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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.34 MB, 1379x1339, BlackNWhite731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8573214 No.8573214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not sure what to wear on my first day hosting at a nice, upper-scale restaurant in the business district... black or white? Should I buy a vest/waistcoat or is that too formal?

>> No.8573217

oh god that forehead hahahahahahahaha

>> No.8573228


>> No.8573230

Sush he's a qtπ

>> No.8573231

i'd probably go black for a server job. they don't have a dress code? also David Bowie

>> No.8573235

god no he isn't

>> No.8573242

I'd fuck him

>> No.8573244

Very constructive, thanks.
>.< thnx
they basically told me polos/button ups, khakis or some kind of trousers (maybe fitted jeans), and the rest is up to me.

>> No.8573259

If its a day time event, dont wear the black.
A night time would nice with that black shirt ( fits v nice) and a plain black or grey tie, the current one is very distracting
White would look good either way, and is less threatening.

>> No.8573267

black is more fitting for a server job as someone mentioned. good fit.

>> No.8573275

there are plenty of servers wearing black even at day time...


how are the other servers dressed?

>> No.8573286

Black shirts look tacky during the day time.

Black tees are okay tho

>> No.8573292

Well it's the night shift 5-10pm, so black would be appropriate. I kind of have to agree that the tie is distracting, maybe a solid color would be better.
Thanks, got measured and everything!
I can't really comment on other servers as I've only really been in the restaurant a couple of times and have only paid attention this last time, but mostly everyone wears business casual.. girls in dresses guys in button-downs or polos. Some servers/hosts do wear vests as well (not sure I've seen anybody in a full suit though).
I never thought of it that way, interesting..

>> No.8573319
File: 87 KB, 500x513, tumblr_lq95vh13zC1r1vo8so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering the size/length of your head, you should grow your hair long or keep it flat on the top

and go the black w/out vest

>> No.8573342

Well I think part of it is camera distortion and secondly my hair usually has paste in it which helps it lay more flat and in-line; it's pretty dry and poofy in these pictures :S

>> No.8573344

And thanks for the input ^^ I'm leaning towards the black myself, perhaps with a different tie

>> No.8573354

Go black

Perhaps get rid of the tie, have the top button done up and leave it at that? Or get a black tie and a tie bar

>> No.8573367

nigga is like a younger and slimmer david bowie

wish i looked as good as op

>> No.8573379

did you tailor the black shirt? if not, w2c?

>> No.8573386

what are you doing there OP?
you'll be on your feet all day and around potential hazards, so the important thing is good protective boot or kitchen clogs

>> No.8573389

he's in a restaurant
if hes serving customers or at the bar he is going to be around food and drinks
so think about what could happen around those things while wearing a white shirt

>> No.8573397
File: 19 KB, 500x250, david-bowie-aladdin-500x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Bowie?

>> No.8573402

Ha, I get the David Bowie thing a lot :P thnx
No, not tailored. Just got my measurements taken and then picked it out of the selection. Brand is J. Ferrar (Slim Fit), can get them at any department store (Dillards/Macys/JCP w/e).
I'll be hosting, so greeting people, seating people, helping servers bring out plates, and then miscellaneous tasks around the restaurant (but mostly the "face" of the restaurant as the host, as they're the first people you see when you walk in). I won't be taking any food or drink orders.
Not serving or bar, but either way, yeah white shirts will get stained and messed up no matter what. :(
:O perhaps his long lost son

>> No.8573404

you should go Bowie-core

>> No.8573407

Wearing a black dress shirt is fucking retarded

Sometimes it looks cool on Hedi Slimane models, but you probably don't have the personality to not look like a fuccboi wearing it, and you're hosting, so even if you look good like that it'd still be too off-putting because most people would feel threatened in the presence of a Hedi Slimane model

The right is infinitely better, but it'd be really nice if you could not wear a belt at all, if the pants don't fit without the belt then they don't fit and probably shouldn't be worn

And the comments on growing out your hair are retarded, David Bowie's hair was typically shorter, and because David Bowie is extremely attractive and the OP looks just like him, then he should have whatever hair David Bowie most often had

Holy fuck it's like everyone in this thread is 16, he's doing a job ffs, not going to a hip party in NYC

>> No.8573428

hi nope
go for a new belt without an ugly buckel and a clean tie without any print either in black or in a colour that matches with socks

>> No.8573429

hey op quit your job and become a model instead

>> No.8573430
File: 1.93 MB, 1860x1046, Shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. You make a lot of interesting points... I'll consider the belt thing. The pants are 32/32 but I'm usually 30/32 (in jeans at least) so it's fits better with but it's not like they're falling off without. Also >Shoes

>> No.8573435

Hi pine
good advice, I think I will take back the tie and get a solid black and/or grey one. And I do have other belts, I'll definitely try them out.
Yeah I wish! That would be the dream. Unfortunately there are 0 fashion and modeling opportunities in the midwest (think: corn). Also I'm working on applying to medical school this application cycle and that will take up most of my time.

