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/fa/ - Fashion

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8692828 No.8692828 [Reply] [Original]

hairstyle adive for a /fa/ handicapped?

bad hairline, thin hair, bad skull. It's quite the challenge.

the beard in the picture is actually shorter than usual. I plan on keeping it bigger.

>> No.8692849

I actually like your look, you could rock some longish hairstyles if it fits the cop.

>> No.8692851

how longs does it takes to have hair that long ? shoulder length

>> No.8692871
File: 270 KB, 1280x960, cfd68fc2-b2fb-4fca-a374-89415eb8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been some years with occasional conservative trimming

thanks to both, do you have more specific suggestions?

>> No.8692881

Sruli Recht's model has a p sick hair. No pic cos mobile, but you should check him out

>> No.8692887

Smooth McGroove, pls go

>> No.8692927

Braid it OP. Do it, be the Viking you were meant to be.

>> No.8692937
File: 5 KB, 250x250, caat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairstyle adive for a /fa/ handicapped?

>mfw I spent 4 years on fashion sites to learn how to be effay
>mfw I sucked dick to afford Ricks
>mfw some "fa handicapped" dipshit looks better than you without even trying

>> No.8692957

that's lovely, thanks

top kek

I've always seriously wanted to go full viking. Braiding never worked though (tried it as a half-joke), I imagine because they're so thin. Or maybe there's a right way to do it, who knows.

>> No.8692962

Don't cut it, it suits you.

>> No.8693203

I'm probably going to keep it long or longish, and just have it cleaned up.

Thanks everybody, this was a nice surprise. I'm used to much ruder boards.

>> No.8693272

normally we'd rank up towards the top but sometimes /fa/ is benevolent as fuck

>> No.8693475

manbun or jared leto style

>> No.8693487

how old are you?

your beard is sick

>> No.8693504
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I'd go for a top-knot or at least something where the hair is slicked back.

You look really handsome in that picture.

>> No.8693514

anything that isnt a manbun

>> No.8693533

looks like default WoW human

>> No.8693600

not digging manbuns at all but I won't exclude them a priori. Hair slicked back is a good idea, I'll toy with it


never played

>> No.8693651

You sort of look like a white MC Ride

>> No.8693674

You have nice facial features, you actually do (this coming from a woman, not gay).
Cut your hair short. Just like regular short men's hairstyle and keep your beard shorter than taht. Beard fits you nicely, but that is too long so it just looks unkempt.

Keep it like that and you'll look exactly like this guy in my class and let me tell you he is very popular and considered handsome.

You have potential OP. Don't ruin it with neckbeard hair fashion.

Also are you nordic? You look nordic

>> No.8693768

thank you. I'm really skeptical about short hair though. What you can't see in these pictures is that I'm freakishly tall. Also thin hair, ugly head, past experience with short hair almost completely negative (might just have been bad cuts)... though I'm certainly thrilled by the idea of getting rid of the hassle of maintaining long hair.

In any case, I am interested in showing the face more but maybe through some longer cut with the hair pulled back, I guess?

I ain't killing the beard, sorry. I have grown to love it.

>Also are you nordic? You look nordic
far from it. Italian, southernish for that matter.

>> No.8693784

I definitely don't think you should get rid of the beard, but I do think a few mm's would make it look more kept. Now it looks a bit... neckbeardish, I'm afraid. Like you just didn't bother shaving. But if you keep it just a few mms shorter it will look more like you're a man who CHOOSE to have a beard and who takes care of his appearance.

>> No.8693834

I get your point. I'll work out a compromise.

>> No.8693858

Dont listen to the wench dude. What does she know? Keep the long hair in a bun and leave the beard alone.

>> No.8694757
File: 306 KB, 500x755, tumblr_mp3sxeyitD1qd8hm0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not digging manbuns at all

But look how happy it makes you..

>> No.8694860

Dude, why does your hair look so over-washed, so thin?

>> No.8694936

it also makes you pretty chinese. They're not ugly, at all, but they just feel too oriental to me.

because they are thin. (Not overwashed). It's genetic.

>> No.8694942

He's Jap, but I know what you mean. He's my favorite designer so I'm not going to bash.

>> No.8694949

You definitely CAN braid it, if you know how.

>> No.8694954

Why not a ponytail? I'm pretty sure it would suit you.