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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 418x455, 1350628402772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8525316 No.8525316 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>going to DJ college friend's birthday party
>dressed in simple black NGHTBRND tee that says "no requests", black joggers, b/w perforated cp achilles lows
>arrive at party
>most of the party was plebs, a few MFA uniform fags and people in band t shirts and ratty jeans
>one kid dressed in palewave, we give eachother the silent nod
>mingle a bit, play my set, it goes okay.jpg
>take a couple shots, step outside to have a smoke
>qt3.14 comes by, obviously mirin'
"oh anon your set was so great!"
"th...thank you..."
>qt pulls out her phone, gestures towards me
"can i have your number? i've been trying to find people who like the music i like!"
>why not.jpg
>put my number in, hand it back to her
>mfw this drunk bitch spills her drink all over my cps as she's trying to take her phone back
>she starts apologizing, i just give her the dirtiest look and walk away
>as i'm walking i realize i'm drunker than i thought
>accidentially bump into another qt3.14 grill
>she's hot as fuck, totally effay
>dressed in all black
"s..sorry... i didn't see you there"
>she just stares at me, silently, giving me bedroom eyes
"i... like your outfit... most girls around here don't really know how to dress well..."
>she doesn't respond, just keeps staring at me, silently
>decide to take a chance and just kiss her
>her lips are cold as fuck but it's obvious that she wants me
>whip out my dick, start rubbing it against her leg
>start touching all of her buttons
>she starts to moan and creak
>hear snickering behind me
>mfw i'm drunk as fuck, half naked, rubbing up against my friend's matte black gas grill
>tfw everybody at the party is gathered, laughing at me
>even the drink-spilling qt bitch

what the fuck is wrong with me, /fa/

>> No.8525325

>Whips out dick
Oh anon

>> No.8525332
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>> No.8525415
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Nice one

>> No.8526026

if this is real, why did you just decide to whip your dick out? Did you not realize you werent in a secluded area

>> No.8526042
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Man what the fuck lol.
Good read though 6/10 would read again.

>> No.8526095

do you honestly think that someone could mistake a gas grill for a girl

top kek

>> No.8526131


>> No.8526208


>mfw I thought OP was molesting his m8's gf
>tfw no gf

>> No.8526550
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that feel. the feely kind of feel that feels... feely.

but that's one of the reasons why I'm on this board. to stop dressing like a complete tard and get my life together so I have to confidence to actually get a gf

>> No.8526576

My dad found out recently I'm saving up $600 for a coat

They think it's weird as hell

They also don't get why I got rid of a bunch of ill-fitting mall clothes I never wear

I'm a teenager and I don't have anything that I need to save for

Would you rather I blow mg money on drugs like I did last year?

>> No.8526580


was it hot at least?

>> No.8526606

link the coat man. :)

>> No.8526621

nothin to do out here but smoke and drive
smoke and drive

>> No.8526631
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Nothing in particular I just want a nice black fishtail/parka for when winter comes

Thinking allsaints probably
Also maybe one of fjallravens just because I get so cold, I am willing to sacrifice some steez for warmth

>> No.8526639

looks cool. :)
allsaints is like 300 on sale tho, so its not that bad

>> No.8526665

>work at jd sports
>be sneakerhead
>know my shit
>jordan 3 wolf grey release
>shop is very busy
>customer wants a pair of dem new jordans
>i order the pair for him but its fucking busy as fuck niggas gotta b waiting for 30 minutes for their trainers to come out of the stockroom
>guy b waiting 20 minutes for his jordans
>he complains to my supervisor
>my supervisor is a stupid bitch that hates me for some reason
>what jordans
>5's? we havent got any fives you trippin?
>im like 'ok'
>too bad its like 5 people waiting for their different jordans
>no jordan 5s tho like nigga whats up
>10 minutes later still no 3's out
>supervisor knows its busy af so its not my fault at all but she comes back and tells me i have to go get the jordans myself
>im not even allowed to go to the stockroom because i gotta serve the customers
>i tell her ok give me the jordan you want so badly and ill go check out whats going on
>the new 5's
>5's? lol u serious it's threes, you've been working here for years and you don't know how jordan 3's or 5's look like?
>meet me in the office anon
>oh shit
>get fired cuz on probation period
>apparently for bad customer service and underperforming

is this real life? fuck that shit yall this is peak w2c a job with sane people

>> No.8526675

>$600 coat

>> No.8526677

for fucks sakes don't buy Allsaints jackets at retail. Get them when they're on sale or not at all.

>> No.8526681

>buying Jordans
>wearing Jordans
>selling Jordans

If u are any of the three, kill urself.

