfits
>miss the bus
>late by 10-15mins

I usually wake up an hour before I have to leave for class so I don't usually have time to take morning showers. Should really go bed earlier and wake up earlier but yolo r-right...

>> No.8757147

he's a skinnyfat dude lol, Chris John Millington

>> No.8757186


If situation permits it I wash my dick n balls before any sexual encounter and always maintaining a bald sack.

I'd rather bishes enjoy suckin my dick than gagging at all the dick cheese.

As disgusting as that is, it's really surprising to me how many guys don't have clean and maintained genitals judging by what I've heard grills say about their bfs and in general.

>> No.8757198

Specifically identifying the specific brands of products and making "morning routine" lists are both clear signs of autism.

>> No.8757215

>wake up
>wash body with Dr Bronners
>wash face with clean & clear
That's it
Haven't used a hair product in months and my hair looks fresh errday
>mfw thinking about all the money I wasted on shampoo/conditioner/gels/etc throughout the years
Nopoo is best poo

>> No.8757217


non, je ne suis pas français mais je parle français bien sur

>> No.8757218

>6:30 am. literally roll out of bed to turn off alarm
>piss, wash hands, mess with hair till its semi acceptable, put in contacts, dress in gym clothes, put together a bag with my phone, armband, keys, earbuds.
>go downstairs, play something off of soundcloud, make espresso, eat some sort of granola, fill waterbottle.
>walk bike out of apartment w/stuff, bike to gym which opens at 7am.
>workout, bike back
>concoct protein shake w/nutribullet, drink
>stumble out of gym clothes, shower w/dr. bronners, moisturize after with khiels or lush. brush teeth w/toms of maine.
>dress in clothes clothes
>dump out gym stuff from bag, put keys, wallet, phone into pants or jacket pockets, put laptop and class stuff in bag
>bike to building in time for class at 10am.

>all of this except no class and wake up much later.


>> No.8757230

sounds like a cool routine but only showering once every 2 days? ew

>> No.8757258

I hardly get dirty when I'm in uni, but I shower when I work out which is once every two days.

>> No.8757263

>>8757258 to >>8757230

>> No.8757272

do you not get sweaty and stuff in bed though? not judging but if I didn't shower every day i'd be so self conscious about if I smelled or not. It also wakes me up in the morning but each to their own

>> No.8757300

I'm not that sweaty and I usually wear and antiperspirant. I'm only sweaty when I work out.
Also, cologne is useful if you want to smell nice.

>> No.8757375

What kind of hair product would be best for achieving this look??

>> No.8757384

wax, pomade if you want it shiney

>> No.8757466
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>wake up
>straight 2 shower
>brush teeth
>comb hair through thoroughly
>conditioner once every 3 days, no shampoo
>shiseido facewash
>exfoliate face
>cheapass bodywash (cranberry is patrician level)
>'make sure to wash your junk, bro'
>exit shower, towel dry
>shiseido face toner
>shiseido eye lift cream
>hair still too dry
>fuckin jewfro
>add shitty gel
>line of K
>leave the flat

>> No.8757478
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>wake up
>small bump of coke
>fresh up
>dress up
>drive to class
>smoke half a gram
>be in class (taking 6 classes, 3 a day)
>3pm finish classes & hour in-between for working on assignments
>drive to work
>full line of coke, finish half blunt
>chill at work & browse fa make 16usd an hour
>go home
>hang out with anyone & everyone & eat dinner

>> No.8757487

this is just mon-thursday
friday i just work & sat & sun i sit around & hate myself

>> No.8757507

Very effay

>> No.8757515

wake up
get dressed
go to work

fuck you complicated people

>> No.8757536

sorry about ur nose pal

>> No.8757560
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>wake up
>eat and drink
>brush teeth
>shave if i need to
>get dressed
>go to school


>> No.8757569

>suit and tie every day
why kind of autism is this

>> No.8757570


>Wake up, roll out of bed

>throw on a jacket and pull on my jump boots

>grab last night's cig/joint/whatever and light it up

>find a cup of coffee and add too much cream


>> No.8757577


Any other tips? I've tried pomades before, but the stuff with decent hold tends to sag after a while. There's no way mine would stay like OP pic all day.

