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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 606 KB, 1400x796, mbp-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8599344 No.8599344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

your computer is effay right?

>> No.8599350


>> No.8599353 [DELETED] 
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, 20130305_225142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe. w2c touch enabled h games?

>> No.8599359

>not having one in all matte black

Did you just go and get that off /g/?

>> No.8599369


nah the black ones are old as hell and get hella greasy

>> No.8599458

not if it's a fucking mac pleb

>> No.8599480


I suppose you think a thinkpad with arch is effay? Fucking faggot


>> No.8599499

Colorware m8, if you've got the money to drop on Rick & Raf you might as well go for it
>not reinvigorating and refurbishing an old Mac
Do you even /fag/

>are you me

>> No.8599516

Having a piece of shit Mac isn't effay. If you can buy nice clothes you can but nice hardware that isn't over priced shit. Only making your own computer is effay.

>> No.8599520

/g/entooman pls

>> No.8599526


go back to /g/ you autistic cunt

>> No.8599527

Yeah but carrying your own box + monitor and peripherals everywhere isn't

>> No.8599544

That's a fair point but owning a Mac just makes you seem like a pretentious rich kid that knows fuck all about computers. For a board that's obsessed with image I'd have thought that'd be important.

>> No.8599545

please show me how one can make a laptop.
I dont think so, faggot

>> No.8599548

>pretentious rich kid

You don't know much about fashion do you newfag?

>> No.8599555

My friend at uni who is into fashion is also pretty damn knowledgeable about computers, programming and that and he swears by his apple hardware.

>> No.8599558

You don't make a laptop, you buy a windows based, equally specced machine for half the price of a mac and spend the remainder on clothes.


>> No.8599559
File: 41 KB, 640x359, Lenovo Y40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this Lenovo Y-40, I do good /fa/?

>> No.8599560


Sorry for actually understanding the things that I buy.

Would you buy a piece of clothing without knowing what it's made from and whether or not the price you were paying was fair the contsruction and material?

>> No.8599562
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>this fucking delusion

literally laughing my fucking ass off, i just can't comprehend how some people are so removed from reality. shit's hilarious.

>> No.8599567


looks like alienware, would make you look like a fucking neckbeard, trashed.

>> No.8599568

>m-muh specs

>> No.8599570

>op post /fa/ laptop
>"Only making your own computer is effay"
>"You don't make a laptop"

this nigga is retarded. can't believe you can remember how to breath.

>> No.8599571

>implying i'm the same guy

>> No.8599572

The hardware isn't terrible or anything but as another anon said you could save money getting an equally spec'd none Mac and spend the rest on clothes.

If he likes the OS fair enough although it's horrendously simplistic and restrictive.

>> No.8599575

>still thinking price must equal quality

psst faggot, get out more.

>> No.8599576

Is the red accented keyboard really that bad? becausse other than that it looks fine to me.

>> No.8599578
File: 28 KB, 620x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a Zenbook?

>> No.8599582

That's basically what this board aspires to though, style over substance, bby

It's not bad, per se
Just horribly overpriced (as fuck), and not upgradeable; plus the image is a bit stereotypical nowadays
Decent resale value though (so long as they haven't just stepped up their architecture or you're selling to a moron) which is nice

Enjoy your chinese botnet

>> No.8599584


being money conscious is not effay. fact of the matter is that macbook's are fashionable as fuck and no amount of you posting on 4chan will ever change that fact, now fuck off.

>> No.8599586
File: 80 KB, 350x335, 1366197409610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're not a faggot as well

>> No.8599590



just stop. if you want to look effay use a macbook or some hipster notepad handmade in japan people will fiend over.

>> No.8599593

Nah he's pimped his the hell out with loads of scripts and stuff to streamline the user experience to a fantastic degree. It's the best set-up I've seen.

>> No.8599597

>not running arch on your laptop
But muh rice

It's not alienware bad but it's not great

I'm actually being pretty tempted towards one of these, need a new laptop for work and uni

>> No.8599601

I wasn't saying that at all. If anything I was saying the opposite. That Macs are dumb because they aren't worth the price, same with spending lots of money on clothes that are made from shit materials.

