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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 65 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lvyrxh2scu1r5nss8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8705470 No.8705470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats the secret to not looking like shit?

>> No.8705476

dressing well

>> No.8705479

Being confident

>> No.8705503


>> No.8705511

good genes + fashion sense + good sense of perception connected with the attention to details

>> No.8705513

Supreme Hats and Staple brand shirts

>> No.8705514

Is it possible to wear anything and look good as long as your confident/good looking?

>> No.8705526

Yes. There's a catch tho; your bod's gotta be A1

>> No.8705539


having a body worthy of being clothed with expensive things

>> No.8705548

LOL this nig's got it

>> No.8705560

best routine to get aesthetic?

>> No.8705598
File: 28 KB, 341x400, soccerplayerNOHOMOFUCKSHITNIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing soccer and doing
>Bent-over barbell rows
>A hell of alot of military presses (wide and narrow grip) for a solid set of shoulders
>cardio a couple times a week after a lifting session (depends how much of a fatty u r :3)
>eat a HELL of alot of healthy food (brown rice, oats, lean chicken breasts, extra virgin olive oil added to foods [ i mix it in with tuna and eat it like that ] eggs, etc.
>take creatine monohydrate if you're thirsty for the gainzzzz ;^) (hint: i was a thirstyboi)
>lift for several months and don't worry about getting too big because that shit don't exist unless you're on gear
>profit off that shit

>> No.8705623

christ, I really hope noone takes fitness advice from this forum.

Atleast you tried to help, but you are clueless

>> No.8705635

LOL, ok. Just because I worded it in an "unnofficial" way it makes it inaccurate. Tell me in what way the advice I gay is inaccurate because I'm doing very well off it. And if it was the soccer thing. my bad for not clarifying playing soccer during YOUTH, not as an old fuck (which all of you are :3) BTW it's your fault for not working out during your young teen years

>> No.8705640

stfu /fa/ggot. nothing he said was wrong. it wasn't a complete workout by any means, but enough info for anyone on /fa/ to get by with

>> No.8705641

gave* :P

>> No.8705648

Thanks, anon. Lol, I know what I'm talking about :P And why would I bother to spit off such specific workouts if I have no clue?

>> No.8705672

Don't try so hard.

>> No.8705675

Try really hard.

>> No.8705676

>Whats the secret to not looking like shit?

don't take fashion inspo from tumblr

>> No.8705678

Having a nice, proportional body.

>> No.8705682

Do this if you want to be a fuccboi, OP. Also, have the internet dress you up. Live by info graphics to achieve a classy style.

>> No.8705683

this, too. and back to what I said about soccer in >>8705598
if you play it while you're young, it stretches your limbs and really helps your proportions (genetics still wins at the end of the day, but you can CERTAINLY change it IF you're still growing. if you're an old man, hope's lost, m8)

>> No.8705686

>don't take fashion tips from a micronesian loli porn video forum

>> No.8705688
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Bait? :P

>> No.8705692

Everyone wearing dad jeans doesn't try hard, but yet none of them are considered fashionable.

>> No.8705695

You need to balance it out. Don't try at all and you're a slob, but try too hard and you're a fuccboi.

>> No.8705698
File: 1.79 MB, 263x350, 1407098454889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you play it while you're young, it stretches your limbs and really helps your proportions

>> No.8705724

What if I try really hard to look like I'm not trying too hard.

>> No.8705725

>implying that I meant you'll be 6'4 if your genes dictate you'll be 5'10
m8, I'm 5'7 and I'm taller than my entire immediate family. I get that everyone here's every post literally, but cmon

>> No.8705730

everyone here take's every post literally*
and honestly, look at soccer players and tell me they don't have /fa/ bodies..... It's tough being GOD..

>> No.8705736

You're not fooling anyone. People can smell the try-hard out of you. Buy good clothing that suits you, develop YOUR OWN style, not something out of an info graphic suggesting dadcore or monochrome or any other internet shit.
Then wear whatever you want each morning from your well developed wardrobe. Don't plan out your fits, be decisive on the go.

>> No.8705752


The only thing infographics should be used for is INSPIRATION. this whole site should be used for inspiration, NOT for copy and pasting. If you want to do monochrome (just an example), that is perfectly fine, but don't look at a dude's fit and ask him "w2c?!!?!" every fucking piece. feel free to imitate the aesthetic, but ffs at least do your own searching. also, my goal is to improve this board dramatically over the next few years (srs) Just maintain your faith and all will be well :^)

>> No.8705765

I don't like tripfags but I agree with that, use tuxbell and infographics for inspiration. But don't go crazy on them, always go for an independent style.

