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/fa/ - Fashion

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8545899 No.8545899 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss: girls with buzzcuts are the new 2015 /fa/ source of thirst

Or are you not nxtlvl enough to agree

>> No.8545902

i created a bald female awoken in the beta demo

i regret it

>> No.8545903

only natalie portman

otherwise, leave

>> No.8545907

Ah. Not nxtlvl I see. How's your chinos and red wings

>> No.8545918


>> No.8546094

I could probably get behind this tbh

>> No.8546105
File: 48 KB, 930x1094, amber-rose[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be REALLY pretty to pull that off. a pretty skull and a super feminine face, else you'll look like a dyke or a cancer patient.

>> No.8546109
File: 28 KB, 400x400, rip-talia-joy-castellano-L-n0VA1i[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an actual cancer patient, also a 13 years old

>> No.8546158

Almost as disgusting as your autism and Instagram tumblr "must have long hair & fringe" 2014 as fuck standards

>> No.8546168


She's not pulling it off. She's not looking bad because she's good looking but she's not pulling it off. She looks weird.

Only punks pull it off.

>> No.8546174

I don't like bald/short hair, be it a guy or girl. Human head looks very weird to me, I feel like it needs hair to...not look like a weird skin ball

>> No.8546183

Fuck so relevant, was googling this last night. I think it looks sexy as fuck if the girl has good feminine facial aesthetics. On ugly chicks it looks disgusting.

>> No.8546190


>> No.8546193

ugly chicks are disgusting no matter wat they do

>> No.8546199

>i posted it again! XD

>> No.8546215
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>implying any girl would look better with a buzzcut
>implying it's not more than an edgy thing that will shortly fade away
>implying it won't be a pain to let it grow again

>> No.8546226

True lol... But I mean, the girl has to have top tier feminine features to pull it off. The large majority of girls, even if they are 7/10 and above, cannot pull it off without the right features. There's something about the masculinity of a buzzcut (blade 1 and below or it looks shit on both male and female) on a really feminine face that accentuates the femininity and beauty of the girl in my opinion... Where to cop qt pie buzzcut gf?

>> No.8546234

Adding to this point, I think it accentuates facial features in general, regardless of sex..

>> No.8546245

>implying effay doesn't love edgy with their nazi hair and black jeggings

>> No.8546533


>> No.8546541

Post ideal girlhair

Teach me

>> No.8546733

any girl who looks good with a buzz cut would look better without one, imo

>> No.8546788

>you won't even play destiny bc u dont want an xbone or ps4
>will never create characters, like some fine ass bald women

>> No.8546798
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its on 360 and ps3 too

>> No.8546814
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You have to be this feminine and good looking to pull this off unless you're full punk

>> No.8546833
File: 78 KB, 500x276, tumblr_mp2saaf6i41qdovuho1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't even look good on Portman.

I think a female needs to have more masculine facial features to be able to pull it off.

>> No.8546851
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>> No.8547364

Calm down.

>> No.8547374

>Doesn't even look good on Portman.
nigga what. her buzzcut is like iconic

>> No.8547639

My girlfriend has a buzzcut. I used to shave her head, now she does it by herself.

She can pull it off because she has other very feminine features.

>> No.8547686
File: 133 KB, 500x656, tumblr_luzb9xGVHK1qbqb1do1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best haircut

>> No.8547700

How many people in general can pull off buzzcuts, male and female? Not many.

>> No.8547708
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>not getting corn rows

>> No.8547971

only /fa ITT

>> No.8547986

I've always had a thing for ladies with buzzcuts, ever since I saw that hot piece of ass in Fifth Element.

>> No.8548155

I think it's a result of grills becoming tired of their shitty quarter shaved undercuts(?) and getting sick of trying to maintain their hairstyle while the shorter side grows out.
grills with hair just long enough to style (2-3 inches long) can look very qt if they have the right face for it though imo.

>> No.8548167

This is worse than that skrillex undercut bullshit.

>> No.8548197

girls with short hair

girls with no hair
>not so hnnng

>> No.8548221
File: 125 KB, 321x298, le_shiggy_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, let's be fucking real here. This entire thread is people posting examples and getting immediately shot down with "she can't pull it off."

News flash, faggots, it is an atrocious style and it doesn't look good in any circumstance. It is kind of like when out-of-shape men get a mohawk. It's just... edgy and goofy.

