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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 119 KB, 719x669, I_Beat_Anorexia_T-Shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8614301 No.8614301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well /fa/ here I am.

I am 6 feet tall and 250 lbs light.

I need to know how to be /fa/ as a fat dude.

I don't have a huge budget so some more frugal advice is appreciated.

Pic somewhat related, because I did too...

>> No.8614315

You don't.
Go to /fit/
eat a calorie deficit
come back in maybe 6 months to a year.

>> No.8614321


No, I'm not going to eat less nor exercise, so thanks for the non-helpful advice.

>> No.8614328

Wear lots of Hawaiian shirts.

Only fat people can pull them off.

>> No.8614330

fat will always look awful, not /fa/

>> No.8614335

wear a tuxedo, in a coffin.

>> No.8614343

Don't have "Hawaiian" shirts per se but I actually currently rock a blue flame shirt in the same vein, women compliment me on it. I also have one that is red with black asian dragon design, also get compliments on it.

>> No.8614345

you can't be /fa/ but you can dress well people on here dress a particular way that you can't emulate as a bigger guy. You gotta find your own style you can probably find inspo somewhere on the web

>> No.8614347

Tell me, have you ever seen an /fa/ fat person? Real, fake, celebrity? Never.

>> No.8614349


Those sound like some good starting points, have you tried pairing them with something like a pair of cargo shorts?

>> No.8614350
File: 20 KB, 250x250, that's nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8614351

only way for fat people to be effay is to dress like action bronson

>> No.8614357

I'm sorry, but there's just no way to be /fa/ with those proportions. Get yourself down to 170; then, come back.

>> No.8614366

obvious b8 is obvious

>> No.8614367


Biggie Smalls dressed well as a fat guy.

However I'm not a black rapper so....

No when I wear shorts I wear athletic shorts, when I wear pants I wear black jeans.

>> No.8614382


You could also try accessorizing with something like a nice, high quality wallet chain.

>> No.8614385

Says who?

I'd take a picture of my shirts, but I'm not wasting the time and energy just so I can placate some anonymous idiot.

I legitimately do get complimented on them from women, that's not an exaggeration or lie.

>> No.8614393

I already rock one of those too. Also actually get complimented on it by women.

>> No.8614426
File: 49 KB, 500x442, 1344051492675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then fuck off. If YOU don't wanna take the effort to make yourself look better, then neither do we.
Go to reddit if you want that shit.
Do you think that being in a position where you can't perform up to the basic standard of a human being, look like fucking shit, and are in a position where you are eating your life away is "okay"?
Fuck off.

Regardless, I am pretty sure this is some top quality b8 that I bit.

>> No.8614433

Then have fun looking and feeling like shit for the rest of your life you disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.8614439

Sounds like they're secretly shitting on you. No one with even a passive interest in fashion thinks those are cool designs.

>> No.8614448

Hey, man. Post a picture of yourself in an outfit. We need to see what we're working with.

>> No.8614451
File: 111 KB, 500x627, tumblr_ms3punFcPZ1sqb6imo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be funny and friendly. Have some decent muscle and you might look ok.
1/3 /fa/ fat dudes

>> No.8614452
File: 11 KB, 1683x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says me, the /fa/ wiki (which you obviously didn't read), and almost everyone on /fa/. Get the fuck out if you're going to be an idiot.

I know that you're just looking for that one reply that says you can look good while being a fatass. You will get that reply, but it's not going to be true.

Looking fair is not an easy task. Looking good in more extravagant clothing is much harder. The first step to both of those goals is - become fit. It's probably the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life, but if you really want to be effay, you'll persevere.

>> No.8614456
File: 45 KB, 450x390, arts-graphics-2008_1185354a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8614459

Damn son, then the only thing you aremissing is a cool and elegant hat, may i suggest you the fedora?

>> No.8614460
File: 202 KB, 620x400, BigPun1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/3 next level big boned

>> No.8614484

Well, I don't give a fuck what your opinion about MY weight is.

I asked for fashion advice.

Who the fuck do YOU think YOU are to tell ME what I should or shouldn't eat and whether I exercise or not.

I am completely healthy you stupid fuck. Full blood tests done. Not a fucking health problem, NONE.

