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/fa/ - Fashion

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8555563 No.8555563 [Reply] [Original]

How has /fa/ impacted your life?

Today for the first time in my life a qt 9.7/10 girl sat next to my on the bus and didnt even hesitate. In fact we had a nice conversation that started with her complimenting my $200 boots. I felt like thats how having a supermodel gf feels like. Thanks for the effay advice, guys. If i keep this up i might have a gf within the next 4 years.

>> No.8555588

i spend more money on clothes now

>> No.8555603
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>I felt like thats how having a supermodel gf feels like.

>> No.8555604
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>> No.8555627

you could have sealed the deal with her if you were /fit/

>> No.8555685
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>> No.8555690

cryin ass nigga

>> No.8555702


Is that the bitch who trashed James Franco's gucci mane jacket, tho?

>> No.8555713

>fucking girls

>> No.8555733

>$200 boots

She was making fun of you for not realizing that any boots at that pricepoint are fucking garbage.

>Today I jokingly sat next to this scruffy pleb on the bus just to get his dick hard. I jokingly complimented his mall-tier boots and he got really excited and said th-thanks while trying to hold my hand.

>> No.8555782

lol at this nigger

after fah i´ve been called cute, sexy and sometimes handsome while i´m a hideous cunt draped in postpunk core, even i´ve been called a 7/10 after being a solid 3/10

thanks fah

>> No.8555790

>might have a gf in the next 4 years
lol nigga u a ugly virgin or soumin? lmao

>> No.8555793

y-you too....

>> No.8555799

By the way i dress they treat me like a homo thug

>> No.8555802

Just busting your balls mate. I have expensive shoes and can't talk to girls, so I gotta be a dick from time to time.

Did you get her number?

>> No.8555808


>200 dollar boots
>implying that's not poverty tier shit

Enjoy your shitty top grain glued soled poverty ass boots.

>> No.8555809

/fit/izen reporting in. Working out didn't cure my spaghetti spilling around grills, that I had to practice.

>> No.8555948

spend all my money on clothes
judge everyone for how they dress
go back and forth from having huge confidence about my apearance to feeling like i look like shit

sometimes i wish i never started coming here and was just a clueless pleb that wasn't broke

>> No.8555974

are you sure you measured it right wasn't it 9.65?

>sat next to my on the bus and didnt even hesitate

>Thanks for the effay advice, guys
np bro remember get an hy no poo and buy cps and rick

>> No.8556197

my life

>> No.8556205

she actually gave me her snapchat. I'm pretty sure it was just to boost her snapchat ego, but even been snapchatting back and forth for the past hour. I don't know where this can possibly go, anon ;_;

>> No.8556211

this is the time we live in

people exchange snapchats, not phone numbers

>> No.8556239

that's pretty sad, but then again i'm too beta to talk on the phone. It's not just with girls, its with anyone. I just stutter alot and say dumb things when i'm talking on the phone, but in person I'm confident as hell. One time the pizza guy asked what toppings I wanted on my pizza and my response was that I told him my address nervously. I was so embarrassed I hung up and went to sleep hungry /blog

>> No.8556246


So do you have a gf yet m8?

>> No.8556249

usually its texting before phonecalls m8

but snapchats?

thats highschool tier

>> No.8556259

Helped me realise that is fun to watch fashion by studying its development and looking at all trends rather than following them. It also taught me to take more care of my appearance and wear clothes which fit correctly to my portions and that will never go out of 'fashion4w

>> No.8556277

Nah man, I once gave a girl my phone number and she said she'd talk to me soon. 5 hours later she calls me and I dropped so much spaghetti in the conversation that I changed my phone number the next day. She probably told all her friends about it.

>> No.8556279


Greentext convo or gtfo

>> No.8556289

i dont know but the other day a girl said i was cute
and i wasnt even wearing nice clothes
just my old shit i use to work

>> No.8556292

Chippewa, Red Wing, and Wolverine all make nice boots that last a damn long time around that price range. Hell, 1000 Miles and RW Beckmans are both ~200 right now

>> No.8556301

>working at h&m
>qt grill asks for help with sizes
>assist her for 30 minutes picking out clothes for her
>somehow turn into her personal stylist
>asks for my nuber right when shes paying for everything
5 hours later
>phone goes ring ring
>"hey anon! Thanks for all the help today, so what are you doing ;)
>"uhhhhh, y-you're ok I MEAN welcome"
>spaghetti continues to pile up
>make a joke about her having small breasts by accident, she starts feeling uncomfortable
>"hey anon, I'll call you tomorrow, I have to get ready for work"
>Hang up without saying bye, change my phone the next day
I have alot of time on my hands.

