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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 33 KB, 388x420, isis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8677127 No.8677127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is ISIS /fa/?


>> No.8677135

Yes. Dem jogs

>> No.8677183

is that a snapchat? is ISIS snapfam?

>> No.8677195

Are those the new zespy's?

>> No.8677201

That's pretty /fa/.

>> No.8677205

>goes to dangerous war-torn nations and high-fatality areas of interest so he can brag about how he went there on facebook/resume/ bar when hitting on sluts

>throws a bitch fit when he's captured and family throws a bitch fit when he gets killed

if you want to be the tough shit then be the tough shit

don't turn into a little bitch when the decision you made in the first place got you into trouble...nobody forced you to go, you weighed the risk and options

>> No.8677207
File: 66 KB, 639x956, 26-Raf-Simons-spring-summer-2002-ss02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raf Simons S/S 2002 inspo?

>> No.8677223

>That fucking grunt at the end

What a fag, anyone who gives into the enemy deserves to be beheaded.

>> No.8677228

now youre just phoning it in

>> No.8677229

he was probably threatened torture / the death of his buddys if he didnt recite those lines, you edgy internet hero

>> No.8677230


He went there because he's a journalist and that's his fucking job you shitty imposter.

>> No.8677247

What did he (usa journalist) say in the end?
Dont feel like watching shock content

>> No.8677251

smh journalist bitched out

>> No.8677256

"Sharp plus knives will cut through anything"

>> No.8677264

thats pretty fucked up m8, i thought he was just gonna slit his throat but that nigga started cutting like he was making steak for dinner.

>> No.8677409

>bitched out

How did he bitch out? He doesn't care about the conflict, or foreign involvement or whatever the fuck. He just wanted to get out of there alive, and hoped that by saying these magic words they'd change their minds at the last minute and let him go.

>> No.8677413

Lel no, he knew he would die. They probably forced him to say it by torture or threatened to kill the other kidnapped guys as well.

>> No.8677432

The fact that you faggots actually believe this ISIS crap.

You don't realize this is pure wahabism, a collaboration between Israel, US, and Saudi Arabia to keep their system of bullshit running.
Israel lost the social media war and everyone knows they're war criminals.

>"terrorist" group firing cheap ass makeshift weapons
>aaahhh we're being attacked
>let's attack random densley populated urban areas with our super big weapons and chemicals

too bad this distraction isn't gonna work, they always try so hard to make muslims look bad but ISIS isn't islam it's just a stupid cult and a fake one too...the original beheading video is edited smh
and wow that masked guy has really good english! and wow what a nice camera they got there

>> No.8677439

this and the "beheaded" guy is actually a British-Arab
my fucking sides

>> No.8677442

>ISIS isn't islam it's just a stupid cult and a fake one too

:^) muhammad pls go i've heard it a billion times now
all religions are for simpletons who never bothered to use common logic

>wow that masked guy has really good english!

because he's british you bloody idiot and after he's done he will come back to britain for more benefits

>wow what a nice camera they got there

its 2014, you think they can't afford a good camera with all those millions of dollars they receive?

>> No.8677447

too much alex jones

>> No.8677456


>> No.8677466

*tips fedora*

>> No.8677472
File: 2.96 MB, 257x440, isidance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls /pol/ go out. When i want to laugh my ass hard i already go to pol, but now we discuss about isiscore and raf inspo. So left neckbeard.

>> No.8677493

Did he died?

>> No.8677494

>he's a journalist and that's his fucking job

you're making it seem like he didn't have a choice in the matter

he chose to be a journalist
& he chose to go there on top of being a journalist

they aren't all over there you fucking moron

>> No.8677498

I kept trying to look at his boots. They looks like desert boots lol they aren't appropriate for the the desert.

>> No.8677499
File: 86 KB, 235x366, Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 3.26.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dudes fit is next lvl as fuck

iloveugly take notes, this is how its done

should i go full muslim-core to be this /fa/?

>> No.8677517

soon the military will be able to transmit signals directly to cell phones that create seizures and damage people's brains. Then with the help of google analytics all the terrorists can be assassinated or crippled through the devices that they are using to make this social media campaign

>> No.8677520

Saw the video earlier and the first though I had was "That dude's fa as fuck."