So go fuck yourself.

See above
Black jeans or athletic shorts and graphic tees. I do wear a wallet chain (wasn't kidding) I do have the shirts I mentioned above. For shoes I wear either Sketchers or Chucks.

I don't think I need to post a picture, I just need guidance for big man approved clothing.

I am funny and friendly, hence why I have women touching their hair while I'm talking to them and complimenting me regularly.

I don't need/want muscle.

I thought of asking them for advice, but I know how fickle women are and I thought this board was the experts. Starting to realize that was idiocy on my part.

You're assumptions did make an ass out of you. I did read the sticky, feel free to copy and paste where it says anything about bigger people...Waiting....

By the way, by your own advice, you should leave, you're being an idiot.

>> No.8614493

I don't like hats

>> No.8614495

its seriously time for you to go back to tumblr

>> No.8614498

I don't have to "go back to" anywhere.

>> No.8614499

>feel free to copy and paste where it says anything about bigger people
Check the image.

>> No.8614503

I did read the sticky, feel free to copy and paste where it says anything about bigger people...Waiting....
How about the picture he had in his post, you fucking retard? Don't give me that "he didn't specifically say bigger people" shit either, that's exactly what it's talking about.

>> No.8614504

mad fatty
Fashion advice - get fit

If you want real fashion advice, find a tailor fatass. I probably would have given you more advice if you just said "Yeah, I need to try and get better."
Once again - Go back to MFA. This isn't your board.

>> No.8614507

Go back to /v/ fatass.

>> No.8614511

whatever that means, you still mad, because you're full of shit and I called you out on it?

See above

>> No.8614512

Go back to the ocean

>> No.8614514

>I need to know how to be /fa/ as a fat dude.

lose weight and you can look good in a $10 fit

oh fatties, when will you learn

>> No.8614516

>No, I'm not going to eat less nor exercise, so thanks for the non-helpful advice.
merican as fuck

ok guys wrap it up and sage this shit

>> No.8614517

Why would I lie? I don't desire to lose weight or exercise.

I already get my jeans hemmed, thanks for the somewhat helpful tip I guess
Again I don't have to "go back to" anywhere, and I've never even been on that board ever anyway. So, I guess it wouldn't be "going back" if I've never been, would it?

>> No.8614520

Yeah, we all know how Europe is nothing but thin supermodels, holy shit, do people still fall for that stupid bait?

>> No.8614524

kek, i´m haing a hearty laff m8, OP surely trolled all of us, included me

gg OP, gg

>> No.8614525

I don't want to lose weight, so....are we going to keep spinning wheels here or move forward about big man approved fashion?

>> No.8614526

All these people who, if you are indeed not a troll, legitimately concerned for your health and trying to help you and you can't get over your denial to at least try to lose weight.

>> No.8614531

Why did moot have to disable sage? Fucking moot jesus.
Seriously m8. Go to Male Fashion Advice on Reddit if this isn't b8 (I'm starting to think it isn't jesus christ when did tumblr get here) They will welcome you into open arms, give you cost-friendly solutions, and you can continue living off the dollar menu.
RIght? I think I fell for some b8 too. It was really well done though. Regardless, I got mad. 7/10

>> No.8614533

Wasn't trolling, obesity is on the rise globally. Stop pretending whatever shithole country you're in doesn't have obesity.

>> No.8614538

Isn't Mexico the fattest country now?

>> No.8614540

>whatever that means
I posted an image with >>8614452
Read it.
>you're full of shit
I sincerely believe everything that I said in that post, and almost everyone on /fa/ would agree.

It seems that you've either come here to troll or to seek out support for your disgusting fatass lifestyle. If it's the former, you're doing pretty well; as for the latter, you're not going to find it.

>> No.8614542

>Not a fucking health problem, NONE.

Being fat is a health problem.

Also, you can't be /fa/ unless you can keep up with Tom Cruise, which you obviously cannot.

>> No.8614551

Yes it is. Europe is getting fatter by the year too. These fucking idiot "kids" on this board keep listening to the shit they grew up with on /b/ but haven't bothered to check any statistics in the past 5 years.

My apologies because I didn't see it in the sticky, I missed it.

That's an opinion though.