>> No.8556307

>usually its texting before phonecalls
>she calls me and I dropped so much spaghetti in the conversation
What the fuck is happening to us?
This is why I don't text. I'm already too much of a spaz. I don't need any more opportunities to deprive myself of exercises in oral communication.

On the other hand, my text game is a bit off.

>> No.8556308



>> No.8556323

>phone goes ring ring
You made me spill me $7 water bottle you cunt

>> No.8556327

op in the bground miring da buffet

>> No.8556343

what girl calls? I've gotten a million numbers and they only ever text, even if we're/have arranged a date

>> No.8556355

Better tbh...

decided on losing fucking weight cause I'm fat and not wasting money on stupid graphic tees. I also still impress 8's and 9's by my fits despite being overweight (I weigh like 220 but probably 210 now that I started hardcore dieting and exercising)


>> No.8556356

>start dressing well
>get more and more compliments
>making friends pretty easily now, especially female friends
>go on dates with them, start getting serious
>get my hopes up every time, wondering if it could develop into love
>relationships end within a couple months because of my high expectations
>could be them, but still blame myself
>tfw still hung up on my first girlfriend
>get out of bed every morning, hoping that my clothes will lead me to find what I've been looking for
>always moving forward, always looking back

I'm sorry /fa/

>> No.8556360

my fits are still a bit of high school core but idk they're way better than they used to be with all that Obey, supreme, and target graphic tee shit. I'm just trying to lose weight so I can buy some actually nice clothes. I've been lurking for around a year so I know what I wanted to do I just don't have the body for it

>> No.8556361
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>tfw qts sit next to me now
>yesterday group of 16 year old girls actively try to flirt with me (shake their ass in line etc.)
>people noticeably more friendly towards me

>tfw I fucking made it

Thank you for making me a narcissistic self-centered piece of shit /fa/

>> No.8556362
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being fashionable is great because you're part of a secret crowd that notices each other but doesn't compliment each other. It's an invisible relationship built on pride, and jealousy; an invisible battle. Regular people will think you look weird or gay, but a lot will actually realize that it looks good although they won't know what to say about it or call it. It's fun to try and be seen and know that you can actually represent yourself via your clothing.
Uh, /fa/ itself shows me how not to dress heh
but seriously, /fa/ could be cool if its users would stop hating each other so much and just give up their egos a bit on an anonymous site and actually be nice to each other. Or at least give fucking fashion advice/talk about fashion

>> No.8556370

nobody will ever compliment you on those though

>> No.8556382
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wow, that is me. holy shit, dude. I wanna know more about you.

>> No.8556393

post fits

>> No.8556400

Idk, i think she was jewish so maybe thats it.

>> No.8556404

This is really good.

>> No.8556416
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I've been called emo because I mostly wear black lol

>> No.8556476

year of our lord 2014
everyone under 25 is too crippled by texting to talk on the phone

>> No.8556638

Had a dream about her last night, felt like shit until noon. I'm going back to school in a few weeks so maybe it'll stop once I'm away from home again. What did you want to know?

I wear t-shirts for most of the year because California is hot and dry. Pretty pleb, though, a lot of my closet is Uniqlo and American Apparel. When everyone around you dresses like crap, you can be "fashionable" by just buying clothes that fit well.

>> No.8556688

i went from
not caring
to kinda caring
to super caring
to not caring

>> No.8556705

Everyone I know who's really into fashion and is fashionable just gets bored of it and just gets grail teir tees/bottoms/buttondowns/shoes now and stops worrying about wearing "nxtlvl silhouettes" and shit. Myself included. It's how you know you arrived.

>> No.8556725

I spend more money on clothes.

I'm more concious of other people's fashion choices.

>> No.8556737

gave me something to do when video games started losing my interest in late 2004,

gives me somethingto stare at 5 years after i first came here

i also learned a lot about designs and shit i never would have cared about

got boredoneday raw deim

bored another day gaming pc built

bored another day designer furniture being restored

bored another day someone on /fa/ liked me to self teachings of guitar

>> No.8556740

I used to say to text over call, but when you've been with a girl for a while calling is cool.

especially if she always wants to spend more time with you. going from never, ever, calling and only sending six texts a week, to a ten minute phone call will make her fall madly in love with you.

that's why the less effort, the better, because you only need to do a little more to make it seem huge.