>> No.8599604

ahahahaha you can't be serious

You can talk shit about apple all you want but they blitz the field when it comes to design, both in hardware and software. You can talk shit about the lack of games on OS X but for one you can just partition the hard drive and games means shit all in regards to this.

Effay mother fucker, do you speak it

>> No.8599608

Damn straight. Sweet 15 inch Retina all the time

>> No.8599611

Is he still running OSX or another distro?

>> No.8599613
File: 151 KB, 706x677, Laughing Judeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually trying to argue that macbook pro's aren't /fa/
>literally used by millions of fashionable artisans from musicians to photographers to artists in other fields even others like architects etc the world round
>generally lauded by the average pleb

your resistance only makes me harder

>> No.8599619

Or maybe just knowing what I want?

Then why did he buy a Mac? Couldn't he have just saved money and done the rest through a Linux OS? Or was it for some Mac only programs?

>> No.8599621
File: 212 KB, 1600x1000, F-18 Pilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mac hardware and software
>Good for the cost
Nah, you're a cunt. Fuck off.
>mfw all the technologically stunted retards on /fa/

>> No.8599628


>knowing what I want

Definitely sounds like what you want is not fashionable

>> No.8599629


look at this fucking nerd
gb2 chess club nerd

>> No.8599635


>he thinks being an autistic linux retard is effay

do you even know where you are? you're not on /g/ any more motherfucker

>> No.8599638

I'll give you design and their monitors are nice to but the hardware isn't exclusive to Apple or anything. All of those components can be used by other manufacturers too. You make it sound as if Apple design their own hardware.

>> No.8599641

Definitely OSX, he's a big Apple fan, unusually since he's a big tech nerd. He's got his own remote server back at his house for seedboxing for what.cd and stuff, he knows what's up with this stuff.

Like I said, he likes what Apple does, presumably for good reasons.

>> No.8599648

>But muh rice
Linux is pretty effay though, you can sit around all day ricing cause you've got nothing else to do, then go sit in cafes and smoke while casually browsing on your ricebook

>> No.8599650
File: 653 KB, 2100x1500, F-18 pilot 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Macbook pros aren't overpriced shitheaps that feed off retarded hipsters

>> No.8599652

Since when is being ignorant effay? How does knowing about computers suddenly make you autistic?

>> No.8599661

I think what he means by 'hardware design' is 'the case design'

Huh, fair enough. I'd probably just install Linux but if he's a fan more power to him, it's his money/time.
I just hate their fucking restrictiveness, Jesus fuck

>> No.8599662


are you implying that "knowing about computers" is a fashionable trait to have?

>> No.8599663

By hardware I mean the actual computer itself, not the components inside

>> No.8599664
File: 999 KB, 500x254, Nah man nah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I use Linux
Either way, Linux and Windows based laptops would shit on any Mac at the same price level.

>> No.8599667

good thing that being /fa/ is all about how overlocked your CPU is isn't it

>> No.8599672

Well, yeah. Moreso than the alternative of not knowing about computers.
All knowledge is effay (except for about poverty and shit)

>> No.8599678
File: 16 KB, 223x214, 1363301095856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks that spouting his neckbeard /g/entoomen fedora wearing opinions on 4chan will actually change the widespread global fashionable image that apple enjoys in the market

>> No.8599683
File: 511 KB, 1900x1262, Flight Formation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying there aren't plenty of good looking laptops from Lenovo
>Implying that you can't be /fa/ just because you're not a fucking retard about computers
>Implying you're not just trying to justify your 1500$ purchase for some shitty laptop

>> No.8599687

Hope you're not an australian spy

>> No.8599689



knew it, back to /g/ with you faggot, don't forget your sandals and socks before you leave

>> No.8599690
File: 52 KB, 640x640, F18 Formation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except I never said that Mac's weren't perceived as fashionable. Because they are. Doesn't mean they're not shit for the price.