>> No.8614559

I didn't know you were a medically trained doctor and read my blood test results, thanks for the second opinion though Dr. Anonymous I'll be sure to tell my regular doctor who told me I had 0 health problems and all blood tests were normal what you said though.

>> No.8614561

It's hard to give suggestions with just your stats- we need to see what your body type is like. Post a picture of yourself

btw, not having health problems now doesn't mean you are living a healthy lifestyle and will remain healthy- your obesity will be a factor in medical issues you run into in the future. Not trying to be an asshole, but you really cannot say you are completely healthy just because you got a full blood test

>> No.8614570

>health is only defined by blood tests

Wrong, fatty. Being overweight causes stress on your bones, can place stress on your cardiovascular system, and simply looks like shit.

>muh bloot tests

You are retarded.

You asked for advice, and it was given. If you're so okay with the way you look, why even want to look /fa/? You already get compliments. Obviously you don't need this board. Or maybe you realize that you could look better, and the fact is that you can if you simply lose some weight and exercise.

>> No.8614573

you really think I'm posting a picture on 4chan?

I have a gut, that's where I carry all my weight and my thighs are starting to get a bit bigger but are still normal sized.

>> No.8614578

Post it from the neck down, idiot.

>> No.8614583

>fat is healthy, guise


I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you're obviously already doing that.

>> No.8614589

I get more than compliments, I didn't want to brag but I have a 10/10 gf and before her had a good harem of fwb's.

My gf is no help, she's very fashionable herself, but she says "you look good no matter what you wear" It's so nice when you have women this into you.

The only reason I mentioned this, was because I was sitting here thinking to myself, I wonder how many of the morons on this thread cry themselves to sleep every night after jerking off to porn onto their fashionable clothing because they have no gf...All the style in the world won't give you what I have inside.

Being comfortable in your own skin and confidence is key.

This ought to get the haters even more jelly and mad

I came here because I wanted to look better as far as the clothing I wore. I didn't come here asking for fitness advice, if I wanted that, I would have went to /fit/

>> No.8614605

see picture in this post:


>> No.8614614

Your waifu is not a real person

>> No.8614618
File: 71 KB, 640x480, thug2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the style in the world won't give you what I have inside.

An entire baby deer?

>Being comfortable in your own skin and confidence is key.

I know, dipshit. What you think working out and dressing well has made me less confident?

>This ought to get the haters even more jelly and mad

Not really, I don't know you, but I try to care for most anons that want answers. You seem to not want help. If you don't want it, then whatever. I'm just giving you honest advice. Never been fat, though, so maybe it's the good life.

>I came here because I wanted to look better as far as the clothing I wore. I didn't come here asking for fitness advice, if I wanted that, I would have went to /fit/

Clothes do not make the man, bro. It doesn't matter what you wear. It will always look like shit. It's like putting rims on a rusty impala.

>> No.8614621
File: 62 KB, 937x590, fits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a drawing about everyone should know about clothing and fashion

we have a very quick sketch of the huma skelington where we can see the basic rpoportions and figures

then we hae the fitted person which is what a human body should look like, take in mind its a quick sketch

in the fat one we can see its obviously thicker and so ruining the beauty of the humajn body itself with disporoportioned linbs and a very unstable silhouette where the fitted one has a very stable one

in the unfitted one we see its too squareish but still getting the very basic human proportions

so yeah, in fashion you make use of proportions and silhouettes and being fat is ofcourse un/fa/ because you dont have a proper silhouette or nice proportions

TL;DR lose fucking weight u unproportioned fuck

>> No.8614623
File: 38 KB, 510x223, ferrari_scuderia_blue01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you could look like.

>> No.8614624

quick question for you, why are you looking to dress better when pretty much all the benefits of dressing better also come with being at a healthy weight? E.g. Respect from peers, confidence, attractiveness, etc.

Plus, there are a bunch of other added benefits of losing weight.

Anyway, I just don't see why you are not thriving to be the best person possible in all aspects, not just dressing yourself.

>> No.8614626

>That's an opinion
What people think of your personal look is also an opinion, usually one that's agreed upon by most people. Being fat ruins your appearance, and fashion happens to be all about your appearance. To be able to look decent in any outfit, you first have to be free from any exceptionally offputting outwardly-showing physical disorders, and you happen to have one of the worst outwardly-showing physical disorders. Not only do you look like shit, no one has sympathy for you like they would for someone who was born with a cleft lip or someone bound to a wheel-chair.

