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File: 96 KB, 640x640, wonderwood_013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8689445 No.8689445[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wearing this today
>meet up with qt girl I've been seeing
>tells me I smell like an old woman

I love the smell but now I have my doubts, maybe I should just stick with man 2.

also fragrance general I guess.

>> No.8689456

wonderwood is very hit/miss imo

I have been wearing sequoia getting nothing but poisitive comments on it next cop is something from the cdg green line

>> No.8689528

cdg is all hype
it's ok

>> No.8689531

is serpentine good for the winter/autumn?

>> No.8689533

for starters, fuck the bond no. 9 shit. they all smell bland and synthetic.

creed's aventus is where it's at

>> No.8689614
File: 322 KB, 624x352, Louie-Pamela-Part-2-Review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your the qt?

>"You smell like an old women anon."

Shit made me kek

>> No.8689638
File: 57 KB, 590x440, 4XWguD8jnI94j3V8Y5J5-w-article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear Odeur 53 and people keep telling me I smell good.

>> No.8689650

I love Od53. At first it gave me killer headaches when I first smelled my sample, but it really grew on me once I actually wore it.

>> No.8689655

It's a very original smell, I love it. But headaches from the sample? Weird, man.

>> No.8689676

lmao who the fuck even says that
i dont even know how a old woman smell

>> No.8689699

They have a very specific smell anon. You can find there a light spirit of an old piss, rotten wood is dominent though they are even parts of dust.

>> No.8689722

I have always described it as "soupy".

>> No.8689751

You're such a fucking tool, why would you wear this during summer. You're supposed to wear it autumn/winter.

>> No.8689752

Just smell YSL L'homme

>> No.8689754

You clearly haven't smelt New Haarlem. Also +1 for Aventus.

>> No.8690042
File: 124 KB, 550x450, wonderoud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one is WAY better, it's their newest rendition of OPs scent.

It uses a rare fungus to give it a really nice earth tone.

>> No.8690446

All CDG smells like pepper.

Go smell your bottle right now. Fucking pepper. Black pepper. Ground pepper. Pepper.


Girls will think you smell like a gay waiter bringing a pepper mill to the table.

Fuck cdg.

>> No.8690507

only 2 fragrances ive ever been told smell like a girl when ive worn them is SDV, and 212 vip men myself. Although being told that is deff discouraging from wearing them more often because of so lol

>> No.8690520


Dunno about that. The self-titled has a VERY strong synthetic aldehyde component and definitely has a plastic-y sweetness. Hinoki has some pepper, but the reason so many guys like it (aside from the Monocle branding) is that bright, green, wood-y thing it has. I mean, I guess I agree that they use pepper a lot more usual, but they launched that entire line with a scent that recast pepper in a pretty modern way, so I feel like it is a bit of signature at this point.

>> No.8690580


I think in this day and age, the year of our lord, 2014, smelling like pepper is really a poor choice.

If you want compliments, which i assume is the only real purpose to wearing fragrance, wear something a) unique, but not headtrip unique b) not immense in sillage c) according to the seasons/time of day (this is probably the hardest aspect for people to grasp), however there are some scents that can be worn year round and night/day d) inoffensive (i.e. not peppery)

>> No.8690614

lel, my mom said the same thing when i bought chanel sycomore
luckily that was the one and only negative comment I received on that fragrance

>> No.8690618


if the girl you like tells you that you smell like an old woman, toss the bottle out/sell it/burn it.

you're not gonna change her mind, and thats a bad association to have.

switch it up OP.

>> No.8690639

my gf told me i remind her of her grandma when i wear la nuit de l'homme but she also said she got wet when she smelled it on me

>> No.8690693


that....is fucked up.

I've never gotten compliments from females wearing aventus, only guys would talk about how great it smelled, I sold the bottle.

wearing YSL Noble Leather, I've had a girl get visibly flustered, start fanning herself, and watched her cheeks get red when she smelled me. another girl hugged me and whispered "you smell fucking incredible, i'm gonna remember you" in my ear. However a couple times when i wore it, it had like this sour note that I couldnt get out of my head so I stopped wearing it.

Now I wear TF Noir de Noir and obviously it gets TONS of compliments. it's really sensual and dark. I'd like to make it my signature, but it really can only be worn at night.

