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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 261 KB, 384x480, 2_9413bb69-4831-4034-bb1e-04dbc17623c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8741324 No.8741324[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So whats exactly wrong with these cool ass jackets again?

>> No.8741328

They are cheap quality even for asian standard

they don't look like the pic

>> No.8741330

Can you post an example?

>> No.8741334

I'm a fairly hefty person, and I've always wondered what one of these would look like on me.

>> No.8741351


Looks only good if you have no head

>> No.8741354

they're cut badly, they're specifically pinned and pulled and tucked and folded to enhance the shape of their mannequins, they only look cool because of the lighting and they're costumey, the fabric is cheap, the materials overall are cheap, and they will never look good on anyone ever.

read the fucking sticky

you're fat, nothing will look good on you besides streetwear

>> No.8741358

is this really not a troll thread? how is it possible that people have been asking this on /fa/ for the past 7 years.

>> No.8741366

All of my this. It's a good jacket if you're Desmond from the AC series. Anyone who actually owns this shit is an autist with pleb taste. Have fun trying to be an urban ninja but ending up looking like an awkward middle schooler OP, because you probably do already

>> No.8741372

Because they make you look like you think you are some sort of fictional character that you have no hope of living up to. I know a lot of clothes do this, but it's really explicit with shit like this.

>> No.8741376

Someone post the collage of all the retards who bought these things.

>> No.8741415


Just read a fucking sticky. It's right there

>> No.8741427

we get new posters every day, and most of them are stupid impressionable teenagers or young adults that are still stupid, insecure, and impressionable. that's why the sarcastic racism bled over from /pol/, it's why /b/ is exponentially more of a shithole than it ever was.

don't put a lot of faith into the userbase here. you have better luck with the secret fashion boards on reddit.

>> No.8741451

>not understanding this bait

>> No.8741498

>implying some people on here aren't seriously wondering why yesstyle isn't bad
>implying i don't personally know a 23 year old male that bought a yesstyle jacket because he thought the criticism was "trolling" and yesstyle was "cool"

>> No.8741530
File: 223 KB, 900x675, 1399633087717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of my this
>fairly hefty
>cool ass jackets
The celebrity leak has sucked the summer right back

>> No.8741537
File: 909 KB, 1800x4200, fuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.8741551


>friend buys jacket from non-chinese store
>the photo is yesstyle/aliexpress tier good lightning-manequine shit
>tell him not to buy it and inform him why
>"but anon I already have stuff from there and it looks good"
>ok mate, whatever suits you. If you think it looks nice buy it
>friend goes all defensive
>"hurr you listen to some anonymous guys on the internet while I actually own stuff from that store durr"

The funny thing is, that it really looks like shit, he just has pleb taste and I cant help that.

>> No.8741585
File: 2.67 MB, 1800x5000, Yeststylething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why.

>> No.8742256
File: 447 KB, 386x400, summer 2011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will the shitty bait end...

>> No.8742492

Is this inspired by Assassin's Creed?

>> No.8742535

a guy at my work wanted to order one of these - I showed him the yesstyle infographic and he got all upset because I insulted his personal taste ;(

>> No.8743035

No this is not why.

You say these clothes look like shit because it only looks good on a manikin. You skinny fats/skeletons are blaming the clothes. Sure its not the best look, but it looks way shittier than it is when you have a terrible foundation in the first place, which is your physique.

If you're a skeleton/skinny fat , no matter what you wear, you will look like shit. Stop blaming clothes like how fat people blame food for their problem.

If you bought any of these clothes and it looks like shit, its because YOU look like shit.

>> No.8743047

TL;DR: Lift, bulk and then shredd down. Most clothes will look good when you have 17-18 inch arms and 28-30 inch waist.

>> No.8743054

>buyers remorse

>> No.8743077


Also, attacking the messenger to avoid hearing the message.

>> No.8743108


>> No.8743158


>> No.8743206

If they made a couple of those designs (mainly like the one in OP pic where its a hoodie with just a couple buckles or snaps. can't really fuck up that much) in a decent cut and good materials (nanosphere coating, slight stretch but formfitting), I'd consider buying a black one for a techwear fit.

As it is not, what's the point?

Infograph is a bit shit, the people from it are either fat or ugly. you need to be good looking to even remotely contemplate wearing it. Even then, shit value and quality.

