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File: 57 KB, 450x300, mexican-president-enrique-pena-nieto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8602458 No.8602458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most facially aesthetic world leader of the last 20 years (1994-present)?

>> No.8602479
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>> No.8602487

>Enrique Peña Nieto
kek, that little faggot is only like 1.60m tall and hideous as fuck, i saw him IRL

delete this troll thread m8

>> No.8602505

Thanks for the bump

>> No.8602658

>brown eyes

>> No.8602667
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>> No.8602671

>that little faggot is only like 1.60m tall
yeah but mexico is full of manlets anyway

>> No.8602691
File: 36 KB, 720x482, 303843_10150312736467451_885055486_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chief of course

>> No.8602724
File: 698 KB, 1408x2048, Queen-Rania-Jordan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it comes to women, the queen of jordan

>> No.8602743
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>> No.8602755
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>> No.8602791


>> No.8602794
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>> No.8602800
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not where i live, everyone is at least 1.80m or he comes from some shitty farm ville

>MFW Peña Nieto is from the same city as me
kek, such a disgrace to be mexican

>> No.8602804
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>> No.8602866

Justin Trudeau, leading anything... Mhmhh

>> No.8602913

She is beautiful.

>> No.8602940
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is Nigel Farage /fa/?

>> No.8602942
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he leads your mums vag to his cock, fagboi

>> No.8602959

I srsly hope this hypocrite faggot isn't elected. ever.
And i fucking hate Harper


>> No.8602963
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>> No.8602968

He leads conservative senators to the ring's floor, I'll give you that.
But mum's FC, so she's having none of the devil's spawn

>> No.8602972


damn he is huge

>> No.8603186
File: 858 KB, 588x815, le classy gent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's /mfa/

>> No.8603712


>> No.8604170


He most have some pointy kneecaps.

>> No.8604587


But seriously if this fucktard ever gets elected I'm emigrating

>> No.8604598

what's being a traitor like

>> No.8604607

What's being the British equivalent of inbred trailer trash like?

>> No.8604612

what's it like knowing Europe is waking up

>> No.8604627

>Implying his "grand plan" extends any further than leaving the EU and kicking out pakis

He's a retard the only reason UKIP gets votes from working class scum is because they are all idiots who only care about immigration.

>implying severely restricting immigration wont fuck the British economy
>implying leaving the EU wont fuck the British economy
>implying stopping "pakis and poles" from coming here will in anyway help this country

>> No.8604633

>Waking up

Nigger you are dumb

>> No.8604682
File: 76 KB, 941x428, 1407297456448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's it like hating yourself

>> No.8604716

>Posts a blog comment from some american bimbo
>T-this m-means something r-right? G-guys?

Man stay out of politics or anything that would give you more responsibility than a toilet attendant.

>> No.8604737

>i-it's just isolated
go to a university m8

>> No.8604741
File: 84 KB, 766x689, 1384572699770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes goy, diversity is good..

>> No.8604748

Self-parody at it's finest.

>> No.8604758

Back to /pol/ with your Jew conspiracies.

kek, enjoy your social breakdown and plummeting population

>> No.8604792

no one is going to deport you, paki. don't worry about that.

these ukip brits just want to save their people from hordes of incompatible foreigners. which is their right as a native people that have been living there for over 10,000 years.

>> No.8604795
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>kek, enjoy your social breakdown and plummeting population
but what a legacy we will leave behind

>> No.8604819

>implying stopping "pakis and poles" from coming here will in anyway help this country

How will it not?
Non-whites are twice as likely to unemployed than Whites in the UK (45% of Blacks and Pakis are unemployed, futhermore 53% of Muslim men and 76% of Muslim women are unemployed. (2010 EHRC figures)) Whereas under 8% of whites are unemployed :^) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/labour-market-status-by-ethnic-group

Muslims make up 5% of the official UK population but account for 13% of the prison population. (Gatestone Institute)

In 2004 a third (33 per cent) of Muslims of working age in Great Britain had no qualifications – the highest proportion for any religious group. They were also the least likely to have degrees or equivalent qualifications (12 per cent) (ons.gov.uk/ons/index.html?id=963)

>> No.8604828

>that disgusting skin

>> No.8604856

>45% of Blacks and Pakis are unemployed, futhermore 53% of Muslim men and 76% of Muslim women are unemployed

And who do you think it is who are employing white people over the minorities? :^)

Also the whole UKIP/BNP/flavourofthemonthracists argument that immigrants are taking all the superior white mans precious jobs is completely unfounded then

>> No.8604871


Thats just what people say when they realize they're completely fucked

>> No.8604874



>> No.8604883

>And who do you think it is who are employing white people over the minorities? :^)
See, this argument doesn't work as we have anti-discrimination laws in place.

>Also the whole UKIP/BNP/flavourofthemonthracists argument that immigrants are taking all the superior white mans precious jobs is completely unfounded then
Partially, UKIP are generally talking about Eastern Europeans taking low end jobs from the lower classes which is not wrong. They don't mention non-whites because that's racist :'^(

>> No.8604891

>See, this argument doesn't work as we have anti-discrimination laws in place.

Which are not enforced by officials or obeyed by employers. Right-wingers are always ready to jump on the legality band-wagon yet in practice always pretend such thing as a law doesn't even exist.

>> No.8604904

>Which are not enforced by officials or obeyed by employers
So you say.

>> No.8604909

Stick to your delusions, then.

>> No.8604923


>> No.8605056


>> No.8605096

>Which are not enforced by officials or obeyed by employers

They're not exactly going to say we're not hiring you because your a paki are they. Just because the laws are in place doesn't mean they are obeyed. Especially when it comes to laws that cannot be enforced without knowledge that its happening.

>Durr hurr nobody breaks the law guys dont you know they're watching us.

>> No.8605098

Oh, but of course how short sighted of me :^)

>> No.8606857

>severely restricting immigration will fuck the British economy
lol the British economy is almost based on tourism and some gas extraction operations

>> No.8606866

yay! fashion at its finest

you fucking ameritards should stop posting /pol/ and /b/ tier shit and better start posting something relevant

>> No.8606876
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>Not having a 47-year old bachelor who still lives with his mom rule your country.

>> No.8606883
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He even fucking cycles to the parliament building.

>> No.8606920
File: 32 KB, 600x406, mubarak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mubarak had a custom pinstripe suit made where the pinstripes were actually his name.

>> No.8606939


>> No.8606956

would you bang young cristina

>> No.8606964
File: 30 KB, 236x317, cristina-kirchner-young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8606970
File: 38 KB, 639x448, gralbachelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michelle Bachelet was a qt but now she a fat

>> No.8607552

Pakis can't be effay.

>> No.8608028


>> No.8608089


Dope as fuck.