>> No.8599692

>plenty of good looking laptops from Lenovo
Alright then, if price is no object which one should I get? To be the most effay?

>> No.8599696
File: 292 KB, 1500x1071, Growler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurhh back to /g/, please stop reminding me that I wasted 1500$ to have a "fashionable" laptop
Macfags please

>> No.8599699


you think people care about things being "shit for the price" on /fa/ or in fashion at all? you do realise people spend thousands of dollars on leather shoes in here? if any one cared about things being "shit for the price" in fashion everyone would be walking around in fake $2 crocs from walmart

>> No.8599711

>please stop reminding me that I wasted 1500$ to have a "fashionable" laptop

couldn't give a fuck what you think, your opinion changes nothing about macbook pro's, they are widely loved and seen as fashionable around the world.

dunno what you hope to achieve arguing against this on /fa/, maybe start walking the streets with fliers or something and try and reeducate the hundreds of millions of people around the world who think macbooks are /fa/. good luck

>> No.8599716
File: 379 KB, 1024x768, I'm coming for your mig booties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothing is different for the most part, because clothing is largely subjective. There are many objective qualities in laptops that make one better than the other.
That being said, I don't care if people buy Macs, it's not my money. And while they're overpriced, the quality on them is pretty good, as it should be for that kind of $. It's just silly that people actually think that Macs are what you should buy if you want good hardware for a good price.
One of the Thinkpads

>> No.8599718
File: 57 KB, 640x480, pisspot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please explain to me how some flimsy plastic laptop is more effay than a macbook, please I'd love to hear

>> No.8599720

>retarded hipsters
You've outed yourself as a neckbeard in so many ways.

>muh enlightenment
Not caring about your OS isn't ignorant. Lots of people prefer to spend their time socializing, participating in horribly or have no interest in computers to begin with. It's got nothing to do with being ignorant. Who wants to set up a Lunix OS with anime themed icons and text based web browsers? /fa/ people don't because it's a waste of time.

>> No.8599724

>they are widely loved and seen as fashionable around the world
That's like saying D&G or SLP is good, because they're widely loved and seen as fashionable around the world... Which they are, by plebs. Get the fuck outta here.

>> No.8599726
File: 3.21 MB, 2599x2071, Big fucking missile..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun with your Mac, anon. Just don't be the guy to think that Macs have better specs for better prices.

>> No.8599729

This isn't what this was about though was it, you /g/tards brought that up as a moot point. This was about what computer we all feel is the most /fa/ and you decided to turn this into a spec off. Wrong board retard

>> No.8599732


difference is, macbooks are actually /fa/, where the fuck do you live where d&g is considered /fa/? maybe in 2002 try leaving your house once in a while faggot

>> No.8599734

buying types of laptops because they are fashionable is the most stupid and therefore un/fa/ thing i have heard in quite a while.

>> No.8599739
File: 41 KB, 700x461, What the fuck am I reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who doesn't use Mac OS is some linux weaboo fag

>> No.8599743
File: 177 KB, 1000x712, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8599747

macbooks are not /fa/

>> No.8599750


stay deluded /g/entooman

>> No.8599751

>difference is macbooks are actually /fa/
>offers no evidence other than that they're popular, well loved and used by people involved in fashion
You're such a fucking faggot anon-kun
Bad example I admit, but your below-average plebs would think it was fashionable
Wrong demographic though, so maybe Topman or Zara/H&M would've been better, sorry

>most stupid
Wouldn't that make it the most /fa/

>> No.8599752
File: 344 KB, 2100x1500, LSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Original post I replied to stated Mac was the leader in hardware and OS
>hurhh it's just /g/fags bringing up the specs argument

>> No.8599757

>better specs
I mean, maybe longevity-per-dollar that might hold up, but only maybe and on any other measure the Geos are far ahead
So, terrible example, nor the same at all

>> No.8599759

>anyone who sets up a linux OS is infinitly more intelligent than any writer, artist, designer, engineer, ect who uses a mac because they've learnt intermediate i.t skills that any autistic high schooler can pick up from spending most weekends on 4chan

>> No.8599769

Get out of Starbucks and think for yourself you pleb.

