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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 103 KB, 640x640, 10561021_714664921932286_1240499970_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8527154 No.8527154 [Reply] [Original]

Can Islam be /fa/?

>> No.8527163

only if your husband permits it within the household

>> No.8527164

that actually looks pretty nice, but the face will always be ruined because of that head thingy, idk the name

>> No.8527181
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>> No.8527184


>> No.8527191


>> No.8527209

to be effay you have to remove hijab

>> No.8527253

w2c that cardigan

>> No.8527254

10/10 would randomly search

>> No.8527270


Fuck all y'all. Hijabs are kawaii out the ass.

>> No.8527273

>see moslem woman without makeup

>> No.8527284

>see any women without makeup

>> No.8527347

>seeing women

>> No.8527350

religion is never /fa/.

>> No.8527351


>> No.8527358
File: 66 KB, 640x480, sandninja crew looking morose in a carefully chosen industrial setting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course. and best of all, it's all timeless

>> No.8527359


>> No.8527420
File: 74 KB, 540x960, Iz9opOH (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she fa

>> No.8527426

looks like she's going to have gas

>> No.8527434

would you let her fart on you're face

>> No.8527444

Mooslim with headscarf and tight clothing, never understood this.

>> No.8527487


>> No.8527533

>not voss

>> No.8527553

generic western girl

>> No.8527807


>> No.8527864


Of course. What kind of question is that?

>> No.8527897


>> No.8528028

Tight fitting clothes aren't hijab, she's a disgrace to her family and religion

>> No.8528038
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Only if they have really great bands on them

>> No.8528161

fuck you that's what makes it great, because only person close to her can see her without it.

>> No.8528165 [DELETED] 
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All ways and forever.

>> No.8528174
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Always and forever.

>> No.8529111
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Can none moeslims wear the headscarf?

>> No.8529117

>aren't hijab
**aren't halal

>> No.8529125

Hijabs look atually pretty nice

>> No.8529136

Yeah but if someone founds out, they will think you are being disrespectful.

>> No.8529137
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>> No.8529335
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only shi'a islam can be /fa/

>> No.8529378
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>> No.8529386
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>> No.8529395

you're wrong m8

>> No.8529398
File: 70 KB, 396x750, 1387389811099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wahhabi detected

>> No.8529419

Why only female hair is potentially seductive?

>> No.8529441
File: 61 KB, 468x561, handbag-accessories-princess-diana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno i just like loose headscarves and i think they should make a come back

there's nothing in the quran that says women need to wear a hijab it just states that everyone should dress modestly

loose head scarves = hot as fuck
hijabs = ugly

>> No.8529447
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>> No.8529454
File: 50 KB, 396x594, Leila+Hatami+61st+Berlin+Film+Festival+Jodaeiye+jbX1KWwJu2dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8529465

muslims did not invent putting cloth on their heads

>> No.8529467

idk but i'd marry her and throw a fucking niqāb over her face so no one could see. i'd srsly give her a 10, i think im in love /fa/

>> No.8529478

hot would take to basha on date

>> No.8529504
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>> No.8529505


>> No.8529512
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fa as fuck

>> No.8529576

only because she is beautiful

>> No.8529608

something's really weird with moslems covering every inch on their body out of modesty, yet taking every other opportunity to look hot e.g. tight fitting clothing, makeup, showing a little hair

>> No.8529623


Sunnis are pig disgusting

>> No.8529966


>> No.8530001
File: 862 KB, 590x1214, Screenshot 2014-07-22 23.06.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if you're baller as fuck


>> No.8530036
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>> No.8530043

Why don't more women adopt a burkha? If you can't be bothered to do your make-up or make an effort when you just have to go to the store or something then you can just pop on your burkha and no-one will be any the wiser

>> No.8530079
File: 101 KB, 600x719, 1890675699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hijab can be kinda cute, the niqab is awful.

>> No.8530085

Rick as fuck.

>> No.8530088

Being effay as fuck and ugly is hard.

>> No.8530120

Most every religions have a sect where women still cover their heads in public.
It's still common in many to wear a head covering before entering a church/temple

>> No.8530206

haha is this for real?

>> No.8530225

>most every religion

>> No.8530284

Firstly, Islam must vanish
Secondly, cohesive ethnic nation
Thirdly, educated people with high IQ - retrogenetics increases average quotient
Fourthly, extreme cultural conservatism
Fifthly, free market and free trade with countries of cultural conservatism

>> No.8530294

my gf is muslim. it's kinda hot because we have to keep it secret from her family. She get's pissed when non muslim people wear head scraves, henna (she's indo-muslim) etc because
>muh cultural appropriation
she wears denim all the time but she isn't working class. Sometimes the hypocrisy makes me want to slap her

>> No.8530338


>> No.8530346
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>dating a kawaii muslim girl without her parents knowing
w-what is this feel

>> No.8530354


>> No.8530355

why don't you slap her, you're a male and she's muslim

>> No.8530360

>not evian

>> No.8530384

>She get's pissed when non muslim people wear head scraves
wait, who does that?

