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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 57 KB, 720x537, coke-names.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8644281 No.8644281 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a /fa/ name?

Mine is Jesse which I guess would be at least mid-tier. My last name also starts with a J so I have the whole alliteration thing going to. I wish it were something along the lines of Drexl or Garland.

>> No.8644295

Drexl? Garland?
Would be alright if you were a pokémon or some shit.

>> No.8644304


>> No.8644306


>> No.8644313
File: 180 KB, 500x333, Autism_-_Community_Chest_Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


inb4 "/fa/ is a lifestyle"

>> No.8644339

Sometimes I wish my name was Dude or Jesus.

Nah j/k.

>> No.8644347

neat imo

>> No.8644351


>> No.8644352

is oscar a /fa/ name?

>> No.8644361


Definitely something different imo.

>> No.8644404


Alejandro. I love it.

>> No.8644406
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x800, ma nigga.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8644407


Depends. If your surname is Niemeyer, it is.

>> No.8644462

I'm named Rok, is this /fa/?

>> No.8644466


>> No.8644475

Wanna go bowling?

>> No.8644476


>> No.8644482

Gotta find da get

>> No.8644508
File: 65 KB, 345x263, 432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you good looking?

>> No.8644528

Tyler. It's OK.

>> No.8644536


not jewish (thank god)
italian/moroccan hybrid masterrace

>> No.8644537


>> No.8644540

My grandpops name was Silas, that's pretty effay

>> No.8644543

i don't know maybe a 6/10

>> No.8644544

bitches love whispering dom

>> No.8644549


>> No.8644553


>> No.8644556

my name is like unique~ but in a way where people just comment "oh that's an interesting way to spell it." the good thing is that it's uncommon. the bad thing is that I'm insecure so it seems contrived.

On top of that, my middle name is Katana. What were my parents thinking?

>> No.8644563

worst name

>> No.8644572


>> No.8644573

it's hard man, like, your name is mad cool, but if you're not hot it doesn't really matter. it can't really be considered /fa/ one way or the other

>> No.8644589

>naming your kid after a fucking superhero movie
yeah that sure is really effay and not retarded at all you fucking moron

>> No.8644592

What's your name, Tripsk?

>> No.8644597

I hope you're trolling and aren't legitimately affected by downs syndrome and autism at once

>> No.8644600
File: 13 KB, 154x190, 1326242060259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree that it's a stupid name but if you really think that loki is just a character from a "superhero movie" than you're the most retarded person in this thread

>> No.8644602


>> No.8644607

I love your name

>> No.8644611
File: 8 KB, 62x25, Bildschirmfoto 2014-08-14 um 01.29.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8644619


>> No.8644621

i don't think i'm ugly but i have a huge italian nose that i don't like at all. i have had girls come onto me just for my name alone, which is nice i guess

>> No.8644624

i'm not 2 fuckboy

>> No.8644627

There have been more Adolf's than the one doing to Third Reich funny business but i still wouldn't call my kid that.

>> No.8644633


>> No.8644640


No fucking idea if that is in any way /fa/.

>> No.8644642

is Adam a fa name.

>> No.8644657

Most /fa/ name is Dorian.

My name is Celso

>> No.8644674

Adam is the best name.

>> No.8644682

>>8644466 here
my sister's name was going to be dorian if she was a boy

>> No.8644687


>> No.8644690

androgynous names are /fa/ r-right?

>> No.8644692

Very effay

>> No.8644694


>> No.8644723


I really shouldn't even post. It's like the least /fa/ name to exist

>> No.8644726


>> No.8644731


top tier name.

>> No.8644732


>> No.8644735


I feel way too many people are named this in the 16-25 bracket...

>> No.8644738

/fa/ as fuck

>> No.8644745

gustav, is that effay?

>> No.8644775

Damjan, which is pronounced the same as Damián

>> No.8644777

bara om du är en svensk

>> No.8644794

i'll never amount to anything because of my generic as fuck name

>> No.8644802

Coolare if not svenne doe

>> No.8644834

It's hard to judge first names without additional information. The first name doesn't need to be cool on its own -- it's one piece of the full name. And if you're a white kid with an exotic or unusual name, it's no good. But if your name is exotic and so are you -- that's cool. Tripsk can pull off Alekzia, but a white girl sure as shit can't.