>> No.8614627

liar, dilusional, or b8- but for some reason I think it's a combination of all 3

>> No.8614629

thats some creepy shit, how did you knew i´m mexican

>1.85m or so (still growing for some reason)
the oonly fat people here are the poor nigger ones who had never seen a burger in their sad lives

also, Mexico only has the first place in obesity type 1, or overweight, USA still haves the title of fattes country in obesity type 2 and 3 whic are dangerous overweight and morbid obesity

>> No.8614633

>my regular doctor who told me I had 0 health problems and all blood tests were normal what you said though.
damn Obamacare sure really fucks up with fatties

nigga there are tons of books, web sites and even conferences that talks about the health roblems of being fat and the fact that youre fat is one of them

>> No.8614634

Yeah, I don't have a "waifu" I'm not a weebo.
I just don't give a fuck what anyone says or thinks, especially haters, as this thread clearly indicates. Not afraid of talking to women. Funny how that will trump some faggot in $500 jeans standing in the corner by himself or better yet, some faggot on /fa/ anonymously insulting a fat guy...(Like I've never dealt with that, lmao you're all in the minor leagues btw) That gets you all the pussy huh, pslayer?

As I already said, what I have, you can't buy, stay mad.

I can buy better clothes, but you can't buy the personality I have

I could go to the gym and lose weight

You can't get what I have in a gym

>> No.8614639

Sieg, is that you?

stop shitting on us with your fucking pessimism

>> No.8614650

>You can't get what I have in a gym
What do you "have" exactly? Definitely not health. If you got fit your "10/10" girlfriend would fall to a 3. You've lowered your standards considerably because you're fat as fuck.

>> No.8614652

>Yeah, I don't have a "waifu" I'm not a weebo.

A damn shame.

>I just don't give a fuck what anyone says or thinks, especially haters,

Then why partake in an activity that is primarily about what others think? Why ask what we think and then go on to ignore it. You obviously don't need advice.

>As I already said, what I have, you can't buy, stay mad.

Unrealistic confidence? Yeah, pretty much.

>I can buy better clothes, but you can't buy the personality I have

I wouldn't want to. You're pretty toxic, anon.

>I could go to the gym and lose weight

Then do it. It's good for you.

>You can't get what I have in a gym

You're right. I'll never become a fatty by going to the gym.

>> No.8614655

Why are you still here? You are ignoring all the strong points people are making and rather then discussing things with people who are trying to help, you are just picking fights with internet strangers then bragging about things you can't prove.

I'd really like you to try and answer this question>>8614624

>> No.8614656

>I can buy better clothes, but you can't buy the personality I have
I don't want your personality. You are clearly a very conceited and overconfident person, and no amount of fashion sense will be able to fix that.

>> No.8614657

No, sorry, my gf is a dime in anyone's book. She has a thigh gap, the whole 9 yards.

Try harder to justify your hate/jelly though

>> No.8614661

Post a picture of her. Let's see how 10/10 she is.

>> No.8614663

Who said I needed that fixed? I get laid, a lot. I don't need to "fix it"

>> No.8614670

Not posting a picture of my gf on 4chan, believe or don't I don't give a fuck, you're a nobody to me kid, I don't have to prove myself to you.

>> No.8614682

Blot out her face, bro. Either way, you probably don't have a gf, or are a troll. Seriously, there's nothing wrong with being fat if you like to be fat. Do what you want, but don't go telling us that you can look attractive, when you clearly can't, or that you're healthy, when you're obviously not. We know better than that. If your personality is all you need, then great. You don't need clothes or beauty. We will all grow old and potentially unfashionable, but your personality will never leave you. This thread is, therefore, unnecessary. You don't need /fa/, and you don't need us. Obviously you are a superior specimen. Now leave and never come back.

>> No.8614685
File: 36 KB, 425x289, 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress like that Jonwayne, or Dan Deacon.
Effayest fat guys I can think of

>> No.8614692

Getting fit will also improve your active sex life. You will have more stamina, which will make you not be a two pump chump. Your GF will not have to sort through layers of fat to find your dick. Also, your dick will look better and not be a chode.

