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/fa/ - Fashion

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8533281 No.8533281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is my body effay

>> No.8533287

hmmm i like it kinda, maybe they legs are to big compared to rest? what type of routine do you do?

>> No.8533295

mon: arms
tue: core
wed: back
thur: legs
fri: cardio
sat sun: rest

Protein shakes and lots of hearty meals.

>> No.8533312


>> No.8533324

You have a rectangular-as fuck- torso

>> No.8533334

thats not effay?

>> No.8533349

I wouldn't say it isn't, but generally smaller hips are better. If you work the legs too much, you look like you'll have girl hips

>> No.8533359

but im trans

>> No.8533367

Then transition your current setting to a gym

>> No.8533370

Report to the ship.

We'll bang, okay?

>> No.8533382

who gives a fuck you're fine

>> No.8533388


>> No.8533415


Anyone can be effay is they got style, OP.

>> No.8533419

No you're /fit/

>> No.8533422

but im fat

>> No.8533423

you will look retarded in jeans

>> No.8533430


>implying that means shit if you have style and confidence

>> No.8533451

i have no confidence

>> No.8533455


you should be more concerned about yourself and your life instead of fashion in that case, friend

>> No.8533460

I am OP btw

>> No.8533461

LOL what a shit routine. sorry dude but that's trash. wont critique unless requested becuz worthless

>> No.8533465

more chest, but this isn't /fit/
as long as you find a way to make it work
go for Liam Neeson style or some workwear shit
I don't even like Liam Neeson fucking every movie he's doing the same shit same plot but I like that one pic of him strolling with a nice workwear fit

>> No.8533469

critique me fag

i got that body with that routine

>> No.8533471
File: 28 KB, 341x400, soccerplayerNOHOMOFUCKSHITNIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should've played futbol m8. best bods

>> No.8533478

I think you forgot chest day, bruh.

>> No.8533482

my dude. i played soccer for 8 years when I was a kid on got them muscular that way so I never had to work them much. but you worked them TOO MUCH brah. refer to zyzz. you gotta be in the 29" and under club 4 aesthetics. u failed, unlike me.

>> No.8533485

My criticism would be - no chest day (srs?); wed : back (large muscle group), thur : legs (large muscle group). Bro, I think you should stay off /fa/ and come visit us at /fit, you stupid ass pleb.

>> No.8533489
File: 131 KB, 610x550, zyzz3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3482 ▶
im high as fuck i forgot the picture

>> No.8533493

a giant chest makes it hard to find clothes.

if that is really you then merlin, op
but dat filename doe

>> No.8533495

nah, he just overworked his damn legs because he blindly followed the internet that's oversaturated with non-lifting faggots that say "lol he skipped leg day", but they don't even fucking lift. he's a sheep. theres a reason zyzz got bitches by "skipping legday. BECAUSE HIS LEGS WERE FINE FAGGOT, noone likes a trex

>> No.8533501
File: 8 KB, 160x160, 545736_219091141527527_1423588758_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking stupid? How do you type and breathe at the same time? A bigger chest makes it harder to find clothes? What the fuck?

>> No.8533507

that wasn't me. this is 1v1 m8

>> No.8533508

Bitch, get the fuck out of here. The difference between a boy and a man is a strong set of legs. OP has decent legs, but he's lacking in the chest area. He's the opposite of chicken shit legs. Which in essence is better than being the upper body day errday tool. Although it's still fuckin' terrible. OP, start working your chest before I slap the shit out of you.

>> No.8533510

I was replying to a stupid comment.

>> No.8533523

im saying that because he looks short because of his fucking leg.s like a t rex. he's asking is his body is effay, if he worked his chest to be bigger than his waist (HOW IT FUCKING SHOULD BE FAGGOT), he'd be too big.

>> No.8533526

Is OP a manlet then?

>> No.8533531

pretty much ;p when you're short, playing soccer when you're young then lifting weights w/ said soccer body will achieve zyzz status.

>> No.8533547
File: 19 KB, 350x350, 218804409_ignorant_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8533563

BTW I'M HIGH AS SHIT AND LISTENING TO n3LL - RIP Pimp C (Official Video) but you wouldn't know about that behind your, coincidentally, just as blindly-followed belief that smoking weed means someone's a degenerate or is any more a "menace to society", than an alcoholic? or do you smoke as a form of escapism? either way you're pathetic.

open your mind, friend.

>> No.8533589


>> No.8533600

nice legs OP 10/10 would cut off

>> No.8533632
File: 94 KB, 622x626, uf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refer to >>8533547

>> No.8533640

ʇ u ɐ ɹ o u b ı

>> No.8533693


>> No.8533700

Cardio is the only practical workout and you only do it once a week.
>Not running 3miles a day

>> No.8533718

lol im healthy af tho

>> No.8533744
File: 206 KB, 512x384, OOF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running fucks up joints and is too high impact for people with pre-existing knee/back problems. again, delusional sheep... do more research and quit getting your information for this fucking board.

>> No.8533747

from* excuse,

>> No.8533751


>> No.8533758


>> No.8533764

>SINCE '97
so your 16 or 17?

>> No.8533768

17 about to be emancipated.

>> No.8533771


>> No.8533780

pls ban me *-*

>> No.8533816

AHHAHA underrated post

>> No.8533831
File: 66 KB, 626x835, 1458745896523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8533853


>> No.8533878

how long have you been lifting weights? i've been 4 years and i'm about the same size as you, maybe a little bit thicker hard to tell

>> No.8533884

10 years

>> No.8533894

pls be on manhunt

>> No.8533925

>arms day
>core day

What a shit routine.

>> No.8533953

nigga u fat/thick as fuck, your silhouette would be pig disgusting

>> No.8533963

Green lantern core