>> No.8690734


>> No.8690762

>wearing yohji homme
>woman friend is like "oh anon u smell really good" and ex is like "yh u smell like a girl" ;_; hmm idk these feels

>wearing breathe of god
>sister is all "u smell fucking astounding"
>gf sez "eh its okey"

>> No.8690998

I think we can all blame the ubiquity of Chanel 5 in the 60s and how many women stuck with it into their elderly years for this association between aldehyde-heavy fragrances and old women.

But I really don't get the old woman vibe from wonderwood. Cedar and sandalwood? Maybe her grandmother specifically uses cedar blocks instead of mothballs? Strange.

CdG fragrances in general are incredibly divisive, love or hate--and wear very differently on different skin types and personal body chemistries/scents.

I think it's more about seasonality, confidence, and having your fragrances match up with your general aesthetic/personality. When there is a mismatch, that generally leads to negative comments. I think, anyway.

Hated wonderoud, for what it's worth. Much better sillage and longevity than wonderwood, but the musk of the oud is very overpowering--and it jumps very hard very late on the trendy trendy oud train. Still, some female friends of mine thought my sample smelled "sexy" and "mysterious," and that 2 man was "dirty" and "like an ironic parody of a 70s barber shop/old English slapped in the face with incense," so I don't even fucking know anymore.

>> No.8691126

does the oud in TF noir de noir balance out the rose enough that it's truly a unisex frag? i'd been reluctant to blind purchase b/c of rose being the main note/accord.

>> No.8691132

>wearing cologne
all smell terrible and scream douchebag

>> No.8691138

i love the opening on wonder wood, but it dries down so quickly to a cleaner but boring iteration of diptyque's tam day on me (all sandalwood with a little vetiver) and has little to no real sillage to speak of after less than 2-4 hours.

>> No.8691145

/tam dao

>> No.8691162

Girls don't like cologne you know. It comes off as desperate and tryhard. Pheromones is where it's at.

>> No.8691199

youre so boring omg

>> No.8691228

or maybe i'm just attractive enough that people want to be near me despite the fact i dont use apply any scent.

>> No.8691233

> things white people say

Coming from a non white person, you people smell like dogs

>> No.8691234

no deodorant or antiperspirant? no scented hair products?

>> No.8691243
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>> No.8691249

>actually wearing this memecologne instead of Mark Buxton's far superior 2 Man

>> No.8691250

That's how pheromones work. People you're threatened by smell bad to you.

>> No.8691251
File: 101 KB, 971x750, Tokyo-Milk-Dark-1-e1298617863414[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulletproof is pretty good, haven't found anyone that doesn't like it. It says it has ... smoked tea, coconut milk, crushed cedar and ebony woods.

>> No.8691259
File: 473 KB, 340x184, OOHBURNEasyA[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8691262

mfw sephora-tier

>> No.8691274

armani code, always get compliments, makes women moist, decent price

>> No.8691279

>armani code
mfw tjmaxx-tier

>> No.8691287

knew I'd get a comment like that, sharing on behalf of op since it's a smell women like

>> No.8691292

the fuck is wrong with you guys

corn chips is the most apt description of old people stink
captcha cornelius emonume

>> No.8691297

aqua di bio also always (apparently) gets the job done, too, with the ladies—no judge. but i think we're trying to sort out why women have such extreme reactions to mid-tier to luxury frags, and what notes might make them think "grandma" or "too feminine." alcohol-heavy synthetics with little complexity would be more fuccboi. but it's whatever.

>> No.8691313

/acqua di gio

>> No.8691324

Ah right didn't realise, not actually in the thread just scrolling down home rn

>> No.8691347



>> No.8691499

i was at the moma over last weekend wearing a rick tee, julius fw10 knit denim, fw10 blazer, fw10 reverse steer boots and i was approached by a young girl who kept staring at me whilst coming down the escalator. she approached me and said "are you a famous artist? you look like a famous artist. can i take a photo with you?" her friend then took a photo of us and she commented on how good i smell, cdg wonderwood, and thanked me. sometimes a strangers reaction to what we wear doesnt have to be a verbal wedgie and can be something of admiration.

>> No.8691532

>implying it uses actual oud

if it did, it would be considerably more expensive

>> No.8691553

How much do you guys pay for these things? I'm pretty new to /fa/. I'm looking for an after shave that's preferably $80 or under.

>> No.8691566

cop'd wonderwood on sale for $80 100ml^_^

>> No.8691570

What's it smell like? Not trying to ask a million questions, but I'm looking for something that's pleasant but not too over bearing.

>> No.8691575


>> No.8691590

Cheers mate.