>> No.8743294

I think that's mainly because good looking people won't opt for a $30 jacket that makes you look like you're straight out of Final Fantasy.

>> No.8743301

i kno rite
fuck the haters, buy some OP and post cool ass fits

>> No.8743821

Fuck off. It's not even meant for a healthy human frame since you literally have to have Scheuermann's to wear this shit.


>> No.8744040

>look bad in good clothes
Why are all the models skeletons then?

>> No.8744327

That doesn't even look good
Even if it looked exactly like your pic, and were great quality, it'd still look like shit
it's a shit design seriously

>> No.8744362

Yeah, I hate how people make the argument
"Oh it only looks good in the picture."

It looks like shit in the picture, garish, random snaps and straps, and a cowl neck- hood thing

>> No.8744366

Wrong. Clothing looks better on skinny people.

>inb4 'You took the b8'

>> No.8744399

/fit/ pls go

>> No.8744416

that not /fit/, /fit doesn't wear clothes it hides aesthetics.

>> No.8744467

In a similar fashion to this question, I always had a problem with this set up pictures. I get that the clothes are cheap but the people wearing the clothes are fucking autistic looking to begin with. Like, the one jacket is meant to be left open a bit but instead we have a picture of an asshat who buttoned it all the way up and looks like he's wearing a marching band jacket. Or the 15 year old who looks like he just put that shitty sweatshirt on over his normal clothes.

My point is that these people aren't building a fit to go with the piece in question and if they are then they are doing a fucking horrible job. Are there any pictures of people in these clothes that aren't autistic teenagers? If so, THEN I'll be totally convinced that these clothes are shit.

>> No.8744486

I always thought these looked like shit because skinny faggots wore them.
Wouldn't they look decent if someone in shape wore them?

>> No.8744504


Show us 1 good pic that is not a mannequin or from a photo shoot.

>> No.8744513

yeah but consider this: these clothes look like shit regardless of whoever wears them

>> No.8745610

seeing this i´m curious, what fa/ thinks about hiromu takahara, he´s a fashion designer and the designer of the last final fantasy

>> No.8745871


The thing is good looking people -as in people who care about themselves- wouldn't lay a finger on this shit.
Not because the fabric, not because this or that but because they don't want to look like cartoon characters.

>> No.8745876
File: 53 KB, 640x822, 6+26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people are falling for this obvious ( and hilarious ) bait






>> No.8746104

*eats bait*
thx anon I was hungry

>> No.8746124

>negro mannequin


>> No.8746133

>not knowing that people actually like these black mannequin items
I envy your ignorant world

>> No.8746979
File: 65 KB, 570x809, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8747102

Does anyone have pictures of real people who've bought these and what they looked like? I'm really curious.

Bump for interest.

>> No.8747111

>gothninja gorillas

>> No.8747114

The sticky was posted in this thread twice. I hate people like you.

>> No.8747117

So much this.

>> No.8747119

They look like costumes, even on the photos. No idea why people would buy them.

>> No.8747137

He is right though, it is terrible.
Although I have a feeling that some people here would dickride this piece pretty hard if it had some fancy designer name on it and 800$ price tag.

>> No.8747193

Can someone tell me w2c a lowtop white shoe similar looking to cp achilles except under $60. Murica btw, leather or canvas are both finie

>> No.8747246

Is it really that difficult to look through the thread for pics? It's not even a long thread.

>> No.8747257

muh rickstyle

>> No.8747554

OP is the same kind of person who thinks chain Halloween stores sell nice costumes. Just because a piece of clothing has a shape that you desire, does NOT mean it is made of quality fabric or well stitched. Cheap fabric sits poorly on a body and/or is destroyed in the process of washing and wearing. Not to mention, the fabric itself looks terrible. It doesn't need to be designer to be well made, but usually a designer label means a jump up in quality. OTHER PEOPLE CAN TELL. It is no great secret that you spent $40 on a jacket. You look cheap.

>> No.8747699

they look like fuckin Assasin's Creed cosplay

>> No.8748639
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 3642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this easy to bait

>> No.8748754
File: 2.95 MB, 390x357, Grevious Cant Deal With This Bullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone calls out bait
>OP pretends to be serious
>everyone still calls him out

>> No.8748769
File: 272 KB, 439x409, yesstyler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8749143

>muh anime epic clothes