>> No.8573438

Are you Max Payne's son?

>> No.8573467

You look ridiculous and ties are the most retarded accessories ever created.

>> No.8573485

>Ties are retarded

Fuck off goofninja

>> No.8573487

From the video game?
So you're suggesting no tie (or belt) and just go plain pants/shirt? I don't understand what's wrong with ties, I think they're perfectly appropriate, especially for work in nicer establishments

>> No.8573490

Someone please Photoshop the face of /fa/ onto this

>> No.8573498

I think wearing a belt is essential for formal outfits. It's a nice accessoire, not wearing a belt is more for casual stuff.

>> No.8573516

back to /v/

>> No.8573527

you are very attractive
skinny tho

>> No.8573533

You're beautiful

>> No.8573559

That just isn't true, the only people who think this are people that live in the midwest and literally never have a reason to "dress up"

Shoes look like they might be too clunky for the rest of the outfit, but they're fine, and it's probably essential that the shoes be comfortable anyway and that insole looks comfy

You shouldn't wear a vest btw, and I would recommend being prepared to take the tie off just in case you show up and all the other servers are like "wtf is with your tie dude"

>> No.8573582
File: 2.52 MB, 2082x1328, Shoes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be seen as too flashy, especially one as noticeable as in the pics. And the shoes are slip-resistant and have gel padding, so it's pretty ideal for work (not too clunky either imo, might be the angle). And I already think I will go back and get a solid grey and solid black tie instead of the pattered one. I'll see what the others think too.

>> No.8573608

who let you out of your chamber? Security at Auschwitz must suck ass.

>> No.8573689


>not thanking the hungry skeleton

>> No.8573713

Don't wear a black shirt with black pants. Never mix blacks.

There are a few exceptions like ties, socks, sports coat and pants if they're made as a pair and shoes.

>> No.8573729

Shorten your belt.

>> No.8574741

Partially agree. A belt is an accesoire without practical use, because pants should fit fine without a belt. You can wear a belt if it adds to your fit, but it isnt really necessary for a formal fit.

>> No.8574815

>implying that this nigga wouldn't BE the security at Auschwitz
maybe if he had shooed the gains goblin

>> No.8574838

Black with a white tie

>> No.8575479

You're going to spill something eventually, black is better for stains

>> No.8577351

black makes you look really unapproachable, so I would go with the white. The black isn't the classy look I think you're going for. Black bad, white good.

>> No.8577363

Holy shit, you're still here too? I remember probably one of your first threads where you posted your face when I first started coming here. It's neat to see people's progress.

Either is good, David Bowie.

>> No.8577538
File: 689 KB, 3110x2073, bOku5TJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go for white looks nice, brings the tie out
>mfw dat facial aesthetics

>> No.8577539


is that you count dracula

>> No.8577578

Ur really hot but pls lift a weigh

>> No.8577584


hahaha someone went a little nuts at Express, wrinkly ass plebian

>> No.8577644

>:O perhaps his long lost son

Mostly long.

>> No.8577833

I like the look of black better, but white seems more socially appropriate.
Nigga, you retarded.

>> No.8577840

Go back to /fit/.

>> No.8578387

Nothing wrong with a belt, but your buckle is ridiculous.

Any accessory that has no function is retarded and only worn by brainless mouth breathers.

>> No.8578410

Go be a model you're good looking and weird looking at the same time. That's how models look.

>> No.8578415

Just like with skin ; ^D

>> No.8579666

new tie, white shirt black tie perhaps. just the plaid doesnt do it.

>> No.8581405

Dont care.. show up.. and wear the clothes the restaurant will give you.. ?

>> No.8581415

Typical ugly faggot comment.

>> No.8581423


>> No.8581447

change tie
stop buying from express

>> No.8582433

Just a tip.

The point at the end of the tie is supposed to reach the middle of your buckle.

>> No.8582579

god dayum, you look like straight out of a SLP runway

i´m so fucking jelly, if white go with black slim tie, if black get a more solid tie

>> No.8582668

mexican detected

>> No.8582690

Can you act? You're handsome in a slightly unsettling way, and your face lends itself to certain kinds of roles. Think evil characters - sociopaths, cerebral serial killers, Nazis, vampires, etc.

>> No.8582704

Damn u look like a runway model.

>> No.8583759


lose the belt
or shorten the belt

also, white

>> No.8583771

Black and wear a waistcoat, you're a waiter so you might as well look like one.