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/fa/ - Fashion

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8591310 No.8591310 [Reply] [Original]

School is starting up pretty soon
>who's campus has the most fuccbois?
>what major has the most fuccbois?
>who are you gonna be stuntin on this fall?

pic unrelated

>> No.8591322

USC, everyone wears chubbies + graphic tank + fake raybans + topsiders.

>> No.8591324

It's just chino shorts, polo shirts and vans. So fucking depressing

>> No.8591329


lots of menswear bros
dudes dressing like vampire weekend, no shoes on
art students are tumblrcore as fuck

>> No.8591332

Oh, except for the nerdy/smart kids who got in based off merit and not the fact that daddy is well-paid in Hollywood. they just wear whatever looks the least attractive.

>> No.8591361

i wear my raf to school

>> No.8591373

i live in texas and streetwear is non-existant here so i shine bright like a diamond

>> No.8591387

anyone going to the shithole FIU?

>> No.8591393

get a job faggots

>> No.8591395

In my country solid color sweaters with nice textures are the thing in autumn, been so the past 2 years. Myself, I'll just go with monochrome layering and parka.

>> No.8591444

Webster University
Sports people wear outdated sportswear that was cool in 2009.
Thin nerds just wear straight jeans, flannel, graphic tees, and Vans. Regular nerds seem to actively dress bad.
Some art kids and theatrefags dress cool. There are random people around campus who just dress phenomenally and it's nice to see them around.
I'm a computer science major, so of course no one other than two people dress well. Another dresses pretty cool (joggers, NB, decent Nike cops), but he's on the baseball team, so he only kind of counts as a compsci major.
this one guy thinks he dresses well, but he can't even match colors at a basic level.
this perfectly describes several people I know.

>> No.8591466


>wearing a polo
>in uni


who would do this?

>> No.8591489

>wearing a polo at all
Why would people ever? Even if you're someone who can pull it off you'd look so much better in something else. It's like combining too many things into a "convenient" single article of clothing.

>> No.8591585

my school ain't that big but there's some fuccbois around

guys mostly wear hoodies, sweatpants, relaxed fit jeans, timberlands, ugly running shoes, your run of the mill pleb stuff. some fratcore (i.e. baggy cargo shorts, tank tops, high tops)

girls go one of two routes (though there's definitely some overlap): fleece jacket/baggy sweatshirt, yoga pants, boots or sweaters, dresses, jeans things like that

i'd say the school of business probably has the most fuccbois since thats where most of the people who are lazy/don't know what else to do go. the science department has the most fuccgirls though since they all act so great being in STEM at a small liberal arts school even though most of them don't even make it to med school.

freshmen and people i don't like. but i like most everyone on campus, there's just a few fairies that hang out with my friends

>> No.8592112

does anyone here go to UCSB? :-(((( incoming freshman here taking summer classes
everyone i've seen so far is like... fratboy or forever21 girl

>> No.8592841

If the rest of RPI is anything like orientation this is going to be a rough ride. Its everything you'd expect from an engineering school.

>> No.8592866

Incoming freshman at Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) in CA.

Any /fa/gs there? I just assume it's mostly OBEY shirts and nike socks.

>> No.8592873

Humans don't live in Albany

>> No.8592876

lol is USC a good school to you?

>> No.8592886

you got that right. or poughkeepsie.

>> No.8592902
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>attending a university

>> No.8592903

UC Davis, so far I haven't seen many good outfits but the school is 40% asians so I'm optimistic. Hopefully there'll at least be some cool streetwear.

>> No.8592912

where to fucking cop that shirt right now

>> No.8593030

No one knows what sweats are, but too many people know who niche designers and what luxury brands are.

>tfw small clothing budget

>> No.8593049

Should I go to Penn Sate?

>> No.8593058

Sometimes shit's intense, I can't even wear sweats in my own dorm doing laundry without getting dirty looks, like shit son, I ain't trying to dress up while hungover at 4 pm on sunday

>> No.8593073
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>40% asians

I'll be damned

>> No.8593082


If there was one overarching style here it would be streetware. Most people dress within the current trends but there are plenty of standouts. I also noticed that most (90%) people who wear RO here are rich Asians. CSM probably dress a lot better.