>> No.8644843

J. Johnson

>> No.8644844

Gr8 post tripsk ty

>> No.8644887


Are biblical names normcore?

>> No.8644921

Ewa here, bump the question.

>> No.8644935

Is Jordan /fa/? It's never rolled off my tongue very well.

>> No.8644940

Tyler here, I second this.

>> No.8644956


>> No.8644963


fairly /fa/ i would say

>> No.8644967


>> No.8644968

It's cool since my family is french.

>> No.8644976

>tfw boring and super common name

>> No.8645000


>> No.8645004

Pádraig, so its pretty effay. My middle is pretty good too

>> No.8645005


What do you think? I'm not Afro-American, but Austrian.

>> No.8645016

Blake. I dig it.

>> No.8645022


>> No.8645030


>> No.8645034


>> No.8645036
File: 21 KB, 300x300, viper the rapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are nicknames /fa/ because no one really calls me cameron anymore

>> No.8645057


>> No.8645068
File: 148 KB, 500x337, shaq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured as much

i thought as much

im african american as in my parents are actually from africa... my dad's nickname was passed down 5ever. his nickname was bamba. his grandad was bamba. grandad's dad was bamba. all i ever get called at home is bamba. in public i'm cam or bamba.

i guess that's not really a /fa/ name.

i always thought this was a nice name

>> No.8645222

I think that "Bamba" is dope, and you should too. It all depends on how you behave.

>> No.8645232

You can call me Clyde the glide drexler

>> No.8645236

can't decide if it's more effay to go by jack or jackson

>> No.8645247


>> No.8645256

Where are your folks originally from, anon? (If you don't mind me asking.)

>> No.8645264


>> No.8645270


Not really /fa/ at all

>> No.8645280


Feels good to be Generic-core

>> No.8645285


What do you think?

>> No.8645300


i'm a girl though and have met guys with this name too

un /fa/ as heck

>> No.8645310
File: 85 KB, 514x686, d8ea47a3-1dbc-4c4e-9169-f45fd631f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Blake here. Pretty happy with my name.
The only reason my name is Blake is because my mom had never met anyone named Blake, and it was near the beginning of the baby name book.

>> No.8645316

my negroes

>> No.8645325
File: 69 KB, 600x400, tom cruise aka XENU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Solomon'

u guys

>> No.8645327

Ivory Coast

>> No.8645333
File: 338 KB, 463x429, 1405714737358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you an alien?

>> No.8645334

i don't even like animu but the girls are so qt

>> No.8645336
File: 320 KB, 1008x746, 1378956634305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10s if you can rock it

>> No.8645337

It's a shit name for shit people.

>> No.8645341

not sure if bamba translates to anything or has cultural significance, but that's kind of a dope name. cameron is good also. cam is dumb as fuck.

>> No.8645343
File: 67 KB, 774x1032, 1365987151308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow i never knew thanks

>> No.8645350

Celso is bad I mean Dorian is a potential 10

Dorian is best in thread, if I have a boy that's probably what I'll name him

>> No.8645381


>> No.8645524

Is James effay?
I'm feeling 'no'

>> No.8645591


>> No.8645606

Antonio, I just go by Tony though, thoughts?

>> No.8645617

I'm a guy named bailey.


>> No.8645626


fuck my name

>> No.8645645

Francisco,rate me?

>> No.8645659


One of the most bland fucking names apart from John

>> No.8645690

Luca, its pretty aite i guess, i like the short hand Luc a lot

>> No.8645704

My name is Evan, but I don't think that's very effay...

>> No.8645707
File: 1.29 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140601_134322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jonathan ;^)

>> No.8645710


>> No.8645733


Trash tier American names.

>> No.8645774


>> No.8645787

I want to kiss you

>> No.8645788

what kind of fucking bible-ass name is Solomon?

