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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 602 KB, 571x924, ribbit fashun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8610160 No.8610160 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8610557

Whoa, back the fuck up. I'm not sure how reddit works, but is 3sixteen telling that dude those jeans fit well? I thought they had standards.
>mfw my jeans are 3sixteen

>> No.8610622

its not their fault this retard cant cuff his jeans and read measurements off a site

>> No.8610627

reddit isn't allowed to be even remotely critical, lest they get the dreaded downboat.

"they fit well. i'd hem them but i mean, y'know, not really necessary. just my opinion." is code for "HOLY FUCKING CHRIST BRO HEM THAT SHIT"

>> No.8611090

and here we get /fa/ where people tell everyone they're shit no matter what

>> No.8611117

thats not true. plenty of people get good feedback or useful feedback. its just the total crap that gets vilified

>> No.8611119

Except when the fit is actually good

>> No.8611155
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>> No.8611196

/fa/ is black and white, there is no middle ground here
reddit is just white, everyone pretends to be nice there

>> No.8611232

Nah man I talk shit on there all the time and I still get all da upboats

>> No.8611388


>> No.8611392


>> No.8611394

>no fun: the thread
rebbitfriends pls

>> No.8611448
File: 143 KB, 729x678, fa-tan (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really don't fit awfully though, that cuffing is atrocious and jeans like that don't stack well so he would need to hem them.
>B-but /fa/ muh slim fit pants
That polo is something awful though. He also needs to hit up /r/malefitnessadvice or whatever the fuck their version of /fit/ is.

>> No.8611476

I need more /fa/ x /fit/ anyone willing to dump?

>> No.8611480


pretty smooth fit

>> No.8611485


There has never been a good fit posted on /fa/.

It is just the usual circle-jerk of inspo memes recycled by anons.

>> No.8611539

That shit was posted on rawdenim, not mfa. Those jeans fit like shit but rawdenim isnt a sub focused on fit. Its about denim half of the people there dont give a fuck about how shit fits them

>> No.8611564

Naw you're fucking gay

>> No.8612429
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>> No.8612444
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>> No.8612487

Other than the shoes, that's a pretty simple fit.

>> No.8612497

honestly if he took that due's advice of wearing stan smiths this wouldn't be too bad

>> No.8612621


are you autistic?

>> No.8613323

what the fuck

>> No.8613471

I'm tempted to go on reddit. Seems like all our best WAYWT posters go on there as well. Seems like a decent place to collect inspo and maybe while I'm there I can contribute good advice and maybe clean up the shitty reputation it has for being a hugbox of a community.

>> No.8613532


Thats a good fit besides shoes

U dont deserve those mighty trips

>> No.8613543
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>> No.8613553

>hundreds hat
>tacky hawaiian shirt
>terrible joggers
this fit is beyond saving, even with stan smiths.

>> No.8613559


> that kind of shit gets people laid

what the fucking fuck

>> No.8613581

>Well. And frequently!


>> No.8613586

i want to die

>> No.8613599

>I'm not her fucking parent

would be my response.

>> No.8613601

white is white synonymous with good?

>> No.8613619

>take off your hat

Fedora neckbeard confirmed

>> No.8613678

mfa member here. i spend just as much time on /fa/ than as i do on mfa.

this is true. out of all the online fashion communities reddit is and always will be the most polite. its rare you find people saying shit like "wow you look like a total faggot get off this website". reddit doesnt tolerate rudeness. and especially on mfa, the promote constructive criticism rather than insults... sometimes insults are what is needed tho. the worst thing youll get on reddit is "this looks bad".

not as much as you would if you were saying nice things on the fits that are actual nice. if you comment "this looks good" on a fit that ACTUALLY looks really good then youll get 10x the upvotes than you would if you comment "this is shit" on a shit fit.

heres a good example of something that MFA lacks. streetwear knowledge. i often see some random black kid wearing ill fitting chinos, a random ugly snapback, and the worlds randomest roshe runs that do not match the outfit at all. and that outfit gets like 80+ upvotes... like no thats what average streetwear looks like. MFA dont understand that some brands are and always will be complete shit regardless of what they look like.

this here is sorta cherry picking. its often that i see absolute SHIT on reddit and laugh at it. but thats only maybe 15% of the time. the other 85% is perfectly acceptable posts.

in the end, i think both MFA and fa offer different things. they have their pros and their cons

>> No.8613709


upboated :^)

>> No.8615213


>> No.8615266

wow you sound like a total faggot get off this website

>> No.8615518


>> No.8615598

I prefer a hate machine than a hugbox. I <3 you /fa/

>> No.8615797

Oh, shit. Those adidas are next on my cop list actually

>> No.8616014

i havent cringed in months

fuck those niggers, if a bitch with disgusting legs and ridiculous small feet cant even lace her shitty shoes she isnt worth shit

i´ve been trough that and its total shit

>> No.8616382

only noticed this now, but her feet are freakishly small, the sneakers only make it worse, and it makes her legs look fat.

>> No.8616398
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>> No.8616401
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>> No.8616544

fuck up outta here. go back to reddit, i know you aren't lying when you say you're a redditor just by looking at your post.

>> No.8616680

that's called perspective

or do you also think her head is huge?

>> No.8618734

Hi I'm new to the board, is this how you guys troll here?

>> No.8618752
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>> No.8618782

First thing every nigga should be told. -
Never tie a bitches shoes.
Tell the bitch to tie her own damn shoes.
>I thought it would be better for me to kneel down in the mud than her.
This the kinda shit you don't do. If you let the bitch know she's better than you, that means she can do better than you.