>> No.8593116
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No lie.

There has to be SOME /fa/ people, r-right?

>> No.8593134


>> No.8593145
File: 220 KB, 500x361, iowa fashion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Iowa State. The design college was the only area of campus with consistently decent attire. The rest of the campus is divided into general categories of:

>STEM folk
dad jeans, shirts from various events, tennis shoes

>Business students
either didn't care (typical low IQ business students), or tried too hard and wore business attire

plenty of them were normal, but there were far too many good ol' boy wannabes. These are the kids who grew up in the midwest and decided to become southerners, dress up in boots, jeans, flannel, and hats varying from John Deere to full blown big rimmed "cowboy" hats. Fashion usually doesn't elicit a negative reaction from me, but this was repulsive. A whole culture of disingenuous constituents who pride themselves on their collective authenticity. I know farmers and rural folk. They don't feel the need to wear a consistent uniform.

Anyway, on the relative scale of western world campuses, I'd say ISU is maybe a 3/10 at best. I didn't care too much. I wore track pants most days until senior year when I decided to put on some decent shoes, jeans, and a plain shirt every day and suddenly I was the fuccboi of the stats program. I even got my first pair of slim fit jeans.

Yes, I am the autist who is dressed by the internet, which by default makes me one of the best dressed people in Iowa. Small fish in a microscopic pond.

>> No.8593149

can confirm am UCD asian

>> No.8593192

ayeeeee what year and major?

>> No.8593205

English major coming in as a freshie, ready to be the one guy in a classroom of girls for the next four years.

>> No.8593220

Oh shit you go to UVic too? what are you taking?

>> No.8593229

>University of Missouri, aka Mizzou

>School is known primarily for journalism school, so the J school is full of fuccbois who think they can write well
>Literally all they wear are peacoats, flannels, way too tight jeans and toms, as if it's 2007
>They think they're smarter and better than everyone else, they're actually the dumbest fucking people in the school

>Business school is mostly bad but all the frat boys who have no idea what to major in will get a BSBA in marketing
>Filled with kids who overdress like crazy, once saw a guy go to class wearing skinny dress pants, a light blue dress shirt + big light blue bow tie
>Yes, his bow tie was just a slightly different shade of light blue than his dress shirt
>Had the most punchable face in the world
>Also saw a fat guy wearing "tailored chino shorts," a blazer, boat shoes, and a light blue oxford + yellow bow tie

>Engineering school is filled with best dressed kids because Mizzou isn't known for engineering, so no one in the engineering school is actually particularly smart lol
>At least they dress naturally and aren't trying to impress anybody, lots of stoner vibes in people's outfits

>Transferring after this year because I'm a compsci student and this school has an abysmal compsci program and I don't want to live in Missouri for the rest of my life
>Only attending the first two years because I was already living in Missouri and I got enough scholarships that it's basically free and my parents are poor af, so I'm basically like those kids that go to community colleges for the first two years to save money

>> No.8593233

Rnt the only person in Iowa

>> No.8593234

ey bruh, incoming man econ major

>> No.8593241

Worst dressed degrees:

Games design (clueless nerds)
Computer shit (clueless nerds)
Stem (clueless nerds)
Fashion journalism (obsess but can't dress)
Animation (weaboos)
Illustration (weaboos)

>> No.8593248

See ya there then, man, I hope we don't stick out like sore thumbs

>> No.8593267

real nigga talk?

>> No.8593298

USC's quality has risen

>> No.8593448

shit this is my fit

help me fix it

>> No.8593465

they just HAD to make their bit yellow

>> No.8593489

Got kicked out of art school so gotta find a new path. Decided what i really want to do is become creative director for an ad agency.

Gonna intern at my friends company for a year and then apply to marketing or business courses. I will be 23 at the youngest before starting university again.

Tell me its going to be okay.

>> No.8593585

Thanks for making it clear you're either not from here or a complete dumbass.