>> No.8705771

worst trip

>> No.8705776

LOL ily

>> No.8705780

Define young?

>> No.8705788

and do other sports besides soccer help aswell?

>> No.8705796

Well I played soccer for 7 1/2 years starting form when I was 6 so all the stretching, running, and constantly kicking the ball around really helped my growth. TBH I get completely why you guys hate tripfags, but I didn't trip to be obnoxious, I'm trying to help people in a serious way and give solid advice based on my pretty decent experience with fitness and fashion/styling. Just actually listen to what I'm saying and now how I word it because I don't post just to get attention :P also, Soccer helps you regardless of age, but if you're still in the growing phase it helps a lil more (obv)

>> No.8705814
File: 21 KB, 213x320, 879207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it this way, females don't like lifting heavy things or doing "manly sports" because they're afraid of getting muscles. While this may sound irrational, it's completely true. Without getting too specific, look at football players, rugby players, etc. and compare their builds. Each sport works different muscles. That's why soccer players have great legs. Like it seems to simple to be true, but you guys honestly overthink it :P and keep in mind it only affects your body to a degree, genetics still win at the end of the day, it's just good to get into sports as early as possible.

>> No.8705858

i've been doing taekwondo since i was 6, freerunning since i was 11 and since 2 years now i've been doing calisthenics
i'm in a great shape, my muscles are evenly balanced and distributed but the proportions still seem a bit off ( i'm 6 ft 4 , maybe this has something to do with it?)

>> No.8705870

lmao you are a fucking nut

drop trip and fucking leave

>> No.8705877

Dude, that's FAR better than what I did, lol. I'm just lucky I got some kind of activity in. And yeah, once you pass like 6'2-6'2, I imagine it's really tricky to just have flat-out "good" proportions. Either your arms are too long, torso too long, or some shit like that :P But idk what you look like so your porportions may be fine, I unno. A guy I used to work with was like 6'4-6'5 and he skated and he looked pretty normal to me, just kinda lanky and skinnyfat if anything

>> No.8705881
File: 392 KB, 936x923, dolph-lundgren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try lifting if you actually want to sculpt your proportions. Sports won't give you a physique made for looks. Usain Bolt for example has a hideously small chest in proportion to the rest of him.

>> No.8705882

I'll pass :3.

>> No.8705900
File: 166 KB, 634x819, rs_634x819-140403084257-634-david-beckham-hm.ls.4314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because why would the world's fastest runner give a shit about his chest, lmao? Also, the reason I trip is because I know what I'm talking about.
Pic related; David Beckham. Obviously doesn't lift (but clearly he isn't made for looks, right? :P step-up

>> No.8705905

ah well, ill just work with what i've got
by the way i'm lifting (gym) for a while aswell now but at the moment my fatpercentage is at 14% but my abs just won't show (6pack) , any advice?

>> No.8705909

Your reading comprehension is terrible. Reread my post from the start retard.

>> No.8705911

You just have to cut, add more cardio. Give yohimbine a try if you plateau.

>> No.8705913


>> No.8705918

You took your trip off for that? David beckham looks like shit btw.

>> No.8705919

and what do you mean by plateau?

>> No.8705922

I feel like if soccer was a man you would let him ram your ass for days
Soccer is some lame shit and your routine is shit as well

>> No.8705924

If you stop losing fat. Yohimbine is a bark that has been shown to help lose fat when in a fasted state.

>> No.8705925

be in decent shape
wear clothing that fits

That shits 10x more important than the actual style of things you wear... No matter how fashionable the clothing is, it wont matter if its not the right fit, or you're a fat disgusting fuck.

>> No.8705929
File: 1.99 MB, 242x185, 1408936473569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest ,
i'd let any man ram my ass
n-o homo

>> No.8705930


>> No.8705948
File: 362 KB, 936x1808, bruhbruhbruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly clueless when it comes to personal fitness and sports have never appealed to me. What are some activities and excersises I can do to improve this hot mess?
I do sit ups semi regularly

>> No.8705949

Not it isn't. You blatantly said
>Sports won't give you a physique made for looks"
I love how I'm like the only one on this site that can remain in an argument without resorting to petty name calling in defense of their initially weak point. Bruv, I lift. I'm aware it helps proportions, but you're ignorant second statement completely denounced any credibility you had for saying it in the first place.

