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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 231 KB, 841x990, Kappa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8633452 No.8633452 [Reply] [Original]

they've done it again boys


>> No.8633501

holy shit lmao

>> No.8633510

holy shit these people are fags

>> No.8633597


>> No.8633613
File: 36 KB, 500x731, nc0H8ZN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modernist streetwear

>> No.8633630
File: 27 KB, 480x640, R1pAuF1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel what is this?

>> No.8633637


w2c fedora?

>> No.8633648
File: 21 KB, 193x182, laughing purses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.8633661
File: 7 KB, 552x75, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8633784 [DELETED] 


>> No.8633799

Pls no

>> No.8633814

I hate how there's mfa fags who also browse /fa/

No wonder this board is shit

>> No.8633824

Is nothing sacred?

We need to get our shit off of their fucking sidebar

>> No.8633836

/fa/ - Faggots and aspies

>> No.8633848 [DELETED] 

"Kappa this, Kappa that" Does it ever stop? When will this stuff stop being HILARIOUS to people? I mean seriously is there no originality left on this world? Are we all just monkey see monkey do? I don't know about you guys but I'm sick of every time I look up a 4chan thread, a forum post, anything really I have to scroll past like 50 of these.

>> No.8633860

more like there's /fa/gots who browse mfa

lurk the teenmfa waywt threads and you will see a lot of the same pics as on /fa/ waywt threads

it's absolutely disgustung

>> No.8633862
File: 751 KB, 757x543, ss+(2014-08-11+at+09.15.21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birthday the r/mfa fashion icon :^)

>> No.8633870

>mfw the monochrome doge

>> No.8633875

That dog behind birthday! Is it that one other tripfag's dog?

>> No.8633889
File: 1.27 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that faggot always looking away like that in all his pics?

Makes me want to punch him in his big nigger lips

>> No.8633894

yes tess has moved to C O L O R A D O and is pounding birthdays bp on the reg :3

>> No.8633898

>dem nigga lips
There must have been a black man in the gang-bang birthday was conceived in.

>> No.8633899

'cause, dem DSL's

>> No.8633903

p sure that's shopped
p sure

>> No.8633905

the reason all his full body shots are taken from a low angle is because he's a midget

>> No.8633907
File: 225 KB, 1280x960, 1406998898879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8633911


>> No.8633917

w2c sweater

>> No.8633918

ur local memestore

>> No.8633920


>> No.8633929

is it wrong if I'd fug birthday?
im a straight male
pls resbond ????

>> No.8633930
File: 129 KB, 373x560, a0c8cf8a-c482-4d89-8493-03499a798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek
>mfw I truly am a fashion icon
Seriously though that fit was awful, and whoever made this album/guide is a fucking idiot

>> No.8633931


simply epic

>> No.8633932

Explain the small dog behind u??

>> No.8633933
File: 125 KB, 609x607, toptip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Palewave (name taken from /fa/, though /fa/ didn't invent the style at all)

>> No.8633937

>Palewave (name taken from /fa/, though /fa/ didn't invent the stye at all)

>> No.8633938

God fucking damn.
I can't describe my contempt for /mfa and /fa/ in general sometimes.
I just feel depressed.

>> No.8633939


holy shit

he doesnt even look like a human

>> No.8633942
File: 1.41 MB, 2448x3264, 84b0437e-f1fd-47b4-b191-3ba125484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Toby. He is a pomimo(pomeranian and American an eskimo mix). He has attachment problems so he is always really close by. He decided to stand behind me because of this.

>> No.8633946

Damn. He must have some demons.

>> No.8633950

I really like pomeranians, they are top-tier dogs :)

>> No.8633955

Is it just me or is some of the stuff in that imgur not even pale core

>> No.8633962

wud u like to be my bf?

>> No.8633971


>> No.8633972

*vinyl scratching* DAMN SON WHERE'D YOU FIND THIS!?

