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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 646 KB, 1156x899, 1401289668051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8689891 No.8689891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuccboi general. Last one was 300.

>> No.8690195

Ok. I've got 3 shirts and 3 pairs of trousers (brown and purple chinos and denims). What else should I get for a basic winter wardrobe.

>> No.8690256
File: 302 KB, 672x452, cap2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to cop an M-51 fishtail parka from Rothco conflicted on either black or green.

I have a mostly black and white wardrobe with small splashes of color here and there.

>olive parka with amazon prime 2 day shipping
>black parka with free standard shipping

Fast shipping is just enough to convince me to get olive. Help would be appreciated in making a decision. Thanks!

>> No.8690469

Got my first shirt tailored at a local shop. tfw you tuck in your shirt and it doesn't billow.

>> No.8690494
File: 1.49 MB, 1633x935, yuan-leng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a techwear jacket for winter? gets down to about -20C or -15C here in the winter.

>> No.8690500

why not both?

>> No.8690504
File: 1.40 MB, 1666x930, yung-lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol wrong one pic.>>8690494
Also, does anyone know what the nort face jacket model this is?

>> No.8690515

Hey, I don't browse here abitually, but I want to know what fuccboi means since no one seems to be able to tell me. can you please explain?
also how do I know if I'm effay? what the hell does it mean?

>> No.8690546

If you have to ask if you're /fa/, 80% chance you're not.

>> No.8690563
File: 263 KB, 275x120, Kraken.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have have that one pic with the guy in raws holding a peace sign behind his back?
Was posted here a lot last year

>> No.8690715

Is norsestore real? Everything is like half price of the stuff on the norse projects website.

>> No.8690786
File: 130 KB, 700x382, Screen-Shot-2013-01-10-at-12.39.31-PM-700x382[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a pair of black shoes that would work for minor athletic use and casual wear. I'm thinking about getting all black Roshes from the custom Nike store.

Anything else I should consider?

>> No.8690825
File: 20 KB, 392x243, 1408577920032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good sites for flannels/oxfords that a broke college boy can afford?

Ty in advance

>> No.8690871

h&m my friend

>> No.8690895

I am a fuccboi who is trying to become effay. I am looking for inexpensive oxfords. Are these any good?http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B008PPW9YW/ref=pd_aw_sbs_1?pi=SS115&simLd=1 I am very open to recs and any advice

>> No.8690896
File: 160 KB, 928x1008, 1400807140469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked the archive on rothco and most people said they're stiff and not the best quality, reviews say mostly the same.

I can't find any shoes like this in milsurp stores near me because they all have non-flat soles, should I cop these?

>> No.8690907

I'm assuming if you're looking at oxfords you have most of the other basics covered. Uniqlo or H&M have good cheap oxfords and other basics

>> No.8690909

anyone else go to stores to try out shit then try to find it online for cheaper?

i feel like asshole since i almost never end up buying anything but what they charge for brands like APC and Norse Projects here in brick and mortar stores is bananas.

>> No.8690918

Pretty sure he meant oxford shoes.
Also to that Anon, do not buy those.

>> No.8690934

So far I have 4 pairs of pants 1 black flat front chinos 1 black dress pants 1 white linen/cotton pants with a pleat
1 pair of navy pants with a kind of sheen. white black and blue polos. A blue dress shirt with almost unoticable white dots, and a white shirt i need to tailor.A pair of deep brown cap toes, a pair of slightly worn tan desert boots, and a pair of blue boat shoes. And a pair of black Tom's I figured black oxfords are the last staple that I need before I move on to coats and stuff. I should probably also get some khakis. Did I miss anything? Is there anything I should add?

>> No.8690941

I did indeed mean shoes

>> No.8690950

I did mean oxford shoes but having a resource for shirts is a step in the right direction as well. Also... captcha

>> No.8690957
File: 12 KB, 450x450, Vans-Authentic-White-Shoe-_135644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good pair of White every-day shoes for ~$50? I noticed I have a ton of dark toned shoes, but nothing light. Are Vans a decent option? or are there some nicer alternatives for a similar price.

>> No.8690958

My phone is bugging out. Sorry for the duplicate post.

>> No.8690961
File: 56 KB, 419x344, Screen Shot 2014-08-23 at 00.38.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these /fa?
I think they look comfy as shit and pretty functional with fits.

they are Camper mtlo Apron

>> No.8690965

i've been looking for Keds
it seems like they don't mak them for males anymore tho

>> No.8690979

stan smiths. Vans are plebby and look shitty.