>> No.8691592


It's this cynically produced mess of every possible wood note you can think of. It's overbearing and muddled.

>> No.8691599

Now I don't know what to think.

>> No.8691606


Good CDGs: 2 Man, White, Original, Serpentine, the Incense range, Cinnamon, Rhubarb, Harissa, Sequoia

>> No.8691607

honestly, your best bet would be to visit a perfumery or higher-end retail store, try out a few different cdg, tom ford, etc (whatever's in your price range), ask for a sample of the ones you think you like, then live with them for a few days and see how the dry-down on your skin works out. you may love the "opening" of a particular frag in-store, but then find it gets lost on you or that the dry-down is unpleasant. and if it's important to you, bring a gal pal along and/or don't be shy to ask your female friends (whose noses you trust) what they think/what you're looking for.

see above—i like to think about the "handshake." as in, what does a certain scent w/ a certain outfit during a certain season communicate about me to someone i've never met before? you can they try to tailor your choice to your budget and your needs (and likes!).

but definitely just don't blind-buy from the cdg line without at least samples. it takes a very specific type to make, say, their 2 man frag work, and that's often touted here as if it is a catch-all go-to signature scent appropriate for anyone.

just sayin'.

>> No.8691609

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.8691616

Yesterday I put on a pretty tiny amount of Wonderwood in the morning then spent hours and hours loading and unloading an entire 27 foot ryder truck deep into the night wearing ragged clothes that hadn't been washed in recent memory and afterwards I ran into a grocery store feeling really self conscious about how sweaty and gross I was (but I needed food) and as I was checking out the cashier (from 4 feet away) goes "this is going to sound weird but uh... you smell REALLY good."

Speaking of stuff like Wonderwood, anyone have any good recommendations for "natural" smelling fragrances? Not stuff with natural ingredients (don't care about that at all), but like, stuff that smells like a "nature scene" if that makes any sense. Like how Wonderwood is a big pile of wood and water, or Philosykos is like an entire fig tree, or L'Ombre Dans L'Eau is a big chopped up rose bush.

>> No.8691617

>tfw only female friend is my sister
Sucks man. But yeah I'll keep that in mind thanks mate.
Cheers. I'll write these down.

>> No.8691623

But why do indians smell bad to everyone then? They're pretty harmless unless they're trying to get a discount off of am already discounted item, trying to get shit with no price tag free etc. Then you gotta watch out

>> No.8691628

from 1994 onward, the cdg perfume line has always been about perfumists/noses fucking around with more experimental notes—crazy synthetics. etc.

you either can choose to see this as bold, where the frags aren't committee'd into blandness or the expected, or as cynical and self-indulgent.

it's probably, truthfully, somewhere in between.

but their line certainly isn't for everyone. conceptual doesn't always mean practical or, as we've seen in this thread, attractive or enticing to women.

if you want to go simpler and cleaner in this price range, and something that really works/unisex, but is still a true edp instead of a edt, i'd really suggest trying out diptyque. it's easy to get samples from their website.

>> No.8691634

it's because they consume a lot of lamb meat. fact.

>> No.8691635

2 > 2 Man

dat ink note bro

>> No.8691636

Well I don't know what country you're from but everything seems to be in America, I'm Australian though. I'll check their site out.

>> No.8691639

i have diptyque fig and it's great.
should i start off with wonderwood or sequoia?

>> No.8691651

i'm 100% with you on this.

as i wrote above, "2 man" feels like mark buxton's parody of a 50s-70s barbershop aftershave, with a blast of incense. and, necessarily, very synthetic.

it can really vibe with your personal style, say, if you're rockin an earthier/swarthier, more hirsute kind of scene.

but 2, instead of 2 man, is a much lighter, distinctive, and balanced option. appropriate more for spring/summer, i think, but it's more wearable, complex, and brighter. the aldehyde opening is a little outré (flashes of chanel no 5 again), but balances with the ink and tea to give you something distinctive.

idk, tho. i treat my cdg perfumes not as staples, but as scents to cycle in when i'm feeling in a certain mood/more experimental/to match with certain outfits. if that makes any sense. hope it's somewhat helpful!

>> No.8691664

that depends on what you like most about philosykos, which is "fig fig fig" with some cedar. if you like the sweetness, sequoia has a really strong rum note that's a bit much for me, but might work.

if you like the cedar, go with wonderwood. cedar doesn't stay around very long in the dry-down, though. per above, it's basically just a less complicated tam dao (sandalwood and vetiver) an hour or so into wearing.

