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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 213 KB, 565x721, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8744775 No.8744775 [Reply] [Original]

You need money to be /fa/?

>> No.8744785

not a lot but yes

>> No.8744809

You need a shit load of money to buy high end fashion

High end fashion =/= Being /fa/

There is so much evidence of this on tumblr I don't need to post such a thing.

Buy the best you can afford and just have a bit of confidence in yourself and the way you carry yourself.

God knows I've made the mistake of buying some expensive shit thinking I could work it.

Eg. Givenchy skirted shorts, Yohji caveman sweater etc etc

>> No.8744836

It helps a lot

>> No.8744840

to a certain degree. Being able to shoplift helps a fucking ton tho ;-) But certain items, like a nice leather jacket, cant be shoplifted.

>> No.8744841

just get one fit and never be seen by a person twice

>> No.8744846


>> No.8744851

Not a shit-ton but yes. At least enough to buy brand here and there once you have a solid wardrobe.

Taste and creativity are way more important tho. Also thrift shops and sales.

>> No.8744854

the more money you have, the easier it is, but you can potentially do it without money(or at least not a lot of money)

>> No.8744860

Seriously how the fuck can they sell 600$ shirt !?

Blows my mind.

>> No.8744872

Info on how you shoplift and what too shoplift

>> No.8744885


>> No.8744893


Your a pathetic individual who deserves no respect if you have to shop lift you clothes. Work for them if you can't. You'll feel more satisfied.

inb4 the stores can afford it, I think I deserve it, I'm clever, etc

>> No.8744897

2/10 would rob

>> No.8744904

Lmfao nigga i gotta stay on my grind

>> No.8744908


having money provides more opportunities in life, simple as that

certainly helps buying better clothes

>> No.8744910


1/10 would defend myself with concealed weapon if you tried. Have fun in prison.

>> No.8744914


0/10 would pay black friends to mug you and steal your Roshes

>> No.8744919

>Underage /fa/g
You still have morals? Dog eat dog world b

>> No.8744928


It's called priorities. As If I would risk my freedom for some clothes. You must no have much to live for man if you think it's worth it.

>> No.8744931

How long do you think youd get for stealing clothes breh? Life? Nigga you weak

>> No.8744937
File: 312 KB, 500x613, tumblr_mceojx17AD1qe25ajo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just thanked Allah that I live in a country where you'd be the one imprisoned for concealed carrying a weapon and firing upon a robber.

>> No.8744947


Nah, just on a higher level. I'm on the fast track in life, your not. Stealing clothes is chump change. Not going to destroy my position at one of the worlds top engineering school's for some shitty Jordans man.

>> No.8744953

Cant tell if srs.

>> No.8744960


Must be a shitty country then. Robbing usually implies bodily harm to the victim. If you get imprisoned for defending yourself (assuming bodily hard was intended by the criminal) then fuck living there.

If you have to thank allah for that, then your a fucking idiot

>> No.8744962
File: 58 KB, 500x388, nigga_o_873622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't actually thank Allah but otherwise srs.

Thank you based Howard for Australia's deliciously low rate of gun crime.

>> No.8744966
File: 120 KB, 612x612, lean6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never even heard of someone I know being robbed. Maybe that's because very few criminals here have guns because they're ridiculously expensive on the black market and robbery is very rarely committed by the wealthy.

>> No.8745215

It really, really helps. I thrift and sales hunt but even sales items can add up. I just recently bought $200 worth of clothing; everything had been reduced at least 50% and spent no more than $25 on a single item, but its still $200. If you're doing well for yourself $200 isn't a lot but for a lot of part-time employed college students (like me) it isn't exactly chump change.

If you are oddly sized in any way (especially tall, petite, fat or thinner than average) expect to spend more money. If you are a stickler for fit expect to spend more via tailors. I highly recommend learning a little bit of sewing so you can do simple alterations at home. I recommend seeing a tailor at least once though to learn about their pricing and what they can alter; you'll learn that it can sometimes be cheaper to just have a garment made for you as opposed to having it altered in some cases. I'd never have a $20-$30 skirt tailored, the cost of the alterations isn't worth it when they could make me a skirt for the same total amount; if its in that price range and the alteration isnt too difficult I would rather do it myself. I'm petite so I have made peace with having to pay for a tailor to alter clothing I can't alter myself as well (like coats) as well as the occasional custom made piece.

The best thing you can do to save money and still be /fa/ is as follows:
>thrift shop in expensive neighborhoods
>wait for sales
>learn how to do your own simple alterations
>find a tailor you like and can afford for more intense alterations.
>have clothing you wear around the house to prevent unnecessary wear on your nice stuff
>store your stuff properly and wash it gently
>have a clear idea of the aesthetic you are going for to prevent purchasing pieces that dont match anything
>have a color scheme in mind so everything matches
>don't buy anything unless you really, truly like it and only if you know what to wear it with
>main pieces before accessories

>> No.8745959

wow thanks m8 helped a lot

>> No.8745978

in what country will you get arrested for shooting a guy robbing you?

if guns are illegal in your country or whatever (why? lel) then don't answer that because your answer is dumb and obvious

>> No.8745981

stay mad, shop staff-member

w2c that white T?

this guy right here wrote everything you need to know OP

>> No.8745990

Also cara is fuckin perfect in that pic, good choice OP.

>> No.8746006

It's not as simple as saying that specific laws and gun control can cause low or high rate for gun crimes. The US is far less homogenous than Australia or pretty much any european country and always had more tension between the communities. This, as well as the size, are mo

>> No.8746057

In Denmark for example - But not a lot of us in Denmark have guns, only medium-high ranked military people and people with hunting license.

But the worst part is you are only allowed to do self defence - So if you in your home attack the robber first, and he gets knocked out cold, he can demand compensation.

Another scenario could be you have a hunting rifle of some sort, and you shoot the robber to stop him, not self defence (And this is IN your own home!!!), you can go to prison, even though you shoot him in the leg (Killing him will almost guarantee you a prisonsentence)

>> No.8746202

post fit brah

>> No.8746250

where to cop biebs's tee?

>> No.8747906


>> No.8747973

You can always be ironically ugly and buy from thrift stores. Then, you can wear whatever and post it on Hel-Looks.

>> No.8748732

jesus christ now wal mart is hiring shills?

>> No.8748764

Hahahaha judging from your reaction your clothes are shit anyways.

>> No.8748765
File: 754 KB, 1197x1146, 250e2013-bc5e-4ef7-913b-351ee4764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8749075

You don't need a lot of money at all to be /fa/. Only thing that should hurt your wallet is buying footwear but prices could vary depending on your style of clothing.

>> No.8749098

stealing from big stores is fine, trying to steal from small boutiques is fucked up

now fuck off shill

>> No.8749165

>Know your rights
>Employes cannot legally check bags

It's on our stores condition of entry in a small print when you enter

>> No.8749302

you have no legal obligation to let them check your bags, but they can take actions like banning you from the establishment if you don't comply which is entirely legal.

>> No.8750315

I'll check any cunts bag I want

>> No.8750319

Because people will probably buy it.