>> No.8691075
File: 216 KB, 960x724, Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 5.11.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like them but yeah, can't find any made for guys
are you talking about these anon? I'm not sure how much I like them, know of any other types?

>> No.8691095

What about the OTW collection/ludlow from vans? Before they added their branding tags, those shoes were v streamlined and attractive, for under $100.

>> No.8691103

Can anyone tell me the thigh measurement on acne ace jeans? Possibly the 34" waist.
All of the other measurements are present except the thigh measurement.
Ive got semi larger thighs from squats so just wondering

>> No.8691105

Where can I find some /fa/ casual t-shirts online?

>> No.8691113

fuccboi is someone that doesnt know anything about fashion. Makes bad clothing choices etc.
effay is just pronouncing /fa/. fashionable.

>> No.8691244

Yeah my bad

>> No.8691272


>> No.8691277


>> No.8691373

anyone know what kind of shoes these are

>> No.8691375
File: 77 KB, 406x550, moreshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8691384

anyone know if this is crazy warm or not??

>> No.8691388

how are their parkas?
I'm a broke college boy and need something to keep my a little dry in the rain

>> No.8691403

roshes won't work well if you plan on doing any type of running

>> No.8691407

I have one. water does actually get through it if it's pouring out. it's fine if it's just a little wet though. Kind of cheap material, but you get what you pay for. fits nice

>> No.8691410

how warm is it doe pks

>> No.8691412


>> No.8691428

not very. i have the mountain parka if it matters. its pretty good for fall and early spring. (i live in wisconsin, USA) it can't really handle the sub zero winter temperatures. i sometimes would wear a sweater underneath it and it would be ok, still no substitute for a good coat tho imo

>> No.8691433

If you have to ask then you're a fuccboi

>> No.8691450
File: 85 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye or nay? anyone have expiriences with asos chinos? are they shit quality?

>> No.8691480
File: 12 KB, 428x550, 38366200LM_21_f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone at all have experience with Ann D men's shirt sizing?

I'm between an S and an M depending on the fit so it'd be great if someone could tell if they fit sort of big or sort of small.

>> No.8691633
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, 29-07-2014_y3_qasaracer_navy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered these but not sure what outfit to wear with them

>> No.8691658
File: 1.38 MB, 2448x3264, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my godddd they're heeeeeeere

>> No.8691668
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>> No.8691760
File: 27 KB, 583x583, VNBC1T-ALT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what to cop for white shoes instead of generic vans, /fa/?

these or http://www.vans.com/shop/ProductDisplay?storeId=10153&productId=3001961&urlRequestType=Base&langId=-1&catalogId=10703 in moon/white ?

Or is there another, cheaper, decent alternative for casual, white shoes

>> No.8691895
File: 124 KB, 951x231, which_one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these four should I cop?

I'm mainly going to be wearing them with black jeans, but I would also like them to work with dark grey or beige chinos.

>> No.8691901

first, you can pull them off with anything. But as you mostly wear black jeans the black ones would fit better imo

>> No.8691909

So, im gonna work as a barman assistant for a party which will take place in a garden in the evening

What are some good fits? It will last until late night and it gets chilly at that time, I was thinking of long tapered black shirt, skinny jeans and my Chelsea boots but I'm not sure about the chilly part, was thinking of a bomber jacket but idk

Any suggestions and tips will help

>> No.8691918

Why would you cop something and don't have a planned outfit? Are you retarded?

>> No.8691926

Nay. The toebox looks funny. Get a pair with a slimmer toebox

>> No.8691944

I have an unexpected funeral to go to tomorrow /fa/ I'm a fuccboi and don't own a suit, what should I do?

>> No.8691947

have a general idea of what to wear with them, skinny black jeans, parka etc but was looking for opinions and haven't worn blue shoes before so I'm unsure

>> No.8692013

how are cos's t shirts?

>> No.8692027

even the dead guy has a suit fuccboi. I'd say get there early, open casket, grab hold of his suit with your index finger and thumb, lean over ever so gently and whisper into his ear "where 2 cop?"

