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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 494 KB, 1066x1706, tumblr_nadh1bfo5W1rvhwhbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8658295 No.8658295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why's knoch with a girl who dresses so bad?

>> No.8658304

She looks like that mamma dod guy.

>> No.8658430

>doesn't even know knochs friends
kill yourself

>> No.8658611

Pretty nice if only for the boots.

>> No.8658623

autism: the photo

>> No.8658651

you WOULD hate on mamma dod and other genuinely nice dressers from /fa/

you've been coming here for years and still dress whatever sieg called you out on this too a long time ago and I remember you got salty af

>> No.8658653


Yeah pretty much.

>> No.8658659

not really no

people with autism don't meet up to be social you retards

>> No.8658679
File: 122 KB, 500x724, tumblr_nadjbm2Ndw1ry35g6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was wondering who that was

>> No.8658685

>left:military curator who runs a blog with one jillion followers
>right:artist who makes $$ selling paintings and gets girls to pose naked for him for """art"""
you are the only autistic one

>> No.8658686

damn knoch looks so good in julius

everytime I've seen people on here try that before they all were ugly short asians

>> No.8658709

>knoch samefagging and self praising

>> No.8658715

>knoch needing to praise himself

ahahaha he left because of threads like these

>> No.8658735

Why are you all so fucking jealous? You're just going to keep on calling them autistic when they're two friends having a good time, taking pictures of their cool outfits while you sit on an Estonian stop motion board calling him autistic, when he isn't even fucking here.

You're not going to make it in life, you're just bitter people.

>> No.8658752

The people on this board have something that is called 'autism'. They cannot connect with other people and social situations are foreign to them. If they see other human beings having fun they will feel physical pain. So called 'feels'.

>> No.8658770

not samefag but I genuinely did think it was momma from the picture thumb too.

>> No.8658773

it IS momma you idiot

>> No.8658782

>that terrible fit
I dont want to believe.

>> No.8658861

The word autism is being thrown around a lot. I doubt you faggots even know what autism is

>> No.8658909

glad you were here to show us real autism. B^)

>> No.8658927

They both dress like shit, perfect couple.

>> No.8658938


>> No.8658994

Im sure you know all about how autists behave

>> No.8658996

Yeah, I've studied you quite a bit and laugh at you with my friends.

>> No.8658998

You think thats bad? I dont even know who knoch is

>> No.8659001

Que? What are you getting all hissy about.

>> No.8659003


>> No.8659006


>> No.8659013

Great work /fa/.

>> No.8659160

Thats funny i was just mocking you the whole time

>> No.8659168

If you think they look good just because they're wearing circlejerk brands I feel legit pity for you and your unrefined, edgy teen with aspergers tastes

>> No.8659191

:^) autism

>> No.8659194

>tips fedora

>> No.8659202

*tips pointy ripped wizard hood with hella drape at women*
*women laugh mockingly*
*continue being aspergers laden virgin that thinks everything besides ugly gaudy cosplay is fedora or dadcore*

>> No.8659204

I think they look good because the silhouettes are great. Nicely combined shades and textures. Really good coord.

You're just salty for whatever reason.

>> No.8659210

both knoch and mamma have long time girlfriends my dear virgin ano :)

>dressing for girls

>> No.8659234


don't make fun of my heroes!

>> No.8659239


>muh silhouettes


>> No.8659240

>using the dressing for girls thing as a copout to explain virginity
>dressing for anime fans with aspergers

*tips distressed rick fedora*

>> No.8659243

>doesn't get the joke

>> No.8659247

pure unadulterated autism

>> No.8659265

>Downs syndrome with a dash of aspergers

>> No.8659281

Yes, I am indeed implying you have all of that.

>> No.8659394

What's his tumblr?

>> No.8660257

90% of this thread is made up of just the word "autism."
And 100% of the people saying the word ITT actually have autism.

>> No.8660263

Hi knoch no one cares

>> No.8660265
File: 14 KB, 840x444, phantasm-crop-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wwe are trying to be serious here

>> No.8660327
File: 389 KB, 480x750, 1391738727234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often wonder what it's like being knoch.
Does he know how attractive he is?

What does he see when he looks in the mirror? Just knowing he could have any man or woman he wants just with a single glance.

>> No.8660877

snap ID?

>> No.8660907


>> No.8660920

That pic is from some random porn website. Someone sent you a fake pic

>> No.8661025

mamma is good looking in a wierd/creepy way for a guy. ugly as hell for a girl tho. knoch is a fucking homo

>> No.8661201

Christ, Knoch got me mirin'

>> No.8661312

Because when you love someone, you don't care how they dress.

>> No.8661330

if you lurve someone, you help them dress notshitty

>> No.8661333

they are both very pretty

>> No.8661362

that's not a girl that's mamma död

>> No.8661539

Knoch in dat full Julius is banging

>> No.8661560


>> No.8661586


>> No.8663205