>> No.8614703

Yeah, I work in an operating room and have to see a lot of gross naked people; all the fat guys seem to have tiny dicks or micro penises. I think it's because the fat covers the base of the dick

>> No.8614733

Those shirts that look like muscley bodies
The sistine chapel
Map of the world
Anything else that would be clever to put on a shirt that covers a wide area
A tommy bahama shirt, with dead trees

>> No.8614735

MMM HMM you tell those skinny bitches

>> No.8614740

Not going through the hassle of worrying about exif data or going through the trouble of GIMP just to prove myself to a nobody to me, sorry.

Nah, I think I'll stick around here and make all your lives miserable, since you're all pretty pathetic idiots.

Someone who actually has something of value to say.

I'm not a "two pump chump" I've actually outlasted most women I was with.

HOWEVER, you do have a valid point about fat making penises shrink. BUT I still have no problems because what's still there works fine. Not to mention I'm an expert with my fingers and tongue. I don't have penis envy issues.

Well actually as I said above, fat does indeed cause the penis to be smaller.

>> No.8614752
File: 1.38 MB, 3000x4168, Jonwayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tru that, jonwayne is a g and can look good when he tries

half the times ive seen him play he just wore a hawaiian shirt, basketball shorts, and flip flops tho

captcha: 9001

>> No.8614753

lol, my gf because she's so hot gets hit on every day, multiple times per day. She loves coming home and telling me about the "skinny fags" (her words) that hit on her.

Because of my size she feels safe with me. (Protip: She's not the first and only woman that I've been with to tell me that)

So, you may think it's a joke about the "skinny bitches" but women actually perceive men as most of you on this board are as exactly that "skinny bitches" who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.

>> No.8614755
File: 35 KB, 500x278, donna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP are you like Fat Mac or Bobby B where your face is good but your aging/weight is the only thing not in your favor? Because people won't see that. They'll just see the fat. So keep it and use it as a prop or lose it. You won't make expensive suits or shoes look any better than pic related.

>> No.8614759

fyi women are not a monolithic entity and there will be ones who are attracted to large men for the reasons you describe and also ones who are more attracted to skinny or in shape guys

ya dingus

>> No.8614760

Okay so you are fat guy with insecure trophy gf. Gotcha, and you went as far as to tell people online too! Talk more shit about how I'm a misogynist/man who shames all fat people. Go ahead.

>> No.8614765

Holy shit, I kid you not, I look almost like that guy, except I'm not actually that big, yet. Same hair color/style and facial hair. Except my beard is trimmed down.

That dude could be confused as my brother.

I thought I was being trolled by those names, but I will look into that guy, thank you so much anon, seriously, I appreciate your help, considering all the fucking idiots I had to endure.

>> No.8614769

No, seriously, I look just like that dude in this pic:

>> No.8614787

i hope you're okay with not being able to see your dick

>> No.8614788

Man, he is wearing a windbreaker and sweatpants. Go to Big and Tall, and buy those. Then take your bike chain and wear it as a necklace. You are now /fa/t.

>> No.8614808

>"skinny bitches" who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.
>I-It's not fat, it's muscle!

No. See, I work out. I do it a lot. In fact, it's part of my job. I'm still "skinny", but you can see my shape go from broad shoulders and arms, to a skinnier waist, and nice legs. The one who couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag is probably you. Contrary to what you may think, losing fat doesn't rob you of strength.

>> No.8614823

I never said "it's not fat it's muscle"
However, you're obviously under the illusion that fat guys don't have strength. I have incredible strength.

I'm not here to measure epeens

What did you say about me you little bitch...blah, blah, blah

By the way, your insecurity is ridiculous, mention the word "skinny bitch" and look at how you jump. "I work out" "I work out"
>tfw no gf

amirite buddy?

>> No.8614830


underrated post

>> No.8614848

>However, you're obviously under the illusion that fat guys don't have strength. I have incredible strength.

I bet, what with all that exercise you refuse to do.

>I'm not here to measure epeens

Of course not, we already know your real one is tiny.

