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/fa/ - Fashion

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8529956 No.8529956 [Reply] [Original]

So, I got a job at hot-topic /fa/. One of the bonuses for being employed there is a 40% discount. Which is really good, and stacks on top of sales, and get's me insanely cheap clothes. The downside though, is hot topic's stuff is all really fucking garbage.

Can anyone find anything worth salvaging in here?


>> No.8529964

if only you worked at acne op.

>> No.8530015

at least you can save money.

also you can buy cheap creepers or something. (does HT still sell creepers?) I didn't check the link because it took forever to load in the EU

>> No.8530025

hot topic used to at least be a little bit edgy in a fun way. now it's just shit.

op what do you look like?

>> No.8530061

Yeah, they still sell creepers and whatnot. They even have a few black metal t-shirts I'd be interested in. For the most part though, no quality outerwear, sweatshirts, or anything really.

I like a lot of Acne, SLP, Ann D, and Alexander McQueen stuff.

>> No.8530072

do you have piercings and tattoos? just wondering if ht makes their employees fit a certain look or not

>> No.8530103

I only have my septum pierced.

Hot Topic won't admit it, but they definitely want their workers to look like the same people who work for hollister and abercrombie. They just want them in darker clothes.

They hire 3 types of people.

1. Either extremely tattooed and pierced or freakish looking.
2. Anyone almost completely vanilla.
3. Anyone that can pinpoint their demographic in an interview without saying what their demographic is [edgy teenagers].

They definitely want most of their employees to fit number 2, most of the number 1s hired is to perpetuate an image. Most of number 3s that are hired probably should be hired elsewhere but get offered the job anyway.

>> No.8530127

thanks i was always curious about that

>> No.8530128

where do you live op?
same stuff happens at Tokyo Joe's where I work and Staples.

>> No.8530210


these aren't too bad

>> No.8530237

>not getting a job at hot topic just so you can fuck 16 year old band sluts

>catch poor white trash stealing shit, blackmail toothy high school tier half hearted BJ out of some young lut

>> No.8530268

Do you choose the music that is played or is it off a CD/Radio station?

>> No.8530270

yeah, but I don't really need jeans, I own a pair of Diors and Ace Cashs. I actually get all their jeans at 12 dollars. However, I will say this, hot topics jeans are very good for entry level.

That is actually part of the reason I wanted the job. That and I guess moving into management and above is super fucking easy if you bust your ass off.

>> No.8530368

You could get insanely cheap accessories OP.

>> No.8530409

How bad are their jeans?

I got some Levi 510s and I ordered some Cheap Monday tight fits off the web

Are they around the same quality?

>> No.8530425

They're definitely nothing like a pair of Ace Cashs, Samurais or 3sixteens, but if you're running on a budget, I would say their Skinny Jeans are on par with Levi's. Cheap Monday might be slightly higher in quality. For the price of their jeans, I'd say they're worth it.

>> No.8530436

They have a music box in the register area, and you can pick whatever music you want that's loaded on the box. From what I saw they have everything from Death Grapes and The Smiths, to all your trash metalcore and more.

>> No.8530440

oh god just looking at the shoes makes me want to puke

>> No.8530447

Hot Topic has a worse shoe selection than payless, they really need to fix that.

>> No.8530459

Aha ok I'll keep that in mind

Their a third the price and I'm a broke student

Honestly jeans are probably gonna be the last thing I keep buying cheap

I worked at got topic briefly

I hated it, I came to work tripping on acid and had a nervous breakdown then quit

But I didn't like it, trying to convince people to buy cheap shit

Some people asked me where they could buy my docs and I had to show them the fake $30 combat boots they sold there :(

>> No.8530582
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>Deaf Grapes

>> No.8530586

Yeah, I guess that's why they encourage you to wear the stuff in the store, so you don't feel bad about you having to be quality aware to your recommendations. They make you push sells really fast, especially for ladies, on guys they haven't perfected their market yet.

>> No.8530873

>People who work for Hot Topic listen to Death Grips
Good thing I don't listen to music for the sake of posturing and other people's opinions won't influence my own!
In any event, play that shit and blast You Might Think He Loves You... or anything off of Niggas on the Moon to see what happens.

>> No.8531595


Jeans and undies man.
Jeans and undies.

>> No.8531918



>> No.8531943

That's a really good discount OP. I used to work for Zumiez, we'd get a lot of pretty good streetwear stuff here and there and got a 30% discount, at least. I don't see much in there though.

>> No.8532470

Nah, wrong guy.

>> No.8532488

why am I seeing shit like hot topic and pacsun on /fa/, please fuck off with your middle of the mall shit

>> No.8532490

I never see any vanilla people working at the hot topic's here in Baltimore. There's always some alt tattooed, pierced, ear stretched, make-up wearing person there. Whether black, white or whatever else, they fit the image.

I think I've only seen someone who could be described as vanilla working there one time.

>> No.8532496

Every time I go into hot topic, the girls act like they want to suck my dick off

They look like those girls from suicide girls

>> No.8532521
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>> No.8532540

chances are they aren't actually into you and you're just telling yourself that

>> No.8532567

I'd think the best things you're going to find there is the jeans at best and maybe graphic tees or band tees if you're into that. Otherwise that place is a cringefest with an awful selection of clothes unless you're into that emo/scene/fag look.

>> No.8532659


>> No.8532672

Yeah, even though co-workers aren't supposed to bang, I'm already supposed to meet the full time for drinks in a couple hours in secret. They're really easy to sneak into.

It must be different here in Cali.

>> No.8532690

Worked as a manager at one, met my fiance there who was one of my sales associates. Hot Topic lurv forever

>> No.8532706

semi customer here, I sometimes come in to buy bandshirts. Why do you guys push sales so hard? In like the first 30 seconds I'm there I already feel like I'm being asked to buy stuff.

>> No.8532762

i wouldn't bother with much other than what little cds they carry (assuming you even listen to what they carry?)
their jeans are ok if you are in a pinch for a new pair.
some of their flannels/long sleeve shirts are ok, but they shrink at least one size after washing

3/10 would not buy unless my life was at stake

>> No.8532780

The only 3 bands I've listened to that are in my library are Bathory, Mayhem, and some Wu-Tang

>> No.8532783

Well I haven't worked there in six years (oldfag detected), but it's because it's a business, and people like sales.

>> No.8533015

if you have to ask you have no personal sense of style or taste level

>> No.8533051

Or maybe because their website has almost 4,000 items on it, it's difficult to navigate to find something I'd like.

How's high school going bud?