>> No.8705951
File: 112 KB, 680x451, 1407715204186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filthy fucking faggot
>mfw i take it up the butt too
>i'd only make sure balls wouldnt touch

>> No.8705953

be confident in what you're wearing.
>mfw all these faggots posting fits begging for approval

>> No.8705959

find your tdee
cut 500 calories from that

thats it

>> No.8705964

LOL I never gave a routine. It's gonna take some work to clean up this board if it's even possible.. I simply gave advice and was also kind enough to give examples of specific exercises to do (ones that I primarily focused on because those SPECIFIC exercises work muscles that maximize aesthetics. I don't feel like making people custom fuckin plans, m8, lol. I don't hold ppl's hands.

>> No.8705967
File: 32 KB, 432x371, 1409008764371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what. the. fuck. is. tdee?
> You fucking faggot
>captcha : autism negrosi

>> No.8705968

Also, if you don't like soccer, why even comment? Noone gives a shit about your empty opinion. It benefits noone and is nonconstructive so why bother spewing your ignorance? Sounds like you have MAJOR sexual insecurities.

>> No.8705974

Google it? But since noone here can search things themselves
punch in your fat-boy stats and it'll tell you exactly what to eat so you can shed those flabby pounds :3. Not that you'll have the motivation or will to do it for longer than week, but don't say I didn't help you ;^)

>> No.8705982

Compare beckham to anyone in ifbb physique. They look better because its FOR LOOKS. Fuck I look better than that.

>> No.8705983
File: 187 KB, 500x483, 1408929822398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro , hold my hand or my dick
your choice , i don't mind either
Aslong as balls don't touch

>> No.8705989
File: 17 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I do both?

>> No.8705990

... wha'? No, the guy's currently skinny-fat. You dont cut from that. You exercise and burn to metabolic rate... With him its prob. 1800 calories(So maybe eat 2100 and run a 5k and do some free weights, and build from that)

That way you only get better looking, rather than bulking(adding muscle *AND* fat) and looking like complete shit at the apex of your bulk.

>> No.8705999


>> No.8706025

form fashion rules for yourself, even if the jews tell you there are no rules in fashion

>> No.8706027

My second statement was exemplifying the first one.

Usain Bolt for example


U r a retard

>> No.8706041

That's not how exemplifying works, m8. You don't understand that I get what you're saying, I even admitted that in previous posts (why the fuck are we even arguing? and what about?) but you said sports won't give you a physique made for looks. maybe your definition of "looks" differs from mine, but MY example showed that sports CAN give you a physique made for looks. obv women across the globe swoon over beckham but /fit/ would still call him dyel.
point being it's just circlejerking going on all of these boards, and for what reason? epic internet meme kekkery XDDD!!1 ?
tl;dr too many people on this site are delusional as to what the real world and real people see as "an impressive physique"

>> No.8706043
File: 2.75 MB, 231x264, 1408932803951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah you can
I'm getting the lube bro
Tape up your balls too
less chance of balls touching

>> No.8706064

>if it fits your macros


>> No.8706069

What about it? :P

>> No.8706094
File: 31 KB, 480x720, tumblr_ms3n6oxv6i1sxwgc1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, being that I go to both /fit/ and /fa/ my definition of good looking is higher than the average lard injected 42 year old housewife.

This is what good looks like.

>> No.8706110

>this is what good looks like
l2bemoresubjective because I don't disagree with you, per se, but you forcing your opinion as an objective truth is realllllly annoying. you sound insufferable to be around tbh.

>> No.8706116

I'd fuck you tbh no homo

>> No.8706121
File: 3 KB, 71x125, 1409013357403s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck you both
n-no homo
> You look like two dandy faggots
> I'll get the lube bros
> Make sure balls don't touch

>> No.8706124

That's sadik hadzovik

>> No.8706134

a-anon-kun. i-i don't know if I'm ready ;~;

>> No.8706136


He has such a god-tier head but his body is complete shit.

The contrast just makes him look hilarious

>> No.8706137

Ok? What's your point?

>> No.8706145

What's up with that dudes back he looks hunchbacked.