>> No.8757601

>wake up
>eat breakfast
>sit at computer all day

is being a neet effay

>> No.8757647


0/10 not enough cigs or drugs

>> No.8757656

Morning routine

• Rise 5am
• Drink 500ml of activated spring water
• Big Smiles for 30 seconds/ Gratitude
• Priming breath 30 reps
• Body movement / Yoga 5 min
• Foam rolling/yoga balls 5min
• Rebounder 5 min
• Incantations/ Affirmations/ Condition beliefs
• Engage your Emotions/ Empowering Questions
• Driving force/ life plan Reflection/ vision
• 52 virtues reflection
• Moving towards/away values reflection
• Fear setting reflection
• Celebrate Magic moments
• Bike ride/sprints/walk/run 30 min
• Cold shower 5 min
• Green juice
• Morning journaling 15min
• Brain training 25min
• 10 ideas list generation
• Read 10 pages of book.
• Determine days Pomodoro’s
• Morning Meditation 15 min
• Herbal tonic

>> No.8757668


Bill Django detected

>> No.8757746

Any particular products that you would recommend?

>> No.8757857
File: 26 KB, 500x438, crap-your-hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really have to say, the katakana tattoo on his fingers looks incredibly fucking stupid.

As stupid as pic related is to us

>> No.8757886
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>Get up
>Have a coffee and do 1-2 Weetbix
>Wash face or shower if I'm going out, clean teeth
>Maybe have a wank if I've got time

>> No.8758258

>not activating your almonds
pleb tier trash

>> No.8759697
File: 102 KB, 514x501, golden archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>quick stretch and yawn
>25 pushups
>10 leglifts
>weigh myself on scale which motivates me to stay on my well considered diet and exercise routine
>shower using shampoo only once every 2 weeks and conditioner 5 days a week
>use warm water to not dry out skin and harm hair follicles
>brush teeth in shower so i can stay in the shower longer using organic german salt based toothpaste
>wash using organic soaps (1 of the 5 bars of soap i have in the shower at any given time, based on what i feel like smelling like that day)
>get out of shower and dry self
>put socks on before boxers of course
>think about what my outfit will be that day, choosing shirt, then pants, shoes and belt based on what shirt i will wear
>get dressed
>go to kitchen and make superfood smoothie
>grab bag, jump in car and go into the office to make it happen

>> No.8759710

Olive oil and vitamin e cream

>> No.8759718

>wake up
>roll around for 10-50 minutes
>take warm soft shower 15-30 minutes
>brush teeth
>throw on jeans that I wore yesterday (basically everyday)
>load bong
>take 3-4 massive rips
>play games/browse facebook/4chan whatever for 2-3 hours
>go to class

>> No.8759726

Person in the picture looks like the white version of my tattooless boyfriend. It's kinda creeping me out.

>wake up angrily from alarm
>stumble out of bed
>shower, use herbal essence shampoo and conditioner everyday. Otherwise I turn into a greasy butthole.
>Clean face with sugar water (never get acne anymore)
>pat self dry
>apply baby lotion to my body
>find outfit, put it on
>apply sun paradise perfume
>eat some food, usually yogurt and berries.
>brush teeth
>get bags and shit
>go to uni

>> No.8759845

Good stuff mate, thanks for contributing

>> No.8759846

Goal routine to be honest. Huge kudos if you actually do this.

>> No.8759850

>sugar water
please elaborate

>> No.8759859
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>put socks on before boxers of course

>> No.8759867

and what ethnicity is your boyfriend because the dude in OP's pic looks like every 20something male in Australia

>> No.8759869

>wake up
>wait for gf to leave for school/work
>sleep for two more hours
>slowly get up to turn on computer
>decide if I have to head out in the day
assuming I have to:
>shower, bar soap to avoid the bullshit they put in shower gels+timotei shampoo
>shave with machine, then with safety razor, then put one some nivea menxpert something something mint stuff that calms the skin
>roll on deo, no perfume in it
>throw on whatever shirt + skinny jeans (one of the nicer AnnD or Odeur ones if I'm going anywhere)

That's the stuff I always do when getting up and actually doing life things. Different processes when I have to work that night and stuff.

>> No.8759881

what bullshit do they put in shower gels? like parabens/sls?

>> No.8759882

>wake up
>put on clothes

>> No.8759887

Nah, some other shit that promotes estrogen production.
Might be placebo, but showers are better and faster now, plus after a week with bar soap I for some reason started taking colder and colder showers (and enjoying them).

>> No.8759892

what bar soap do you use mate?

>> No.8759898

Non-perfumed doctor's soap.
I tried some scented ones, but there is not one that doesn't smell gay just as much as there's barely a shower gel that doesn't smell like some teenager trying way too hard to be manly.

>> No.8759915

As an american student in Germany I must say that I strongly suspect that people do not shower everyday here.

Not only boys but girls. I've had several roommates from several european countries and they do not shower everyday.

Being in a bus during summer can be hell.