>> No.8556755

Exactly the same here man.

>> No.8556758

I started looking at girls clothes and I think I might be trans.

Thanks a lot, faggots.

>> No.8556858
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>> No.8557235
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well, I just all but confirmed that my ex ain't shit. but I put it all out there to clear the air, anyway (only because I'm on a settle all qualms thing) it's been over for me, but I could probably help. Do you smoke weed? a/s/l

>> No.8557252

quads and dubs dont lie

>> No.8557256

ahh the autist trust fund babies who are ugly or at least socially inept as fuck rear their ugly heads

>> No.8557330

My last two years of life greentexted

>> No.8557352

I guess you just aren't dressing well enough.

>> No.8557372


Fucking hell, this.

>> No.8557376

Ever since I cut my hair lots of people have been telling me I look like Captain America (before he got the super serum).

I'm not sure how to feel about this

>> No.8557382

hahaha thats the most autistic thing I heard all day

>$200 boots

whoa slow down mr rockefeller

>> No.8557383


you never arrive

and mayb avoid using grail tier to describe urself without posting a fit

>> No.8557392

Omg, I want to suck Lana's tits like that.

>> No.8557403
File: 36 KB, 338x450, 8a8b349a-16b7-441d-a598-aeaeb7b95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phone goes ring ring


>> No.8557413


tfw copped so much abuse on /fa/ absolutely zero critical feedback

>> No.8557427

why does everything on 4chan completely revolve around the ability to talk to girls

>> No.8557458

people who can talk to girls naturally never find 4chan

its probably the most common factor in 4channers

>> No.8557465

r u me? (in terms of lyfe, ur clothes is 2basic4me)

>> No.8557511

autism general?

>meet grill and like her but she has a bf
>still go to parties with her and flirt
>she goes overseas for 6 months breaks up with bf while there
>gets back last week
>set up a date smoking j's and browsing 2nd hand book shops
>hour before date she texts me saying she forgot she had a date with another dude
>trash talks dude
>i ignore and continue conversation
>she asks to go out tomorrow instead

what the fuck guys my brain isnt made for this socialising shit

>> No.8557517

>not entirely homosexual

>> No.8557519

just beat it and leave it

>> No.8557524

Say you have plans tomorrow, but don't be specific. Hint that maybe some other time would be good, but let her ask you when you are free.

>> No.8557576

Maybe I'm a younger you, with sik fitz in my future. I'll stop being a basic bitch completely by the time spring rolls around.

Take a little solace in knowing that there's people in the same boat. We're gonna make it.

Never got into weed, used the money on games instead. I'm getting over the whole thing slowly but steadily, at least. Going to be at Davis in the fall, if you're curious.

>> No.8557582


> phone goes ring ring

my sides have left the orbit

>> No.8557594


>> No.8558014
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>Don't follow /fa/'s advice on anything
>Observe but obviously have my own style
>Nobody is dressed like me at all

>Hello gorgeous
>Just wanted to say that you look really fantastic
>That's an amazingly well cut jacket(last night)
Some drunk retard ^
>Maximum swagger
>I love those shoes
>Where did you get those shoes?
>You're so cute, dawww(gf says this all the time)

>look still really isn't as I want it but it's getting there
Need some thick framed round sunglasses and scrips, a few accessories and a big black hat.

>> No.8558037

i realized that i'm more of a piece of shit for living a life on the internet moreso than in real life cause i have no friends irl. i dress like shit, i look like shit and i can't do anything to improve it so i'll just torture all of you people with my shitty fits. please filter me if you want, that's one of the reasons to why i started tripping.

also i'll never cop qt shoegaze-punk-postrock bf

>> No.8558055

lol yeah, okay little buddy, whatever you say hahahahaha

that is me laughing
you're used to being laughed at
never laughing with though
i feel sorry for you now

>> No.8558065

Stop reading /r/seduction on reddit

>> No.8558114


Tell here you want to fucking hit that and drop her if you get negative response cos she is already a ho

>> No.8558751

Pls b in lndon

>> No.8558754
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weed basically got me out of my depression. I didn't like it much at first either. I'm also into games. I live in LA right now, but I'll be moving back to Atlanta soon. We could maybe hang out if that's not unheard of on 4chan.

spoilers, you're gonna have to get over the girl and no, you probably won't end up with her.