>By the way, your insecurity is ridiculous, mention the word "skinny bitch" and look at how you jump. "I work out" "I work out"

Because you're confusing not being fat with being weak, when in fact the opposite is true. Large amounts of fat rob you of testosterone and flexibility. They don't allow your muscles to get as big as they could, and restrict the blood flow, so that you have less impulsive strength. Simply put, you can't be expected to pick up and run two miles, or to get that explosive energy required to fight. What's more, is that you probably can't fight because if you had been properly taught, you'd work on it, and you'd naturally get stronger because, surprise, learning about unarmed combat is a workout. Claiming that being fat gives you some kind of magical fighting prowess simply because of your size is ridiculous. As for having no gf, well that's ridiculous because I'm married. I've no need, but maybe all that nasty food has finally atrophied your brain. This is what you look like to me.


>> No.8614861

>6 feet tall
more like "6 feet short" you manlet piece of shit

>> No.8614867

>blah, blah, blah

The post.

Hurr durr "You can't run" if I'm going to knock you the fuck out, I don't need to run.

Herp derp "You can't possibly have strength" do you believe the shit you parrot or just are used to having it spoonfed into your asshole then shooting it back out as fact?

>ps I can handle myself if I have to, but conceal and carry is a beautiful thing, all your unarmed training in the world won't dodge my bullets.

Again, I don't give a fuck about measuring epeens buddy

>> No.8614872
File: 40 KB, 453x576, 1407300125998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8614877

Oh no! Someone calling me a "manlet" omg, someone quick, get me the suicide hotline.

This isn't even minor league, this is pee wee league shit on this board. You're all pathetic.

>> No.8614902

>Hurr durr "You can't run" if I'm going to knock you the fuck out, I don't need to run.

You'll never hit me. You're fat and slow, and you'll get tired sooner, not to mention you'll go down faster due to the whole blood flow thing. You're inferior.

>Herp derp "You can't possibly have strength" do you believe the shit you parrot or just are used to having it spoonfed into your asshole then shooting it back out as fact?

I get it, you're delusional. It's fact, idiot. You're weak. You don't work out, and you don't train. You don't gain the ability to fight simply by thinking about it real hard.


I carry as well, dipshit. What, you think you're special for carrying? Protip: fat is hard to work with in an OR. Guess who is probably going to die? Also, I guess you think you don't have to move while shooting, right? You'll just plop your massive ass right down and shoot all the bad guys. Lol, you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8614923

So much mad, you okay bro? You need a Maderall prescription?

You're so insecure, it's pathetic.

I guess that's what is when you have "little man syndrome" though.

>> No.8614926

This thread has devolved into the worst 16 year old shitposting I've seen in a long time. How disappointing. Thought you'd be able to avoid a troll, /fa/.

>> No.8614945

if Tim Heidecker can do it, so can you

>> No.8614955

Fine man, here's some basic advice.
First of all fit is still the most important factor of your outfit. Find shirts that end at your shoulders, don't billow too much at the ends, or cling to you too tightly. Also, as a long sleeve shirt, the sleeve should end at the start of your wrist. This may be difficult off the rack, but a tailor will be able to solve that. Shoulders are most important as they are the hardest to adjust.
For pants, find a tapered fit that doesn't drape over the shoe or create insane bunches at the end.
Shoes, basic leather or canvas sneakers or boots that are versatile and clean looking.
The second is color, go with earth tones, or monochrome black and white color schemes. Try to find solid color shirts or things with simple patterns.
Ditch the graphic shirts, flashy useless accessories and athletic shorts.
There, you look better then half of the people on the street. Not amazing, but basic and clean.

>> No.8614971

Thank you copied pasted and saved. I do like my Chucks and also get complimented on them.

>> No.8614988

oh lol
he's scared of losing weight because his insecure chubby chasing girlfriend will leave him if he even starts to look like a normal sized human

>> No.8615002

Fine man, here's some basic advice.
Working out is modern couture.
No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body.
Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.

>> No.8615013

You're welcome.
Chucks are timeless as long as the color works well with the outfit.
I'd drop those sketchers though, maybe get some addidas or Nike's. Since you're a bigger dude, maybe something chunkier like airmax's or roshe runs. Stan Smiths and zx 500's are pretty cool too.
Cleaner silhouettes and higher quality.