>> No.8593592

>caring about what others wear

>> No.8593604

UCSD, UCLA, and USC are even higher asian percentage than that, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.8593664

everything will be fine anon :)

>> No.8593694

I study architecture in Sweden so everyone dresses really well, nice mix of casual goof ninja, artsy stuff, a lot of acne basics and those who studied fashion before coming here.

Some of the lecturers are pretty interesting, one of our polaks regularly wears a polo with popped collar, a shirt with popped collar on top of that and then either a third shirt (popped) or a thing sweatshirt. fucking love that guy

>> No.8593711


Course? GMD here.

I do kinda laugh at the occational guy that wears the most ridiculous high heels or something and then imagine him having to go outside to the elephant and castle market or some shit.

>> No.8593755


college is the least /fa/ thing you can do with your life

>> No.8593850

damn i miss college

>> No.8595135


Main Campus? I'm a junior there. IT is truly land of the plebs, but 85% of the women are really attractive.

>> No.8595160
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this is most of class mates. total autism as you can see. probably because it's a Bsc in environmental sciences I'm not in the picture fortunately.

>> No.8595186

which art school?

do you think what you said applies to GWU too, considering that they're probably all rich bastards?

>> No.8595190
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>> No.8595227


>Graphic Design [at a very conceptual art school]

Like, no fuccbois. There are nerdy kids that can't dress to save themselves, tumblrcore people and hippies.

>> No.8595252

ASU here

15% obnoxiously ugly frat-prep cheeseball trash

Sorority girls are basic as fuck.

Asians dress like, well, asians...

Persians is gym shorts, Ferragamo loafers and polos

Another 10% pure fedora tipping fingertipless gloves on a razor scooter core

Tanks for days because its hotter than hell

Very small percentage dress well.

>> No.8595262

everyone's going to be poorly dressed
including myself

>> No.8595297

I'm glad I'm not seeing anyone posting from the uni I'll be going to

>> No.8595318


drug rugs, hippy clothes, white people with dreds

or trust fund kids wearing sperrys and dress pants

or people wearing sweats

>> No.8595343

w2c anorak

>> No.8595351

who cornell here

>> No.8595371

There are a number of /fa/core fuccbois at University of Toronto but not really in my faculty or at my college.
I think most of them are in CS or life sciences.

There are some dweebs in history, poli sci and english but they seem to learn to dress from MFA and Urban Outfitters.

>> No.8595390

fuck UofT
so many fuccbois
i mean it's better than york or ryerson
but eh
not by much

>> No.8595535

I have no clue how anyone thinks going to York is a good idea

>> No.8595586

I'm an incoming freshman
How /fa/ are people up there?

>> No.8595613

poor people
people getting a BA

>> No.8595619

going to langara next year , does anyone go there from here?

>> No.8595691

The most /fa/ kids are in gorge jumping 101

>> No.8595700

ubc anyone?? how do the kids dress?

>> No.8595760

damn am i the only person here actually going to fashion school?

>> No.8595801

Seconded. Prepare to see penn state apparel wearing clones. If you're going to a satellite campus you might as well kill yourself now before the people that go there make you want to

>> No.8595818


>> No.8597328
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>> No.8597358


Fellow main campus anon? What major? Econ here.

>> No.8597463

Yeah son. History major

>> No.8597491


i cant do engineering

I cant do math. i suck so much at math. i wanted to do stem but i'm so bad at math


i keep hanging around on the roofs of buildings

i know this is wrong i know it is please help

>> No.8597496

What's the best uni in PA?

>> No.8597501

Find something else you like. If you can't do the math youre more than likely gonna fuckin hate your job anyway so you might as well quit now.

For what area?

>> No.8597506


>> No.8597515

I meant study but if you don't want to travel I guess theres Pitt, Carnegie Mellon if youre smart. There's always penn state. If you cant get into main campus the satellite campuses have community college tier acceptance rates and you still graduate with a penn state degree

>> No.8597563


>FOB Asians
Usually dress like shit, but the few rich ones dress exceptionally well.

>Asians from the GTA that hate the fact that they are asian.
Jogger-pants, H&M basics, Nikes, Hilter Youth or undercut. Not shit, but not great.

>Brown people
Disgusting. Scarborough-wannabe-gangster-core.

