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File: 659 KB, 1256x780, real men love skinny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8730185 No.8730185 [Reply] [Original]

I need to get a suit and want one personally tailored to fit my body.

Where do I go?

>> No.8730196

God that fucking image

>White knights
>Self-loathing fatasfatasses
>Muh body image
>Muh curvees
>Muh media

Just fuck up. If you're so happy about your body, then you don't need to say anything. If you're not happy about it, change it.

Are women just too lazy?

>> No.8730203

>Cupcakes make women huge
>What assholes
>you wonder why we have so many anorexic women in the world

>Failure to note 1/4 of all anorexia sufferers are male.
>Failure to note the extreme pressure placed on men.
>Failure to note men just don't give a fuck most of the time.
>Failure to note if you stopped giving a fuck it wouldn't bother you

why are women retarded

>> No.8730215

They're just largely misinformed yet pressured to lose weight and go on diets as the norm. Most of my friends still do sit ups try and spot reduce and eat salads to try to lose weight.

>> No.8730216
File: 32 KB, 615x456, 1350516692879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking image
anyways OP i dont know where do you live so idk but i just go to a local tailor and she does a good job

>> No.8730217


>> No.8730256

Good luck getting replies after that image.

>> No.8730258


>Failure to note men just don't give a fuck most of the time.

Well both men and women think way more about what women look like than what men look like

>> No.8730490

>Most of my friends still do sit ups try and spot reduce and eat salads to try to lose weight.

>tfw given up trying to convince them it doesn't work that way

>> No.8730499

simply stating women suffer from something does not mean they are denouncing the suffering men.
women suffer from anorexia. a woman was in the OP. cool it.

>> No.8730519
File: 1.47 MB, 225x124, 1407818393000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting to run your hands over her firm chiseled abs
>People would rather fondle love handles

>> No.8730540

day ruined thanks to ops image
hope you get ill fitting suits for the rest of your life

>> No.8730769
File: 1.12 MB, 1461x1350, America the christian nation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lots of local tailors. I live in a pretty big city, too, so I think some of them are pretty ritzy, like $700 starting pricing. I can afford that, but I'd like to be a little more frugal, and I can't tell the difference between a high end and a low end tailor.

I've got more where that comes from.

>> No.8730850
File: 44 KB, 282x332, 1394181463516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be half japanese
>remembering this pic

>> No.8730871

can't stand IRL white knights

was at a grocery store just now on the phone playing clash of clans waiting for this 21ish year old girl to load up her 5 jugs of cheap tequila struggling with it because she's like 5'2" and maybe 100lbs soaking wet

some old asshole comes up white knights by loading it FOR HER then stares at me like I AM THE ONE WHO FUCKED UP....bitch wants to brag about feminism let her be equal then...

>> No.8730872

A tailor who makes suits

>> No.8730879


>> No.8730906

so it doesn't matter where I go?

Men's Warehouse, Joseph A Banks, Designs by Carlos, Armani, they're all the same?

>> No.8730949

>men's wearhouse

go there
you're gonna like the way you look

>> No.8730959


Go to Brooks Brothers.

That have a master tailor in-house.

>> No.8730981

get a nicely made suit that fit's you fairly well to begin with, then bring it to a tailor to customize it

or get a really talented tailor to make you a bespoke suit from scratch, if you want to drop a few grands. but theres no point to that if you aren't an important public personality

>> No.8730982



$200 for a bespoke suit

>> No.8731090

Just give him a disgusting look back. I would have said something, but I have anger issues.

>> No.8731091

should have thought about that before pearl harbor huh

>> No.8731097

tfw chloe's ass isnt fat

>> No.8731139

savil row or you could go made to measure which is a lot more affordable and easier to find but for the suit to end all suits bespoke is the way to go.

also holy shit that body, she looks amazing. She could sound like Dr.Girlfriend and she would still be hot

>> No.8731176


lmao i was turned off by dr girlfriend's voice at first but now i can't imagine her with anything else and now it kinda turns me on.
