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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 51 KB, 590x332, guns_of_the_trees_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8736600 No.8736600 [Reply] [Original]

Post /fa/ aesthetic films

>> No.8736647
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>> No.8736661
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>> No.8736681
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> Shame
> Irreversible
> Akira
> Enter the Void
> A Single Man
> Blue is the Warmest Colour
> Waltz with Bashir
> Nymphomaniac

>> No.8736704

awful list.
von trier is the least fa director, just an absolute cunt.
blue is the warmest colour is just porn, no real meaning to it
enter the void is shit, you failed to list the best gaspar noe film
i don't even know tbh

>> No.8736712

the original 1997 norwegian version of insomnia

>> No.8736718
File: 76 KB, 250x242, 1405281489684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty bad
you should feel bad

>> No.8736746

>Lars Von Trier

Please leave

>> No.8736787
File: 711 KB, 1053x650, switch-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the side characters had pretty sweet outfits

>> No.8736871

Terminator 2
Ice Age (3D)
Top Gun
Fight Club
Fight Club
Die Hard
Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman
The Nutty Professor
Mad Max 1

>> No.8736909

>tfw I remember the goth/matrix/rave style and culture back in the early 2000's
Times were simpler

>> No.8737117


>> No.8737146
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>> No.8737166
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Is Leon /fa/?

>> No.8737167


The Mirror
Two or Three Things I Know About Her
Pierrot Le Fou
The Seventh Seal
La Haine
Red Desert
Salo or 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.8737204
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, trainspotting-film_114943-1920x1080[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not one mention of trainspotting

>> No.8737217

moonrise kingdom for a love movie

>> No.8737220

any wes anderson really

>> No.8737235

pleb tier

>> No.8737239

Talk shit, post fit

>> No.8737244

enter the void should have been cut in half

>> No.8737362

>Ice Age (3D)
i kekd hard

>> No.8737370
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>> No.8737375

what are these from? quit being all cool and assuming everybody knows what you are talking about.

>> No.8737394

Well I mentioned the name of the movie in my post

>> No.8737430

These look cool as fuck, I've been meaning to get into film. I've only watched shit that my mom rented years ago when we frequented Blockbuster.

>> No.8737445

>Wes Anderson
Yeah, I'm a pretty quirky girl myself (lol, #crazy -_-), I effing love Wes Anderson films, also I'm pretty into some cool stuff like Joy Division
Shit liiiiike... Animal Collective.
Pretty into reading; if your favorite book is Lolita we NEED to be friends.

I like art pretty much...

>> No.8737482

Bc that move sucked

>> No.8737526

Fired Up.

>> No.8737541

oh cool irony

>> No.8737545
File: 67 KB, 500x314, 1406683783788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know riiight?

>> No.8737557
File: 873 KB, 936x1313, 500-days-of-summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8737566

ha ha i really thought you were a girl wtf you got me!

>> No.8737579

lol get reeeekt!!!!

>> No.8737609
File: 273 KB, 1425x1425, go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go (1999)

>> No.8737652
File: 40 KB, 460x300, Trainspotting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trainspotting (1996)

>> No.8737659
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>> No.8737662

no u

>> No.8737673
File: 48 KB, 1024x804, colorofpomegranates1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8737685
File: 380 KB, 2400x1350, d0054cea-feb9-40b6-af6b-e533cc6ae98b_HER-FP-0835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Her /fa/? i fucking love those high waist pants everyone's wearing

>> No.8737698

Why is this crap so praised?
It was such a terrible movie

>> No.8737704
File: 79 KB, 500x688, 87-editorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that Raf's fucktoy?

>> No.8737720

Don't mind everyone shitting on Lars von Trier and Stanley Kubrick. They're both cool.

>> No.8737730

>mfw i will never get a blowjob from raf or any of his interzone mates

>> No.8737739

who was shitting on kubrick? he's a god

von trier is shit and everything he ever does will be shit. game of thrones is done to higher standards than the shit he churns out

>> No.8737742

only decent film in this whole thread

>> No.8737749

>claims to like paradjanov
>ignores the tarkovsky films mentioned

>> No.8737752

I'm going to check them all out
Are there any essential arthouse directors for me to check out first?
Like shit I can't miss out on

>> No.8737759
File: 153 KB, 892x655, acasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8737764


Because it set up an interesting, palatable, and plausible near-future scenario.

Because the characters were believable, and the dialogue was smooth and well written.

Because his relationship with an AI emulates long distance relationships almost to a tee at times.

Because joaquin pheonix fit the role extremly well.

And because they tried something different and rocked it.

>> No.8737770
File: 1.53 MB, 478x218, ORANGE MOCCHA FRAPPUCINO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoolander obviously

>> No.8737779
File: 1.84 MB, 2300x2184, 1365388804670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the films in pic related are pretty gr8

I also recommend them to anyone who wants to get more serious about film

there's also quite a decent grid of recommended art house films, but I can't find it atm...

