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/fa/ - Fashion

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8741495 No.8741495 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a bigger girl; what fashion mistakes should I avoid?

>> No.8741497

don't leave the house.

>> No.8741503

Not going to the gym and eating like shit.

Oh, and being seen would probably be pretty embarrasing aswell.

>> No.8741506

Being fat

>> No.8741508

>taking the bait

>> No.8741512

if the pic you provided is your conception of a "bigger girl", then not losing weight is what you should be avoiding

>> No.8741617

/fa/ is not really going to be a help for you. Try going to female fashion advice on reddit.

>> No.8741628

wearing clothes and not wearing them
you are in a tricky situation since no one wants to see your fat ass in clothes or naked around

>> No.8741644
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>> No.8741658

Being seen in public

>> No.8741669

Continuing to eat.

>> No.8741675

Kinda makes me happy that not all models have flawless skin (and still get booked).

>> No.8741752

Gosh youre all awful. My only advice is to avoid wearing clothing that is too small. People seem to think this makes them appear smaller but really it only has the reverse affect. Wear clothes tailored for your body. Get measuring tape and figure it out if you must.

>> No.8741757

They aren't like this in real life. People come to 4chan to blow off steam. Fat people make for an easy target.

>> No.8741758

btw idc if this is b8, hopefully my advice will be seen by someone that it matters to.

>> No.8741765

Yep, and they sell livestock tape at the CO-OP.

>> No.8741767

nah, I actually believe people are like this in real life. They are just to scared to voice their true feelings when not anon

>> No.8741797

you realize op is not really what they say right?

if you couldn't figure this out and see through it you do not belong here


>> No.8741819

Which is why I said IDC if it was b8, it was advice that could be useful to others. read son.

>> No.8741873

Being alive

>> No.8741874

>it was advice that could be useful to others
>useful to others
your advice was generic crap any idiot should know
if they're fat and wear tight clothing then they're not the type to be posting here

remember who comes to /fa/

fat chicks don't come to /fa/
tumblr is their domain

>> No.8741953


>big people
>im a big guy
>30 percent of the USA is big

why the fuck do fatties insist on saying "big"

you're not big you're fucking fat

>> No.8742326

being fat

>> No.8742341
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>> No.8742355

fuckin lel

>> No.8742368


"There she blows!--there she blows! A hump like a snow-hill! It is Moby Dick!"

>> No.8742645


>> No.8742671
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>spend years jaded by 4chan in late high school/early college
>start going out more being more social
>make fun of someone in a social setting out of pure habit
"Dude wtf is your problem?"
"Too far, man."
"Anon is such a dick."
>tfw genuinely forgot how to be nice

>> No.8742684

the UKs better m8 we can handle the banter

>> No.8743013

>I'm a bigger girl; what fashion mistakes should I avoid?

Here are the mistakes you should avoid

*Stop being in denial about your problem
*Prioritizing fashion over health and being fat
*Trying to hide your fat through makeup,fashion.
*Ignoring your problem, thinking this will fix it
*Not facing the facts and building a good foundation.
*Foundation for fashion is your physique
*You will never look good or feel good about yourself if you do not address these problems.

Biggest one:
*You believe being fat is the only problem, which is why you avoid it because of either lazyness or the fat acceptance culture.
*Being fat affects you as a person overall, You lack discipline, willpower,the ability to not be a habitual eater, being uneducated about fitness and nutrition.

All of these will affect your way of life, not just the way you look.

** and most importantly, do not look at this as an attack to you, look at this as a reality check.

If you believe this is my way of trying to get you motivated it isn't, i'm simply being logical about this. I couldn't careless about how you live your life.

When it comes to Fat people and how obese our culture is, I love being a God amongst fatties, I like it when you fat fucks mire me. I love the feeling that within the initial look, my life is far superior than any fatty.

>> No.8743021

Don't try the rockabilly or alternative look. Seriously.

>> No.8743036

of course they're an easy target

they're so big. I couldn't fire and miss if I tried.

>> No.8743069

>They aren't like this in real life.

This is true, but the negative criticisms in here shouldn't just be brushed off just so you could say "haaterssss"

Anonymous boards is the only place where you get the harsh truth about yourself, instead of the false compliments you get in person.

>> No.8743545


>> No.8743580


>> No.8743626


spending money on clothing before you become thin

>> No.8743688

worst look there is, especially on fat scum

>> No.8744080


>> No.8744084

oh man this is... really narcissistic but great