>> No.8692029


>> No.8692033


>> No.8692074
File: 151 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need black knit sweater

>> No.8692084

you're right, what was I thinking posting on /fa/ asking for advice. thanks :)

>> No.8692094

my bad, was asking for recommendations

>> No.8692097

lol, how much you lookin to spend m8, or are you considering going without one, idt anyone would mind if you showed up in a black oxford/ tie some dress pants/ chinos, this would be a cheaper alternative to buying a suit

>> No.8692117

lol I live in the south so it's gonna be too hot for a jacket anyways. My girl just told me that the family says it's ok if I wear a oxford, tie and slacks. So I guess I'll just skip out on the suit this time

>> No.8692206

Whats a good facial moisturizer?

>> No.8693044

Are AF1s TTS? Compared to Roshes should I size up or down?

>> No.8693104
File: 40 KB, 765x457, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to buy these trainers?

>> No.8693109

u must b new

raf simons velcros

good luck finding real velcs this colorway

>> No.8693111

I'm willing to pay as much as it takes.

>> No.8693122

apparently velcro fakes are quite accurate if that interests you.

>> No.8693125

wrong lonk oops

>> No.8693142

How do fakes look after, let's say, a year of wear? Can they even live that long?
I never had any fake piece.

>> No.8693147

they are decent, i wear mine every day and they still look good, the letahe used, looks like the one on the portugal made ones , its soft and creases nicely, the silhouette is on point but the fucking cginamen fucked up the strap so they dont look like actual velcros, OG velcros have an acute angle on the top strap while the fakes just have a square strap, if you get them in black it really isnt noticeable but othervise its very obvious, also rememeber to size up

>> No.8693150

Thanks for information.

>> No.8693169


definitely don't panic buy a suit you're never gonna want to wear again

>> No.8693176

looks ok

pretty looseygoosey on that guy but the cut looks okay

>> No.8693201

I need some autumm/spring jacket to wear with suit. I have a peacoat for winter. Should I just buy mac? Any suggestions?

>> No.8693212

please guys!

>> No.8693214
File: 58 KB, 640x560, 1407402209947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>£110 on me
>brokeboi, have to scrape money together
>can't stop copping basics

Is this a problem other people have?

>> No.8693231

what are some comfy shoes

>> No.8693243

requesting the picture of some ukrainian riot guy
think he had a gasmask
pls anyone

>> No.8693379

you're the funeral guy?

or you'll be wearing a suit a lot next winter and need a jacket for it?

>> No.8693443

vans if you're looking for something mildly fashionable and supercomfy

>> No.8693450
File: 3.21 MB, 1600x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a large set of photos from the kiev protests, but a lot of them are wearing gas masks.

>> No.8693527

What are good athletic type sneakers to buy as a female? I like NB and Nike I suppose. Good models?

>> No.8693531

flyknit, free, etc

>> No.8693541

I am both.

>> No.8693566

i think you're going to want to get the suit first before making decisions on the overcoat

i'm not an expert on formal wear, doubt many others here are either

>> No.8693574
File: 101 KB, 800x533, zimnie-botinki-ecco-terra-vg-0911645-1052-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Own a pair. How to pull them off?

>> No.8693587

I have a grey, black and planning on navy suit.

>> No.8693617

Simple monochrome fits make these shoes really stand out

>> No.8693620

these are weird, I hate them but I kind of like them no idea how you could pull these of, maybe with some techy outfit

>> No.8693626

again not an expert on formal wear but i don't think you can get an overcoat that'd go with all three. or maybe you can wear a black coat with a navy suit, but it doesn't seem like it'd look good to me

maybe grey?

>> No.8693647

manlet shoes?

>> No.8693755

I'm doing the same thing
>I-it's okay, they're e-essential right?

>> No.8693774
File: 46 KB, 356x530, 27377_155168_79076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are grey twill cotton pants dadcore? Obviously I'd wear them without the pleats.

>> No.8693787
File: 229 KB, 853x1280, 1389509410922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they don't touch your shoes, are relatively slim, and you know how to dress yrself theyre not :)

high waist and pleats can be cool too

>> No.8693793

last desperate bump

>> No.8693835

How do Uniqlo stretch jeans fit? Should I size up or down?

>> No.8693905

i've heard people saying they are TTS here and elsewhere

when i tested them at a store though (didn't buy) a 45 was very snug and 46 maybe slightly too roomy for my taste. I wear 43 (9 in US sizes) in most shoes like derbies and designer sneakers. although my cheap ass Puma running shoes are 45.

so i would consider them running very small but there is no industry standard. hopefully that helps.

you sohuld really go to some random mall and just try them on though, they're everywhere

>> No.8693911

Thank you so much!!