>> No.8558765

that's maybe how it should be, but the second round of not caring is at least informed, so you're probably still fashionable just not sweating it, which is maybe ideal.

>> No.8558773

You arent very smart, and I can already hear the emotional fire raging in your belly from here.

my advice is cool, pro, and a winning strategy, as usual. you should get off /r/imtoogaytoevenbealive
better yet, don't even use reddit at all. that site sucks. i went on it twice.

>> No.8558780

Started visiting fa when I started becoming interested in clothes. Learnt about fit and proper items and appropriate attire and how to dress confidently.
Have 8/10 qt gf within a year.
Proposed a few months ago :3

I love her to bits and can't w8 to have gr8 hot kids.
Th-thanks fuh.

>> No.8559043

>start visiting /fa/ regularly 2.5 years ago
>slowly get an idea of what I like and looks good
>copping first clothing items after half a year
>realize I look like shit
>after one year I am able to construct alright outfits
>start getting compliments very infrequently
>don't want to buy new stuff because I'm getting /fit/ and fear I will stop liking it
>don't like my current outfits that much anymore
>construct some all-black outfits, I like the aesthetic
>actually get compliments on them
>want to go all black
>don't want to buy cheap stuff
>don't want to wear outfits that differ greatly in style
>don't have the money for it
>would gladly burn my current wardrobe in exchange for black/monochrome fits
>still conflicted on whether it is a good idea, since I like prep and tech as well

being monochrome-pilled but not able to wear it is truly suffering. slowly moving my wardrobe in that direction, though.

>> No.8559049

>a girl sat next to me on the bus and I complimented her boots
>this must be what dating a model feels like
wow just wow OP you left me speechless for all the wrong reasons

>> No.8559085

You probably look like shit. Post fit.

>> No.8559096

I get laid more often with prettier girls, and my self confidence has increased due to the fact that I know I look pretty fucking good.

>> No.8559862

Before /fa/ I had a girlfriend
After /fa/ I still have a girlfriend, but spend way more money on me and get checked out more. And have more sex

>> No.8559894

A black guy with an afro said he liked my glasses today.

>> No.8559901

before /fa/
i was a regular joe wanting to marry my highschool girl and getting a blue collared job
after /fa/
i'm a single ninjacore wearing no poo doing fashionista

no poo no wash jeans w2c
lana del rey songs is effay

>> No.8559904

Iktf but god damn we need to get our text game up. It's just the way everyone communicates now. I can talk to girls so easily in person and on the phone, but since texting seems to be the only way for women to communicate now all my skills are wasted.

These are my text game problems
>don't like texting
>over think everything
>can't articulate as well via text than can via speech
type message, re write 5 times, delete, repeat
>once text has been sent worry it was shit
>probably end up sending too many texts before receiving reply
>worry that if no response comes in like 10 min I blew it
>end up taking forever to respond for some reason, dunno y I do it but I always do
>forget to reply a lot as well

It's like I get a text from a girl, get a huge smile on my face, then I put my phone down and either take a half hour to respond or forget altogether. It gets to the point where it's not even like I am playin the game of makin her wait, I just suck at texting.

When I was in high school / college I was known among my friends and grills for never responding to texts or takin my sweet ass time to reply. Everyone knew by that point that I wasn't intentionally doing it or faking, it was normal for me. I normally never mean to.

>> No.8559906


Is that Freddy from Cromartie High?

>> No.8559926

Damn bruh that's the most on point thing I've read in a long time.

You're the only person id ever approve of tripfagging.

C-can you share some more of your wisdom with us professor effay? P-pls respond bby

>b-back that ass up

>> No.8559928

Fuck lana del ray. Had to listen to that boring shit on a road trip with some hipster girls.

>> No.8559929

I get compliments on my 1ks all the time. Being more informed now though, I feel I don't deserve it, because there are better boots out there for the price.