>> No.8645805

Thanks parents... not effay at all

>> No.8645807

your name is probably fucking Greg

>> No.8645817

Simon, here.

>> No.8645877


I feel like blacks who've been in the us for ever are a shame to actual african americans

>> No.8645879


h8 it

>> No.8645888
File: 71 KB, 288x447, 1407837725645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tu parles francais?

>> No.8645895


good enough 'cept that I always have to spell it for people and I've never met an ESL speaker who didn't say "Nile" instead.

>> No.8645960

Is Clay alright? I either get called a gay singer or the dad from Morel Orel

>> No.8645995


>> No.8646023 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 1017x654, 1404612464974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I /fa/?

>> No.8646024

My name is Slater, so yeah it's pretty cool lol...

>> No.8646028


i pretty much win

>> No.8646031

My oniichan is named Daniel. He's got godlike physique but he dresses like a total hick

>> No.8646032 [DELETED] 

Alternatively, I can go by my middle name Jordan if it's more "effay."

>> No.8646038


>> No.8646041

dont know what to think

>> No.8646046

I like it.

depends, some biblical names are pretty rad. Like Solomon or Elijah. The normy ones are all the christian names, like Paul, Thomas, Matthew, Mark, etc.

>> No.8646051
File: 223 KB, 417x361, 1400935539946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ name
This is a parody isn't it

>> No.8646055


>> No.8646058


pleb tier

>> No.8646066

were on /fa/

youre pretty much assumed to be 5'11" and white

>> No.8646069


Common enough but still relatively /fa/

>> No.8646075

Genghis. Like the khan. It's not /fa/ at all. I don't give a shit. He's the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.

>> No.8646086

Ingrid ....I wish. Kaitlyn shit tier American name

>> No.8646087

It's not common at all where I live

But I like having it as my name. It's a classic, is used in multiple languages, and can be shortened to Tom which also sounds good

>> No.8646088

dude i dont give a fuck what you think, your name is badass

>> No.8646092

I'd kill to be named Genghis bro
Who would wanna fuck with a white mongol

>> No.8646094

Nope. You could have named Gavrilo, Shlomo or Muhammed. That would have been much worse

>> No.8646107

>He's the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.

I dont know, isn't his DNA traceable to a large portion of the world population? I believe he is also responsible for expanding education and trade between the lands he conquered

>> No.8646111


I alternate between liking and disliking it.

>> No.8646130


>> No.8646136


>> No.8646234

Also Austin. I know that feel bro.

>> No.8646243

>tfw alqaeda tier name
Omar, r8
i ain't even brown

>> No.8646250

>tfw Raymond
>tfw never met anybody ever with same name

>> No.8646256


>> No.8646264


>> No.8646274


pretty average, I never minded it too much

>> No.8646302

>this is the kind of shit you concern yourself with
Is this a joke?

>> No.8646328

i bet you keep it 300

>> No.8646333

they thought you were a weapon lol

>> No.8646347

>no Forrest yet
lets change that

>> No.8646353

Dylans we in this

>> No.8646366

Anthony, I think it's pretty /fa/ but not to the extreme but I know a kid named Drexel, /fa/ name but the dude is a stoner is it pretty much ruins it.

>> No.8646372


>> No.8646394

Idk, mine's Gavin and I think it sounds bad

>> No.8646405

I can feel it

Used to hate it, but now I kinda dig it.
Not Jewish

>> No.8646406

ye ye

>> No.8646467


I'm a Jonathan as well.

I don't have those dsl's though

>> No.8646488

am I seriously the only Nathan here? I always thought my name was kind of common but guess not. is Nathan fa?

>> No.8646490


>> No.8646491


>> No.8646494

(Raphael is my birth name)

>> No.8646522

I-is Seth effay?