>> No.8693912

w2c good quality basic hoodies?

>> No.8693921

>clueless british girl using a gang sign

Fucking lel

>> No.8693922
File: 98 KB, 639x436, WP_000533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tips for breaking in new leather shoes (DMs to be specific

gross picture to illustrate problem

>> No.8693956

w2c a basic bomber for $150?

>> No.8693964

Wear thick socks, and condition the uppers heavily.

>> No.8693970

anywhere you tard

>> No.8693974

something /fa/ approved tho
i need to feel secure in my purchases

>> No.8693995

with leather sneakers i grabbed the heel end of the shoe and wigglde around the very back part (where your heel touches the shoes) to loosen it up and the blisters stopped pretty fast.

not sure if you'd want to do that with a derby type shoe though, might cause some unwanted creases. probably just have to wear them a lot.

shoes that at first fit very snug and give you blisters once broken in tend to fit the best to me though so you have that to look forward to.

>> No.8694279

Does ASOS have sales frequently?
I'm straight up stalking this Native Youth shirt, but I don't want t buy it and it be half off when the season change.

>> No.8694355
File: 96 KB, 500x305, 1403286748408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refund checks came in
What the fuck do I buy?

>> No.8694726

Is there an introductory guide to messenger bags/backpacks

>> No.8694801

The Uniqlo chinos look p gud
I have 25 inch thighs, would the slim fits be acceptable or do I need to go with the classic fit?

>> No.8694844
File: 381 KB, 1536x1114, o-GEORGE-RR-MARTIN-FAVORITE-BOOKS-facebook[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other than a beanie (already have a few i like) or a baseball cap (no), what kind of a hat can i wear for fall?

clothes-wise i wear basic shit. slim jeans and chinos, sweaters, bomber if it's cold. what kind of a hat can i possibly incorporate into this?

>> No.8694855

People might disagree with me, but I like Nike hats with just a minimal tick on it.

>> No.8694856
File: 105 KB, 620x810, fuccboi_general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Cara Delevingne effay? I can't tell if people actually like her style or if they just post her pictures ironically.

>> No.8694869


>> No.8694881


I've never worn the uniqlo chinos, but I know that most slim fit chinos didnt fit me when I had 24 inch thighs, so I would be cautious about buying any. Sorry I can't be of more help.

>> No.8694885


may not be the exact model, but the Venture jacket probably looks the most like that.

>> No.8694897


Jack Purcells are $60.

>> No.8694902


nice. I live in SoCal and your springs are probably about as cold as it ever gets here. I might cop one.

>> No.8694927
File: 3.39 MB, 5365x2445, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a question, just a suggestion. Got a bomber at target today and it seems like pretty decent quality and fit. They also have a navy one, and it only costs $30

>> No.8694951
File: 429 KB, 1408x1024, Common Projects Alternatives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694972


size small

>> No.8694992

all hail the savior
does JCP really have GATS for $35 wtf
>brb going to JCP

>> No.8694997
File: 111 KB, 650x866, tumblr_nagzgyGK7F1tak9yno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c fit
in other words: w2c a longer striped shirt and a good pair of cropped olive chinos?

>> No.8695005


uniqlo for both.

>> No.8695008

Not anymore

>> No.8695010


that pic is like 3 years old. Theyre long gone by now

>> No.8695021

>brb killing myself

>> No.8695067

Does anyone have the pic of those two Asian people wearing Y-3 shoes?
One has a HY and one's quite chubby with glasses and the Y-3 Warrior boots.

>> No.8695195
File: 106 KB, 634x892, Kanye-West-Patta-KangaROOS-Woodhollow-Sneaker-Boots-Fear-Of-God-LA-UpscaleHype-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe something like this?

>> No.8695265
File: 278 KB, 1590x1153, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should help, there's a couple out there but this is the only one I have

>> No.8695463
File: 144 KB, 452x960, 92992813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pale is /fa/, right?

>> No.8695481


>> No.8695498

Somebody's gotta do it.

>> No.8695506
File: 154 KB, 870x1110, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What u guys think about this?

I need some shoes for winter and these seem nice.

Would these be too hot to wear at lectures inside..?

Pls guide me.