>> No.8599771

How many fucking engineers (not students) are using macbooks these days?
Fuck this world if they are

>> No.8599775
File: 2.43 MB, 2791x1918, f-18 formation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I agree. I don't use linux, never see the appeal. But it doesn't take someone super smart to see that Macs are not that good internally. Not to mention that there are plenty of decent laptops that look just as good.

>> No.8599786

Most scientists I've met use Macs for their personal computers and use Windows for their technical stuff.

>> No.8599787
File: 299 KB, 655x310, Engineering Lecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engineering students
Nah. I see one mac and like 10 other laptops.

>> No.8599793

Oh, yeah, you're right there.
I thought you meant for work and I was wtfing

And I think that's because of both ubiquity, and the fact that if you spend your entire day crunching little fiddly details the last thing you want to do with your personal time is do more of that shit, so they just say fuck it and buy the package

>> No.8599794

engineering students are renowned for their sense of fashion, good point

>> No.8599795


>dat anecdotal evidence

kek, here's some anecdotal evidence for you

>at university the other day
>first day back
>half the theatre with macbook pros
>lecturer even comments about it and says how cool it is that everyone has macs

>> No.8599796

I know a couple friends gfs that think mac owners are gay.
Just saying. I don't give a shit and have owned both. But when girls that aren't even into internet trends are getting in on the circlejerk, maybe it time to just man up and PC.

>> No.8599799

I'm a software engineer and I use a mac

>> No.8599802

who cares what girls think of your computer you fucking nerd lmao

>> No.8599803


Literally all girls at my university use macbook pros /airs. The only people I see using non macbooks are a a small percentage of the males, this is across disciples from chemistry to biology to stats psychology, some classes with 200 students lel

>> No.8599804


I'm interested in hearing some reasons from someone who works in the field.

>> No.8599806
File: 809 KB, 1094x636, Oh baby muhh dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moving the goal posts

>> No.8599811

macs just work

but really though it doesn't fucking matter what you use

>> No.8599818

honestly don't really have a good reason other than that it looks cool and the interface is really nice to use

basically this

>> No.8599819


Doesn't matter what you use, but thanks to general perception you will always look much more effay using a macbook. So if you care about fashion, or you will be seen in public using a computer, get that mac

>> No.8599823

There we go then

Take heed, planedude

>> No.8599824

>everyone has a mac

>> No.8599826
File: 36 KB, 500x353, chromebook-ready[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a desktop to play league of legends at home and a chromebook that I got for free to test out when they first came out with them
>no logos anywhere
>all black with white lettering on the keys
>minimal as fuck

the OS is pretty limited but fuck it there's a notepad and I can browse 4chan on it, what more do I need?

>> No.8599829

>implying only artists use them
>literally used by millions of basic bitches across college campuses everywhere
>Plebs think Abercrombie and sperries are the epitome of fashion

They're all rite, but don't act like a special snowflake

>> No.8599830

Who cares, you keep dodging my point which is you're not anymore intelligent for choosing a well build product with a simple interface which will suit your needs perfectly at a higher cost than a computer than looks and feels less not as well considered or as pleasant with an OS that's needlessly complex for what it will be used for.

Macs are built extremely well and the OS is nice to look at. You wont find a nicer looking or feeling laptop which is why they're so popular.

Why would I buy an android when I wont ever use touch and games or play with the setting when I can buy an iPhone that feels good in my hand and is super simple to use? Every android phone I've used for what I use my iPhone for has been an unpleasant experience.

>but muh subjectivity

Macs are popular for a reason.

You neckbeards always try to rationalize on the basis of intelligence but you don't realize that you don't have to be a nerd to be intelligent. Plus, it's not even relevant in this discussion. Usually when someone's happy with themselves they don't have to keep reminding everyone how intelligent they are.

plz leave you are not /fa/ >>>/g/

>> No.8599841

A life?

