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/fa/ - Fashion

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8659257 No.8659257 [Reply] [Original]

If Rick made a trilby or fedora would you wear it

Pic related because it's also an autistic rick hat

>> No.8659259

hahahahaha you don't have enough money to buy designer hahahahahaha

>> No.8659263
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>> No.8659279

Hahahahaha you're so poor that Rick is grail to you

Keep worshipping your garbage. It's Walmart tier to me.

Also, post fit

>> No.8659284

Holy shit obliterated

He's probably crying irl about being so poor

>tfw plebs think rick is expensive

>> No.8659287

hahahahahaha you poor niggers think rick is expensive to me when it is the holiest of things for you

I get everything custom made by italian artisans

>> No.8659288

>implying he said rick was expensive to him or a grail
why dont you put all the energy you're using to shitpost into a part time job if you want rick so bad.

>> No.8659294


You can see the seconds now in the timecode. you posted exactly 43 seconds after your first post. 42 seconds is the minimum for two posts after each other


>> No.8659301


Wow, how does being in the 99% feel you disgusting poor waste. Shouldn't you be working providing goods and services for other peasants

>> No.8659304

fat american detected

>> No.8659306

Post fit

>> No.8659310

le ebic troll thread on one of the slowest boards xDDDDD

thanks cancer

>> No.8659316
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>paying that close attention
>caring about the internet

So mad that ur crying irl

How's being that pathetic feel

>> No.8659321

hahahahahahaha you have to samefag your shitty jokes because nobody likes you irl

hahahahahahaha loser you actually save reaction images from 4chins

>> No.8659322

Poor teen lying about money detected

My $8,000,000 a year team of trainers and nutritionists wouldn't allow me to have anything but a godly physique

>> No.8659327

>actual fat amerifatfat detected

>> No.8659329

>this mad

Wow man you should probably get therapy or a hobby. Please don't xut yourself. Please stop crying.

>> No.8659333

he's just jealous cuz he wants to live in america, instead of his shithole.

>> No.8659338

hahahahaha you are so delusional you can't stop posting the same shit over and over

>> No.8659344

Let me taste your tears

It's saturday shouldn't you be out having a life

>> No.8659353

hahahahahahaha I'm posting from my phone while my gf is sucking my dick

have fun loser

>> No.8659363

Whatever you say, friendless virgin. Mom's basement must be causing your temper and depression, as well as pathological lying. Seek help at autismspeaks.org and please stop crying over things on 4chan and tumblr

>> No.8659393

holy shit rekt of the year

someone get a bodybag

>> No.8659398

>tips le poorfag fedora

>> No.8659402

Full Rick is autsitic

>> No.8659460


When you say it's a "Rick hat", what do you mean?

As far as him making hats, he's done a lot of different hats, but I'm really pretty partial to only the beanies. As far as hats with brims go, I prefer more traditional shapes with modern finishes/textures, e.g. CA4LA.

>> No.8659465
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Here you go.

>> No.8659522

Sorry you're poor & mas

>> No.8659532

That's not a Rick hat, its an MA+ hat.

>> No.8659537


>> No.8659541

that is thoroughly disgusting

>> No.8659551
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this thread is literal shit

>> No.8659559
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Come again?

>> No.8659570

/fa/scist, what was your take on then 'Moody' season?

>> No.8659594
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>> No.8659595


>> No.8659605


Loved it. I love when things get severe again. I don't mind the exuberance and the kind of wildness that comes in, but it always feels easiest to wear when he gets back to the severe, rigid variations on a theme approach.


We prefer to be called "fudgepackers".

>> No.8659619

Ok, and how about FAUN, thoughts on the graphics?

I personally thought it was really cool.

>> No.8659787
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Air con duct bag

>> No.8659919
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> being this fundless

I only wear historical garments from the smithsonian. You can't even buy this shit with money, it has to be traded for with virginal children.

>> No.8659939

>not having a personal team of archeologists to dig up ceremonial garbs from lost civilizations

*tips fedora made of blood diamonds and hitlers mummified flesh *

>> No.8659950

HOLY SHIT. Look at these fashion victims posting itt.
They make fun of fedoras all day but they're scared because they know they're one hypothetical Rick drop away from having about face and and summon the cognitive dissonance to forget they ever disliked the Autist Sombrero.

>> No.8659959


I don't understand. Designers I like make thing I don't like all the time. That's why when you shop, you only buy what you want to wear.

>> No.8659962

Nobody admits it, but if Rick and Ann and whoever had fedoras in their next line everyone would be all over that shit

>> No.8659963
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> only buy what you want to wear

we cant all be so lucky

>> No.8659975

yeah but they wont

>> No.8659976
File: 33 KB, 320x480, 00110f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ann has made several hats—fedoras, trilbies, bowlers—over the years. But that still doesn't really answer my point. I don't buy things for the tag; I buy them for the look and fit and feel.

>> No.8660002

Ann Demeulemeester A/W 2008/9 RTW

>> No.8660004


Shut the fuck up you retard

>> No.8660009

Oh, they will. They make the trends, they break the rules. The aspergers pit of fa just blindly follows them because they don't have personal style

>> No.8660012

Sorry my post was such a hassle for you :^)

>> No.8660013

>citing ann
>nothing about the hypothetical rick situation

>> No.8660022

Nice projection.

>> No.8660031


I have a hard time imagining that happening, but you never know. I mean, if you look at the head that he has done, it usually falls into the very sporty (e.g. caps, beanies, headbands, do-rags) and then the kind of deliberately severe/faux religious (e.g. veils, nun's hats), so I don't know if I'd ever expect him to do serious haberdashery/millinery of the sort that requires felting, blocking, etc.

>> No.8660043


Holy fuck get raped samefag

>> No.8661052

oh god if i owned those pants i'd wear them till the day i died jfc.