>> No.8615068

No I don't lose weight because I don't want to. I eat what I want when I want. I spend my time doing things I enjoy.

Sorry kiddo your life is limited and I'm not going to worry about watching everything I eat and spending time exercising when I don't like it.

[insert bullshit about how I'm going to die sooner] You think I care? I'd rather die young and happy than some fucking 95 year old fuck who doesn't even know where he is or where everyone went.

Again, I'm comfortable in my skin, the insecurities on this board reeks from the corners and crevices of the people who are posting here.

I just wanted to look nicer for my gf, no one else, I'm happy with who I am and what I wear. I got her by not giving a fuck about what I wear but as I said, she's very fashionable herself and she doesn't care what I wear but I want to look nice for her.

By the way, I don't worry "about losing" any woman. I can replace her easily. I didn't have to get with the first woman who gave me attention. I chose her because she had all the qualities I wanted in a girlfriend. I screened hard and have left a lot of women behind because they didn't live up to my standards, not the other way around.

Notice, as I said, I'm doing this because I want to, not because she wants me to. I don't put up with bossy, one sign of that, and they're gone.

This anon came through.


>> No.8615083
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>> No.8615089

>Again, I'm comfortable in my skin

With all that padding, I'd be surprised if you weren't fat boy.

>> No.8615097
File: 49 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n8hcxoR9tv1rzw5l4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any male advice but I'll post some gorgeous big boned beauties for inspo

>> No.8615109

I thought Tim's primary fat depository was just his chin and no matter how many opiates he had for breakfast it would never change. I would actually be really confused if he ever lost it.

>> No.8615110

>tfw fat fetish
It's the most shameful pleasure

>> No.8615116
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>> No.8615118

jesus fuck go back to tumblr

>> No.8615120
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>> No.8615141

It's like Daniel Johnston. Without the fat, it's just not the same.

>> No.8615147
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>> No.8615159

don't worry pretty soon OP will have a heart attack from typing to much and we can be rid of this shit

>> No.8615170

No, If I ever have a heart attack it will most likely be having sex with a caliber of woman you only dream about and jerk off to, while I'm actually having sex with her.

>> No.8615175

your still having a heart attack from basic physical exertion and thats fucking sad

>> No.8615185

>No I don't lose weight because I don't want to. I eat what I want when I want. I spend my time doing things I enjoy.
>Sorry kiddo your life is limited and I'm not going to worry about watching everything I eat and spending time exercising when I don't like it.
>[insert bullshit about how I'm going to die sooner] You think I care? I'd rather die young and happy than some fucking 95 year old fuck who doesn't even know where he is or where everyone went.

>> No.8615189


>> No.8615193
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>> No.8615223

Not bait. If I posted my gf's pics (esp her nudes) there would be more jacking going on than at a construction site.

Obviously not going to do that.

I actually dated a Victoria's Secret Catalog model a few years ago too. She bought me a $10K platinum necklace. I broke up with her because I wasn't willing to relocate with her. I gave the necklace back to, even though she didn't want it.

Again, you can say I'm lying or trolling. However, I know what the truth is, and I don't really care if idiots on an anonymous image board believe me or not. I don't have to prove anything to anyone.

>> No.8615231
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ayy lmeezy

>> No.8615240
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Gonna have to b8 harder than that m8

>> No.8615246

hawaiian shirt sun glasses sandles and ice cream

>> No.8615250

>No guy ever dates Victoria's Secret Catalog models, they're all just cloistered away in little buildings like nuns....

>> No.8615253

wow, so original of a post....Do you always shitpost without reading the thread? By this post, I would say with a resounding yes, indeed, you do.

>> No.8615257
File: 296 KB, 900x878, 1292819292253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit b8 m8 0/8 ur nto even trying anymore

>> No.8615274


Please stop. The level of bullshit is actually making me ill.

>> No.8615499


We don't take kindly to your type 'round here

>> No.8616529

Jesus, even if this is bait, someone still took the time to write this shit out to try and bait some fucking reaction for three fucking hours.

I mean what the fuck, really.

>> No.8617805

One for the records, fellows.

>> No.8617960
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>I just don't give a fuck what anyone says or think

Yet you come here asking for advice. Just leave.

