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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 300x292, bodyweight-workouts-hard-physique[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8746163 No.8746163 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best height/weight to be /fa/?
I am 6'1'' and 154 Ibs

>> No.8746167

thank u mr skeltal

>> No.8746193
File: 18 KB, 509x411, 1408006782102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'11" and 8 and a half stone (about 120 lbs).

So, very skinny.
I'm on a college course full of girls and most of them are bigger than me because they're fat and/or black sassy women.
One of them had really skinny arms though and I actually got jealous so I had to take my bomber off to show my arms, I was wearing a long-sleeve but you know how it is.

This is what /fa/ has done to me.

>> No.8746218

I am also 5'11'' but aronud 170 lbs.
Not fat, maybe bf% around 14%
Just lift some weights, I can recommend /fit/

>> No.8746491

what are you studying?
i bet it's literature

>> No.8747147

6'2" 198 pounds here. it has no advantages at all.

>> No.8747167

I'm 5'11 - 6'0 and weigh 166 lbs with 13% body fat. All around healthy. There's a model search in two weeks in my city. I'm thinking of going

>> No.8747168


Almost otter mode.

>> No.8747184

same exact measurements and weight, but im still skinny fat :-(

what do /fit/??

>> No.8747219

fat as fuck

>> No.8747223

Nah, not even

>> No.8747226
File: 8 KB, 201x200, 1409642509249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


110 lbs

kill me

>> No.8747239



im not even actively trying to lose weight, i just keeps going down.

i was 220 two summers ago. aw yee. my mother says i look gaunt.

>> No.8747242

5'11 - 6'2 , any weight as long as you're below 10% bodyfat. Fatties fuck off.

>> No.8747245

13% IS fat though. Pointless being over 10%

>> No.8747256

Is it, though? Is it really pointless? Have you even entered the cosmos?

>> No.8747283

I'm currently at about 11-12% and want to get to get slightly leaner but about once or twice i go on these mad binges. I don't why, its like as I've got so close i binge cause i know i can get to where i want to be soon anyway, but i never actually get there. Need to snap out of it.
Just ate a whole co-op red velvet cake(shit was SO cash) and now i feel fat and miserable as shit. Going to try and eat no more than 500 cal tomoz.

>> No.8747317

post pic

>> No.8747334

Nah, you're gonna hurt my feelings either way. I'm fragile. Paper skin and glass bones

>> No.8747337

aww you're pathetic m8

I never exercised in my life, never played any sports etc, was skinnyfat, and it took me 18-20 month to get to 8-9% bf. And I'm not iron-willed either. And I'm 6'3, I heard that shorter people have it easier.

>> No.8747347
File: 33 KB, 527x423, 24083-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8747369

>44 inch bust at 5'10 150
ayy lmoa

>> No.8747380
File: 31 KB, 572x623, 1409637910768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt skellingtons

>> No.8747381

>18-20 month
umm that's ages

>> No.8747407

Health and social care.
Fucc with me.

>> No.8747484

194 cm, 74 kg.
ottermode? well, yes, ottermode.

>> No.8747515

post pics cuck

>> No.8747525

5'9 170lb 13% bf

panda mode (get it? cuz i'm a manlet and I can't be bear mode and panda is a smaller bear and yeah shit being short sucks fuck me right)

>> No.8747540

How the fuck is that short

>> No.8747546
File: 670 KB, 1024x1365, birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 6'2" at 160 lbs and skinny fat, but i've lost a lot of weight in the past 2 months when i peaked at 180 lbs.

i still feel fat as fuck, i dont really work out and lost weight by working all the time and reducing my calorie intake.

i have a 29" waist line, which i guess is pretty good, but still have bitch tits

>pic related is goal body

>> No.8747550

Very funny. :^)

Birthday has a gross body.

>> No.8747551

it's tiny.

6 ft is average

>> No.8747557

your goal body is at least 8 inches shorter than you
the proportions wont be the same
(bday is 5'6 or so, probably less)

>> No.8747559

only because he is a manlet
otherwise he has very low bf

>> No.8747560

honestly body would look fine if had a chest

>> No.8747572

>no visible abs
>very low bf

Come again?

>> No.8748011
File: 96 KB, 344x501, slim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'4" 147lbs
never been on a diet and I outeat everyone. hungry skeleton masterrace

>> No.8748035

Intimacy you are a skeletor fuckhead

>> No.8748041

>I outeat everyone

No you don't.