>> No.8691699

they are actually based in paris and have retail locations across australia:

>> No.8691704
File: 301 KB, 2716x1811, comme-des-garcons-parfum-comme-des-garcons-2-eau-de-parfum-740-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that magnolia note
The bottle looks pretty nice, too.

>> No.8691706

Thanks a lot. Really do appreciate it.

>> No.8691709

Fuck yeah there's a store only about a 30 minute train ride away.

>> No.8691728

yes! the magnolia/angelica.

i smoke (nat sherman mcd's), so i find that floral/citrus base notes help me to stay relatively fresh, whereas incense or tobacco (obviously) or honey base notes just get in there with the lingering tobacco smoke and things get heavy/gross/dirty.

so it's all a mix of considerations. certainly more personalized that most other fashion choices (frags, generally), since you can't really do too much about your own body/skin chemistry and personal pheromones.

>> No.8691744

one last pro-tip: you can try out, easily, about 8 frags tops in a single visit, if you're wearing short sleeves: wrists/pulsepoints, back of hands, forearms, and inside elbows. just be careful not to try widely different scents on the same arm, or you'll really blow out your nose/sense of smell.

final piece of advice: scent layering from diptyque can work well by starting a day, say, with the tam dao edt (lighter), then adding something heavier like the voluptes edp later on.

good luck!

>> No.8691751

Cheers. Also, how much should you spray on in general? I used to go way over board, like 4+ on my neck and 3+ on my wrists. I don't want to be trying to hard.

>> No.8691755
File: 42 KB, 350x350, cade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I bought it because it reminded me of an antique store I frequent.

Did I fuck up, /fa/?

>> No.8691765

Who cares what they think. If you like it don't worry about it.

>> No.8691773

that depends entirely on the longevity and sillage, scent to scent.

if something is long lasting, strong/distinctive, and has a huge presence, i'd cap it at 3 sprays. and you probably don't need to refresh in a day. i'm thinking tom ford tobacco/vanilla or the voluptes (more of a winter scent, anyway).

lighter scents and edt's that dry down closer to the body? you can probably get away with 5 MAX.

some people go nuts with pulse points, spraying their pubes (ew), back of knees, etc.

for heavier/"bigger" scents, i do one spray right at the point where the clavicles meet—for me, that's one of my warmest pulse points. then one spray each on the inside of each wrist. sometimes i'll then press my wrists against the pulse points under my left and right chin (*never* rub—it fucks up everything balanced and intentional about a higher-quality frag).

for lighter, you could probably do inside of wrists, neck/chest, and either under chin/behind ears/or inside elbows.

just depends on what you want to achieve.

i wear my scents for me, so i prefer to keep them close to my head, and to create a small space around me as i walk/work on the wrists.

if you spray behind your ears, that's more for the people you walk past—kind of leaving a trail.

you could ask five different people and get 10 different answers on this one, but if someone further away from half-an arm's length can strongly smell you, you're spraying too much of a particular scent and need to dial it down.

>> No.8691787

You've been a wealth of information. Thanks mate.

>> No.8691796

happy to help even one more person transition away from the synthetic-citrus, alcohol-heavy, uncomplicated department-store edt's into mid- and luxury tier frags.

the percentage-increase spend is negligible in comparison to how distinctive and layered and interesting decent quality edp's can be. enjoy/good luck!

>> No.8691800


>> No.8691801
File: 51 KB, 291x516, 20140823_132353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this if it's in your price range OP. Compliments for days.

>> No.8691803

ive sampled wonderwood and i liked it. should i go with it, or can i do better? my budget is $150
is there something similar that does it better?

>> No.8691821

I've always wondered this, and this is the right thread to ask.

Why does fa hate One Million?

>> No.8691834

I was under the impression girls didn't give a shit about the smell of cologne, they can just smell your pheromones and know they're attracted to you or not.

While we're on the subject, where can I go to shop for cologne? I'd like to give it a shot, and see if the person working the department can help me pick what's right for me.

>> No.8691860
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>> No.8691876

That's a GREAT citrus scent for all seasons. Good balance with the birch note, not too pricey. Excellent longevity. A bit "safe," but works with many different skin/pheromone types well--versatility is amazing.