>> No.8599846

>Macs are the best "feeling laptop"
What does this even mean?

And it has nothing to do with being intelligent. Nobody is saying they're more intelligent. It is simple fucking fact that Macs will not offer the best bang for your buck, and that there are better laptops out there. Why are you getting so autistic about this?

>> No.8599852
File: 81 KB, 500x462, pentakill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chromebook has a ~6hour battery life (longer when I first got it) so I can take it with me but I usually don't.

let's see your $1200 computer that is only used to play bluray porn videos and save pics of memes you fucking nerd

>> No.8599856

I too hated the macbook pro, then I bought it. Why justify the existence of the countless shitty plastic laptops that break down after a year? The battery life alone justifies why anyone would want to get it.

>> No.8599860

better in what criteria? most of us have grown out of video games, I use mine for uni work and just generally browsing the internet, what would I need high performance for?

>inb4 muh video editing

if you were editing video or rendering things you'd have a workstation

>> No.8599871

What do all of you Mac fags even need your lower high end hardware for?

>> No.8599873

Personally I think Microsoft Office is better than what Macs offer (The highschool I went to only had Macs in PC labs, so I have a decent amount of experience with them). Yea you can run office on a mac, but not out of the box. Along with that, you can get the same parts in a windows laptop for much cheaper than you would in a mac.Processor speed, SSD hard drives and memory are still important outside of gaymen shit.

>> No.8599877


The thought of knowing my laptop won't mysteriously fail after a year and not constantly worrying about the battery life.

>> No.8599879

We need to kill all the pussy. All of it.

>> No.8599880

two words m8
>because I can

>> No.8599885

mac looks cooler

same thing as how we all bought acne or apc denim instead of cheap monday because they look cooler really they're both just pants

>> No.8599889

Yeah I'm not talking the construction quality or how much the manufacturer had cheaped out on the battery or motherboard.
I was just wondering what any of you actually need a decent processor and an okay gpu for.

>> No.8599897

I probably have better specs than you I was just curious.

>> No.8599899

>What does this even mean?
A nice looking, well built object is enjoyable to own. Uni body aluminum with a good weight and a crisp screen is something which people like about macs. I always check out the macs at electronic stores because they look and feel nice to use. Like how I enjoy wearing my heavy, good quality parka.

>And it has nothing to do with being intelligent. Nobody is saying they're more intelligent.

>owning a Mac just makes you seem like a pretentious rich kid that knows fuck all about computers
>Sorry for actually understanding the things that I buy
>mfw all the technologically stunted retards on /fa/
>He thinks Macbook pros aren't overpriced shitheaps that feed off retarded hipsters
>Since when is being ignorant effay?
>Implying that you can't be /fa/ just because you're not a fucking retard about computers

>It is simple fucking fact that Macs will not offer the best bang for your buck

Who fucking cares? We're talking about which pc is more fashionable.

>and that there are better laptops out there
Define better. If I am looking for a beautiful laptop with a simple interface than a mac is a better laptop.

>Why are you getting so autistic about this?
The only one getting autistic is the guy who can't understand why people don't have time or give a shit about specs and OS.

>> No.8599902

>first day back at uni
>walk into class, out of breath because the stairs were too long
>sit down next to a 9/10 blonde, deducted one point because her elbows were too pointy
>teacher begins the class, I take it as a good chance to loudly unzip my messenger bag in order to retrieve my laptop for classwork
>the zip gets broken easily, so I have to unzip very slowly for it not to get stuck
>thankfully the teacher is polite and the class waits for me as I work the zipper
>with my messenger bag fully unzipped, I begin the pre-emptive warm up exercises in order to warm up my muscles such that I can retrieve my laptop
>a few starjumps, push ups and sit ups later, I am finally ready
>I can tell the blonde is impressed
>with a small huff, I pull my 24 inch Lenovo ThinkPad out and put it on the desk, which creaks under the weight and pressure
>"uh... wow" the blonde asks, "what kind of macbook is that?"
>a applefag! none the worry, I hastily inform her of the scam that is Apple products, how macbooks are supremely overpriced, that only idiots fall for such a con
>she gets up and walks away, most certainly to readily throw away her macbook and buy a proper laptop now that she is informed
>I turn on my Lenovo ThinkPad and proudly bask the humming and beeps as it boots up, then nod to the teacher that class may now begin