>> No.8748043

5ft 10

>> No.8748099


Damn, and I thought I was skinny.

6' 135 lb

>> No.8748239

same here bro. the fucking scale is a tease everytime i see it teeter under 150 lbs but i still have a fucking gut sticking out

>> No.8748312

Hi I'm a bit concerned about my height, I'm 1.78cm tall, is that short?
I'm Spanish btw

>> No.8748319


Jeez, I'm 6'1" 185 and I'm like average.


>> No.8748323


I guarantee you you look gaunt.

See a doctor, please, you really shouldn't be losing weight when you're 6'2" and 150.

>> No.8748342
File: 131 KB, 800x533, 6974042844_6e5c22ab1a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For girls I'd say 5'10, 105-110lbs

No clue for guys.

>> No.8748372

6'1" any weight at under 10% BF as long as you're not too bulky

>tfw 5'6" and 132

Once I get to 120-125 I'll hit the gym again

>> No.8748376

6' 160lbs with 7% body fat

>> No.8748382

>implying any of these 'grils' have their period
thinly veild low test thread

>> No.8748393

Implying i care. Implying periods arent gross

>> No.8748400
File: 33 KB, 500x666, tumblr_ls5mws7Hz01qco54xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever noticed that in the "high" fashion modeling world, the females and males seem to be very similar in body type and even facial features, but in the retail modeling world the guys seem to be bulky and have sportsclips haircuts and shit?

i mean, its obvious that they're trying to aim toward the mass demographic - but it kind of sends the wrong message to the guys with feminine features. society puts them on the bottom when in reality they're at the top

>> No.8748492

LOL im 180 with defined abs how r u alive

>> No.8748658

damn I really thought I was on /fit/!

no homo right guys :^)

>> No.8748704

being in the "high" fashion world is very far from the top. they all have the same body type because those clothes are made to worn by interchangeable clothes racks that walk down a runway, and their facial features just have to be interesting, not necessarily attractive.
dont kid yourself into thinking a skeletor body and girly features are the pinnacle of aesthetics just because thats what "high" fashion models look like. In the real world, they just look like faggots

>> No.8748725

he has a perfect v-definition>>8747572

>> No.8748787

6'2" 132lbs

>> No.8748915

bull shit on that 14% bf

>> No.8749238

pretty sure all the feminine looking guys at my college pull the most chicks

thank god that social media is now glorifying feminine looking models


>> No.8749242

the only people i know who hold weight to strong v definition have nothing else to gloat about so sad

>> No.8749378

pic pls, i'm same height but ~20 lbs more

>> No.8749391

thank you hungry skelly

>> No.8749836
File: 370 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(please not my back has a weird curve in it, some bullshit I was born with.)

well, only because it's late. pic is from like last month. I'm prolly like 155 here I think.

>> No.8750006

holy fuck are those tattoos awful

>> No.8750031

yeah man really bad choices on the tattoos

>> No.8750034

that's cool, I don't really give a shit. tattoos I got when I was 18-21. meh. I'm cool with it.

>> No.8750360


Thank you skeletons


King of Auschwitz


Bullshit, you don't hit otter at 6'2 until you hit a lean 190. Back to Auschwitz.

>> No.8750544

I'm 6'1, 160lbs Ottermode
It feels perfect tbh, like all conventional stores make clothes to fit me

>> No.8751015

6 ft and 168 lbs. Do I qualify as skellington here?

>> No.8751038
File: 90 KB, 800x600, PIXECT-20140903015250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

148 lbs

>> No.8751039

def not that's kind of big

Show pics lets see your definition of ottermode faget

>> No.8751044

5'11 - 160 lbs all lean muscle, probs around 10% bf

in a perfect world I'd be 6'1 but Im glad I escaped manlet mode.

>> No.8751049

>escaped manlet mode
i have bad news for you

>> No.8751055

How do you escape manlet mode? 6'0?

>> No.8751063

I lift 3 times a week.

>> No.8751084

tell my qt gf that

>> No.8751089

6'3'' 144lbs
a-am i gucci?

>> No.8751118

You just about qualify as a healthy weight technically, assuming you're late teens/early 20s. Personally if I were that height I'd want to be at least 175lbs.

How well do clothes fit you generally?