>> No.8559931
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>always had own style, not too outtaplace
>always been a looker
>always b's up my d
>discovered fa
>wasting money buying overpriced clothing

thanks /fa/

>> No.8559939

get out of effay ur not fashion
summertime sadness

>> No.8560044

>spent most of my life dressed like I came right out of the 90s, mostly because my parents and brother do
>browsed /fa/ for 2 days last year, thought I knew what I was doing
>not even fuccboi-tier; thought normcore was cool
>browsing more avidly- fuccboi generals, and waywt threads
>paying more attention to patterns and fads
>start wearing my shitty cops a bit better
>poor as fuck, so trying to learn from the mistakes of others, taking in as much advice as I can
tl;dr, I'm slightly more conscious of how I dress. Guide me, /fa/.

>> No.8560049
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Nice dubs

>> No.8560067


rekt and keked

>> No.8560078


Is this...some delightfully fresh pasta?

>> No.8560088


Just pump and dump.

>> No.8560097
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Dubs get.

>> No.8560202
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>mfw no cute /fa/ tomboy gf to stay inside on a rainy october day to cuddle and listen to the temper trap with.

>> No.8560231
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>tfw in club yesterday and qt blonde girl smiling started trying to dance with you but you felt like crap so awkwardly curved her

sory girl, i just wasnt feeling it
>19 y o virgin
guess shit like that i why.

>> No.8560250

are you me? You're totally right about California though, I'm in the Bay Area and everyone here is trying to be a fucking redneck driving their jacked up trucks to their houses in the suburbs

>> No.8560286

I could never imagine myself in a situation like that. Every time I read stuff like that here it reminds of how it's not okay to never leave the house.

But then again, for whom?

>> No.8560332

confused me on my sexuality, all i do now is judge people to make myself feel better.

>> No.8560339

Oh god sometimes shit like this makes me regret successfully camouflaging myself as a real functioning human being. A proper qt invited me to go to a gig with her a week or two ago and I got so anxious about having to dance to this shit band that I sperged out and couldn't go.

>> No.8560517

This happened to me, some grill who was pretty good looking wasn't grinding on me (it was DJ Ez so garage music) but kept obiosuly bumping into me over and over and I sperged out and didn't do shit.This was when I was drunk too, I just dunno how to initiate convo/whatever

Believe it or not tho not a virgin and actually managed to somehow possess gf for a year

>> No.8560552

I live in fucking western PA, so I don't even bother attempting to dress well anymore, place is a wasteland

>> No.8560599

lana del rey is pretty pleb though

>> No.8560606

i will knock u out of ur shoes

>> No.8560612
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i don't even know anymore

>on effay 3~ years
>buy something i really like (one piece a month)
>eventually have nxtlvl monochrome wardrobe
>only been out 5 times in 3 years
>tfw doesnt matter if you're effay when you're a shut in

>> No.8560638


Are you me?

>always wait 5 minutes before responding to a girl I like
>afraid of saying anything offensive, whereas in person I'm not afraid to be offensive
>always check phone for a reply
>tfw I'm autistic when I text but confident in real life

>> No.8561138

As great as it is living here, the state really isn't /fa/.

>LA is 90% short minorities
> the bay is full of normal people and hobos
>Silicone Valley is alright
>Sacramento is suburban moms and government workers
>Northern California has stoners decked out in skate brands and UO
>Central Valley is shit

There's tons of /fa/ people, but they're too spread out.

>> No.8561350

kek central valley repping here

>> No.8561355

today my pretentious barista asked me how I was after realizing we carry the same dustbag as a tote bag last time I visited

>> No.8561400

Your pieces are probably retarded anyway. I dress to look good not to be #2deep. My shoe collection is probably sub 500 bucks.

>> No.8561822
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what kind of style are you rocking
and could you post some of your fits
im curious as to what style is working so well for ppl
we wont bite...too hard ;)
>n-no h-h-homo..

>> No.8561869

I have stupidly high standards for beauty now. Thanks a lot, /fa/

>> No.8561895
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>Be 5'7
>Not very /fa/

>Girlfriend of 4 years
>She's 5'11
>She's a model

>> No.8561957

Watch my trash box of graphic tees

>The one I lost my virginity with
>The one I won after that 10k race
>The one I got from that music festival
>The one I bought visiting Santorini.
>The one my HS gf made me buy.

Watch all my pastel/black tees hanging in my wardrobe.

>I feel nothing
>I feel disgusted
>I'm disgusting.

I'm so sorry.

>> No.8562019
File: 40 KB, 450x675, 1394884976230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do use a name on here, I'm Heaven Smile. I lurk from time to time, but I don't really take the place too seriously. It's fun (technically oldfag)
I'm pretty normal, but thanks!
if you want, i wouldn't mind. Maybe it'll change the place up.