I'm speechless

>> No.8759943

As a german in Berlin, I can tell you that's it's the same as in America; people who live in good areas shower daily, while there's lots of mudslimes and rural folk who do not.
Just like most rednecks wouldn't shower daily, I reckon.
Which city are you in?

>> No.8759947


>> No.8759950

My condolences. Munich is basically a oversized village. Pretty disgusting from the times I've been there, and not /fa/ at all. You should transfer up a bit further north and certainly out of Bavaria if possible. Those people are nasty.

>> No.8759954

Dude what. I've lived in Köln, Stuttgart and traveled to Berlin before.

South Germany is way better than northern Germany.

Germany is great overall, but Bayern is better (to me) than northern Germany

>> No.8759956

Where in America are you from?
What other capitals do you like?
I wonder since I suspect we're just entirely different types of people. Oh, and fav. designer?

>> No.8759959

I'm a pleb fashion-wise, I'll admit it.

Munich does seem a bit more /fa/ to me than other german cities. Berlin was too hippy, edgy and lefty for me.

>> No.8759966

>be slavshit
>shower every day like a normal person
>have Dutch students on exchange
>they sometimes go 2 days without a shower
>the chick staying with me thinks I'm gay because I use an anti-acne face cream

It was surreal

>> No.8759969

>hippy, edgy and lefty
Yes, because you probably went to the wrong places. Whilst a bit less pretentious, the Munich folk is also much less aware of the current state of art and fashion. It's sheltered from the outside world and enjoys being that way (much like Bavaria as a whole).
If you're into those traditionalist values, then I understand why you'd enjoy Munich more, but then I have to wonder why you're on /fa/ since this place is more about both street fashion and some avant stuff (or was at least).
But to each his own I guess.

>> No.8759983

Hey buddy, you do not get to define what's /fa/ about

>> No.8759987


Eastern Germany is where it's at !
Leipzig Halle Berlin is the shit.
eastern Germany is just damn real and damn cheap.

>> No.8759994

No, that's literally what it's been about for the last like five years.
Dunno if you migrated here from Reddit or Gaia Online or something, but that's how things have always been here.

>> No.8759999

I come here from time to time (not >>8759983
by the way) for advice/non-style info. I wear a suit and tie every day and I defy all of /fa/'s goofninja and avant-garde gothic dress senses, imo they're all just boring or autistic as fuck. Anyway in other words there's always something here for everyone, even if it's threads like this about routines/product use

>> No.8760009

This is the exception and not the rule though. Hell, suit and tie are not the problem; there's been tons of discussion on that, but always in a fashion context. I feel that a lot of the suit/cologne/watch type of guys who come here do not know a thing about actual fashion.

>> No.8760042
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Wake up at quarter to two, browse phone for no reason for 10-15 minutes. Get up, jump in the shower, as cold as I can stand it as of late. Bar soap (grandpas pine tar). No shampoo or conditioner. Spend fifteen minutes deciding what to wear even though it's a work day and I live in a small middle of nowhere town so I don't need to try hard at all to look good. Decide what to wear, go and brush hair with German spornette boar bristle brush, apply brylcreem to hair and style as usual (conservative slicked back look) cup of coffee with too much sugar and cream always, take my medication (anti depressant anti psychotic, and eat anything if I have time. Leave for work and get there a minute or two before being late, always last one there. Start the day etc

>> No.8760297

How to be /fa/ and still look like a man.

>> No.8760453

>Wake up
>Take a piss (usually timely as i eat/drink before i sleep)
>Put clothes on

>> No.8760470

all this high maintence bullshit

and you still just look like an idiot korean wearing all black and talking about fashion as if you're in the know because you bought some CDG chucks on ebay once and they totz went with your cotton on skinny jeans

>> No.8760471
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>line of K

>not MXEsterrace

>> No.8760482

Morning Routine:

>Get up off my bed
>turn my swag on

>> No.8760526
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>> No.8760701

wake up.
run quick 5k
eat 6eggs/cottage cheese/grain
grab shit n gym
go on on with my day

>> No.8760739

he's Scottish, that's Chris John Millington

>> No.8761158

It's hip to be square B^)

>> No.8761190


>Wake up (Drank)
>Pour up (Drank)
>Head shot (Drank)
>Sit down (Drank)
>Stand up (Drank)
>Pass out (Drank)
>Faded (Drank)
>Faded (Drank)

>> No.8761198

>Woke up early
>kissed this bad bitch
>Rolled me up a blunt
>then I took a piss
>Can't remember what I did last night

I'm just tryna spend a hunnid stax everyday of my life

>> No.8761234

go to sleep mac

>> No.8761244
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>wake up around 6am
>go back to sleep
>repeat ^ 3-4 times
>begin to get restless from bed sores
>think of something to give me an erection
>rub penis between pillow and sheet in the fetal position for about 30 minutes
>try not to cum, if I do, just wipe it off with my comforter and let it dry through out the day
>put on the clothes i wore yesterday
>eat oatmeal/vegetable+fruit smoothie/sprouted bread and egg depending on how I feel
>get on computer
>wait until the day ends

I'm amazed nobody comprehends how degenerate I am just because I am moderately attractive and intelligent.