>White hicks
Easily the worst of the bunch. Literally stereotypical mom jeans, band shirts and vans.

fuck this school.

>> No.8597566

What is fuccbois?

>> No.8597574

CSUS here. there's no one in this crapsack town that is /fa/. Everyone on campus wears sweats or 2008 sitcom-tier clothing.

computer engineering program has a lot of indians

>> No.8597581
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Going to college for the wrong reasons isn't /fa/
Like going because you wanna make more money or because you think it'll help you get ahead in the job market. That isn't /fa/
Going to college to learn something about something and gain knowledge about a topic you love is /fa/ as you can get. Doesn't mean you can't also include making money in it, but if your primary reason isn't because you want to learn about a passion you love, then you are pleb as pleb can be and will amount to nothing.

>> No.8597593

Applied math is everywhere, so you should be able to relate your daily circumstance based on mathematical equations, just don't sweat it.
To like math you gotta learn the basic calculations, and then it's all uphill from there
I can't do stocks for shit, but when you're on those rooftops you gotta practice that shit
Study basic concepts of it and you'll learn soon enough how it applies in daily life and then you'll keep doing it
So it becomes easier
Browse /sci/ from time to time, that kind of increased my own confidence

>> No.8597612

it is in austin and houston

>> No.8597640

eh sup incoming freshman. pastel shorts, sperries, and ralph lauren, is it as ubiquitous as i have a feeling it will be?

>> No.8597646

oh man

i was thinking about rpi

then realized it was engineers, ran right the fuck away

>> No.8597650

wsu pullman
white people wearing basketball shorts and air jordans
black people wearing collared shirts and sweaters

>> No.8597667

WSU blows go to a real school

>> No.8597700


I'm still conflicted on if I hate this city or not. Grew up here and there's some amazing people but it's like they're all hiding from the rampant amount of college dweebs everywhere.

>> No.8597733
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Any niggas university of Birmingham here?
In starting in September
>tfw no siq freshers fits

>> No.8597737

>mfw everyone on /fa/ goes to shit schools

>> No.8597761

transferring to St. Edwards this fall, any chance one of you fuccbois is one of my 2500 classmates?

>> No.8597777

oh nah holmes, University of Waterloo, in Canada.

>> No.8597786


best uni in PA is by far university of pennsylvania, but carnegie mellon is also great

>> No.8597803

im good lmao
gr8 history department there

>> No.8597815
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Guys, 2 types

Guys that dress normal but generally nice. Sort of dadcore/normalcore.

Then there's the guys that wear fucking shit high school/middle tier clothes namely abercrombie or basketball shorts and jerseys

There's ugly girls who cant dress to save their life...then there's attractive girls who cant dress to save their life (uggs, Hunter rain boots, parka or northface fleece. leggings.) I think that covers like 95-98% of all girls.

Except when it's nice for like a month they wear less. Short shorts in Wisconsin...rare but when it happens...mfw

>> No.8597955

You'll definitely stand out as a guy who at least cares about his clothes but no one is going to be wowed by it, and you shouldn't really attempt to standout unless you're normally like that. Don't expect people here to be dressed in any other style than normcore, there have been only but a few people who I've seen with anything mildly resembling what /fa/ praises.

>> No.8597957

lol which school are you in and whats your major

im a sadboi dadcore fag whos about to enter the Georgetown School of Nursing and Health Sciences

>> No.8597982

Ay bruh, incoming finance student. not retarded tho

>> No.8598014

I'm an compsci student but not a complete retarded pleb. I dress pretty well, not super preppy or super pleb, just in between.

Most of my classmates makeup 30 something year olds or complete nerds since I go to a CC.Usually daily cargo shorts with tennis shoes and some random graphic tee, or jeans and a t shirt. It drives me fucking insane. One kid wore maybe 3 different t shirts you would get from promotional sales at a t-mobile or something like that. Drives me up the fucking wall.