>> No.8691892

have you sampled it in-store or at-home?

you might be disappointed with the small sillage and the dry-down, depending on your skin/body temp. if you've sampled it in-home, though, you should just make the purchase. it's a solid fall/winter staple scent that's inoffensive, clean, and focused. wood, wood, wood, maybe, but if you like it, go for it!

per above, i do not like the musk of wonderoud; i think that hinoki is a little TOO piney/sap-y; and other options tend to use wood to balance out rose/florals or citrus. this is the one of the best/only frags on the market that's entirely wood-focused.

>> No.8691905

the bottle/packaging is gaudy, it is overly sweet without any balancing notes, it is overused and easily recognizable, and it has huge projection/longevity.

it may be maligned more for the association with bro-tier, but it's a legitimate frag. just a "less is more," and so close to the heavy unbalanced citruses of cheap department-store edt's that it's more of a "why bother." imoho

>> No.8691917

there's probably *some* truth to that, but trust me, if you're in bed with a gal and your fragrance game is on point, she'll be imprinting like crazy on you. you only need to have someone pant "GOD, you smell amazing" into your ear once to sell you on it for life. if the pheromones don't get you to that point in the first place, it's not going to help or make someone be attracted to you—but it can definitely spice things up, depending on the girl.

all that having been said, though, it's better to shop for, test, purchase, and wear scents that you enjoy, for your own reasons (within reason).

where are you located? if you don't have a local perfumist who stocks many of the brands mentioned here, some higher-end department stores (nordstrom's) have decent stock.

here in nyc, we have an embarrassment of riches with barney's, sak's fifth avenue, a few wonderful small-business perfumists, and of course, the cdg store in chelsea (if you're into what they're up to).

diptyque also has more stores in more areas than you'd think. they do a lot of business, probably more than with their edts/edps, with perfumed candles (really couldn't recommend their feu de bois candle more highly), and you can generally find their stuff at all the places i listed above, as well as places like abc kitchen/craft etc.

>> No.8691933

stray thought: it may be that sandalwood was/is so often paired with rose, an "older" and more "feminine" note, that the association led to it being called out as grandma like. just a working theory. it's a real puzzler.

some men just don't do "sweet" well, and that's probably what's coming across here. better to focus on leather/smoke/musk, if you can't do sweet.

>> No.8691943

YSL L'Homme

One on chest, one on wrist then touch my wrists together.

everytime i hug a girl long enough for them to take a breath or two i get a compliment.

>> No.8691958

it's a very safe but masterful edt. if your budget is under $75, it's god-tier. sometimes things are popular, y'know...b/c they don't entirely suck. this is one of those.

>> No.8691966

you should add a cologne section to the sticky

>> No.8691986

some would say it is tacky to spray your chest, though.

i think that's more for alcohol heavy/heavy synthetics, which can't help go big.

some of these more balanced perfumes need the help from your body temp at warmer pulse points to come alive.

but i'm no expert, just a neophyte dilettante who knows what he likes and why he likes what he likes.

>> No.8692066


3 sprays? 5??

Jesus, I do a half a squirt on my wrist, rub 'em together and run them behind my ears and on my neck.

>> No.8692081

Oh shit nigger what are you doing. Dab, don't rub.

>> No.8692107

the only colognes i ever smell on dudes are from young indian guys who douse themselves in cheap shit with their armani exchange tees and distressed bootcut jeans. they probably just need to cover up the body odor that is so common amongst brown people

i once tried using cologne. i bought a cheap bottle of terre d'hermes (pleb i kno). i would give myself one spray down my t shirt on my chest and that was it. i could smell it for a while, and i know other people could too if they were in close proximity. i would never spray myself so much as some people do. one spray is all you need

>> No.8692130

Terre is great. Fuck whoever said it was pleb.

>> No.8692136

Where can you get samples?

>> No.8692139

Luckyscent is where I got mine.

>> No.8692146

Well, I've always worn Old Spice deodorant that I like. I used to wear Armani cologne as well. No one really ever complimented me on my smell.

When I went off the cologne game, girls reactions to me never really changed. I guess my pheromones are kinda whack. My friend allegedly claims to be able to smell pheromones/scents on people and he says I smell of naivety. Whether or not he was trolling me, i'll never know.

I'm located in Denver, and I've never heard of any of those stores besides Nordstrom. So I'll give that a go.

>> No.8692162

Aight, thanks.

>> No.8692170

Thank you anonchan

>> No.8692189
File: 87 KB, 450x652, black-afgano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le me wearing le black afgano
>girl gets headache when she comes into 5 meters of me
>other girls sniffing their armpit wondering if they smell like this

why do i love this so much? smell like the bra of my ex

>> No.8692251

What is the most masculine cologne /fa/?