>> No.8761270

actually, no

I wear Italian-made suits every day and I made this thread because I want to find out what products/routines people use to look good in the morning.

>> No.8761287

nice, w2c

>> No.8761321

>wake up
>take a piss and/or shit
>wash hair with shampoo and conditioner
>wash face and exfoliate
>put on underwear and socks
>eat breakfast
>brush teeth
>put on pants, shirt and shoes
>put on backpack
>leave for work

I'm surprised how many of you don't shower in the morning or everyday for that matter. You must all be attractive people.

>> No.8761326

do you wear those pink pajamas every night?

>> No.8761329

Did you grow up around people living their lives in bottles?

>> No.8761352

meditation is good for u m8
don't knock it til u try it :)

>> No.8761364
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what the fuck

>> No.8761378

listening to that as I read it

>> No.8761471

>get woken up by bbc radio 4
>crawl out of bed
>sit on the edge of my bed and meditate for 10 minutes
>take a shower: use bodywash, exfoliate; shampoo roughly every two days
>get out of shower, moisturise, brush teeth, sort out hair (maybe use product depending on how it looks that day)
>go downstairs; porridge, cranberry juice, tea
>get dressed; take ages doing it
>8/8:30ish, get L O N D O N bus to uni

p standard

>> No.8761561

what uni are you attending m8

>> No.8761614
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>> No.8761619

LSE m8 :)

>> No.8761731


Fuck that guy is so handsome.

>> No.8761764

The average every day londoner

>> No.8761832

>wake up at a random qt's house
>check phone
>struggle to find both socks
>dress in the same clothes i wore yesterday
>go to work
>meet up with a random qt after work

>> No.8762946

I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.8763063

did you look at the literal first reply to the OP

>> No.8763168

Get up
Listen to Women for a 20 mins
Shower (shampoo every 3 days)
Comb hair and beard
deodrant and aftershave
small bit of hair/beard product
get dressed
take propranolol
leave house

>> No.8764200

>10 minutes

>> No.8764358

mxe is the easiest thing to get i have been trying to get k forever

you are also a pleb

>> No.8764377

> my ego is so damaged i have to lie on an anonymous image board

>> No.8764396
File: 38 KB, 700x355, 2011-03-04-Strip_110_The_Swarm_web.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wake up
> it's 3:30 AM and what is this
> already in PT uniform, grab water bottle off my desk and go outside
> stand in formation while the sergeant calls roll
> do some faggot-ass P90X shit and then run a couple of miles
> go back to my room
> I have 45 minutes to get a shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast
> Holy shit, my roommate actually beat me here today and is in the shower
> Get undressed and bursh my teeth
> Roommate exits the shower, I get in
> Throw on combine Hair+Body wash, get showered in 60 seconds flat easily
> slither out of the shower and put on Clinical-strength deodorant and Old Spice
> put on my Timex cheapshit watch
> Throw on my tailored and hand-pressed uniform
> run to the chow hall and throw some eggs, hashbrowns, and grits down my throat
> run out to the sidewalk
> my class forms up, sergeant calls roll again, and we march to class

> tfw I get paid to sit there and take notes the rest of the day

>> No.8764854

Military school? Which country?

>> No.8765567

>Wake up at 5
>Take a piss
>Drink a glass of water (Brita filtered jug, my barracks room has shit for water)
>Take a shower (Irish spring bar soap, I don't use shampoo)
>Eat breakfast (corn flakes, or corn chex, I'm wheat intolerant) whilst watching an episode of a show (usually anime)
>Brush teeth (Crest Complete)
>Shave (Norelco Sensotouch, daily shaving rapes my fucking face)
>Deodorant (Old Spice Pure Sport)
>Q-tip ears
>Take out, don my uniform (NWU's every day)

I do my hair cutting (Cheap ass Wahl trimmer), nasal rinse (Neil Med), exfoliation (St. Ives apricot scrub) at night, and sunscreen (generic) before I stand watch.

>> No.8765967

US Air Force Technical Training school.