>> No.8737794


>> No.8737807

I love this weebum so much. Goes a bit long though

>> No.8737819

/lit/ fag here, man i would have never imagined that saving this URL would come in handy one day on /fa/.


>> No.8737822

>mfw only 19% seen

>> No.8737976


>> No.8738013

Subscribing to the internet's standards of patrician based on a guide made in a matter of hours is defeating the point.

That is, if the point is to actually explore film and think critically about it. Because thinking critically involves thinking for yourself, and there's no real quota for that.

>> No.8738020

Cont. Though there is nothing wrong with using a guide for what it is, a guide. But set no quotas for yourself, you can't force intelligence and good taste simply by doing, thought must go into it.

>> No.8738023

I haven't seen this movie. Should I watch it tonight?

>> No.8738024
File: 94 KB, 800x533, 1402696307208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>120 days of sodom

>> No.8738038

based renton

>> No.8738049


>> No.8738050
File: 21 KB, 369x228, archer scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Spring in a Small Town isn't overrated bourgeois trash

>> No.8738054
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>ITT: plebs + babbies

>> No.8738067
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Not a single mention of 'Beyond the Black Rainbow'

>> No.8738085
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>> No.8738088
File: 355 KB, 1279x685, Picture 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mishima was aesthetic

>> No.8738124
File: 90 KB, 475x356, grandmother still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

david lynch's the grandmother
the tale of zatoichi
dead man, with that fucknigga johnny depp

>> No.8738147

please id all :)

>> No.8738155

w2c hair beard and rifle

>> No.8738180

>stealing my line


>> No.8738198

laziness doesn't get you anywhere anon

idk what you're talking about

>> No.8738200

Pasolini may be a fucked up nigga for making that shit, but if the cinematography wasn't spot on, I don't know what to say.

>> No.8738269


>> No.8738323

do you go to /lbg/ on /tv/ ?

>> No.8738325

For some cheap laughs yeah

>> No.8738342
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>> No.8738373
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>> No.8738375

plen out of ten

>> No.8738383

1. Письма мёртвого человека (1986, Lopushansky)
2. Un condamné à mort s'est échappé (1956, Bresson)
3. Guns of The Trees (1961, Mekas)
4. Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980, Fassbinder)
5. Ostře sledované vlaky (1966, Menzel)
6. The Great White Silence (1924, Ponting)
7. แสงศตวรรษ (2006, Weerasethakul)
8. Ma nuit chez Maud (1969, Rohmer)
9. Սայաթ-Նովա (1968, Parajanov)
10. Lucky Star (1929, Borzage)
11. Markéta Lazarová (1967, Vláčil)
12. Jungfrukällan (1960, Bergman)
13. 狂った一頁 (1926, Kinugasa)
14. Nybyggarna (1972, Troell)
15. Ebolusyon ng Isang Pamilyang Pilipino (2004, Diaz)
16. Days of Heaven (1978, Malick)
17. Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988, Davies)
18. L'eau froide (1994, Assayas)
19. Mauvais Sang (1986, Carax)
20. Les Vampires (1915, Feuillade)
21. Viridiana (1961, Buñuel)
22. Orphée (1950, Cocteau)
23. L' Éden et après (1970, Robbe-Grillet)
24. 神女 (1934, Yonggang)
25. Krótki film o zabijaniu (1988, Kieślowski)

>> No.8738386
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8738418

This, 10/10 movie

>> No.8738442

Yeah, browsing /fa/ and knowing this shit makes it all the more funny

>> No.8738443

>>>/tv/ is that way.

>> No.8738469

what film is that?

>> No.8738474

>still doesnt look at filenames

cmon m80

>> No.8738495

killing them softly

>> No.8738498

is shit

>> No.8738509

love that movie

>> No.8738513
File: 79 KB, 550x388, quadrophenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8738520
File: 888 KB, 3204x1016, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

>> No.8738521

are you one of the bluehairs that walked out cause they couldnt handle seeing one of the only really good intense beatings in a movie ever or just a bum tickled republican

>> No.8738526

it was just a smug and incredibly boring piece of shit

this is coming from someone who enjoys films that people normally fall asleep at

>> No.8738535

are you actually that fucking retarded that you think a film can be "smug"? wow

>> No.8738539

of course a film can be smug and self-indulgent

>> No.8738546

Let's relax a little bit, huh?
It's just a movie.
This is just an imageboard.
Who cares? You will never meet each other.

>> No.8738595

pls be b8

>> No.8738613

nah smd

>> No.8738637

hi hahah my opinions are the end all be all of everything hahahha
>tfw no cool friends
i dont know why nobody wants to be friends with me because im really cool and awesome and my opinions are correct all the time

recognize yourself? I wish you all the best mate but stop shitposting

>> No.8738792

Neat, thanks brah

>> No.8738803

what's your problem, guy?