>> No.8751125

6'3 here but i dont consider someone whos 5'11 to be a manlet. i mean, according to wikipedia the average heigh of US males (they had 4 different ones idk why i didnt read it) and the tallest was 5'10.5 saying someone is a manlet means theyre short. and if they are above the national average (well above the global average by several inches) then they arent a manlet.

>> No.8751130

19, they're fine but some sweaters are a bit loose.
and yeah goal weight is pretty much 175lbs, getting there by december/february next year maybe

>> No.8751133

94kg 196cm low bf%

u guys are pussy ass niggas

>> No.8751135

it's a troll to make people insecure.

>> No.8751138

oh, my bad. all you people are short faggots ha ha

>> No.8751146
File: 7 KB, 259x194, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you get it

>> No.8751150

that's a good height and weight, friend. well done.

>> No.8751162

it was sarcasm because i knew that. i was just giving my two cents since the person asked how to escape manlet

>> No.8751168
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1402516239539s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are dude.

>> No.8751236

135-140 lbs

>> No.8751242

>tfw 5'7
>you'll never look good in clothes because you're not tall

It's really awful being alive knowing you're a fucking manlet piece of shit who'll never be 6 feet or more.

Truly suffering

>> No.8751346
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20140904_114101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

): time to start starving myself

>> No.8751360

I'm six foot and weigh just north of 130, nothing fits right.

>> No.8751362

disgusting skinnyfat belly tho

>> No.8751370

5'10'' and 190.
I need to lose about 30 lbs

>> No.8751414

6'1 (but i say i'm 6'2 hehe)

>> No.8751417

mmmh nice gyno son lemme suck your titties <3

>> No.8751446
File: 291 KB, 420x510, who_is_chris_sharma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

140 lbs
~12% BF

Some of you must be rail thin because I'm a pretty lean guy (runner & rock climber) and weigh more or the same as some of you taller guys. Even I feel like I could add another 10-15 lbs of muscle and still be lean.

>> No.8751459

see you weigh that much, but it doesnt necessarily look bad. you just look more built than anything. make it work du. lift weights (low weight high reps) and just tone those almost-tits into pecs and do some basics like pushups and crunches every day. maybe a jog around campus? looks like you're in a dorm, so a little cardio helps regulate everything

>> No.8751504

I'm in the military but I get by doing the bare minimum with PT to get just over a 90 on my tests. I'm sure if I start working out again and fix my diet I can easily lose 20 pounds

>> No.8751628

best is 6'2'' 195 lbs

>> No.8751669

dude youre a fucking twig with a potbelly lmao

>> No.8752434

I had my period at 5'9.5, 108lbs. I'm trying to lose down to 105lbs but I'm sure I'll still have my period then as well.

>> No.8752458

same thing brother

want to hit 190 lean tho

>> No.8752602

I am

somewhere between skinnyfat and builtfat

>> No.8752624

5' 11" at 170. I'm trying to get down 10 pounds so my man boobies go away :( Other than my boobies and a little fat on my lower back I'm almost done.

>> No.8752631

6'2 235 bb

For all the muscle I gain and fat I burn from work I gain more fat because of all the food I need to be eating.

>> No.8752640

Are you Scandinavian or some shit? Average height in the U.S. is about 5'9

>> No.8752667

6"5 and 171 pounds, not bad?

>> No.8752691

I read this and it looks stupid.

>> No.8752764
File: 2.37 MB, 4128x2322, d5c6487f-0abe-4fdf-aaee-5fe7167be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'0 145

>tfw cardiobunny.

>> No.8752771

>tfw when 15lbs away from looking like this
whats your daily routine man?
fitness and meals?

>> No.8752807

I carb load like a fiend. Anything with carbs I smash. I drink a lot of juice and sugary drinks just for the simple sugars and the like. Really not healthy. Anything just to give me energy.

As for my daily routine? It's changed a lot recently since me and a buddy are prepping for an ultramarathon.

Monday is my rest day

Tuesday is 6-10 miles and a 4x1 at my marathon pace

Wednesday- is my slow 5 mile just to keep loose and work on form and breathing

Thursday- 7-9 with the mid 3 miles at Marathon Pace

Friday- Rest day, usually go rock climb for shits and gigs.

Saturday - 90 minute run

Sunday- 3 hour run, trying to get more than 18 miles on average.

>> No.8752894

no period means bone death, you speg.

>> No.8753009

>this mad you arnt a pretty boy

>> No.8753677

Not my problem. Im just there for the fuck.