>> No.8562099

How 2cop pls tell

>> No.8562118


>> No.8562133

same thing happened the other day at the club

started a convo with a friend of a friend of a friend (srlsy it's not a joke)

her and her friend drag me to the dancefloor
>not drunk
>can't dance especially when sober
>move a bit

she wanted my dick, but had to see me dance before she would go after me

>> No.8562296

this is some serious projecting. $200 for boots isn't a lot of money.

>> No.8562309
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>liking prep

>> No.8562321

>If i keep this up i might have a gf within the next 4 years.
dont be so negative bro
I never thought I would have a qtp2t gf, but it came to me, unexpectedly and naturally
It went away too, so I'm kinda in the same situation right now :^)

>> No.8562328

kek. good shit.

>> No.8562528

they're being sarcastic, as in "what's this ugly nigga dressing up for"

>> No.8562538

>How has /fa/ impacted your life?
I now seem unapproachable, people comment on me being overdressed all the time, the first impression I give off is often arrogant and ditzy, stupid, materialistic girls bother me about telling them what haircut would suit them best "because I know about these things" all the time.


>> No.8562702

>be fucking loser faggot
>wear size 36 jeans cause even though I'm a 30 cause I think it looks cool
>move to NYC
>everyone treats me like shit
>still get a modeling agency
>start browsing this board
>buy a bunch of shit from uniqlo
>still look like a fukin clown
>fuck model bitches because we have stuff in common
>never learn to dress
>feel like a faggot if I try to look cool
>give up and become shut in hikkmori
>still look like a fag

I'm probably gonna kill myself

>> No.8563026

>I now seem unapproachable
>the first impression I give off is often arrogant
yes, what the FUCK

I seem unapproachable too, and people tell me I make that arrogant/prideful impression, and it's been like that for so long

HOW THE FUCK they come up with this

>> No.8563070

>1000 miles


>> No.8563080

feeling pretty tight, get girls from fast food places numbers, I got a sonic girl, a carls jr girl, bk girl, los betos girl, other than that a few cuties at school miring but too busy, even without my regular clothes my coworkers always call me bae, so that's cool

>> No.8563083

you both seem like arrogant cunts, maybe stop wearing blazers in the summer and saying its okay because it's linen

>> No.8563091

I never wear blazers tho I said
>its okay because it's linen
once this summer :^)

>> No.8563105
File: 30 KB, 640x360, wendys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of the girls that work at fast food look like these annoying ass black girls

you must have a fugly bitch fetish

>> No.8563129
File: 162 KB, 1120x745, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw now have a reputation as a fashionable guy

So these two guys I only know vaguely always ask my opinion on their fits whenever I see them. The weird thing is I'm a poorfag who dresses mostly normcore and theyre richfag hypebeasts who dress largely in expensive streetwear. I usually feel really self conscious around them because I genuinely admire their fits even if it's not my style, and yet they always feel like it's me that they need their outfits approved by.

I suppose I feel a lot more comfortable in my style, even if it's not expensive - and I guess that shows. And I suspect those guys are compensating for an insecurity by waving money around through their fashion.

Also a workmate I've spoken to like twice ever asked me for advice on how to wear a suit, because he "knew I was stylish". So that made me feel good.

>> No.8563141

>implying I own any blazers
>implying I live in a country that has a thing called "summer"

>> No.8563146

>tfw people tell me i cool like tom crues

>> No.8563149

Everyone thinks I'm gay and unfashionable now because lolnolabels

>> No.8563151

whats it like being 16?

>> No.8563166

I am considerably poorer

>> No.8563206
File: 23 KB, 453x340, Mark2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isnt old enough to have had any phase between kmart clothes from parents and goofninja

>> No.8563212

How does it feel living in Detroit or another economically depressed area faggot

>> No.8563219

this is EXACTLY me fml

>> No.8563232
File: 150 KB, 640x620, tumblr_n9ci1zffss1ts10q9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like I'mlucky I chose LA over NY. The people are shit here too, but at least they're easily malleable. Also, don't kill yourself, smoke weed.

>> No.8563245

Made me sad, i can say i have almost same story, lol

>> No.8563298

always nice to see yet another person talk about boots like anyone really gives a shit

>> No.8563314

being skinny is the ultimate /fa meme, no one really cares

>> No.8563332

The guy on the left looks pretty cool.