>> No.8530393

>>She get's pissed when non muslim people wear head scraves
>>Dating non muslim secretly
YESSSSS I KNEW IT. Childish rebellion. I've suspected for a long time that the only way to shut up the young tryhard muslim generation about headscarves is to make them so ubiquitous and tacky that they aren't 'cool' any more

>> No.8530424

>those played out prada shades
>black flats
>too many shitty patterns
These are like the corny bitches of the middle east

If you have a fetish for it then it defeats the point of dressing modestly dumbshit

You wouldn't know fashion if it sucked your dick

>> No.8530487


>> No.8530502


wut? Evian costs like 0.6$ for 0.5cl where I live...

>> No.8530525

>0.5 cl
that's expensive

>> No.8530542

>haha is this for real?
confirmed for never having seen Persepolis.
what a faggit

>> No.8530759

extremist countries demands womans to wear scarf even if they are not muslim. in a few decent muslim countries, noone gives a shit who wears what

>> No.8530884

>didn't read the superior comic

>> No.8530900
File: 65 KB, 600x338, af313ce8-b131-4c0d-84d5-00bd59052857_16x9_600x338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you /fa/ enough to be a saudi policeman?

>> No.8530944
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1403079382512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sandniggers
> /fa/

>> No.8531138

>tfw you see a lot of non-religious qt arabic girls
>tfw they're more stuck up than white girls and won't even look your way
>tfw the religious ones can't even do that.

We live in different world, qt desert women.

Knew this blue-eyed, dark haird Lebanese chick in HS who was a 9/10. The blue eyes were a nice touch

>> No.8531153



>> No.8531193
File: 19 KB, 436x543, 10173657_10203501095307687_711315420_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MIDF out in full force tonight I see.

>> No.8531198

Sarah M.?
Are you who I think you are?

>> No.8531209

>not read

>> No.8531219

u could just wear a scarf on ur head and not have it b a hijab if thats what ur asking
u shouldnt wear a hijab if ur not muslim or arab tho
but ppl wear scarves on their head all the time
ie czech grannies

>> No.8531236

but offending white ppl who dislike headscarves is much more powerful than youthful rebellion against parents who wear headscarves

>> No.8531265

nice try

>> No.8531307
File: 126 KB, 834x656, muslim ninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8531343

>$120 per litre

>> No.8531353

Why? Is that you in the photo or something?

>> No.8531357


>> No.8531358

post her last name

>> No.8531388

I chuckled

>> No.8531400
File: 216 KB, 427x640, afghan_orphan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that Afghan law stipulates that only Muslims may adopt their beautiful little white orphan girls.

I looked it up.

>> No.8531412

>implying muslim girls don't have the best body

>sometimes on the taller side
>small but still nice tits
>small but still tight ass
>good hips
>belly dancing

>> No.8531462


>> No.8531468

it just shows that they wear hijabs out of obligation and because it's ingrained into their minds that they should follow tradition, then they claim it's so that you can see their true beauty without having to see all of their head despite wearing makeup/nice clothes to appear pretty.
it's why all muslims are dumbass pieces of shit and should be ignored

>> No.8531478

They just do it because they wanna feel superior to other women.

All women do this in some way.

>> No.8531500

if you mean superior as in "i'm better looking than that girl" then sure

>> No.8531508

> suggesting anything but looks matter in women

>> No.8531510


You gon' get beheaded.

>> No.8531523

>implying that wanting to look better than someone else is something only woman do

>> No.8531526
File: 271 KB, 519x399, 1405669327395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in Target
>pashtun girl works there, wears one of these
>immigrated here with family, she is gorgeous with green eyes and just the right brown
>her two sisters come in, look shitskin brown and ugly
>parents are also pretty shitskin
>she is 29 years old; the liberator knows no bounds

>> No.8531534

Apparently you don't understand women logic.

Women want men who are desired by other women because it will mean that the girl who gets him is prettier than the rest.

Women like to be the more attractive person in a relationship.

Only /fa/ggot men obsess about not having a 10/10 face.

>> No.8531559

give her the d

>> No.8531571

>Women like to be the more attractive person in a relationship.

True shit. I was with a gf (now ex) when she was getting her hair cut one time and she got incredibly bitchy on the way home because her hairdresser complimented me on my hair. She'd also get really passive aggressive whenever I talked about clothes etc. She'd hover around me when I was getting dressed or doing my hair making it clear through body language that she didn't approve.