>> No.8754038

Will I make it? I'm also black.

>> No.8754690
File: 495 KB, 2048x1232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postet this way too often already
6'3/147.5 lbs

>> No.8754709

I'm 6'4" 185lbs and look better than most ITT I'd imagine.

>> No.8754712

5'4 120lbs master race checking in.

>> No.8754725

>Have you even entered the cosmos?

I don't think you know what you're talking about anon.

>> No.8754760

You better be damn muscular, mate.

>> No.8754771

6'1" and 121 lbs reporting in.

Don't let the dysmorphia get to you fellow skeletons.

>> No.8754785

at that height/bf, id say 135 or so would be a sweet point of fashionable and fit. i'm 5 8 and 130 and i can look a little stocky- maybe around the same bf if not less. 5 more lbs of muscle alone and id be a little bigger. would look good though.

>> No.8754787
File: 37 KB, 600x480, starting strength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lanklets when will they learn

>> No.8754791

>low weight high reps) and just tone those almost-tits into pecs

>> No.8754793

Yeah, they have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to fitness. I wasn't going to call that out since I figured everybody else would just try to disprove me.

>> No.8754795
File: 1.00 MB, 2448x3264, 3092438902148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'4' master race ottermode reporting in

lol at the people itt starving themselves and look emaciated

>> No.8754796

>tfw 6'2 225

I'm very flabby, I got kind of a early Ice Cube thing going on where he's overweight but not really

>> No.8754812

Bro you look great. what's your routine now and what was it when you started?
What is your diet like?

i think your chest seems small, imo but if i had your body i would always find "subtle" ways to take my shirt off. no girl can resist abs like that.

>> No.8754821

5'11 80kg
fuck off skeletons

>> No.8754834

>230 pounds
>wear short shorts and t shirts/kits all day long
>nobody gives a fuck
>spend more time in gym clothes than regular clothes anyway
Can I be /fa/ and also be an athlete?

>> No.8754867

He looks perfect.

Having a huge giant boob chest looks like shit when trying to dress nicely, I think he has the right balance (assuming that's him).

>> No.8754967


>> No.8755337

I am.

>> No.8755541
File: 31 KB, 494x288, males.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion has nothing to do with beauty or attractiveness. Catwalk models are just racks and the girls mostly chosen by gay men. Why do you think the girls all have those masculine faces?

You're just an ugly low test faggot.


>> No.8756476


>> No.8756508


I'm 6'2 240 and i'm quite fat. post pics.

>> No.8756841
File: 63 KB, 627x480, evilryu-fanime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's actually pretty big for a Jap dude.

Also, mfw Ryu is 50 years old.

>> No.8756897
File: 197 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20140905_135022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all disgust me

>> No.8756935

hi zyzz

>> No.8756938

you are disgusting...

>> No.8756940

>6'3 master race reporting in!! kek manlets

>> No.8756952

I weigh like 120 and your arms are same size as my mine

>> No.8756972

they have some masculine features because youre not supposed to be looking at their faces. defined cheekbones also are not specifically masculine features

>> No.8757027

they are. women are supposed to have rounder faces and store more bf% (not BE fat).

>> No.8757030

tbh the ass is supposed to be fat

>> No.8757035

I'm 5'7" (oh fuckshit), 140, at 10%

>> No.8757049
File: 48 KB, 499x499, 1406823705314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'3 and at my absolute lowest i was 155 pounds.

I'm back up to 190 currently.

>> No.8757056

Whenever I try cutting to get that lean (or maybe my abs are just unaesthetic, 'cause I got 'em, but they look like shit compared to that), all that happens is that my body temperature gets down to 95F (35C) and I feel so shitty that I lie in bed all day.

>> No.8757328

you forgot to add muscles. and the guy in the pic is flexing hard

>> No.8757339

either you lift or youre skinny fat as fuck. ideal weight for 6'3 i'd say is 175-180 for ottermode

>> No.8757352

I have muscle, but my fascia, for instance, is really awful.

>> No.8757353

and yet you still have middle schooler hair.

o im laffin

>> No.8757594

based bathroom
based hair
based facial aesth
all around god-tier anon

>> No.8759406

Look good as fuck bro.

>> No.8759424
File: 22 KB, 500x375, falco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10" 152 pounds. Not great, but at least I'm not 5'9 or less.