>> No.8738923

the road
Donnie darko
the lovely bones
the suburbs
I don't know these are just some movies that make me feel smarter

>> No.8738983

1: 夢 (1990, Kurosawa)
2: This Night (1965, Fassbinder)
3: La morte d'Isotta(1968, Schröter)
4: Reassemblage (1982, Minh Hà)
5: Крадецът на праскови (1964, Radev)
6: โรงแรมนรก (1957, Pestonji)
7: قمران وزيتونة (2001, Abdelhamid)
8: 九月 (1984, Zhuangzhuang)
9: Осъдени Души (1975, Radev)
10: Lost River (2014, Gosling)

1. Письма мёртвого человека (1986, Lopushansky)
2. Un condamné à mort s'est échappé (1956, Bresson)
3. Guns of The Trees (1961, Mekas)
4. Love Streams (1984, Cassavetes)
5. 牯嶺街少年殺人事件 (1991, Yang)
6. Duelle (1976, Rivette)
7. Alice in den Städten (1974, Wenders)
8. Le Rayon Vert (1986, Rohmer)
9. Սայաթ-Նովա (1968, Parajanov)
10. Mauvais Sang (1986, Carax)

1. Barry Lyndon(1975, Kubrick)
2. 天国と地獄 (1963, Kurosawa)
3. Blue (1993, Jarman)
4. Fanny och Alexander (1982, Bergman)
5. The Long Day Closes (1992, Davies)
6. 天国と地獄 (1963, Kurosawa)
7. Le Révélateur (2002, Philippe Garrel)
8. Providence (1977, Resnais)
9. แสงศตวรรษ (2006, Weerasethakul)
10. Punishment Park (1971, Watkins)

>> No.8738992
File: 141 KB, 620x955, Nightcrawler-Movie-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based jake

>> No.8739010

I was gonna post that

>> No.8739048

kill yourself dumb nigger pleb fuck

>> No.8739055

>/lit/ fag here
You have shit taste, faggot.

>> No.8739067

>no tarkovsky

shit list anon

>> No.8739068
File: 8 KB, 195x256, 1407888592355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I saw french film in this list

>> No.8739101

I'm sure you haven't seen either of those films, so go back to studying for your high school bio quiz.

>> No.8739121

All three of those are pleb as fuck

>> No.8739202
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>Barry Lyndon

>> No.8739429
File: 36 KB, 470x480, igla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soviet cinema '88

>> No.8739683

watch more movies

>> No.8740270

good attempt

>> No.8740364
File: 607 KB, 1124x660, The great beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


La Grande Bellezza

>> No.8740447
File: 621 KB, 1366x768, lettherightonein2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watched this movie for the first time pretty recently

>> No.8740452

Solid movie. That pool bit at the end made me tear up.

>> No.8740458

>you will never have a love that pure

>> No.8740463


I like the western one better because no little andro boy with a cut off dick

>> No.8740470

>mfw pursuing film as a career and havent watched a single one of these

where do you even find these

>> No.8740472

That love wasn't pure dude. She's doing the same thing she did to this kid that she did to that old man that was feeding her in the beginning.

>> No.8740475

Blasphemy !

>> No.8740485
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Well atleast it's not a Warhol film.

>> No.8740488

yeah I know, but it's still a hell of a lot more pure than any love i've never had

>> No.8740498
File: 297 KB, 550x800, the belieber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8740630

try being less pleb maybe

>> No.8740663
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>> No.8740667

>mfw i thought i was the only one here who's seen that

bretty gud, i also recommend it
and the music is gr8, gr8 band 'Kino'

>> No.8740682
File: 55 KB, 593x599, 1400607974355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5: Крадецът на праскови (1964, Radev)
>9: Осъдени Души (1975, Radev)

Добре, бе!

>> No.8740692

Actually this is the only movie i agree with so far. The way the director complimented zooeys eyes and how he matched the fits with the mood of the scene were just simply fantastic.

>Inb4 drive
Please no drive

>> No.8740763

ultra pleb

>> No.8740825
File: 320 KB, 2048x1386, la-grande-bellezza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8740833
File: 437 KB, 1600x1168, la-grande-bellezza_Jep_Gambardella_mit_Nonnen_auf_einer_Treppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8740843
File: 506 KB, 1196x1750, la_grande_bellezza_toni_servillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8740858

cool you browsed /tv/ and picked up on a shitty meme.
fuck off cunt

>> No.8740878
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1080, skyfall50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as fuck

>> No.8740907
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>> No.8740947

I bet you enjoy the films of wes anderson

>> No.8740968


>> No.8740976

turbopleb detected

>> No.8740990
File: 694 KB, 671x664, Screen-shot-2011-12-07-at-10.031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

>> No.8741014


>> No.8741364
File: 173 KB, 679x631, 1399980989899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le epic armchair psychiatrist buzzword XD

>> No.8741597

The Fucking Gummo

>> No.8741634

Come and See was pretty /fa/