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/fa/ - Fashion

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8631027 No.8631027 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 5'9, and I realise that I'm on the shorter side. I'm aware of the general rules when it comes to heightening your figure. My problem is that I basically have a huge torso, I am borderline barrel chested too. Is there anything I can do about this or am I basically just fucked?

>> No.8631089
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>> No.8631107
File: 56 KB, 500x186, 1396142848229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

workout a lot, grow a beard, and do Dwarf warrior cosplay

>> No.8631178

5'9 with a big chest should make it pretty easy for you to buy clothes that fit.

>> No.8632301

5'11 here is 5'9 really considered short these days? isn't it the average for america/england/australia?

>> No.8632312

le epic funnay meem XD

>> No.8632322

It's short only for nordic countries and the netherlands, also for the autism on effay.

>> No.8632341

lmao fuck off, 5'9 is short anywhere cause I said so.
>nordic countries AND the netherlands
ye ok I got it, you're just 100 iq monkey

>> No.8632377

ignore this post

>> No.8632394

>tfw 5'4 manletlet

>> No.8632419

i feel short at 5'11
my brother told me that he is short at like 5'10

>> No.8632423


holy fuck are you serious?

just kill yourself if this is true.

>> No.8632447
File: 83 KB, 500x484, 1405148489009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'7/171cm
>never gonna be able to pull off hedi fits

>> No.8632449


you mean you're never going to pull off life

kill yourself

>> No.8632456
File: 39 KB, 446x362, 1403423255720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you do it for me instead?
i am too much of a coward to kill myself

>> No.8632482

ew no

>> No.8632652
File: 111 KB, 824x1000, 1357356565944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is u even trying, i think i got a little dumber reading your shitpost

>> No.8632657

only 5'11? fucking kill yourself plev

>tfw 6' 3 masterrace

>> No.8632662

You are doing everything wrong if you think that's a good height.

>> No.8632710

6'3? boarderline midget - even tinfoil is 6' 4
>tfw 60kg 6'9 godtier

>> No.8632717

lol pls go manlet
>tfw 7'8 master race

>> No.8632724 [DELETED] 

:[ fugg I cd suck u dick w/out bending down
w/e my gf is 9 ft so its okay

>> No.8632739 [DELETED] 

>gf only 9ft
lol are you a pedophile or something?
why dont you get a normal gf, like 15ft or something?

>> No.8632740

You are average height you dumbshit stop listening to /fit/ and the shitposters of this thread

>> No.8632759



5'9 average for males
5'4 for females

You're not short. Your height is fine you fucking autist.

>> No.8632786

what if i am 5'7?
can i pull of hedi ;_;

>> No.8632791

me 2 :^)

>> No.8632792



are these vietnam statistics?

>> No.8632805

the average for the males is from your mums sexual partners
they were a lot so its very accurate

>> No.8632810
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>> No.8632815

lmao, sorry for inciting that manlet rage

go do so more high jumps

>> No.8632820

im sorry i didnt mean to burn you so hard lmao

>> No.8632952

that's like 30 years old lmfao, dutchies average at 1m85

>> No.8632959

Modern days imo 5'9" is small there's no hope for you manlets
>I'm a manlet too

>> No.8632971


remove old people
remove lower socioeconomic classes

you'll find the actual average height for males is 5'11/180cm

>> No.8633160

why would you remove the poor and the old?
it's the average height of males, not the average height of young middle/upper class males
it isnt a bloody average if you just take out who you want

>> No.8633165

why do you even bother responding to a person who doesn't know what average is, he is clearly braindead

>> No.8633192


>being satisfied with average


>average grades
>average school
>average girlfriend
>average penis
>average pay

Average is for losers, you fucking manlet loser.

>> No.8633221

Post fit

>> No.8633224

i bet you dont even have an average gf

>> No.8633273

post uni
post pic of girlfriend
post pic of penis
post salary
post height
post fit

>> No.8633307

>Average grades
>Average school
>Average girlfriend
>Average penis
>Average pay
>Average depression


>high grades
>high school
>high girlfriend
>high penis
>high pay
>high depression

>> No.8633310
File: 99 KB, 1024x680, Sunny_Everest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 29,029 ft