>> No.8599911
File: 13 KB, 523x437, Super Tomcat 21.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I can do is make up ebin maymay arrow stories
>Can't refute anything

>> No.8599912

People here buy $500 shoes, $1000 jackets and shit. Why the fuck do you think they would care if you said macbooks are overpriced.

This is a fashion forum, people here are already accustomed to mark ups.

>> No.8599917

awesome, even if you do my computer is mostly used for browsing and typing so idk if you have an extra 512 megabytes of ram or a third cd-burner or whatever; that doesn't interest me nerd

do you go out and buy the most functional shoes you can for the money or do you buy cool, hip, fashionable shoes?

most things you buy aren't as cut-and-dry as you make it, and most customers aren't approaching things with the same "bang for your buck" mentality as you. Macs have a nice look to them and for some people that's enough

>> No.8599919


okay you convinced me
which lenovo thinkpad should i buy

>> No.8599929
File: 1.85 MB, 4288x2848, Rangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck if I know m8

>> No.8599933


This could be post of the year

>> No.8599949

there is literally no need for a laptop at uni unless u doing some nerd shit

>> No.8599964

I write slow as fuck but type at like 110 WPM, so it works for me.

>> No.8599973


I type faster than I write, then I can save my notes to the internet. Print shit to library computers straight off my laptop, browse the internet when I'm bored during lectures, do research on case studies in tutorials etc.

they're very useful.

>> No.8599982
File: 95 KB, 680x608, shearedsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no need to bring paper and pens if you have a laptop
>uuuuhhhh goes to school with his stack of textbooks pocket protector and all his binders and notebooks
>he looks like even more of a nerd because his pants are cropped and a bully stepped on his glasses so he had to wrap masking tape around the bridge of his glasses to keep them in one piece
>I go to school with my laptop and a small planner since I have all of my books in .pdf format
>all I carry is my laptop

you are the only nerd here m8

>> No.8599986

w2c sheepcore fit

>> No.8600043

kek at pic

>> No.8600073

Everyone I know who has a lenovo is literally on the DSM-IV autism scale

>> No.8600095

macs are good for developers, granted you're not a winfag. good hardware, build quality, just werks, and is based off of BSD so you get most Unix packages. I currently run a Samsung ultra book but I'll probably jump ship next time I need to get a new laptop - getting to frustrated with other OEMS.

>> No.8600114

>Lenovo is one of the most popular brands used by corporations and businesses.
Whatever you say, anon.

>> No.8600338

Cool, I had that book.

>> No.8601098

>that keyboard

>> No.8601137

Mac = effay
Everyting else =/= effay

>> No.8601168

It's not nearly that red in person. It actually looks like some sort of LED shit in that photo, mine just has some red paint on the key switches.

>> No.8601206
File: 1.94 MB, 300x211, 1996 iF Product Design Award winner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here

>> No.8601821
File: 31 KB, 362x386, 1398282123656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When designing a laptop, the case is the computer.

I personally carry a fucking raspberry pi, Li-Ion battery and USB hub around in a fucking shoebox and call it a day. I spend the remained on dildos and nooses.

Fuck the baseless anti-apple mentality. They are expensive, but not overpriced. You don't pay for the name, you pay for the design that isn't present anywhere else in the writhing sea of autistic afterbirth windows laptops.

Thinkpads are nice too but the new ones are beyond shit and the old one's are good but not /fa/ in almost all cases.

>> No.8602264

dear faggot,

he never said anything about cost efficiency
go to school and stop playing games

not a /g/ faggot like yourself

>> No.8602330
File: 99 KB, 500x357, Taint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gaming on a laptop
Jesus christ, are you some kind of dense fuckbag?