>> No.8695542
File: 90 KB, 960x960, 997003_778441152198459_4050938858605186744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is boc-core effay

>> No.8695564

pale is def /fa/

>> No.8695567

are sideburns effay? i always liked mine, but i've never seen anyone else with sideburns, starting tot think i fucked up

>> No.8695639

I personally don't like sideburns, assume everyone with em is either autistic or a douche

>> No.8696223

polo cap

>> No.8696305

Im 6'2" with a 38"chest, what size should I get?

These sizes are kinda fucked so I'm not sure.


>> No.8696386

im 6'1 with 36 inch chest. I got GR15 because of my height, and it fits well, you just need to pull the drawstrings. slightly almost too big for my shoulders, so it should fit you perfectly

>> No.8696478

Thanks a lot!

>> No.8696960

Can milsurp look good ever?

>> No.8696966

free run 5.0s

>> No.8697133

How autistic would it be to get a pair of joggers tailored?

>> No.8697169

she's like the biggest model in da world right now

>> No.8697185

Guys where do short ppl get clothes. Everything feels like its made for 6'8 giraffes. Shirt width, im good for medium or small, but everytime shirt length is too big, even on small. :(

>> No.8697223
File: 39 KB, 420x274, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which AA should I cop?
I don't want another salt/pepper one because they're too boxy and short for me.
I read that Dov's has a better cut for lankier ppl, is that true?
I also like how the Nantucket looks, not sure if it's any good though.

>> No.8697230

wait for new supreme collection

>> No.8697231

are freckles interesting or ugly?

>> No.8697237

depends if you are handsome or now

>> No.8697244

but you do think the two can coincide?

>> No.8697247

I "scoffed" at this

>> No.8697248


>> No.8697261

fookin ell why does uniqlo ship only to select european countries? das raycus

>> No.8697362

I don't work out at all, but for some reason, I have ridiculously muscly legs (relative to the rest of my body anyway). How has this happened and is there any way I can make my legs a bit slimmer?

>> No.8697366

you can feel /fa/ aura of coolness oozing from that asian guy on skate

>> No.8697373

kek, helpful board... as every on 4 chan

>> No.8697466

pls respond

>> No.8697828

>tfw moving to uni next month
>rains a lot
>will have 3 days a week in the lab

what the fuck do I wear? I manage to keep myself -relatively- (at least, relative to my current city) well dressed, but I'm clueless about this sort of shit

Also w2c black skinny chinos that are relatively cheap?

>> No.8697960
File: 29 KB, 369x363, boardsofcanada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BoC transcend effay, we can only dream of being as next-lvl as they.

>> No.8697999

Where can I buy cheap drapey tees in the Netherlands? I used to buy more expensive ones, but broke af atm and basics don't have to cost that much.
Budget set at 10-15 per tee

>> No.8698015

Where do people get good basics?
Like a step above ASOS/Topman etc, but not v expensive either

>> No.8698033
File: 342 KB, 800x534, creepers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c /fa/ creepers, not too expensive MAX 300 yuros = 400 dollard. I'm well off without super expensive designer shoes even tho I'd love pic related.

>> No.8698057
File: 82 KB, 640x640, 4c3fa24b-5fe8-48bc-8e4e-6816d06a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I cop some /fa/ Breton stripe long sleeves like in pic related that aren't too pricey

>> No.8698067



>> No.8698118

any of you follow any fashion blogs?

any of you have a fashion blog?

anyone making money off it?


>> No.8698122

What's the next tier of desert boot makers after Clarks. Something in the 200-300 range. List some brands?

Preferably somekind of leather other than suede.

>> No.8698197

next step APC/ACNE, J Lindberg, Paul Smith. Check union made, Saturday Surf NYC, HAVEN, BArneys... Almost anywhere have basics..

>> No.8698207

Put the heel touching a radiator for the night, in the morning put moisturizer, or if you have any leather softener. Wear thick sicks, within a couple of days they should be much more softer

>> No.8698231

pls bump

>> No.8698233
File: 147 KB, 800x800, TB2990_1_CloudZoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this pretty expensive sweater from my mom, I'm having a bit of trouble fitting it into a fit.

>> No.8698235

email them

or just order. how fucking expensive can they be

>> No.8698239

it costs 30 with the gun oe without?