>> No.8706158
File: 125 KB, 600x600, scr1_sadik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he got too big when he stopped being a fitness model and started competing.

>> No.8706166
File: 959 KB, 300x169, anime-my-body-is-ready-anime-gif-1147519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't upload the better one from my phone im sorry

>> No.8706165

Oh wow. Not an inherently bad body bit the nig fucked up.
>implying he cares about my opinion
>he obviously likes it so it doesn't matter

>> No.8706179

Well he was Mr. Olympia so...

>> No.8706183

That's why I internet sighed. his body looks great and I might just even be jelly but I'm too much of a twink faggot to want to get that big. :3

>> No.8706197


>> No.8706209
File: 391 KB, 800x1200, Sadik+Hadzovic+sexy+montenegro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Sadik and the Goose are my two husbandos. I'm straight and I've explained to my friends that I just want to kill them and wear their skin not bang them.

>> No.8706216

please stop, anon. srs. you're posting things I cannot handle atm. D:

>> No.8706217

Two words m8: Minimal Branding

>> No.8706228
File: 212 KB, 1006x609, 1400986068542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8706230

GODspeed this board needs more quality

>> No.8706239
File: 28 KB, 600x360, 1406242179559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to cop self-confidence

>> No.8706241
File: 11 KB, 297x283, 1407297917422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8706245

confidence can't be copped

it can only be bought

>> No.8706270

man you really dont know what you're talking about. Height is 100% genetic and can not be changed. everyone would just get stretching boards or hang off monkey bars if that shit did anything

>> No.8706330

ok, where can i buy sself confidence?

>> No.8706416

be attractive

>> No.8706443


Body language

>> No.8706586

Being in shape and wearing clothes that give you confidence, not wearing clothes you feel unsure about and are only wearing because you were told to.

Use /fa/ as a tool not a rule book, OP.

>> No.8706594

Not be European

>> No.8706612

wear supreme

>> No.8706622
File: 45 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being 6'1" - 6'3", weighing between 140 and 160 lbs, having brown or blonde hair, having green or blue eyes, having a chiseled jaw, and having high cheekbones.

>> No.8706642

I weigh 30lbs more than that but I'm str8 ballin

>> No.8706652


filtered this huge homosexual faggot

>> No.8707725

Skellingtons are not attractive.

>> No.8707734

How tall are your parents?

>> No.8707739

Read /fit/ sticky

>> No.8707790

The secret to not looking like shit is confidence. Its all about who YOU are and who YOU want to be, you define who you are. If you have enough confidence you can easily pull of whatever you want to wear. No matter what it looks like yiu can pull it off if you have have the right mindset.

>> No.8707976

>'Just b urself anon'

>> No.8707987

it's all about confidence. I've got a bit of a beer belly and have never been exactly fit, and i'm 5'8" but I get way more attention than my actually buff friends because I put off confidence and they don't

>> No.8708368

Sprezzatura, money for well-fitting basics, and decent genetics.

>> No.8708419

knowing fitment and colour coordination. also to not buy cheap trash

>> No.8708895

Why are you even tripping lmao. Literally the second comment (i.e. me) said confidence. Idk why you felt the need to go all retarded with it :P

>> No.8709940

a girlfriend boosted my confidence a hundred times, get one aswell m9

>> No.8709992

Supplements, healthy food, and a gym membership. (dead serious. it starts with your body. if you have a shit body, it's not like wearing clothes will conceal that because it still shows on your face, neck, cheeks, etc.)

>> No.8710444

good taste

>> No.8710472

Stop caring about how other's perceive you. If you think you look good and have impeccable self-assurance (without being arrogant), then you can pretty much get away with anything.

>> No.8710479

A pair of Levi's 511's and knowing what shirts to thrift

>> No.8710889

another moron talking out his ass about fitness. soccer is a pussy sport and bench press and curls don't make you fit.

>> No.8710903

this is either a troll or easily the biggest chode i have encountered on this board.

>> No.8710913

pls lurk >>>/fit/ and educate yourself before you post

>> No.8711365

lol the samefag is laughable. stay mad, chublord

>> No.8711469

Bro, did you actually think you'd get away with this shit?
Don't you know that half of /fit/ comes to /fa/ to escape the American Summer?
Did you really think we'd let you spread this bullshit without getting challenged?