>> No.8646526


>> No.8646530

mexican tier

>> No.8646535


>> No.8646577

Master race reporting in

>> No.8646596

pronounced "Chose"

>> No.8646599

qing luo

>> No.8646615


Pretty un/fa/ name imo

>> No.8646616

no its pronounced "ho zay"

>> No.8646634
File: 447 KB, 420x424, 08ab6435186de71c77f4d3d8b9d70767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jordan, shit sucks but people call me j fresh so im ok with that i guess

>> No.8646679


>> No.8646703


>> No.8646718


in Georgia, we are everywhere. there were six of us in my class though a lot of people called me by my last name.
they were all really weird.

every other Justin I've met has been off in a certain way. it makes me wonder if that applies to me.

>> No.8646722

Drexel is autistic as fuck. sounds like he collects and actively plays yugioh at 23 as his parents come to the realization that they will never have grandchildren.

>> No.8646723

would Etienne be /fa/ name for a kid?

My name is Luka btw

>> No.8646725


it's a great name.. for english bulldog

>> No.8646745
File: 147 KB, 675x840, whiplarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name: Kit
gender: male

rate my name fit

>> No.8646749

Is Alexander effay?

>> No.8646753

Everyone in my family has fucking retarded names

My name is Deartian
My brothers are named Riordan and Tate

my parents dumb as shit

>> No.8646758


You're some 80's action hero's sidekick aren't you?

>> No.8646762

no josh?
>tfw common name
>tfw last name doesnt start with a j

>> No.8646763


kek are you black?

>> No.8646764
File: 98 KB, 640x426, me+&+the+66SR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really you?

>> No.8646769

is your last name kat?

>> No.8646774


It's not my first name but no one calls me that.

>> No.8646777

Is your last name something like Harrington or something similar? If so, then yeah that's pretty fucking cool.

>> No.8646797

The amount of times I've been glomped by Deathnote landwhales is far too high.

>> No.8646812 [DELETED] 

Corey O'Neill
best last night imo, get called O'Neill all the time and in high school I was always called by Shaq. Corey tho is a shit name, want to change it.

>> No.8646828

I like it

>> No.8646829

Adolf is a nice name tho.

>> No.8646835

Welp, my ex was a French called Etienne-Ange. So freacking dandy and stuff. Definitly effay.

>> No.8646839
File: 27 KB, 423x600, sigmund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rate my name fit

By the way my name is Xavier.

>> No.8646888


Nope, not the only one. Decently /fa/ name I would say, although I prefer to be known as 'Nate.'

>> No.8646948

Same here. I've been thinking about going by "Vin" but I'm not so sure.

>> No.8646966

Idk... Vin makes you sound sleazy, I think Gav sounds better

>> No.8646987
File: 152 KB, 283x504, ikb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brad? Bradley?

>> No.8646994

Adam Bignell

The big is a blessing and a curse. Blessing for obvious reasons, curse because of the irony in being a skinny dude with the last name big.

>> No.8646995


>> No.8647002
File: 29 KB, 851x459, LRA_her_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top notch

>> No.8647008


>> No.8647019


Gay as fuck.

>> No.8647047


>> No.8647054
File: 159 KB, 720x1024, adam-and-eve-1533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8647055

Artem here, am I /fa/

>> No.8647059


Fucking gay

>> No.8647061


>> No.8647063

>Hi, I'm Markus, n-no, with K, not C

>> No.8647069

Yes, it's awkward

>> No.8647152

ukrainian? Artemi 6 letters would be gold.

>> No.8647161


>> No.8647163
File: 29 KB, 468x458, internet-bro-fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Jesse reporting in

>> No.8647165


>> No.8647270

Totally naming my son Theodor. So smooth.

>> No.8647278

kill yourself

>> No.8647297

djemel, but people just call me the americanized version of it which I don't like at all but can't be bothered to correct them since that's pedantic as fuck.

americanized version would be jah-mol.

>> No.8647410


My last name is Drexel, I dig it, comes off well as a nickname. People have always gravitated towards calling me by my surname, my first name is just what was most popular at the time.

>> No.8647415


I talk quietly and every time I order coffee they always write julie or julia

>> No.8647417

Is Miles an acceptable name outside of the UK? I adore the name Miles.