>> No.8598031

Anyone here go to UC Berkeley? Incoming freshie here

>> No.8598041

>computer science

0% /fa/
5% fuccboi
5% r/mfa in a good way
5% r/mfa in a bad way
85% fucking nothing

>> No.8598201

An upstate SUNY

Everyone wears one of two uniforms

Cargo shorts+graphic tee+vans


Mesh short+ sports team or nike tee+ big colorful nikes

>> No.8598364

I'm about to be :+)

>> No.8598403

Yo, you should probably transfer lol

I was a business major as well, but I transferred to compsci just before my freshman year. Mizzou's BSBA program works in such a way that you'll have plenty of time to decide if you want to do marketing, finance, econ, w/e. I'd recommend that you either transfer to another school that will actually get you a good finance job somewhere that isn't in fucking Missouri and you'll make more.

If you stay at Mizzou, then do finance and economics. The econ students have the highest starting salaries, and Mizzou's BSBA program allows you to have two emphasis areas pretty easily.

>> No.8600427

Ryerson University (Downtown Toronto)

>computer engineering
>literally not a single person gives a shit about how they dress
>walmart sneakers, ill-fitting jeans, polo shirts everywhere

>tfw one liberal arts course
>reddit mfa everywhere

>> No.8600433


animation, I've seen a couple of guys with MMMs and rick (always asian) around a few times.

>> No.8600576

Which SUNY nigga?

>> No.8600609

>average swedish "fashion"

>> No.8600623

>ITT: i'm the only one who dresses fashionably on my campus

lmao get real nerds

>> No.8600666

absolutely 0

>> No.8601505


lmfao children

>> No.8603735


>> No.8603779

what about attending college to pork sluts

>> No.8603784


>> No.8603792

In one corner we have the fratboys/sororgirls and in the other we have the 2009 Bon Iver Hipsters/Hipstrestesses mostly near Carrboro though. Holy shit someone help me.

>> No.8603819


aka gym teacher college

>> No.8603922

why would you ever go there.

>> No.8603926

>be in CS
>get so used to being the best dressed with no effort you forget how to dress yourself

>> No.8603954

>come to /fa/ in 2009
>stop coming in 2012
>gf breaks up w me
>back to discussing fashion with mouthbreathers
p sure cycle will repeat to infinity

>> No.8604910

uci / uc irvine dudes get in here

>> No.8604941

my girlfriend does fashion journalism and dresses great, as does one of her friends, but there is a high proportion of clueless retards

>> No.8604954

incoming sfsu freshman

>> No.8604960

looks french to me

>> No.8604969

uc irvine is pretty hilarious if you're asian.
just treat one random chink chick like your girlfriend as even chinks cat tell each other apart and fuck some dudes chink ass gf

and take off

>> No.8604972

>Columbia Uni
Haven't started but from the people I've met and seen online seem ok

>> No.8606383

My friend's going there soon, and it won't be THAT bad.

>> No.8606435

is ucla any good

>> No.8606442

pretty amazing, and getting very competitive for instate students

>> No.8606488

UT Austin inc freshman. Hopefully there's a lot of anime watching qts

>> No.8606534

huge percentage of asians, good or bad depending. personally i'd feel trapped

>> No.8606554

cool, sounds like a good mindset going in.

>> No.8606594

Illustration not true. But I fully agree with Animation.

>> No.8606622

> Community college, first time student in 2 weeks

I'm expecting this:

>Nobody will really care how they dress since its not a university

>The ones that do are probably Bengali and love to wear the freshest Jordans and colors/patterns that match too much with their shoes

>I'll probably catch one or two well dressed people but they'll probably not be wearing designer or even really care about fashion as much as I would

>Lastly the pacsun core kid that only dresses in played out streetwear that we all moved past from a year or two ago
I'm not gonna lie I'm not that well dressed yet because I'm focusing on being /fit/ but I'm really interested in fashion and when I become /fit/ I'll know what I'm doing when it comes to buying a new wardrobe .

>> No.8606623

It's good, especially right now because they're renewing a bunch of things. A pipe burst a few weeks ago and flooded some things.

>> No.8606659

Oh shit, never thought id find someone else on here from nc. I live right next to Carrboro, its terrible.

>> No.8607013

Are you me...
I'm doing the same, a lil more intune with the fashion but cc and lifting are my main focus now.
Great thing about cc - easy pussy

>> No.8607468

>shit school

I bet you go to UNC and think being ranked 30 is even decent.

