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/fa/ - Fashion

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8638723 No.8638723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who Anti-Face here?

>> No.8638741
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Adam Harvey is the shit.

>> No.8638769

>being anti-surveillance

edgy babby's first edge

>> No.8638789


this is pretty cool tbh

It's for those that want to wear a mask but not

>> No.8638984

like I said in the last thread, this just makes you stand out more than hide you. people will know of you as that paranoid freak with no idea of aesthetic, or just a clown.

have fun thinking you're way more important than you are.

>> No.8639050

the idea is protesting against creepy surveillance, not "the government thinks i'm some edward snowden motherfucker".

fuck, when is this whole "look at me i'm tyler durden fuck u special snowflakes stop being unique" shit going to end

>> No.8639076

>sacrificing privacy for safety

what a retarded sheep you are

>> No.8639087

"yeah guys we couldn't get them on facial recognition stuff, so we just need to look for the person who looks like a complete spastic"

>> No.8639094

real talk tho, would be so much easier to fit infra red LED's into clothes, hair and headwear.

>> No.8639112

that's where having friends comes in

>> No.8639116


in the future everyone will be wearing a mask soooo....

>> No.8639141

define creepy surveillance

and answer me this, would you change your costume every day or just have one #signature style? I wonder how it'd feel to see mothers pulling their children away from you when you're walking down the street.

>f-fucking sh-sheep!!

>> No.8639154

I like it but wouldn't it be waay easier to just wear a mask or something to hide your face without sticking out like a motherfucker

>> No.8639156


you could just drop IR LEDs and a battery in a baseball cap or beanie and not look like a retard or a paranoid redpill motherfucker

>> No.8639702


Why would i care about that?

What i care is about me.

Imagine that technology in the hands of autocrat dictators, even in a "democracy" it would only worsen the police state.

You have an opinion you shouldn't have the machine knows this, and the next day you're in god knows where in prison.

Even if that seems far fetched, you have to know that the world can change and the future may not be so nice.

Fuck surveillance.

>> No.8641134

One of the great things about this *is* that it stands out.

I mean, it would take Michele Lamy power to take this into rural Iowa or something, but generally urbanites try to stand out and look standoffish on the street simultaneously.

As this kind of stuff catches on (and it will) it'll also be a way for people with an affinity around resistance (god, I hate that word, but I don't have a better one yet) to identify each other, and for their friends and acquaintances who aren't as politicized to know who to ask about everything.

Then it turns pure fad and we're golden. The difficulty will be adapting algorithms and other methods of tracking.

It's not about not being recognized or followed, it's about not being tracked.

Illegal many places. In NYC, you can wear a mask if you're alone, but if you're with others wearing a mask, it's illegal unless, I shit you not, you're heading to a masquerade ball.

>> No.8641575

I could swear, after the .org I typed /fa/, not /pol/. Oh never mind, it's just a shitpost.

>> No.8642407

I dig the dyed hair, wish the punk scene would make a proper comeback.

>> No.8643039

Hos is this not fashion releated?

>> No.8643054
File: 69 KB, 532x450, MMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of wearing a mask for fashion purposes not to avoid surveillance.