>> No.8647421

yes i think so

>> No.8647423

Stuart. Just about the least effay name in exisstance

>> No.8647437

Hey, Niko here

>> No.8647440

Frederick, most /fa/ name reporting In

>> No.8647443

Jake. I think its a childs name, cant even say im a jacob because my real name is jake, names I like:


>> No.8647444

Mine's Amal. Pronounced kind of like, Uh-muhl. It's Egyptian. A-am I effay?

>> No.8647451


typical sandnigger

>> No.8647454

I've been told it's an unusual name for girls. I'm not even really a sadnigger, just like one fourth. ;_;

>> No.8647463
File: 1005 KB, 351x263, 1377567181905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you faggots post your real names instead of making up speshul snowflake shit with speshul spellings and pronunciations?

>> No.8647485
File: 238 KB, 835x463, Bill Skarsgard as Roman Godfrey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be effay like Roman Godfrey

>> No.8647491

olaf here
feels good

>> No.8647492


guy btw

>> No.8647495

i'm chase, pretty /lit/core if you ask me

>> No.8647496
File: 537 KB, 500x281, 1405718112877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleb tier

>> No.8647498



>> No.8647500
File: 1008 KB, 489x204, hey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>god tier

>> No.8647509


>Harry Potter

Pick all three.

>> No.8647510


>not knowing sick movie design when he sees it
>not knowing bestchildrensbookofalltime when he sees it
>still on /fa/


>> No.8647523


>not knowing sick movie design when he sees it

I'll give you that.

>not knowing bestchildrensbookofalltime when he sees it

That's not Animorphs though.

>> No.8647559
File: 289 KB, 500x683, big mama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see that spelling very often, but the name itself is really common unfortunately.

>> No.8647568
File: 20 KB, 500x334, kitty+pryde608x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you share a name with a literal goddess

>> No.8647582
File: 33 KB, 288x200, drexl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It suits me because i'm not that hot, and i'm not very cool.

>> No.8647587


>That's not Animorphs though.

I'll give you that. I am glad we agree

>> No.8647588
File: 157 KB, 410x312, Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 1.35.48 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kitty pryde
>even remotely worth anything

top fucking kek

>> No.8647610


Just like the rest of this board.

>> No.8647615

Who is this? Her face looks familiar but can't put a name to it. I swear I knew her a year or two ago, but idk

>> No.8647617
File: 69 KB, 602x422, george_kramer_speed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this edge and you still don't make the cut

>> No.8647621

Eamon, my parents were into traditional names or some shit. it's okay but everyone mispronounces it.

>> No.8647624

If I had to chose a western nick, which one is best? I'm stuck between


>> No.8647631


Got any other good memes from 2012?

>> No.8647637


>> No.8647639

Klaus is nice but expect everyone to pronounce it like Santa Claus (it's meant to be closer to kl-ow-ss right?). Horst sounds like a sausage. For a nickname Hans is easily the best, it's the only one that passes well as a nick.

>> No.8647644


>> No.8647646

W-what about Félix, guys?

>> No.8647655

What do ya think?

>> No.8647657

Is Wilhelm any good?

>> No.8647674


my middle name is after a surf break though.

>> No.8647676


>> No.8647678


>> No.8647697

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Kevin!

>> No.8647700
File: 136 KB, 497x750, 1403548808976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all top tier.

>> No.8647703

>having shit taste

the artist kitty, formerly known as kitty pryde

>> No.8647709

Wilhelm is a brand of sausages here in finland so it sounds pretty funny to me, sorry

>> No.8647710


Meh, pretty unisex

>> No.8647720

Enzo master-race (I`m German)

>> No.8647740

Cassidy. I'm a boy, if that matters.

Her rapping's shit and I'm fairly sure she's aware of it too.

>> No.8647752

German or "German"-American?

>> No.8647760


>> No.8647776

My name is Django.

Reactions differ greatly. Women seem to like it more than men.

>> No.8647819

And no, I'm not in fucking London.

>> No.8647827

what do people call you for short? Bea? B? Trixie?

>> No.8647899

Is Valentin effay?

>> No.8647962
File: 102 KB, 641x831, Beata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Tripsk replies to your post

Most people I know professionally call me Beatrix, but friends usually use Bea, Bix, or Babs (initials).