>> No.8607624

Duke is a terribly overrated school. The only people that don't know this are Duke students.

I'm an Econ major at UChicago btw

>> No.8607655

So there's no hope for me as an RPI freshman? ;_;

>> No.8607697

I am the previous UNC poster and I can confirm UNC and Duke for shit schools. Not sure what's expected in the south though.

>> No.8607724

Well if you see me around, say hi. Standard cdg play converses and black cps fuccboi. Should be actually one of the only ones of those.

>> No.8607751

UChi is rank 5, that's great. Duke is 7, not far behind at all m8.

>> No.8607802


OH! SO YOU'RE AN ECON MAJOR AT UCHI. REALLY? Great job mate, not like everyone else at this shithole is too. Ohwait

>> No.8607921


I do, the average person dresses pretty badly but at least there's a ton of booty on campus

>> No.8607938

The point I was making is that I'm not just some salty cunt who's bitter he didn't get accepted to Duke (I didn't apply ofc)

Duke is overrated. Literally nothing good comes from Duke. If you're into finance then you'll probably not have a lot of trouble getting a job at GS, but you'll probably be too stupid to make the cut for third year analysts.

Also, lol, the quality of schools drops severely once you get passed #5. At that point schools are typically only good for certain things, like how UPenn is Wharton + everybody else.

UChicago is #1 in Econ, what were you expecting?

>> No.8607955

>TFW Duke finance student

Its still a target school for Wall Street so w/e.

>> No.8607985
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This shit is acceptable where I go to school. I'd say about 60-70% of the student body wears that jacket, or some other university gear around campus.

Of the other 30-40%, a good portion of them are Commerce students with a stick up their ass whose style icon seems to be Vince Vaughn and the rest are in a grand of parka/athletic wear.

Maybe a hand full of people seem to dress well consistently.

Why did I join this cult? Seriously.

>> No.8608000

south or north? if south campus, youre that one guy that wears black CPs and black legging, arent you? always in OE lol

>> No.8608717

Yea, nc is the only place where cps stand out.

>> No.8608754

Miami of Ohio
>holla holla niggas

>> No.8608773

CMU represent

my school is full of people who don't care about how they dress themselves
there are some try-hard frats (and some chill ones) that try and fail to dress preppy

most people walk around in sweatpants + t-shirts unless they're trying to be a hipster

>> No.8608783

Fuck you

>> No.8608971


>> No.8609644

I can't even find attractive girls at my CC.

>> No.8609761

uiuc here too
starting [grad]school there soon. seems pretty bad from the 2 days i've been there

>> No.8609768

unlv everyone dresses like fat nerds

>> No.8609770

cmu grad here, pree good school
don't go there if you want to find /fa/ people though lel
even the sorority girls are ugly

>> No.8609817


MMC; I don't own either of those actually

nice trips btw

>> No.8609924

what do art students typically wear?

>> No.8609957

I'm going to take classes at MMC too, might even dorm there because commuting from Miami Beach is a bitch. We should hang sometime man, email me

>> No.8609981

It can go a lot of ways. I know a few who dress fairly /fa/ and a lot who go hardcore tumblrcore. Really depends. They definitely dress less basic than the general population though

>> No.8611122

Liverpool Community College?

>> No.8611127


London College of Communication

>> No.8611172

Will be going to the best design school in Germany, no big deal

>> No.8611176

Ah, alright, the acronym is the same

>> No.8612715


I'll hit you up one of these days man. Always cool to meet new people around here.

>> No.8612801

ended up doing an English major, I didnt really see any /fa/ ppl, just dadcore at best.
Now Im poor, in a sketchy area, and end up in mad shady situations with mad shady people if not everyday than on an every other day basis.
Trampcore is effay, right?

>> No.8612942

Green text some stories, am interested

>> No.8612982

theres a pretty cool punk scene ;)

....drop in ibooks

>> No.8613033 [DELETED] 
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>tfw next month's only /fa/ manc fresher

>> No.8613043
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>tfw next month's only /fa/ manc fresher

>> No.8613354

CFA > tepper/dietrich (HSS) > ... > MCS > SCS/CIT

and to be honest i know really attractive people who dress well in pretty much every major
if you discount the 50% of people sitting in their rooms playing LoL that don't even show their faces in public, the rest of the school isn't particularly unattractive.