For anybody who wants a quick guide to getting fit, read this (/fit/'s sticky). I promise it's short, and worth the time it'll take to read.


>> No.8711646


fake it till you make it

>> No.8711652

Vipassana meditation. I genuinely mean that.

>> No.8711669


his belly button is so fucking high, what the fuck?

>> No.8711738

>don't wear supreme
>don't wear any branding
>Look like you have a purpose when out and about; don't walk meekly and stare at the ground.
>don't be fat
>don't be below 5'10 at the minimum
>get a decent hair cut
>invest in quality basics

>> No.8711739

1) dont be fat
2) wear clothes that fit

its really hard to fuck up from that

you could wear h&m tier clothing but if your body is nice, it doesnt matter

>> No.8711742

this. remember even hm models look amazing. you're just ugly

>> No.8711761

All the answers in this thread are wrong except one or two vague ones.

The real answer OP is : your face.

You have good looking face ? You won't look like shit. People will ALWAYS find some redeemable about you because you have a good looking face.

You have a shit face ? No matter how hard you try you already lost the looking game, and you should move on something else, because it's a waste of time. People will judge you at the very instant you enter a room, and you won't have a second chance nor redeemable aspects. It's over.

Like i said, if you have shit looking face ( like me ) you should still try to improve yourself of course ( clothes, sport, etc ) but do that for yourself, not for the pussy game or to be a pretty boy player, because with a shit face that's not gonna happen. Ever.

>> No.8711774

if your goodlooking + tall = your all good
if your ugly + tall = you're just have to work on your body
if your ugly + short = your fucked
if your goodlooking + short = try and act like you don't care about height even tho you do a lot and wear lifts

easy, simple

>> No.8711794

>projecting this hard

>> No.8711813

you must be ugly stupid midget

>> No.8711819

less is more

>> No.8711826

>tfw all good

I love that I look good even when I dress stupidly.

>> No.8711935

hats and tattoos

>> No.8711938


don't listen to this guy

>> No.8711966
File: 125 KB, 634x820, article-2540680-1AB8BF6A00000578-13_634x820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at kanye west hes is everything /fa/ tells you not to be yet is better dressed that the entirety of /fa/ will ever be.
>Not tall
>Not white
>No Jawline dont suck his cheeks in
>Not a very good body
>Doesnt wear brands

>> No.8711968

Don't listen to this guy

>> No.8711972


But he's rich. And you buy all that shit with money. That's what he did.

>> No.8711974

Kanye doesn't look good tho

>> No.8711986

Spending at least $500 a month on box logo accessories

>> No.8712095

Just go gym build yourself a workout, i used to have a similar body to you(im 6"2 tho), been at the gym for 3 months, never skipped a workout and now im looking a lot better, im gonna cut down for summer and out come the abs

>> No.8712096
File: 83 KB, 450x566, 1333945238934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ i never realised /fa/ was so fucking un/fit/, go browse it for a bit and come back.

Fashion goes hand in hand with body type

>> No.8712492

Go to bed Tristan

>> No.8714082


>> No.8715707

Looking good.

>> No.8715735


>> No.8715753

don't listen to this faggot.
cut carbs
if you're feeling hungry, eat more protein
lift and be more act in your daily life
cut dairy
eat oats for energy

>> No.8715803

Go to /fit/ and ask how you can get toned

I remember seeing this guide about how you can get a body like Brad Pitt in Fight Club there

Go there and ask for some help. It's really a friendly bored.

>> No.8715853

cut carbs but eat oats? bruh???

>> No.8715912

pick one

>> No.8717311
File: 151 KB, 798x2984, 1409180871906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8717321


>> No.8717333

>Manlets giving out fitness advice

Ha Ha

>> No.8717397
File: 56 KB, 800x600, faaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do i pass? im 190 cm and 70 kg

>> No.8717413

He doesn't look good, but his fit is pretty much in bad taste, yet he has this strange way of somehow making it work

>> No.8717418

Stop posting yourself already. You're not model material, people have told you already.

>> No.8717422


ive posted this picture like 2 times in 3 fucking months calm down alrdy

>> No.8717426

My sources tell otherwhise

>> No.8717432

your hair looks like shredded wheat

>> No.8717446


yes my hair is kinda crappy

>> No.8717571


military press for wide shoulders
420% m8
healthy foods for gainz
sure thing brah

just don't try and recap something you don't fully understand yourself. /fit/ out.