>> No.8633982

Yea I don't think /fa/ people are the ones who should be coining a genre system around fashion. I mean no offense, but a bunch of internet savvy college kids who can mostly afford to shop at urban outfitters are likely to be giving a terribly pedestrian outlook on these matters. There's academics who study fashion trends and their greater cultural implications for a living, read one of them if you are so inclined. Selectively grabbing images off the internet with similar color patterns and coining it with a cutesy name is just ridiculous. Common projects and light wash jeans don't constitute a "genre."

>> No.8634009

"these guides aren't aimed at people who know what they're doing already, they're aimed at people that think a look is interesting and want a few tips on how to achieve them. They're an inspo album + some actionable advice how to achieve the looks therein (beyond overly-simplistic and fairly glib "just wear black/white or blue/white, man") and then an exhortation to try it out and play with it to get a feel for the aesthetic.
For people who are looking "down" all you're going to see is restrictions/genrefication where it doesn't need to exist, but frankly I don't really care about the opinion of people who already know what they're doing; I'm making these guides for people who post things like "I like the way Azurewrath dresses but his pieces are so $$$", because in reality, you can achieve a similar aesthetic without having to spend lots of money on designer pieces.
Cringe all you want at the name/labels, 'cause I really don't give a shit. If you want a place that embraces a "Lurk moar n00b" ethos, go to another forum."

>> No.8634041

>that fucking filename
fucking lel

>> No.8634052

as much as mfa sucks I have to point out that this was written by GraphicNovelty, who despite being an active member on styleforum and mfa for half a decade still struggles with the fundamentals of not looking autistic while annoying everyone with his pseudointellectual liberal arts blather. fuck that guy.

>> No.8634063

ye it gave me a p good chuckle too

>> No.8634075


sigged XD

>> No.8634083

I really need to delete my reddit account. I made a remark about how I get an erection when I see a MILF breastfeeding and everyone got upset. Jesus fucking Christ, it's my penis.

It's a decent site for certain things. Some guy on /sci/ convinced me to get an account so I could subscribe to the machine learning subreddit, which I do enjoy. Also, /r/nottimanderic is great.

>> No.8634179

His old owners were assholes
No thank you :)

>> No.8634322


>> No.8634328

wh-wh-why not ;____;

>> No.8634337

It's ok. If you really like and live the aesthetic then you have nothing to worry about. Impostures can only create a shell copy of what you wear.

>> No.8634354


I think you are a pretty cool guy with nice fits, but sometimes you act kinda the opposite

>> No.8634367

its a raf simons memesweater

>> No.8634375

I actually approve of this thread hahahaha

>> No.8634388

they literally just took any fit with washed denim in it and called it palewave, wtf r they retarded some of those fits weren't even close to what they described palewave as

>> No.8634398
File: 1.23 MB, 1520x2688, Bl8r5sF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is teen mfa a thing holy shit this is too funny

>> No.8634413

There is no way he is under 30

>> No.8634434 [DELETED] 

Does birthday live in Colorado?

>> No.8634459

why did you delete?

>> No.8634510

those socks look like they're all lubed up

>> No.8634518

>honey how many times do i have to tell you to put some pants on before you leave the house

>> No.8634580
File: 103 KB, 600x600, 1401333178493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw more than half of the "palewave inspo" pics don't even fit the supposed palette or aesthetic

>> No.8634585


did this fella shave his legs?

>> No.8634586

Lmao holy shit, it's like this is some sort of fetish where /fa/ dresses up a manchild in shitty clothing.

What the fuck is with his face.

>> No.8634594

ktt and mfa need to leave

>> No.8634600

I actually like the shorts

the rest.... smh

>> No.8634761

That's what I was thinking. That idiot shit all over the style.

>> No.8634767
File: 15 KB, 299x450, 60815b32-c9ff-4ba5-87f9-43a33fe94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dead trends

>> No.8634788
File: 13 KB, 590x184, btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8634808

Reddit calling us cheap college kids.
>my shiggies are diggying