>> No.8698245

Darker colors are your friend, black , dark navy, dark green etc..
also it looks more formal than casual so avoid sneakers vans and shit

>> No.8698267

They look really nice for hiking

>> No.8698272

Thanks bro, might wear an oxford underneath and some darker pants.

>> No.8698279
File: 2.33 MB, 2762x3735, 1390866135325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So flecktarn parkas are becoming played the fuck out where I live, so I was wondering if it would be possible to dye it black, would I need to bleach it first?

>> No.8698290

Is it colored with like plasticy patches or just all around cotton? the latter is definitely dye-able.

>> No.8698298

Seems like cotton to me, it says it's 80% cotton and 20% polyester on the tag

>> No.8698299

First time buying a flannel, how do I decide what color to get? I mean red/black seems like the right choice because I have black hair/beard but I dont want it to stand out to much

>> No.8698310

how does pant sizing work at h&m?

it says size 29, 30, 31, etc.

what do these stand for? the table doesn't say anything about it.

>> No.8698315

waist size

>> No.8698319

so how do i know if they'll be proper length? can i find that anywhere?

>> No.8698324

I'm 183 cms tall, should I get size 6 or 12 flecktarn parka? Some site says 6 is up to 185 and others 180

>> No.8698330

the changing room

>> No.8698357

are you fucking joking lmao u fuckin bun
if you're not 6'5 they'll fit

>> No.8698366

It's gonna be risky but it could work, maybe you'll get something totally unexpected.

>> No.8698614


left is really good, i've tried them all on in store and that one fits the best. That's also a great price.

>> No.8698943
File: 25 KB, 399x600, XXX_0185_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which cps are the best allrounder I'm torn between all white and black with white sole kinda leaning towards black but i would love some advice.

>> No.8698974

i wouldnt wear an all white shoe as an "allrounder" maybe thats just me though

>> No.8699095

I mean more as a beater and yeah that's what has me conflicted.

>> No.8699104
File: 154 KB, 1024x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I cop some Ozweegos or wait for ss15 to drop?

>> No.8699113

Wait for SS15, these aren't his best shoes and are kind of old now.

>> No.8699230

Size down. They're awesome though, my favourite right now

>> No.8699320

how played out are flecktarn parkas
i love how they look and it'd be a practical garment for me

also i've never seen anyone else wear them in my city bc no one here really cares about fashion so i dont have a proper reference

>> No.8699351
File: 61 KB, 575x403, hyperniggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are hypercolor shirts /fa/?

>> No.8699489

does anyone know w2c?

>> No.8699503

American apparel put out some a while ago. I remember wearing them freshman and sophomore year of hs and being touched and groped by the girls in my friend group because they thought it was cool

>> No.8699533

All it takes is a lot of walking in them, there are several things you can do to make the process less painful. You can wear two socks on each foot. The friction when you walk will be between the two layers of sock instead of on your foot. You can also use athletes tape on your feet (just google "how to tape your feet to prevent blisters" or something). Also make sure your feet are dry and not sweaty as this will worsen the problem.

>> No.8699763
File: 90 KB, 730x1095, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working this moving job right now and I don't care if I'm /fa/ or whatever but id like to at least be comfortable with what I'm wearing at work. you have to wear a company shirt which is blue and shorts + sneakers. so I got some plain nike sweatshorts and was thinking of copping these NB's cause they are comfortable. my only thing is, will it look retarded with the blue on the shoes matching my the blue shirt?

>> No.8699792
File: 17 KB, 409x547, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother got me a bundesmarine naval deck jacket for my birthay and I figured it might look ok with a pair of chinos.

Opinions plox

>> No.8699797
File: 15 KB, 409x547, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a frontal

>> No.8699816
File: 425 KB, 1408x1024, 1403239742423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every fuccboi general should start with youngstalin infographics

>> No.8699823

The jacket's too big, and the pants are too big.
Also you look like John C. Riley.

>> No.8699841

Not really, matchy matchy is only really tacky (in my opinion) with louder colors. If it's muted tones like your pic then you're fine.

>> No.8699877

>pants are too big

I have underdeveloped hamstrings in referance to my quads and is so hard to find pants to fit ;-;

Also is the jacket just too long on the bottom or what?

I'm getting a haircut soon so I wont look as jewish

>> No.8700079

but are you Jewish?

>> No.8700095
File: 42 KB, 612x380, HER-JOAQUIN-PHOENIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High waisted grey trousers? Preparing for halloween, dressing up as Joaquin from Her. Red mandarin collared shirt and shoes should be no problem, but the pants have me stumped.