>> No.8765985

wake up

roll out of bed

put clothes on

run hand through hair

shoes on

light a cig

drink coffee


>> No.8766010

>waking up an hour before you need to leave
>no time for showers
bullshit, I only have a bath and no shower if I can do it you definatley can

>> No.8766023

>no oats
>no quark
>no activated almonds
do you even browse /fit/ ?

>> No.8766494
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>wake up 40 minutes before I have to leave
>take a shower
>dry hair
>try some outfits
>brush teeth
>try to make hair look good but wear hat, beanie or cap if not successful
>shave if I feel like it
>never have time for breakfast but don't feel like eating in the morning anyway

>> No.8767220

Damn it, came here to post this.

>> No.8767288
File: 23 KB, 568x486, 1404697610409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.8767368

>wake up at least two-three hours before I have to be somewhere
>get out of bed and directly to shower
>stretch outside of the shower, as the room steams up
>clean body with just hot water
>hair with head and shoulders
>get out of shower
>brush teeth and shave
>read/work/fuck around online for a few hours
>get dressed

>> No.8767840

>wake up
>shower w/ dr bronnors magic soap
>comb hair and use murray's beeswax
>brush teeth with TOMs of Maine, use mouth wash
>Shave with a murker safety razor and use feather blades
>use some more dr bronnors magic soap on my face
>wash face w/ cold water and use a towel to dry it
>put on clothes & leave for the day.

I also use that neutrogena naturals multi-vitamin nourishing moisturizer but only when my face is dry.

>> No.8768282

hot showers are bad for you

>> No.8768336
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Check em

>> No.8769198


>> No.8769230

dry out your skin

>> No.8769253
File: 327 KB, 1366x768, the K queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just ordering from the k queen

>> No.8769257


>> No.8769260

water is wet
how will it dry my skin

>> No.8769330

look it up bb

>> No.8769340

>roll out of bed
>20 min run through the fucking forrest
>toss short shorts in the dirty pile
>15 minute shower
>cup of black joe w/ three egg vegetable no dairy scrambled
>floss and brush

>> No.8769344

>get up
>walk to kitchen and get coffee
>drink in bed while I contemplate the days activities/check the internet
>use toilet
>get in shower
>apply mane and tail shampoo
>st. ives apricot body wash
>use mane and tail conditioner
>once a week I use a burt's bees deep conditioner to keep my shit shiny and healthy or wtvr
>shave my body
>just before I get out scrub skin with hazelnut l'occitane shower oil
>get out of the shower, blow dry hair
>clothe body
>eat breakfast either kefir with granola and fruit or whole grain oatmeal with brown sugar, almond milk and fruit
>brush teeth with colgate whitening toothpaste
>wash face with biore ice cleanser
>apply dior mascara
>apply tarte concealer on a few spots but not my dark circles bcuz i wish i was heroin chic
>check eyebrows, maybe pluck
ready to go!

>> No.8769352

>get up
>brush teeth
>shave neck area
>pluck eyebrows (fuck being dark haired)
>style hair
>go to college

>> No.8769444


not effay


quite effay

>> No.8769476

>wake up
>take off my ortho-k lenses
>brush teeth
>get dressed
>huge glass of water
>breakfast (if not running late)
>get out of the house

>> No.8769493

>>brush teeth with Janina Ultra White Extra Strength Whitening Toothpaste
>Take a mouthful of colgate teeth whitening mouthwash
>Apply adidas bodywash to body

Enjoy ruining those organs, idort.

>> No.8769508
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>> No.8769677

For like an 8th of a second I thought that casemods was back.

>> No.8769879

>put socks on before boxers of course


>> No.8769912

>being a newfag

>> No.8769949

how do you niggas not need to take a shit in the morning?

>> No.8769955
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>Eating after 2000 Hrs.


>> No.8770014

>Not taking a shit before you shower to ensure ultimate cleanliness.
>Having a shit suring the day and having to live in your filth until the next morning

>> No.8770018

what's the most /fa/ amount of sleep

i get 6-7 hours per day

>> No.8770162

>ruining organs
what organs could he ruin by brushing teeth and washing his body? lmao

>> No.8770435

lol nice ancient pic proving you ordered K once (with javascript on) from a shitty seller who cuts it with meph

>> No.8771446
File: 228 KB, 1137x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nasty chemicals in body wash usually, idk about the toothpaste though, maybe fluoride?

>> No.8771588


stop lying to yrself. you'll feel better for it

>> No.8772973

Sick of seeing guys like OP. Literally 90% of males in my town look the fucking same with slightly different partings.

>> No.8773051

Where do you live? London?

>> No.8774781

whatever works for you. I fall asleep on my feet if I get less than 8, know people who can get by on 5. it varies.