A black guy I used to jam with called me Beaty (I was on drums), and an Art Major used Beata because according to him I resemble the painting

Trixie is 2redlight4me, plus I'm stealth MtF and I don't want to be clocked or something.

>> No.8648022

Dunno what to think.

>> No.8648045
File: 107 KB, 800x595, ae36bf46-67b6-4294-bdef-5abfa1cbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cody what you think /fa/?

>> No.8648059

Linus is actually a cool name.

>> No.8648061

>not pronounced with a y

>> No.8648065


>> No.8648067


>> No.8648071

are you German?

>> No.8648074

don't know you and don't take this personal, but every Linus I know is an edgy tryhard faggot.

>> No.8648081

How the hell do you know multiple Linuses?

>> No.8648096

dunno, apparently it was a very popular name amongst the parents around the year I was born and a lot they named their kids Linus, so there are a few I know due to the fact that most Linuses, at least where I live, are around my age.

>> No.8648100

> a lot they named their kids Linus
meant to say "a lot of them", dunno how I fucked that up.

where do you live? maybe it's just a local problem that Linus is usually an edgy prick.

>> No.8648105

weird, seems like an uncommon name.
I live in western canada so just a lot of bland, small timey names like peter and susan.

>> No.8648109

are you my biggest fan?

>> No.8648111

Horst is an insult.

>> No.8648113


Shit sucks. I'm like the only one of my mates with no nickname. Sometimes I get Rossco and that shit sucks so bad

>> No.8648118

Roman was the most annoying character on Party Down

>> No.8648133

toplel, sounds like a trucker's name

>> No.8648137


It's incredibly common in my age bracket

>> No.8648140

Exactly. Then I get a million cunts being like "oohh, you going out with Rachel? hurrrr durrr"

>> No.8648148

it's just uncommon enough to be kind of unusual or even "exotic" (English-sounding name in non-English country, at least where I live) so I guess they somehow get off on the fact that their name's cool and edgy. probably not the case in Canada or wherever else they speak English though.

>> No.8648150

Adam is the most fa one
simply beautiful

>> No.8648165

what's an effay name to give to your kids?
>hypothetical speaking of course

>> No.8648166

adam pls

>> No.8648178

I'm calling my kid Lachlan
If its a girl I don't have a fucking clue
Probably Georgia or Grace

>> No.8648181

I would like to name my son Isaac. I'm a fan of Noah too.

I used to like Geoffrey but I know a Geoff now and I can't name my kid that anymore

>> No.8648205

My name is "Angel" (Angelo, because I'm Italian).
I think it's pretty /fa/, at least in Italy.

>> No.8648208

>I know a Geoff now and I can't name my kid that anymore
I fucking hate that too ;_; had such great names in mind but I'm meeting tons of people in my job (patients, coworkers, the patient's families...) that it's really hard to find a name you don't associate with anyone else.

>> No.8648209


>> No.8648214

My name is Ruben.

>> No.8648252

Nah, Russian
Love that this name is not that common in my country

>> No.8648258

R u a sandwich

>> No.8648263

There it is. No, but I get that shit a lot.

>> No.8648267

Nope, American.
I know that the name is somewhat common in Germany, though.

My mother picked the name, after I asked her what she would have named me if I was a grill.
She's an elementary teacher and adores Beatrix Potter, so there you go.

I have a few ancestors who were German, but that doesn't really matter.

>> No.8648280

Sorry, didn't mean to bully

>> No.8648297

Too late, I already killed myself.

>> No.8648339
File: 100 KB, 800x533, beatrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8648345

Am female
Rate pls

>> No.8648438

Is Luke /fa/?

>> No.8648880

Hell ye

>> No.8648980

Axel. You tell me /fa/ is it any good?

>> No.8649368

Way too basic

>> No.8649783

Used to dislike it a lot when I was younger

>> No.8650028


Ouch. Looks like my feelings have been hurt.

>> No.8650051

>tfw Brittany

ugh why mom and dad why