>> No.8759538

You're wrong bro. You don't eat shit.

6"2' 140 lbs

I was 125lbs in high school, and I thought I fucking ate. I don't eat fucking anything.

>> No.8759555

6'1" 185 pounds. 8% bodyfat.

>> No.8759576

>until you hit a lean 190
so you tell me OCB has just hit ottermode?

>> No.8759581

almost same stats as me, I'm 6'3" 185 8%. How big are your arms? Mine are a tad above 17"

>> No.8759589

6'0" 99kg master race reporting in

>> No.8759607



>> No.8759610

Honestly I don't know. I don't really pay attention to aesthetics and size. Seems like a dick measuring contest and just lifting for health reasons and sports performance.

My arms aren't that huge. Should see some of the lugs in the gym that appear to have limited mobility in their arms because they're so swole.

It might sound hypocritical that I keep track of my bodyfat, but there's a good reason for keeping track of that.

>> No.8759613

5ft 8in Bitches if you're any taller you are an ugly freak and get out

>> No.8759631

I see a /fit/izen in here. OCB was was past ottermode.

>> No.8759889

143 pounds...

too skinny, i wanna be atleast 165 pounds
so will start to lift weights

>> No.8759891
File: 2.46 MB, 391x220, 1399907224400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8759930

>What is the best height/weight to be /fa/?

How fucking insecure are you bitches? Unbelievable....

>> No.8759949

I asked you because you probably underestimate your bf%. I'm the guy with the 17" arms and basically zyzzmode (/fit/izen for 4 years). you're probably around 13-14% and hence not big at my bodyweight

>> No.8761661

I'm so sorry

>> No.8762173

>tfw 164cm and fucking 65kg

>> No.8762192

Uh just a clarification, period isn't like 100% blood, just a small part of it. Most of it is just discarded uterus cells.
>oh shit babby coming
>better rev up dem walls
>wattt no babby?
>discard extra cells

>> No.8762221

says the skeleton

>> No.8762258

Well my bod is pretty much sick right now shame its getting cold so it will be covered with sweaters the whole time oh well :3

>> No.8762267
File: 54 KB, 480x640, IMAG0076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring 5'10 checking in. Not really looking for a traditionally /fa/ body, going to end up getting bigger and leaning down.

Any tips as far as looking /fa/ when you start to get a bit bigger? Especially in the legs?

Most days I just end up wearing some Levis (514s or Commuters) and a uniqlo T with some trainers.. really basic but I'm having trouble finding my own thing, and my proportions aren't helping.

>> No.8762305

I'm 172 cm and 57 kilograms, used to be 70, feeling fat as fuck, working my way to 45 kilogram

>> No.8762353

grow taller

keking hard at all these buffed up manlets ITT, i have no big problem with buffed ppl, they just look funny to me, but a manlet will always be the mock of everyone, specially buffed oompa loompas

>> No.8762439


Lol somone's splitting hairs trying real hard to sustain their ego.

>> No.8763022
File: 31 KB, 320x480, 00110m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8763025

dude you're a fucking tragedy.
legit kill yourself before you trick some maiden into taking your slimy genes.

>> No.8764606
File: 112 KB, 986x660, skel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

98 lbs.

>> No.8764628

Lol? Post a picture, he looks perfect.

>> No.8764636

Ottermode is best bodytype, it's too easy to cross the line between auschwitz and skinnyfat if you have no musclemass, regardless of how much you starve yourself.

>> No.8764641

Oh, and bishes don't care if you're a fucking manlet, as long as you have confidence, a sense of humor and are not physically disgusting they will be on yo dick

>> No.8764642
File: 2.24 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20140905_13_24_40_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the Uniqlo thread.
5'8", 158-160 lbs. I MIGHT be around 12%bf?

>> No.8764644

shit height and body

shit body

shit body possible manlet

fucking ideal

fucking eat something

this is not attractive you emaciated fuck


fat black skinnyfat sorry

>> No.8764645

your fucking quads are bigger than my head

>> No.8764647

Certified bitch-stealer with dem muscles (no homo)

>> No.8764651

Oh, the temptation...

>> No.8764659

>Why doesn't everyone want twink legs like me

My legs aren't actually all that big... Not compared to most bodybuilders.

>> No.8764951

your legs look ridiculous.

