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/fa/ - Fashion

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8631861 No.8631861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/!

I've got a question. I was always skinnyfat, but have a pretty "fatty" face.
Now my question is, how do I get rid of the fat in my face? Especially on the cheeks and under the chin..

>> No.8631867


Do facial exercises, eat plenty of carbs, drink lemon juice all day, put a finger inside your ass.

No, really, just lose weight.

>> No.8631872


>> No.8631876

fucking idiot
start lifting, get lean.
you guys make me so sick with your craving for nice facial aesthetics.
just fucking lift, it fucking works

>> No.8631878


So just lose weight or lose fat? I mean cardio or lifting? Eating healthy for sure..

Also do I have to stop drinking beer?

>> No.8631899


Eat healthy and do some exercise. Caring too much about what kind of exercise you should do or what specific food should you be eating isn't cool. That's for gymfags.

>> No.8631903


Oh, and it depends. Alcohol dehydrates you which can lead to retaining liquids and it doesn't help losing weight. But if you drink enough water, exercise and eat healthy a beer a day or so shouldn't make any problem as far as I know.

>> No.8632013


Unfortunately you can't really just work out your face.

If you want that gaunt look just start doing a lot of endurance sports like running or cycling.

You don't have to lift like that /fit/ fag suggested. But a little weight training will help.

>> No.8632018


beer has a lot of carbs, you can't switch to wine?

>> No.8632148


I'd have to try it, is white whine ok?

Thanks to the rest, I will start doing some exercise.
Is Boxing good? I heard it builds a great endurance and builds muscles too. In addition i wanted to lift 1-2 times a week.

Any other thoughts?

>> No.8632170


Yeah white wines are fine. Sauvingnon Blanc or Chardonnays are my fav types of white wine, Definitely look into it if you don't know the basics of wine yet, as this is not only /fa/ information but pretty much a helpful life tip.

Knowing about wines allows you to converse with a lot more people and build common ground at parties, events, dates etc.

And Boxing is a good sport to train in, except I wouldn't do full contact boxing and fuck up your head mentally and physically.

>> No.8632223

Someone talking about wine on:
>parties, events, dates etc.

sounds like an absolute bore to me TBH. And that's coming from someone with a boot full of an array of Bergerac red and Rhône.(Grenache Blanc) white.

On another note a gin tonic isn't a bad summer drink if you're watching calories. Especially when you make it with diet Tonic.

>> No.8632236


>talking about wine exclusivly

srsly? I hope you're not so autistic that I have to point out not to do that.

In any case it's still good to read up on wines. Just don't become a wine snob,

>> No.8632250

>talking about wine exclusivly
teens tryingto be "le classy" like da movies

>> No.8632252

That's not what i said. It's just a general topic that's not very interesting. Certainly when amongst peers. Proper fedodo tier really.

>> No.8632281


>Proper fedodo tier really

>And that's coming from someone with a boot full of an array of Bergerac red and Rhône.(Grenache Blanc) white

lel did u just diss yourself?

Well it can't hurt your social standing to go into wines for 10 mins when deciding on a bottle. Stop being so pedantic.

>> No.8632302

Hiss, hiss. Calm your tits.

>> No.8632318
File: 54 KB, 480x360, 1407307128154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remembering your face makes reading your post so much better

>> No.8632323

isnt wine filled with sugar tho?

>> No.8632326

>having gin with any modern 'tonic water'
>not soda water
euro pls, at least then you can add the quinine yourself

>> No.8632346

Go to /fit/ and read sticky

>> No.8632448

Lose fat.

>> No.8632497

who the fuck only has 1 beer? faggots, that's who

>> No.8632499

Heresy i know,

but it's a bit of a faff.

>> No.8632507
File: 966 KB, 500x344, 1wNW7no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 19 turning 20
>havent seen dad for nearly a year
>mfw see dad
>mfw he tells me to stop sleeping so late and to eat more
>he is referring to my sunken in cheeks
>mfw he realises it's because of my cheekbones and jaw
>mfw he looks at me with pride for inheriting his jaw
>got high cheekbones from mum

although i was going to gym as well, so getting fit definitely helped.

>> No.8633214

Pic looks disgusting

>> No.8633242
File: 969 KB, 1250x1746, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Run 3-4 miles per day in under 30 minutes
Eat ~1500 clean calories
Clench jaw at all times

>> No.8633327


>> No.8633487
File: 48 KB, 620x413, 81417925_minetti_106298c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots und lots of what is called..

la duckface

>> No.8633491


>> No.8633493


>> No.8633850

>Clench jaw at all times
one way ticket to fucked up veneers district of crooked teeth town

>> No.8633881

Lose fat fatty

>> No.8634504

>what are braces

>> No.8634527

Be honest with yourself anon. You are not skinnyfat. You are fat. Now that we have that out of the way, you want a skinny face, drop bodyfat. 10% is a good goal. However, in terms of facial structure, there is only so much you can do. Genetically you might be fucked

>> No.8636249


jeez; he convinced some poor guy to wear french cuffs to an interview.

>> No.8636285
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>> No.8636294

I admire his trolling skills

He's doing god's work by trolling you summerfags

>> No.8636498

>implying you can't clench without your teeth touching.

>> No.8636525


fucking lol

>> No.8636544

I'm biting my tongue right now because of you you fuck

>> No.8636545


I'm pretty sure I'm not fat.
60kg(132lb) at 181cm (5'11')

>> No.8636568

then post pics

>> No.8636806


I won't post a picture of my body just to show a random fag that I'm in fact not fat

>> No.8637007

someones in denial (it's you fatty)

>> No.8637304
File: 40 KB, 349x274, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a little spec hanging off his left nostril and it's pissing me the fuck off

also: captcha 420 get

>> No.8637320

How the fuck are you 130, 5'11 and skinny fat??? I am 150 and like people call me skinny all the time

Do you not have any muscle buildup at all?

>> No.8637336


No fat anywhere but my belly.
Muscle buildup is okay, but I have a pretty thin bone structure.