>> No.8692269
File: 424 KB, 999x999, Eau d'Italie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8692332

wood x sweat

>> No.8692363

Does odourless anti-perspirant exist?

>> No.8692617


aventus is a good smell but i don't think it's worth the price, and plus that's what 90% of the suits wear. either that, green irish tweed or TF oud wood.

they smell good, but its VERY normal.

you're young, wear something interesting.

>> No.8692729

The only compliment I ever got was while wearing light blue
Drunk girl who was smoking at that moment said "you smell good"

>> No.8692757

CDG Green is Lynx / Axe tier.

>> No.8692810

Looking for a winter scent

so far im looking at
>midnight in Paris
> Spice bomb

that is it

pls give me some more recommendations. I dont want anything woody or with tobacco as the focus.

>> No.8692844

do you guys wear cologne every day?

I only wear it for special occasions

>> No.8692853

I wear gentlemen only every day

>> No.8692857


Wear it every day. Buy several and rotate them. Life's too short to only smell good on special occasions.

>> No.8692865


yeah I wear it for work or whenever I go out.

It's fine as long as you're not putting on so much you're being offensive when you enter a room.

Just a spray or two is enough, it's not like it's a bad thing to smell good anon you should wear it more often

>> No.8692866
File: 1.99 MB, 400x225, 1209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many fucking colognes I don't know where to start

>> No.8692873

yup I wear the every time I leave the house because I hate all my fragrance and want to finish them ASAP

>> No.8692877

is it a bad idea to wear la nuit de l'homme to class during winter?

>> No.8692886


no, what a stupid question

I wore la nuit for like a year and a half, got tired of it

YSL deodorant is awesome as well

>> No.8692916
File: 30 KB, 480x397, givenchy_pi_neo_enl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any frags similar to pi neo? Gotten quite a few compliments from it (guys and girls)

>> No.8693013

What's the best poorfag cologne?

>> No.8693270

i think it could be bit much for everyday wear, too heady

>> No.8693315

ayyyyyyy tru what im wearing these days

>> No.8693324

anyone ordered samples from the official cdg site? done it multiple times over a few month period and i'm getting nothing

>> No.8693338

Any men got any tips on any products (preferably in the UK) to apply on my crotch/taint.

I work in construction and it gets pretty sweaty down there so I would like some sort of powder that I could apply in the mornings after my shower and not have to worry about it for the day. If possible non-scented would be better.

>> No.8693342

it's just so damn common. shit is literally everywhere at those fragrance shops at my local flea market for $15-20 a bottle. it's like they made way too fucking much of the stuff, couldnt sell it all, then ended up having to resell the overstock to discounters

>> No.8693344


>> No.8693354

>fragrance shops at my local flea market
>implying their "fragrances" aren't fakes made from cheap vodka, dish soap, and antifreeze

>> No.8693537


The MOMA is so meh

It was like KAG hipster bait

>> No.8693552

Every day, but I rotate and only put on a little bit. It should be an accent, not the main event.

>> No.8693553

Burberry London.

>> No.8693680
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>try this on a piece of paper
>smell like shit why would anyone want to wear this
>put it on my skin
>jesus christ what is this heavenly scent
>end up walking with my wirst by my nose the whole day

>> No.8693976

I was like that with Od53. Like I said, when I smelled it in the vial I would get a headache. But once I actually started wearing it I fell in love.

>> No.8693985

>paper isn't like human skin

great insight, thanks

>> No.8693996

I had the same experience with pic related.

Also, anyone got any thoughts on Santal 33?

>> No.8694002
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>> No.8694040

>Santal 33

strong, great longeavity and sillage, but there is something like dill in it that completely ruins it for me.

if you like it, apply carefully.

>> No.8694070

Can anyone recommend a good antiperspirant for someone that sweats a fair bit, is scented and is available in the UK.

>> No.8694102
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its cheap and smells decent

>> No.8694169

only 100ml tho fuck that

>> No.8694174

I need a nice summer fragance, what would you recc ? I have a $100 budget

>> No.8694181


they are releasing the bigger versions later

right now it's an "exclusive"

>> No.8694190

i'd want 50 you pleb
but its a limited edition and they will only release 100

>> No.8694391

With that you mean slightly dabbing pulse points, yes?

