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8599828 No.8599828 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the only people that checks me out and actually tell me i look good are 6-10 yo grills
Where did i do wrong

>> No.8599838


>> No.8599843

you made this thread

>> No.8600146

u made it nigga u should tell /tv/ about it

i get compliments from dumb hs girls alot

>implying i dont get their numbers
>implying i dont then awaken them sexually through the might of my ass eating ability

>> No.8600387

yeah but they're not 10 yo and under

>> No.8600403
File: 22 KB, 369x230, babyq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 19 y/o manlet
>high school girls are the first to admire / gawk in public

w2c beard?

>> No.8600405

when life gives you lemons, eat lolis

>> No.8600411
File: 1.90 MB, 316x213, larrydavid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no ass to eat of any age

>> No.8600437

Take the hs grills while you still can

>> No.8600448
File: 88 KB, 640x960, shit is fucked up and bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not trying to catch a case though, anon

rapists do not get employed

>> No.8601474

Where are you guys going that there is a large enough amount of kids that you could notice some kind of pattern do you hang out in primary schools or something? I rarely see kids anywhere

>> No.8601485


it's fucked up but I know plenty of guys that would still date 16-17 year old girls even though they are 21

it just seems like you're definitely taking advantage of them, which isn't a good thing

>> No.8601488

maybe those 6-10 years old are patricians before the amerifat conventions of leggings and uggs spoiled them into plebs

remember the draw thread with everyones fits from child to adulthood? everyone was happy and nxtlvl at the 10 years old stage.

>> No.8601526

> tfw girls way out of your league fall in love with you

i cant handle it

feel with me please

>> No.8601575
File: 322 KB, 803x1065, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in leagues
>building a mental prison of limitations for who you can touch or share intimacy with based on how attractive other people find that person

pick both, porcupine!

>> No.8601791

fuck off

>> No.8601807

costanza is literally your greentext

>> No.8602024

>everyone hates you, even 6-10 yo girls

it's hard being a pedo

>> No.8602394

>Where did i do wrong

I don't know, you seem to be doing it right. Now ask them if they have older sisters/moms.

>> No.8604336


>> No.8604903

>using the 1-10 scale to rate women like an empty headed emotionally immature socially retarded virgin
thats where

>> No.8604906

Dress in tumblrcore

>> No.8606394

Read the post again

>> No.8606471

You're 19, if a 17 year old wants to fugg do it. Everyone I know did it when we were freshman in college and bangin younger freshman / juniors & seniors in hs. Besides, I'm pretty sure if they're like 17 you're good when it comes to age if consent.
Of course, always be careful tho.

>> No.8606479
File: 53 KB, 355x200, u fukin slut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hanging out with qt girl
>same intrests and shit
>oh anon i wish you weren't gay we're so good together
>mfw im not gay
>mfw i didn't say anything
>haven't talked to her in a week and a half

>> No.8606483

you have the gay aura

not our fault

>> No.8606493

>i didn't say anything
might as well be gay

>> No.8606497

OP here, just random kids, with their parents, like whenever i walk around town and shits

>> No.8606503

dude what

>> No.8606511
File: 202 KB, 350x353, 1382649756843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl has bf
>sees me and runs over to say hi and hugs me
>grabs my ass
>runs off with her friends saying she'll see me around

>> No.8606524

How? Tell me pls, what do you dress in, how do you behave in order to make lolis talk to you?

>> No.8606533
File: 28 KB, 359x296, b0f259ec-45c2-4804-ada6-8ec050af2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 8yo brother has a shirt depicting a viper that I w2c BADLY. He's not very effay, but he does coordinate his clothing.
>He still listens to Macross 82-99, Arctic Monkeys and Ratatat with me
>he has an old restored EVO player with a bunch of They Might Be Giants that he sing-songs to
>mfw I'm being an awesome biggest bro, grooming him into a proper /mu/tant
Today, music. Tomorrow, fashion.

>> No.8606705


>> No.8606772

you're shaping the future man
so brilliant

>> No.8606869

everytime a chik asks me if im gay i say
"only gay 4 the pussy"
i bone me l8r

>> No.8607062

> not rating women by their hotness
What does a woman have going for her rather than her looks. A Ph.D in Brain Science (unless it has something to do with giving good head) won't get my dick any harder than it would if she was anything less.
You know, Feminist Justice Warrior, you can't just override literally thousands of years of biology to suit your feminist ideals.
A woman will always be judged by her looks (Waist-Hip ratio, facial symmetry and all that) while as a man, you get judged by what you can bring to the table (Wealth, Charisma, Intelligence but basically anything that implies Dominance).
No wonder women love to have raep fantasies (have you read my secret garden?)
Take your moralfaggot ass to tumblr.

Or else you mean that the scale system sorta puts them on a pedestal, which would offer them no choice than to look down on you.

>> No.8607174
File: 953 KB, 245x235, 1401472277825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kinda feel you
mostly girls come up to me (after a long time/happily in a relationship):
>i really used to fancy you. a lot

>> No.8607205

i ain't helping you to become a pedo okay

>> No.8607216

she wants to peg you, do not cop

>> No.8607269

No shit.
How hot is she on the HotBabe scale?
How close are you to her, in what context did she do this?
Haha Captcha: eveday rougher

>> No.8607296

Shit taste

>> No.8607307

C'mon man don't profane his young innocent ears, get him some decent vaporwave at least. Otherwise, good job m8.