>> No.8613380

GSU, most black people out here are fuccbois. most others don't dress too nice or too horrible. except the art majors and nig nogs, no fuccbois.

>> No.8613440

Brian Sella?

>> No.8614535

which one anon i'm about to start my third semester at FIT in nyc

>> No.8614822

Hahaha I go to UNC too and I know what you're talking about but it's not even comparable to the people at UNC-G.

>> No.8614841

I didn't know there were so many weaboos on /fa/. Why do all of you worship Asians so much?

>> No.8614893

What major?

>> No.8615008

Anyone at Evergreen State? Incoming freshman here, not super /fa/ due to budget but above the majority of the population.

>> No.8615066

Actually my oil dealer is super legit punk. Looks like the lead singer of waaves. Nice guy, great oil.

>> No.8615630

kek truth

>> No.8615641

It's just a half step up in formality from a t shirt. Can wear it basically anywhere you could wear a tee, can't dress it up much more. Would look marginally better with dress trousers than a tee, but significantly worse than a simple button down.

>> No.8615647

Upper left has facial potential.

>not banging the short haired qt on the upper right
>p.s. qt is a relative term you must be desperate as fuck in that environment

>> No.8615650

>Another 10% pure fedora tipping fingertipless gloves on a razor scooter core


>> No.8615652

Art History

All the guys in my major are effay as fuck. Literally every single one. Though for every guy majoring in Art History there are 9 girls. The girls are either basic bitches or tumblrcore. No middle ground for some reason.

>> No.8615662

Damn, he most /fa/ girl I know on my campus (thin, great proportions, nice cheekbones, heterochromia, almost always wears all black) is art history, and pretty much every guy I've seen from her classes is basic as fuck.

>tfw she's dating a quiet english major and they haven't even fucked
>mutual friend tells us she's desperate to get a good fucking
>she's still with him after 6+ months

When will this suffering end

>> No.8615663

>being that guy who dresses up for class

Ultimate fuccboi

>> No.8615664

I was CFA art. There were maybe ~3 /fa/ people in my year. Most others were tumblrcore at best. I will admit that archies seemed more attractive.
also was in MCS. Good people but absolutely awful fashion tbh...can think of maybe ONE passable /fa/ MCS major.

>> No.8615677


Majority of the tisch kids are tumblr-tier.

Stern kids are mfa/menswear-tier

>> No.8615729

lol I live in waterloo. cute white girls, but none in the universities.

UofW sucks, but at least no one is trying. Check out Laurier sometime if you want to get mad

>> No.8615740
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u r all so negative. Try something, be just tumblrcore, try something tight, called 2009, just wear some damn sports shorts, called pleb.

Is there some fashion trend that exists anyone call pull off, somewhere between dated and try hard, hippy drug rag, menswear? Feel like I can't win.

Should i just go 2nxtlvl and wear silver jumpsuits like its 2020?

>> No.8615756


>> No.8615763

maybe normcore is a perfect shell of defense

>> No.8615776

What you described sounds like being attractive, not having good fashion sense.

At my school there are plenty of basic guys in the surveys and lecture classes, but they're always just doing it for elective credits.

>> No.8615780

lol Higherson

>> No.8615783

or just realize 99.9% of the population doesn't give a shit whether or not you are /fa/

>> No.8615786

She has cool style, but yeah I meant /fa/ as a whole, including base attractiveness. There are plenty of attractive girls who dress totally basic.

>> No.8615807

>finding 8.5/10 Girl from small town with short hair
>she doesn't even realize she is pulling off normcore perfectly


>> No.8615826

>not locking down a short hair qt

Get your shit together anon. Girls who can actually pull that off are rare as fuck, and you'll regret this for ages if you don't do it

>> No.8616067

Vassar is full of hipsters/tumblrcore.

>> No.8616077

>tfw art/business major so i rarely have to deal with FOBs

ucsd officially has more asians now, shit's insane

>> No.8616085

class of 2018 here.
I went to a meet up in my city and everyone was wearing sperrys. Prospects are not looking good.