>> No.8695327

Terre D'Hermes
Kenneth Cole black
Versace pour homme & eau fraiche
John Varvatos Artisan & artisan acqua

Those are my personal favorites.

>> No.8695622

lmao 2 is the one which smells like old woman,

>> No.8695699

how feminine does this smell? I heard it could be unisex

>> No.8695704

>>8695699 me again

could you compare it to rose 31 or Diseul fuel for life. those are the only femine cologne I have.

>> No.8695768

what do you think about drakkar noir?

>> No.8695773

God no

>> No.8696081

I bought some on sale to try it. Its very strong but fades really fast. Would not cup again.

>> No.8696083
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Good Summer Scents to recommend?

>> No.8696095
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d-did I do good

>> No.8696100

summers over

>> No.8696111

Did you even read the thread

>> No.8696125

pick 3, go to cologne sample store, come come with 3 papers and end up buying them all.

>> No.8696128

Is it the one that smells like mephedrone, or catpiss?

>> No.8696130
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lol no my bad

(nice trips btw)

>> No.8696144

>some berries
>tree sap
>some flowers
>tobacco smoke
>rotten coconut
and shit.

>> No.8696280
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>> No.8696432

I have spicebomb. Used it as my winter frag last year. I really enjoy it, i've gotten quite a few compliments but I can't tell whether its because people genuinely like it or because its so loud that statistically more people will comment on it.

>> No.8696465

sure that'll work, but mostly i mean just don't overapply. max three light sprays.

oh, and santal 33 stays on fabric for days. a shirt i put in the hamper still smelled like it after a week

>> No.8696629

My parka still smells slightly like wonderwood from last winter.

>> No.8696752

Pitrock is the shit. Highly recommened.

>> No.8697042
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Smelled this at the mall, thought it was bretty gud. Is this a decent pleb/entry level fragrance? If not, any similar suggestions in the price range? i.e. <$40 on amazon.

>> No.8697183
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>tobacco smoke
>rotten coconut

>> No.8697190
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Has anyone tried the cdg black fragrance yet?

I think I've really fallen for it, but not sure if worth the price tag. Opinions?

>> No.8697474

is CdG Serpentine is ok for fall/winter /fa/?

>> No.8697627
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>tfw you wear cologne on a daily basis, with a variety of fragrances and have received hardly any compliments let alone acknowledgements

>> No.8697658
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>> No.8697679

Are you man?

>> No.8697807

antonio banderas' frags. try hugo boss for men as well.

>> No.8697817

nike on fire smells great as well for what it is.

>> No.8697903


Do you say the same thing of your shoes? Who cares whether people remark on it.

>> No.8697931


Just bought it, first comment:
"Have you started smoking?"

Second comment:
"Whoa, you smell great! Reminds me of arts and crafts in middleschool

>> No.8697979
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What do you think about Carolina Herrera CH Men?

>> No.8698006

Never tried it but heard good words. Maybe you you it?

>> No.8698155

anybody know BOSS cotton verbena???

>> No.8698167

Recently trying to get into fragrances. Started with blind buying Wonderwood to check out the hype, really liked it, and decided I want to try more.

So I ordered samples of these:
Lalique Encre Noir (Pretty good, alot like wonderwood)
Terre d' Hermes (A bit too heavy for me, old man connotations)
Chanel Bleu ( Seems generic)
Bvlgari Blv (Generic as well)

Also fallen in love with both Dior Homme Intense and YSL la nuit de l'Homme, after I tried one one each wrist at an airport.

Next samples are gonna be Creed, maybe aventus and green irish tweed, and maybe some more CDG.

>> No.8698200
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>mfw when i just wear oldspice deodorant and girls always tell me how good i smell

>> No.8698217

I'd really like to know this as well.

>> No.8698348

Is wearing cologne to class too much?

>> No.8698380

Not if you only wear a little. Perfume has to be subtle.

>> No.8698449
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>> No.8698984

depends on the scent, and always apply lightly

>> No.8699180

The rose in Noir de Noir is a garden rose, a true rose, not a synthetic. and really, only on the opening do you get that fresh rose scent. As it settles it's as if it's been dipped in chocolate and day has turned to night and then you start getting that chypre oakmossy oudy damp spicy scent that is almost characteristic of the TF line.

It's gorgeous and definitely worth the cop. Everyone loves it because it's so interesting and sexual. Just don't spray more than twice. All TF lingers like crazy and I sprayed my wrists once and it was almost overbearing.