>> No.8618794

>I figured it would be better for me to kneel in the mud than her
don't this people know how to squat?

>> No.8618892

What's wrong with them

Honest question not b8

>> No.8618899

Post one fit by a user, not inspo that didn't get shit on at all by anyone

>> No.8618910

Live from their mom's basement: it's EDGY VIRGIN TEENS

So edgy
So controversial
Callin stuff autistic
Sayin faggot
Tellin ppl to die

Oh man please wow me with your social tabboos so cool so hip so dark

I remember being a teenager too

>in b4 go back to reddit (never been, never will. Popular and respected sufu regular)

>> No.8618920
File: 1.59 MB, 256x192, hankkill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autism on this post is off the charts.

>> No.8618953
File: 5 KB, 261x323, adult-man-with-downs-syndrome-working-studying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure showed me with your 100% original internet snark

Why are you so upset. (pic is you being upset in your edgy monochrome)

>> No.8618968

I would wear this. sans the hat and different shoes.
And also a different print shirt.
Okay fuck that. where to cop pants?

>> No.8618971

those fucking comments aside ...
What the fuck is up with her tiny ass feet?

>> No.8618993

I'd like to clothesline that guy

>> No.8619003
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comedy gold right here.

>> No.8619010

Yeah that anon is crying irl because he probably takes fa seriously

>> No.8619031



>> No.8619046
File: 13 KB, 579x79, weshouldntbehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8619049

>Kaptain Kek

>> No.8619057

Ur so mad

>> No.8619074
File: 305 KB, 781x408, uFSxD1k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8619080


On the contrary, my 4chan acquaintance.

I, a humble user of both Reddit and 4chan, are a gentleman and I would not resort to barbaric means like "getting mad".

However, you have insulted me, and therefore, you must pay.

*unzips katana*

>> No.8619084
File: 2.87 MB, 1958x6124, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8619096


>Implying anything of those things listed under /fa/ are a bad thing

>> No.8619108

Welp enjoy being a malnourished virgin with aspergers and an unfulfilled life at least you'll be effay in the safety of your parents basement :^}

>> No.8619122


>Implying that's not "living the dream"

>> No.8619126

whatever helps you cope, bro :~D

>> No.8619140



>> No.8619142

they are self righteous. They are hypocrites. They just seek mass aproval using lies to cover up their image.

They think that fat people can be /fa/, an undeniable lie.

>> No.8619155

those are the top comments-

God kill me now.

>> No.8619168

/fa/ - Brutally honest opinions coinciding with fashion trends. Trolls with no patients for ignorance.

>You can't pull off that look. Don't buy X because its shit and you're not asian. Are you trying to look like an autistic beaner, because Gosling in Driver was a white guy. You need money to look patrician.

MFA - Pandering opinions coinciding with personal tastes. Sensitive snowflakes.

>That's okay but if you did X it'd look better. I think you just need a haircut and it'll look better. Just roll up your pant legs and it'll be okay *despite it being 3 sizes over*.

Both has great resources on their stickys/wikis though.

>> No.8619226

anything slightly negative gets you banned

kind of how 4chan is turning

>> No.8619231

the jeans fit badly on him and he is wearing them too high on the waist

>> No.8619232

>/fa/ wiki

does it still exist ?

>> No.8619237

>Trolls with no patients for ignorance.
That's funny, because the trolls seem to be the most ignorant of all.

>> No.8619248

>one guy out of thousands has an opinion
>all of reddit sucks
You guys are WAY too into the whole "hivemind" thing.

>> No.8619283

/fa/ stop being fucking retarded.

/r/malefashionadvice is the subreddit for people who are trying to stop radiating autism.

/r/streetwear might as well be /r/clothingforteenagers.

/r/malefashion is the actual equivalent to this board.

>> No.8619289

I meant what was wrong with the jeans not mfa

>> No.8619299

go lurk the sticky

ignorance how the culture on this board. i.e. The reaction to threads "Hey guys I bought this pac sun snoopy tee that's too big for me, what do?" or most threads about cop or not or hairstyles and not using the catalog and being a newfag in general.

>> No.8619306

>/r/streetwear might as well be /r/clothingforteenagers.

/fa/ is also /r/clothingforteenagers

>> No.8619313

Which is why /fa/ isn't fashionable

>> No.8619441

It's not someone from 3sixteen. It's someone who likes 3 sixteen so they gave themselves the logo as a tag on /r/rawdenim
Every fit on that sub is almost pure shite

>> No.8619465

>m-muh skintight jeggings

>> No.8619645
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>> No.8619651
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>> No.8619666
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>> No.8619673
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>> No.8619683
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>> No.8619686
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>> No.8619689
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>tfw no /fit/ bf to dominate physically and emotionally

>> No.8619696
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>> No.8619792


Why am I saving these wtf

>> No.8619796

Cause u r gay

>> No.8619824
File: 55 KB, 565x393, index (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8619833

ayy lmao

>> No.8619839

sounds d0pe tbh, you could have made it sound worse you know

>> No.8619891

It is someone from 3sixteen its AJ Chen, lots of people who are involved with brands be it owners or otherwise (Kiya from SE etc) are active on the raw denim subreddit.

>> No.8620048

You've made the meme face incorrectly, my friend.
Let me show you how.

>> No.8620092



>> No.8620156

>Not saving the uncensored versions

>> No.8620347

thats 3sixteen you stupid fuckboy