>> No.8531588

i'm female. i don't think men necessarily care about wanting to be better looking to the extent of many women, but everyone wants to be better than others in some way or another.
you should get to know a variety of women.

>> No.8531605

All women are in love with their own image.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.8531617


Actually I'd say most women have horrible self-esteem and self-image compared to your average man. They're fucking neurotic.

>> No.8531618

Guys don't need to hear compliments about how beautiful they are.

Girls want compliments and they want to know that everyone is thinking about them.

>> No.8531628

Because they have that deeper need to feel beautiful.

Men don't. So they don't have body issues.

Women are born beautiful. Men become desirable.

>> No.8531632


>> No.8531639

i'm a woman and i don't love my own image
i'd say most don't too, certainly anorexic girls don't, and those who put on makeup to look cover up don't
2/10 i almost fell for it

>> No.8531649

So if you're not in love with yourself, and don't have this need to feel beautiful, why go through all the effort to feel beautiful?

You can't say you think all day about beauty and then argue that you don't need it.

Men don't think about feeling beautiful or not because they don't need it.

Advertisers understand this and they use it to sell you and your gfs stupid shit they don't need.

>> No.8531651

>>8531639 is meant to be a reply to >>8531605

>> No.8531660

>You can't say you think all day about beauty and then argue that you don't need it.

But that's not what she's saying. It was posited that women are in love with their own image by this post >>8531605 which, given the lengths women - any woman - will go to to feel prettier, is obviously not true. Women are their own worst critics.

>> No.8531666

when did i ever i say that i think about beauty all day long? i care about beauty to the extent of being treated better due to people's first impression of me.

>> No.8531667

> every single facebook comment by another girl
> hurr we're not in love with ourselves primarily we just like dating ugly guys for some reason
> it's not because he makes us feel beautiful with bullshit words and lots of money which will make our girlfriends jealous

Smarter up.

Sure, and they criticize themselves because they so desperately want to feel beautiful, because deep down, in every woman's psyche, she believes she is beautiful.

When they meet a guy, however fucking ugly and loser, who can make them feel beautiful like they always knew they were, they fall in love.

>> No.8531689

>they so desperately want to feel beautiful, because deep down, in every woman's psyche, she believes she is beautiful.

wut. Why would they want to be made to feel like something they supposedly know they are? They want to be made to feel beautiful because they're insecure. Narcissism is self sufficient.

>> No.8531692

Don't take it the wrong way. Women have a need to feel beautiful that is much stronger than in men.

>> No.8531698

being complemented means other people accept you.
this is other girls wanting their friends to feel better
> hurr we're not in love with ourselves primarily we just like dating ugly guys for some reason
i assume most guys are ugly since very few bother trying to look nice, so girls are left to date ugly guys. really though i don't understand what you're trying to get at with this, lots of girls are ugly but don't appear so because of makeup
> it's not because he makes us feel beautiful with bullshit words and lots of money which will make our girlfriends jealous
did you have a bad experience with your first girlfriend or something?
blah blah blah ingrained blah blah society blah blah this is obvious bait and i should stop replying

>> No.8531715

No. You see, female narcissism is good. And it's good that they're in love with themselves, and when do stuff like ask "are you hungry?" they really mean, "I'm hungry ask me if I'm hungry."

When you carry life inside you, its worth it to be narcissistic and in love with yourself.

So where does the massive insecurity in women come from?

Why the obsession with their looks?

Is it the patriarchy's fault again?

>> No.8531726
File: 172 KB, 728x953, ala_dergisi_tesettur_giyimi55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it can, but only if it's not the retarded kind.

>> No.8531728
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>> No.8531735
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>> No.8531738
File: 90 KB, 515x720, 246872_215879321778855_196111430422311_691297_6349153_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8531743

>Why the obsession with their looks?
you mean womens obsession with them or mens? men are innately visual and if you mean womens obsession then i'd guess it has to do with mens obsession idk if thats called the patriarchy

>> No.8531750
File: 134 KB, 522x683, a242c1a95fb441b4bfd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw Iran theocracy will eventually collapse and the qt's will start dressing like trash and you won't be able to fetishize the loose headscarf

>> No.8531751

paki porn?

>> No.8531757

Turkish hijabi high fashion magazine, so close.

>> No.8531760


>> No.8531766

>those shoes
>those jeans
>that everything
They already dress like trash. They look like any corny white young moms but with equally lackluster pieces of fabric on their heads.

>> No.8531774
File: 192 KB, 600x800, c8413de88ea7391798de2c8b48bc20d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck a dick

>> No.8531779

disgusting, i want to barf