Also, w2c glasses?

>> No.8700239
File: 196 KB, 1500x1500, MB081BLK[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want a pair of boots instead of doubling up on sneakers this year. I want boots that can be worn casually, and if they can be worn in a formal/semi-formal environment, then that's a plus but it's not a requirement.

Right now I'm considering Clark's Desert Boots or some Chelsea boots.

Anyone have any specific recommendations for me?

>> No.8700272
File: 550 KB, 1200x1483, IMG_20140824_163946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /fa/, can you gimme some t-shirt advice? This is from Uniqlo. I'm somewhat tall and skinny, and have been having trouble finding basic t shirts that fit for a damn long time.
Does this look too short? I think it fits everywhere else, but it almost looks a tad too short to me, but maybe I'm wrong. You can see my underwear/skin when I lift my arms all the way up. Is that normal? Any suggestions for me to try if this isn't gonna fly?
American Apparel comes close, but it is a tad too tight underneath the armpits and shoulders.

>> No.8700278
File: 280 KB, 918x2082, IMG_4001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camo joggers yes or no? Ignore the shoes.

>> No.8700279

it fits well

>> No.8700314


>> No.8700321
File: 22 KB, 640x480, img56029860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what size should I get for vans sk8 his if im a 10.5 in authentics

>> No.8700411
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x3552, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought these, really liking them so far, comfy and casual

>> No.8700486

Played out on the internet doesnt mean played out irl.

>> No.8700492

is it possible to be too ugly for white shoes?

>> No.8700511


>> No.8700574


>> No.8700584
File: 34 KB, 720x356, Childish Gambino - Chicken And Futility (Short Film).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID on gambino's whole fit pl0x?
>mostly just the shirt though

>> No.8700656

You think so? I was worried it was too short.

>> No.8700658

such a white soles

>> No.8700686

w2c a decent black bomber for under $250?

>> No.8700736

Someone found the tee a long ass time ago and it was designer (as you might assume) and expensive as shit for a white t-shirt.

>> No.8700743


>> No.8700840

not sure whether I like them not, would like to see a fit with one

>> No.8700868

yeah they're palladiums
"mono chrome baggy II"

>> No.8700919
File: 930 KB, 2000x3552, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not very /fa/ so is this flannel alright with the rest of what I'm wearing, this is what the boots look like flaps down, will post tied up in a bit

>> No.8700928

I ordered some clothes from the UK and received them 2 weeks ago. Yesterday, I got a letter from Fedex saying that I had to pay customs fees, but I thought that was only to release a package from being stuck in customs? Do I still have to pay?

>> No.8700954

dont tuck your pants into them. looks like shit

>> No.8700958

Anyone has some RW Postmans inspos?

>> No.8700964
File: 923 KB, 2000x3552, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even if I wear em like this?

>> No.8700963


this would be hard to find, I'd try to diy by getting some extra fabric and sewing another waistline on

>> No.8700972

not even like that. your jeans dont look skinny enough, and it might come across as gayboy.

>> No.8700973

How do they size?

>> No.8700976

thanks m8

>> No.8700980

same as your sneaker size

>> No.8700987

Yeh, they'd look good tucked if your pants were more skinny than slim.

>> No.8700991

what does cara's asshole taste like?

>> No.8701004

it's an acne tee

>> No.8701009

This one in particular. >http://www.acnestudios.com/shop/men/t-shirts/granville-lin-white.html

>> No.8701027

Thanks bru, link if anyone's interest.


>> No.8701028

>tfw skinnys wont fit because quads
god damn it /fit/

>> No.8701029


>> No.8701097

what part of usa do you live?

>> No.8701186
File: 54 KB, 370x567, Blackagar_Boltagon_(Earth-90210).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8701213

nice record destroying apparatus you got there

>> No.8701237

autism is real

>> No.8701284

>wearing fake shoes

God damn man...

>> No.8701475
File: 83 KB, 600x648, 404232cd-4fe5-4d17-b8b5-c568c989b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on pure impulse I bought this shirt and I can't find anything to compliment it, what do you guys think this would look good with

>inb4 fedora

>> No.8701525
File: 53 KB, 803x427, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must haves

>> No.8701536

Grey hoodie and cargo pants

>> No.8701539


>> No.8701545
File: 76 KB, 800x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8701558

can i go fast with this shit?