If I'm gonna be close with someone, just one spray at the base of the neck.

If I'm just out and about, I'll do two sprays, the neck and maybe one wrist. Or chest. Or behind the ears.

>> No.8699196
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Use this every day. Got a few compliments, but never any complaints. 8,5/10

>> No.8699199


Also a little boozy, as I'm smelling it right now after having it on since last evening. It's really shines at night.

>> No.8699235


>> No.8699569

i think the word you're looking for is synthetic, not cynical.

>> No.8699596

the next acqua di gio

>> No.8701043

And which old spice is that?

>> No.8701060

w2c samplers?

>> No.8701126

Luckyscent or walk into a high end department store and say that you're looking into some fragrances but you're not looking to buy that day.

>> No.8701220

yes, but often intentionally so, and often BOTH—synthetic and cynical. especially in 2 or 53.

>> No.8701320

What does /fa/ think about diesel plus plus masculine? I'm a complete newb when it comes to fragrances, never worn anything apart from unscented deodorant but I received a bottle of this for my birthday last week. Is it an acceptable fragrance to wear?

>> No.8701590


>> No.8701785

Perfumed Court works too

>> No.8701787

My guess is that it's a bad thing

>> No.8702768

I just tried it and it smells like pine tree and smoke (not the needles but the tree itself). I can't comprehend how someone could mistake this brutal scent for an old woman smell.

>> No.8702983

unless it's niche tier frags, you could always walk in into perfume store and try as much as you like.

>> No.8702998

What frag smells like some strong ass coffee? I wanna smell like a fucking Starbucks so white girls will want to cop me.

>> No.8703006


i wear the sport variant

less loud, more subtle

>> No.8703032

Tried it today, didn't like it. Not masculine enough for my taste.

>> No.8703039


then i don't know what's masculine to your standards

damn you must be loud as fuck when you enter a room

>> No.8703043


>> No.8703060

montale intense cafe is exactly as described

a*men pure coffee but good luck finding it

>> No.8703137
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Is Secretions Magnifiques Etat Libre d`Orange any good?
>Like blood, sweat, sperm, saliva, Sécrétions Magnifiques is as real as an olfactory coitus that sends one into raptures, to the pinnacle of sensual pleasure, that extraordinary and unique moment when desire triumphs over reason. Masculine tenseness frees a rush of adrenalin in a cascade of high-pitched aldehydic notes. The sensation of freshness is gripping. Then the fragrance reveals a metallic side, precise and as sharp as unappeased desire.

>> No.8703274

>not auto-fellating and finishing on your chest

there, i just saved you like $150

>> No.8703470

>smelling like cum
ayy lmao
just jizz in ya pants

>> No.8703477

there was an article on vice where some girl tested it for a week

>> No.8703557

I recently ordered samples of
-Wonder Wood
-Man 2
-Dover Street Market

I think it's really nice, but it's extremely niche. If you're at all concerned about what people will think of it, "interesting" is what will come to mind before "good" does.

>> No.8703598
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I'm wearing cheap Benetton Cold. I like the smell but I also have no experience with fragrance. The reviews on some sites are balanced. Anyone here has it too?

>> No.8704103

Ordering samples is such a waste of money. Do you fuckers not understand walking into a cologne store and asking for a sample ~free~

>> No.8704118

Enjoy your grandma cologne that everyone but your grandma owns

>> No.8704122

its shit http://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Benetton/Benetton-Cold-2487.html

>> No.8705820
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Did I fuck up /fa/?

>> No.8705891
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first spray is enough to knock you out. smells like a baroque vanitas: rotting wood and fruit, gourmand scents maybe chocolate or rich vanilla, crushed flowers. its a foggy, disorienting sex swamp.
dries down to wet, woody, smokey scent that clings close to the skin. great during the winter. i've got a lot of compliments for chicks and its very unisex.
lasts forever -especially when applied after the shower on the neck, when the skin is still warm, damp and pourous.

i need to find a lighter scent to wear though if i'm gonna be running back and forth to the gym/classes. i was thinking nasomatto's silver musk.

>> No.8705903

my mum uses this lol

>> No.8705921

If you're gonna wear it you need to have a gold chain, a gold casio, and your shirt unbuttoned a couple down.

>> No.8705941

your mom probably has affairs lol

and is maybe into being choked but that might be a reach
ask her :)

>> No.8705963

I wear Salvatore Ferragamo for men, it gets my dick hard