>> No.8764961

they look huge on account of your manlet stature

>> No.8765309

can confirm. every person I knew in hs that went into health and social care was either fat or sassy.
>not mutually exclusive

>> No.8765352


up is good

low is bad

what the fuck were you thinking with these legs, they look abominable

>> No.8765354

ty based starting strength

>> No.8765458

187 cm
82.5 kg of pure muscle

also learn to IS fucking amerilards.

>> No.8765790

anything below 6'1 is absolute manlet

>> No.8765801

>tfw /fa/ actually believes this in their severe aspergers/fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.8765807
File: 59 KB, 480x638, 1403436004003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this isn't you or your goal you'll never look good

>> No.8765814

i dont want my legs to be that big tho

>> No.8765818

Nice gears of war tattoo, faggot.

>> No.8765824
File: 13 KB, 261x401, eric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw similar proportions except j00cier delts and egs
>tfw 1 week into clen and gunna look better than your pic in 9 weeks

>> No.8765873
File: 1.77 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I outeat everyone
>yeah ok buddy

5'9, 55kg(121 pounds)

>> No.8765909


Legally a midget

>> No.8765922

Lmao @ weak facial hair genetics, poor lower skull structure, and weak rounded pig nose

>> No.8765927

Look at the hideous disgusting birthmarkthat nmakes women vomit at the thought of you

>> No.8765964



>> No.8766000


Yikes. Don't be mean to him just because he's an undesirable mutant with a weird hideous body.

>> No.8766220


Lmao why the fuck/how the fuck would anyone want chicken legs. Implying you understand proportions

>> No.8766412

Did you know that you can actually force other people to like what you like?

>> No.8766422

Everyone has different opinions on legs, got it.

>> No.8766503

6'1" and around 135 with an empty digestive system

i'd say i'm healthy, active cyclist, decent bodyweight upper body stuff

i eat healthy but only have maybe one meal a day

never have any energy issues, can still drop all of the spandex-ass fred roadies on any group ride

>> No.8766523

im 13cm smaller than you and if i were at that weight i would be dead. literally

>> No.8766531
File: 322 KB, 1080x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.8766532

spanish means you are king of manlets with that height.

>> No.8766887
File: 1.83 MB, 889x1837, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2 150 give or take

>> No.8766894

Your thighs make your legs look like two penises pushing into the frame towards you.

>> No.8766904


how do you have pecs being that skinny?

>> No.8766909

I doubt it. I'm 192cm and 67kg.

not dead, very alive n feelin güd

>> No.8766912

cannot unsee

>> No.8766921

Routine pls?

>> No.8766923

>tfw my legs arent so fawkin swole n joocy they look like twin penises

>> No.8766950

You have a woman's waist & shoulders...

>> No.8767004

I work out 3 times a week, jump rope for 3 minutes rest 1 minute, do this five times

after I do high rep low weight stuff mainly focused on upper body.

throughout my week I try to stay on my feet as much as possible and walk whenever I can.

as far as diet I try to eat healthy although I'm not as restrictive as I used to be as I've found I can eat almost whatever I like and stay around the ballpark of 147-153

I'm aware. My posture is shit though and I have been working to correct it so its getting better.

>> No.8767205

You look great but I'm sure genetics have a lot to do with that. Do you use dumb bells mostly ?

>> No.8767300

>I outeat everyone
I used to think this, too.
Count your calories one week. Literally everything you eat your drink. I guarantee you don't eat more than 2000cal a day when you average it all out over the week.

6'1" master race here. 185-190lbs.

>> No.8767349
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>> No.8767369


>> No.8767371

i havent not used the catalog in like 2 years

>> No.8767373

i can always tell who you are because of your lips. always makes me laugh.

>> No.8767450

>Not compared to most bodybuilders
They're not all that big compared to most elephants either.

>> No.8767469

>poor lower skull structure

>> No.8767492

Well, yeah. I'm glad we agree my legs are small.

>> No.8767506

Read it again.

>> No.8767510

you forgot
>how to screenshot
very funny though

>> No.8767714

I'm retired from /fit/

>> No.8767820

I'm 6'1 173 lbs
We're fat

>> No.8767842
File: 18 KB, 250x372, that cool smoking guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, what's your routine?
How many bitches do you fuck on a weekly basis

>> No.8769021

You're just making me feel inadequate cause I'm a woman with wide square shoulders )':

But good on you for working to fix the problem!