>Implying that you can somehow "Blitz the Field" in software and hardware if other competitors are selling the same quality, if not better hardware and software.
Why don't you stick to cigarettes and coffee drinking so you don't look like a dumb ass?

>Going on /g/ for anything but headphone threads

>> No.8602351

while these computers look very good from an aesthetic standpoint, they're really overpriced for the hardware and aren't worth the money unless you plan on using their exclusive creative software. for an /fa/ computer, either get a desktop with a sleek minimalist case or a laptop that would be considered /fa/.

>> No.8602365

macs are good for programming and their exclusive software. Apple's video, music and photo editing software are top notch and are priced very cheaply compared to the software you'd get on pc. of course if he WAS knowledgable on computers he'd know that a hackintosh does all that for the price of a pc

>> No.8602370

is my laptop /fa/, /fa/?


>> No.8602395
File: 33 KB, 635x384, Acer-Aspire-S7-Best-Ultrabook-Ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game Over

>> No.8602399


>> No.8602474

>while these computers look very good from an aesthetic standpoint, they're really overpriced for the hardware and aren't worth the money unless you plan on using their exclusive creative software. for an /fa/ computer, either get a desktop with a sleek minimalist case or a laptop that would be considered /fa/.

I can smell your fatrolls and neckbeard from here, you aren't fooling any one you fucking faggot. "worth the money" does not apply in fashion.

>> No.8602478

That's a sexy laptop. Too bad chromebooks are almost all cloud storage. Fuck that.

>> No.8602483



please tell me you're not serious, I can't stop laughing

>> No.8602488


no it's not effay, it's budget tier laptop that looks pretty shit and it's hewlett packard to boot

>> No.8602492
File: 203 KB, 1190x669, F-18 Pilot 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who knows anything about computers is a fat neckbeard
>Implying anyone gives a fuck about how "fashionable" your laptop is as long as it isn't some ricer shit
Step outside for once, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.8602610


what do you hope to achieve by being an autistic sperglord on /fa/ about macbooks? considering your opinion is utterly worthless on the matter of whether they are fashionable or not?

>> No.8602631


Not that guy but it you seem to be the autistic sperglord here. Are you even old enough for this website?

>> No.8602639


>Not that guy

so you're just shitposting at this point, also you forgot your plane picture

>> No.8602677

>overpriced for the hardware

Not really, by the time you balance out needing good battery life, a well built frame, decent power, good support, nice screen, and a good design, most other laptops are about the same price. Plus student pricing drops about $200 off the price.

>> No.8602713

The dark navy blue ones covered in glass look pretty nice.

>> No.8602726
File: 189 KB, 1300x1300, man-fedora-looking-up-7627076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>macs are not fashionable
>the specs are far inferior to that of my Linux based laptop
>they are not nice looking

>> No.8602735

sick fedora / bucket hat hybrid

that look is the future

>> No.8602736
File: 198 KB, 1600x1000, F-18 Pilot 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that's me
>Implying I ever forget my plane picture when dealing with you retards
>Retarded macfag getting BTFO on all fronts so badly that he thinks its samefagging
My fucking sides!

>> No.8602739

Cracked my lenovo y500's screen by fucking dropping it and then PRESSING the screen to get it into place like a retard, bought an external monitor and just use it at home.

Now I need a compact laptop, I'll go with Mac, but which one would /fa/ recommend? I mostly will do uni shit on it and maybe occasional movies/internet outside or something like that

>> No.8602774
File: 46 KB, 580x388, yoga2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3200 x 1800 screen, whoops i won

>> No.8602776


Depends what kind of uni work you're doing on a mac and/or if you have an external monitor to use. I bought a 15" retina macbook pro because I work with graphs a lot in medicine so 13" is way too small for that kind of work.

If you're just word processing, maybe 13" would be okay? I see a lot of people with 13" airs and pro's.

>> No.8602787

My computer is a 7 year old mac Dual-booting Snow Leopard and Crunchbang Linux

So no.