>> No.8616124

same shit in croatia

>> No.8616148

>Korean chicks imitating Kpop idols
>White boys who can't dress themselves
>mfw short haired grill who just wants to fuck

I came back to college to finish my damn major and everyone is basic as fuck. It hurts.

>> No.8616210


fellow greener

Evergreen is a mix of hippy/mensware/grunge

if you wanna stand out wear subtle nice looking basics like a really well fitting casual button-down shirt

girls are hot here, not many classic sorority types but plenty of short-haired girls who are down to take acid and fuck for 8 hours

>> No.8616241

QUT engineering. I know there's a few of you on here from the brisbane threads.
>who are you gonna be stuntin on this fall?
No one ;_; I'm not even /fa/

>> No.8616292

what classes are you doing this semester

>> No.8616299

MAB126, ENB120/150/200. You?

>> No.8616305

I go to a small liberal arts University in Michigan. comp sci major

Have yet to find anyone close to being /fa/. I have noticed that it's often the corn bread incestual looking mother fuckers that are amazing at math

>> No.8616306

none of those I'm final year

>starting internship on monday
>finally have money for cops

>> No.8616311

>still in college


>> No.8616324

oh shit m8 congrats. Got any protips for getting internships?

>> No.8616339

Nope, I applied for one and got it pretty much by luck

>> No.8616356

good luck though, I guess just be really persistent

>> No.8616380

>I'm not in the picture fortunately
You sound like a coward dude
Pretty cool looking bunch of people anyway

>> No.8616384

ISU or die, pleb

>> No.8616419

Grades permitting, I'll be going to Bath to do civil engineering. Given that the place is fairly academic with lots of STEM subjects, I'm not expecting amazing attire but people at the open day were dressed alright, nothing stand-out but just adequately dressed. I guess it'll be a mixed bag wherever I go.

>> No.8616895

i've got a lot of mates there
they all wear toms and gilets every day so you've probably got nothing to worry about

>> No.8617078

Some game designer students are mfa though, so they at least try

>> No.8617162

UCLA, 99.9%
facebook com/uclastreetsnaps

Just look at this disgusting shit

>> No.8617216


Our huge asian population makes up for the lazy u.s. american style that pervades. I'm in the school of fine arts and there are only a handful of us who know anything about fashion. I know a few other guys who are into skateboarding that have that look down really well. Then there's this one kid who is apparently from NYC and is literally stylin on the entire campus.

>> No.8617613

you're always poorly dressed anyways :^)

>> No.8618160

UVA here too, at least there are two people in this thread that didn't fuck up their lives.

>> No.8618162

awww somebody's mad his cp/acnetee/rawjean fit got slept on and nobody wanted his picture

>> No.8618199

>Stern kids wearing anything but suits

Tisch varies by major, with film being the most generic overall (I am too poor to afford any /fa/ shit) and acting being the furthest into tumblrcore.

There also seems to be a massive amount of Asian fuccbois in CAS that gather outside of any building and smoke

>> No.8618303

UW Seattle.
>tfw joined a fraternity and everyone wears shitty tanks and cargo shorts
>tfw I'm starting to wear shitty tanks and cargo shorts
God help me I love wearing shitty tanks and cargo shorts

>> No.8618388

i study physics and everyone wears graphic tees and pale blue jeans that look like they cost £5.

i hate it so fucking much, why the fuck can't i have normal fucking classmates

>> No.8618405


only fashion communication students at Ryerson dress well b/c they actually have so much free time

most fashion design students dress lazy af

>> No.8618441

Uvic in BC?

>> No.8618476

what are you a fucking geed? some bottom tier shit fucks? who the fuck wears cargos?

>> No.8618482
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>Got kicked out of art school

I think I know where this is going.

>> No.8618509
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>yfw they are normal and we are the weird ones

>> No.8618585

because you study physics

>> No.8619922

lol just my type

I'm kind techweary lately, shouldn't be too out of place in washington.

>> No.8620941

Anyone here go to OCADU in Toronto? What's it like?