>> No.8701559

I'm looking for the most ball-gripping tight ass black skinny jeans you can buy. Where can I find these?

>> No.8701563

you gotta

>> No.8701564

the obviously fake retro aesthetic kills it
>look at me i bought this shirt because it has japanese text on it !! vaporwave is still relevant right guys???

>> No.8701566

In all fairness some super skinny cargos and a drapey grey hoodie with this shirt would be decently /fa/. Its all about the adjectives.

>> No.8701619
File: 28 KB, 410x410, 004-6194-044_detalhe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.8701672
File: 17 KB, 340x340, 47222701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good or no?

>> No.8701678

jeans and sneakers, just like any tshirt ever

>> No.8701710





>> No.8701777

You're a fucking nerd.

>> No.8701784

>Last one was 300.

can we start a thread without saying this stupid shit please

>> No.8701798


>> No.8701858
File: 3.72 MB, 5760x3840, upload_2F1408738329389-k1oi259oqvdeu3di-433d68048182084f45f7ea1fae36b26d_2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have a photo of these being worn?

they're dr marten's steeds

>> No.8701875
File: 174 KB, 720x960, 10608812_927446673936077_1576554946_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friend thrifted this lad musician tee
anybody have any info on it?

>> No.8702115

oh shit that's the rare one. it's worth a bunch of money. you should sell it for so much money. you will make so much money. a bunch of so much of that money. man, you will be makin' money... left and right, and all over the place. the place will be covered in money, bro. all piles and money.

>> No.8702119

thx bro

>> No.8702125

mm yeah baby money all over my fucking face

>> No.8702148

These are nice.
Anyone know w2c? Couldn't find any links on google.

>> No.8702191
File: 203 KB, 696x283, 3dpd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try bleaching and recoloring jeans I own, but I have no idea how much bleach to water I should use. It says to use 1/4dl per every 1 liter of water for stains, anyone with any experience with bleaching here?

>> No.8702220


>> No.8702277
File: 61 KB, 500x500, m42866_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i wear this?

>> No.8702281
File: 105 KB, 1425x1425, 11036830_xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this

>> No.8702285

>how do i wear black/white sneakers
jesus christ u are a dumb helpless cunt

>> No.8702286

god damnit don't be this retarded pls. i'm just asking cause theyre kinda bulky and i dont wanna look like a chick wearing tights and AF1's

>> No.8702297

Are you a girl? I have jordan 1s and they look fine because I'm man sized.

>> No.8702304

>inb4 muh 6'3"
its okay dude.

>> No.8702308

Then don't be a retard, bitchboi. Those sneakers are tiny and you can wear them with pants or shorts.

>> No.8702310

tang up or down?

>> No.8702765

Do you have any pics of fits?

>> No.8702797


How would you stop these from getting super dirty, would you have to wipe them down with a clean cloth literally every time you wear them?

>> No.8702990

I got a pair of black 10 hole dms yesterday, they're a bit different to the normal ones and they don't have yellow stiching. Anyway, I can't decide how to wear them with black skinnies. Should put the boot over the trousers or them up?

>> No.8702997

look at the Duluth trading co parka. rated to -30, it's what I use in northern wisco

>> No.8703614

What does /fa/ think of american eagle? Normally I just get cotton t-shirts there, not v neck or anything.
If its not good generally any suggestions for a substitute?

>> No.8703630

is there a way to receive answers on styleforum?
it seems that they just ignore you/your threads if you're not one of the "well-known" members or if you post a new thread that is not one of the "main" ones with thousands of pages...

>> No.8703687

black would be not only more versatile but also less tumblr core

>> No.8703845

Hi friends, I'm looking for a cardholder. And I'd like your opinions.

I currently have this:

But it's really big, so I was thinking of switching it to maybe a:




So feel free to give your suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it.

>> No.8703870


Oh, this is the same guy. I forgot to add, will my cardholder go to complete shit after a while? I don't really want to spend that much if it's going to look all fucked up after a year or two. I mean my gucci wallet is in pretty good condition..

>> No.8704015

w2c on those glasses???

>> No.8704111
File: 28 KB, 424x478, 803203781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay or nay?

>> No.8704175
File: 966 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2014-08-25-15-07-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to cop Rocky's top or something alike

>> No.8704186