>> No.8548232
File: 946 KB, 500x354, tumblr_me81d1o4GT1rj2l1ro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gab that to me mug not online see what happens

>> No.8548250

wow she is really fucking ugly
>b-but muh cancer hugbox

>> No.8548255

Looks better than >>8547708

>> No.8548265


>Implying any of those girls would even bat an eyelash at you in real life

Life as an autist must be sad.

>> No.8548272
File: 16 KB, 199x242, 1353726476909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, the mad has arrived.

Ayo bitch boi, I don't care. I'm not here for a gf, I'm here to talk fashion. Keep the tears.

>> No.8548273

>I'm not here for a gf

I bet you're not.

>> No.8548279
File: 42 KB, 610x909, goth_fails_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fa loves edgy for the sake of edgy, look at richard owens

>> No.8548282

"Would you like some pizza rolls honey?"

>> No.8548283
File: 273 KB, 608x338, the-cure-sprint-ripoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, it's Gor-don from Sprint

>> No.8548286

Are you some chick that just shaved your head before this thread or some shit?

Sorry, it looks like shit.

>> No.8548291

From which board are you dropping off? /r9k/, /a/, /v/ or /b/?

>T-this s-ummer I swear, I'm going to get fit and learn everything about fashion!
>*starts browsing 4chan*

>> No.8548361

love me some sinead


>> No.8548408

>damage control

>> No.8548416

>I used to mutilate my woman, now I taught her to do it to herself

>> No.8548424
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jesus christ

>> No.8549827
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>> No.8549839
File: 88 KB, 1000x666, 14321096139_0e7e2c90e6_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing about short haired girls is that they NEED good facial structure in order to look not completely baboon tier.

you cant just take any girl any cut her hair off and say she looks better, because she probably wont

>> No.8549864

Isn't this the case for all hair styles

If you're ugly you're ugly

>> No.8549880
File: 310 KB, 960x1280, DUKbOHL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess. i should have said you need a specific facial structure, now that i think about it.

most girls have shitty faces but they can get away with it, if you dont have hair you cant really do that

>> No.8549881


A shaved girl rocking pale fits would be so nxtlvl mayb it would cause a vortex in the fabric of reality

>> No.8549979

Is that sigoruney weaver? She looks amazing.

>> No.8549984
File: 25 KB, 319x294, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a chick and i've been shaving my head for about a year. it's refreshing, easy, and evens out my facial features.

the haircut doesn't flatter everyone though. sigourney, sinead, and demi moore look probably the best with it. i think natalie portman is too sweet faced for the cut but it doesn't look awful on her. more boyish/masculine features, especially strong jawlines, compliment the cut the best.

but when it comes down to it it's all opinion though so idk

>> No.8550213
File: 23 KB, 640x360, 6861701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh i think w buzzcuts its either very delicate/childish/feminine features or masculine/strong features
no in between

>> No.8550398

I've been watching a Let's Play of Beyond Two Souls and I gotta say, there really is nothing special about Ellen Paige, both aesthetically and as an actress.

>> No.8550418


>> No.8550477
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>> No.8550532
File: 13 KB, 500x299, PazMGSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my waifu4laifu

>> No.8550554

i'd fuck paz, i bet her pussy's da bomb :^)

>> No.8550741
File: 84 KB, 640x627, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only certain women can pull it off.

>> No.8551857

tbh i dont think u can comment on her acting from that
ive seen trailers and it looks p shit ngl
i personally think she's v natural, nothing outstanding tho
have u seen any of her movies

>> No.8551871

I own 4 pairs of boots, 8 cardigans, a denim jacket, and I can't fap to this.

>> No.8551875

He's right you know.

>> No.8551877

that makeup is so fucking disgusting.

>> No.8551878

I honestly hope this becomes the next trend for women. 99.9% of them wont be able to pull it off, and it'll be great.

>> No.8551882

I fucking love Gor-Don

>> No.8551883

i just threw up in my mouth

>> No.8551885

The fat womens necks will collect many a hod dog shaped roll. It will be a game for children to count them.

>> No.8552036

I had to have radiation when I was sixteen, followed by a craniotomy, so I was a bald girl for about a year when I was seventeen. Honestly, and I get that this sounds fucking dumb, but not having hair was the worst part. If there is any girl reading this and considering buzzing it off, get a short bob or a pixie instead. If you still want to buzz it a few months after that, do it. But no sooner. After my bald year, I had a growing-out year. And it literally took a year for it to grow to an acceptable length. So trust me on this, the novelty of it will wear off real fucking fast.

>> No.8552119


>> No.8552925


I'd like to pull of her stupid fucking lip piercings.

>> No.8552939


White girls, when will they learn?

>> No.8553564
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most /fa/