>> No.8769158


Pls be in miami

We could fuck twins at clubs n shit

>> No.8769218

>ITT skellingtons have the balls to post their height/weight and land whales cry about it
Just go to /fit/ bro, you'll feel better about yourself in no time.

>> No.8769785

5'10 210 poons.

>> No.8769862

pics fatty?

>> No.8769895
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yeah i'm getting p fat actually. probably will cut after new years.

>> No.8769901


Can I lift and be /fa/
My style has gone more towards the "frat" look because those clothes seem to fit me better
I'm 5'9" ~173lbs ~10%bf
or should I go ottermode to be /fa/

>> No.8769910

permabulk faggot. i bet you can't even bench lmao2plaet!!!1

>> No.8769931


lol, was being srs, wasn't even talking about lifting, but aiiiiight

>> No.8769937

i'm being fucking serious.

>> No.8769942
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>Looking like a faggot

Pick one

>> No.8770580

Will homosexuals stop thinking they're clever for memearrowing this already

>> No.8770612



>> No.8770944

> tfw goal body is disgusting
> tfw you faggots are never going to get near, let alone make it.

>> No.8771259

one inch shorter than you barefoot, that is. What's you routine and how much do you weigh for that ottermode body? Mirin dude. You don't see tall guys that often with ripped bodies

>> No.8771287


Worked out for half a year, 4 days a week to get from 150 to 165.

Don't know if I can keep this shit up.

>> No.8771374

I wish I could get to be like lithe and waifish but I am 5'11" and I'm too broad shouldered/chested

Maybe losing 10 more pounds and doing some core work I will tighten a bit, I just don't like being this chubby although I have lost 25lbs in the past six months

>inb4 gyno

Yeah I am aware of it, honestly fits my aesthetic anyway

>> No.8771377
File: 90 KB, 376x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah picture haha

>> No.8771381

is that a pic of your or your goal?

>> No.8771387

That is me, I want to get a bit thinner and have some ab definition

My ribs are only visible because my skin tone and angle its not obvious in real life

>> No.8771400

you aint chubby, to me you look lithe af. maybe its the angle. tightening wouldnt do any harm but if you lose much more it wouldnt look good.

>> No.8771424

Honestly I am trying to figure out what type of body is best for my face and it seems being thin is it.

I was hitch hiking/traveling on foot around Maui and as I result of walking sometimes eight-ten hours straight 4 days a week I got this really sleek look but still structurally strong look

I want to get that look back so I can start going to agencies

>> No.8771442

I get you, my face suits a thin body too. Really though you dont need to lose weight, a bit more definition and you could easily go to agencies.

>> No.8771455

Okay well thanks for your words, I guess I will start working on my core

>> No.8771462
File: 2.05 MB, 1536x2048, PicsArt_1410164784065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 6'1 and around 170, trying to lose some bf% to get some of that dere definition

Pic related, gay filter for your wieving pleasure

>> No.8771590

5'10" musclefat. Bulking so most clothes look shit on me. Should be a Greek god by spring though so it's okay.

>> No.8771592

You need more muscle.

>> No.8771596

Forgot to say I weigh around 200lbs

>> No.8771627

6"2' 140lbs elite here as well

In high school/freshman year (last year) i never ate anything cus anxiety completely took away my appetite. This year i'm better and been eating lots of fruits/almond milk/rice n beans and hitting the gym hell yeah, gonna get swole

>> No.8771630

i dont think so, im actually pretty fat

>> No.8771638

Nice features and hair but you should def gain some weight buddy

>> No.8771660

guys this isnt /fit/, please dont forget this

>> No.8771787

>girly skeleton

this, lel

Don't kid yourself faggots, if you don't lift you look like shit, period. (Though, if you lift you may still look like shit)

>> No.8771790

Honestly lifting is so overrated, my brothers are professionaly body builders and I just find muscle repulsive on me and most men

>> No.8771820
File: 91 KB, 553x761, david-gandy-magazine-jpeg-body-107280625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the lowest possible bodyweight that looks good.

For me, David Gandy is ideal, since I'm 6'7 and athletic myself.

>> No.8772732

that nigga look fat

good facial aesthetics tho

oh god lol you're doing it wrong


>> No.8772830

this is god like

>> No.8773670

what exactlly is it that im doing wrong, oh superb human being?

>> No.8774044
File: 41 KB, 500x499, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these /fit/ faggots

6'1 130 lbs masterrace