>> No.8618007

>I get more than compliments, I didn't want to brag but I have a 10/10 gf and before her had a good harem of fwb's.

b8 confirmed. nice job op, you had me going for a while.

>> No.8618187
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>> No.8618376
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>> No.8618381


>> No.8618399

You will never be /fa/, but you can have style. Dress like you are the fat lead singer for a ska band. That is the only style acceptable for fat people, and fat people are the only acceptable body type for that style. A fedora will be included.

>> No.8618803


this is a trole thread guys stop posting

on the off chance youre being serious - we cant help you. its irellevant if you are succesful, happy, have a gf etc - this is a fashion board. you are fat, and wear dragon shirts. you are also very obnoxious for a degenerate drain on society, and seemingly unwilling to cooperate. fuck off

>> No.8618806

>I need to know how to be /fa/ as a fat dude.
Starve yourself.
That's it.

>> No.8618808

His advice was very helpful, and you won't accept any of the solutions to your problem.

>> No.8618888

okay fuck OP, does /fa/ wanna help a guy with similar issue except I'm actually willing to lose weight. I just know how... I've been lurking /fa/ for a year now, I know how to dress I just can't apply it to me since I'm a fat fuck. I'm 220, I've been eating a better, I drank a ton more water but water made me gain 10 pounds in water weight which I'm gonna get rid of with hopefully more exercise? Anybody have more tips other than not eating or smoking? I don't want to not eat because it'll make me gain weight.

>> No.8618937
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>> No.8618944 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 207x243, bigguy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a big guy OP. But I'll still help you out. I've made the perfect outfit for you. Lets start with outerwear. You'll need the perfect jacket to keep your big body warm. Pic related

>> No.8618951 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 194x259, BigGuy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next you'll need something to layer with. How about this stylish vest? It doubles as armour so you'll be protected from most small arms fire. Stylish and effective!

>> No.8618966 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 600x600, bigguy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally you'll want some accessories to spice up your outfit. I'd suggest this stylish mask. I'm pretty sure it's Maison Martin Margiela! If you wear these pieces you'll be the biggest guy in town.

>> No.8618982 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8618992 [DELETED] 

Nope, just a big guy.

>> No.8619007


>> No.8619018

95? I doubt you'll even make it past 65 before your first and possibly last heart attack, OP.

>> No.8619044


>> No.8619060
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kill thyself

>> No.8619063
File: 4 KB, 324x155, hehhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underated post

>> No.8619501

You're garbage if you're fat.
Being fat is worse than being Birthday
Its worse than being Birthday+Trunks' butt baby.

>> No.8619509

I hope you prebought you're piano box for when your feisty "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT" fatass dies horribly at age 35. You waste of space.

>> No.8619553

Pls stop the fatshaming

>> No.8619561

fuck off tumblrqueer. This is 4chan we don't receive "le dreaded downboat" if we tell the truth. Being obese is disgusting and inhuman and those who are should be made to repent.

>> No.8619573


It's just like high school all over again

>> No.8619582
File: 47 KB, 546x366, bueno[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOOD, just remember that the only thing that changes from high school is that people will hide their thoughts in the back of their head. They're still thinking them though.

>> No.8620169

lol, do you know where you are?

>> No.8620175

so true

that's why now i don't trust nobody, not even my friends

>> No.8620186

Real talk why do you guys keep bumping this shit thread?

>> No.8620377


>/fa/ggots getting baited this hard

>> No.8620391
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>No, I'm not going to eat less nor exercise
>nor exercise

>not wanting to be strongfat

>> No.8620415


>> No.8620516

No, US keeps the rank as the highest average weight, (fattest country). Mexico is actually a little far in that chart maybe ranked at 4 or 5. México has the most cases of obesity ratio per capita. aka 5-15 pounds higher than the healthy weight.

>> No.8620677

i would be skinny or ottermode, anything else looks hideous and unproportioned

>> No.8622038
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>> No.8622698

Ah, physical fitness, whatever. You know, whatever. You do what you like to do and I do what I like to do, ok? But you're a sucker, you're getting fed this line about how like you're gonna live forever or whatever. You're gonna die. Someone'll kill ya, someone will kill ya with a knife