>> No.8563356

whats difference? you didnt have any relationship after broke up with exgf, who was also your first major relationship? cause then

>> No.8563405

it's effay you mongrel

>> No.8563419

Only comment I have gotten about how fashionable I looked from a qt was while wearing flecktarn parka.

>> No.8563538

I wear the same raw denim jeans I've been wearing since high school every time I leave the house. I also wear the same brown leather boots that I've had since high school all of the time.

Since where I live only has two seasons, hot and fucking hotter, I just rotate t-shirts around. I feel like my wardrobe could not possibly get any more boring, but in these conditions I'm at a loss for personalizing my style.

>> No.8563548

>$200 boots
They were UGGs, weren't they!

>> No.8563622

>19 y o virgin
That's nothing m8

>> No.8564651



Available in all sizes, get on that shit.

>> No.8564669

I went through a two week long /fa/ phase a year ago, when I had $2000 of rent money from my parents for my Greek landlord in a beach town. Somehow I escaped without paying most of it and ended up blowing around 600 on some 1ks, some shit redwings, and a pair of achilles lows

I gave my 1ks to a friend for free without ever wearing them, my shit redwings I wore and were insanely uncomfortable and constantly gave me blisters, and I wear my CPs while playing basketball because I'm broke as fuck now and not about wearing my shit ass running shoes in public

>> No.8564684

> In fact we had a nice conversation that started with her complimenting my $200 boots.
>I felt like thats how having a supermodel gf feels like.

is this the most pathetic board on 4chan or what

>> No.8564688

$200 retail is very cheap for boots. Decent boots should retail for $900+. I feel bad for you if you actually feel good about yourself right now.

>> No.8564702

>price determines quality

wolverines are notoriously shit but come on m8 try harder

>> No.8564712

the same as every other 4chan board as affected me. made my taste slightly better while making me a supreme elitist on the subject

>> No.8564714

>>price determines quality
Yes and no. The price itself doesn't. The RETAIL price does. If he bought NEW boots for $200, then they're cheap as fuck. You simply cannot get high quality boots that were made anytime around 2014 at that retail price. Now, if he bought them secondhand, that would be different. But if you refer to boots as being "$200 boots" I assume you mean that's what the retailer sold them for.

I also didn't read the thread, so I didn't even know what boots he bought until you said they were wolverines. So it looks like my assumption was spot on..

>> No.8564726

>buy boots at ~500% profit margin to the retailer
>buy boots at ~100% profit margin to the retailer
>~400% difference is for the name brand
>boots are technically the same value


>> No.8564740

You'll rarely if ever find 2 retailers selling the same boots with that much discrepancy in prices. You might see a small italian boutique selling for $1300 while a big london department store sells them for $1000 flat. But the retailer's markup isn't going to account for much in the big picture.

>> No.8564742

I live in Northern Cali, and I'm effay. Just moved here from the east coast

So far, my friends all dress like shit and are sk8er/hippie stoners (were growers)

Funnily enough though, they always ask me about my clothes, complimenting, asking w2c and stuff but they'd never actually cop themselves

Wanna hang out with an effay person tho m8?

>> No.8564751

dude theres fifty million billion fashionable people all around you

the defining trait of anyone who goes on a 4chan board isn't the interest that board centers around, but the autism that forces them to use 4chan of all places for that interest

>> No.8564759

>you're on 4chan so you must be autismal
>caring about internet points (upvotes, total posts, public displayed account registration, etc.) not the epitome of autism
>anonymous image board not the most optimal format

There's just no winning no matter where you go.

>> No.8564782

dude theres other social activities besides message/image boards, and all of them are more /fa/

>> No.8564800

but those things aren't readily available every day at all hours of the day

you can still engage in those activities and spend your in between moments doing other shit like being on 4chan

>> No.8564814

My fashion awareness has probably only got me laid a few times.

I'm bored of trying to impress women, i like going to gay bars alone to just sit and act mysterious, and get treated like a sex god. What's funny is they dress like complete shit so theyre easy places to stand out, i guess they have never had to try very hard. I wonder if they can tell im a sad and hopeless slave to the pussy, i don't care, its all good fun.

>> No.8564824


Im living in Tahoe for the summer, I usually move to Pollock Pines during the winter.

Where you at boi?

>> No.8565218

holy shit who the fuck is this I am literally this guy