>> No.8526692


Well I'm waiting until fall and that's how much those brands cost

Could I do better for 600?

>> No.8526695

>couple shots
>drunker than i thought
>end up fucking a grill

two shots is apparently enough to get you wasted enough to think a grill is a woman?

>> No.8526698

j-jordans are bad right guys? right guys??? haha...

>> No.8526705

>tfw when working to produce my first album
>tfw when it's not fun anymore
>tfw when music isn't fun anymore
>dont care about dressing well anymore
>no one to dress well for
>no one to show my music to
>what do?

>> No.8526707

He is 125lbs and doesn't eat.

>> No.8526715

Kill yourself, you probably suck balls and arr making trap or some other terrible genre

>> No.8526720

also idk how allsaints costs 600. in any case u def shouldn't buy them at full retail as another anon said

>> No.8526724

Nope, thanks though.

>> No.8526725
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>> No.8526736

link soundcloud or something pls anon :3

>> No.8526742

It's my first album, and it's not finished.

>> No.8526772

>Three months ago
>Lie in bed
>Eat lots of chocolate
>Go to bathroom
>Feel dizzy all of the sudden and black out
>Wake up 10 minutes later on the bathroom floor, heavily breathing with my dick in my hand

I could have died like that. That would have sucked, seriously. Anyway

>Go to doctor because of that
>They test my blood
>Week later they tell me that I have hypothyroidism
>They give me a receipt for meds
>Forgot about it until exactly now

Fuck it, w/e

>> No.8526785

You're a fucking faggot and you should fucking take too many sleeping pills and go swimming.

>> No.8526789

are you seriously mad at something on the internet

>> No.8526795

I will cut you if I ever find out who you are, you cum guzzling cunt.

>> No.8526805

Jeez, what did I do to you?

>> No.8526815

wow i feel really sorry for you man, you must have an unfulfilling life

>> No.8526834


Things a teenager should rather spend his money on
>save for car
And the list goes on.

You might buy that wow so trendy fishtail parka that you won't be using after a year or two, or spend your money on experiences that you'll remember your entire life.

Seriously, being under 27 and wearing something that costed 600$ is stupid.

>> No.8526841


>> No.8526977

Can't travel
I don't skate
I don't surf
Can't own a vehicle for 3 or 4 years

I have enough money for booze

Pretty much the only point in my life I'll even be able to blow money on clothes

All my peers blow it on pot and video games

How is what I'm doing any worse?

>> No.8527010
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This actually seems possible, making it all the more hilarious

>> No.8527021

3-4 years. Are you 11?

>> No.8527036

No I live at a college that doesn't permit students to own vehicles

Nowhere to put one

>> No.8527052

Do you mean that they don't issue parking permits or what exactly is the problem?

>> No.8527059

>college that doesn't permit students to own vehicles
what the actual fuck

anyways, saving 600 usd is nothing compared to saving up for a car

>> No.8527086

Just think how embarrassing it would be to be found dead with your dick in your hand... Not that it would matter at that point but damn...

>> No.8527108

Yeah no space at school and no space to leave it at home

Yeah nah I'm about to be decked out in all designer it's just something I want good quality in

>> No.8527112

you guys are rubes

>> No.8527278

Skateboarding is /fa/ as fuck. Skate and become heroin chic, it's perfect

>> No.8527329

>pick up some ASOS chukka shoes in white
>Go to drive older brother to airport
>As soon as he sees me, "Hey where'd you get those faggot shoes?"

>tfw I never wore them again

>> No.8527364

>be me
>have twin brother
>look exactly the same, act exactly the same. Essentially the same person
>qt's are always mirin him and not me
>so many feels

>> No.8527382

Does he dress better or is personality?

>> No.8527385

i am personality

>> No.8527393

>get more fit than him.
>be more fa than him.
>be happy with yourself.
>confidence is key. do you.

don't let your brothers control your lives.
>look up. ascend.

>> No.8527414

He dresses worse. I'm leaner and more muscular than him. I actually don't know what it is. He was telling me yesterday how he went to a bar on a holiday he went to with his girlfriend and how there were hot girls all over him but had to decline because of his girlfriend. I never get that, I'm at a miss to why this happens

>> No.8527428

By the sound of it he's clearly way more socially savvy than you

>> No.8527429

I check all those boxes. Im arguably better looking than him or at least equal. He has a girlfriend and a lot of females know this but they still try and chase himm and I never get a look in. He doesn't have facebook or a phone so I actually don't know how he does it

>> No.8527432
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>older brother
>he's super /fit/
>girls her age ask him to introduce them to myself
>girls my age ask friends to introduce them to myself
>younger girls literally tell me to fuck them on ask.fm

>> No.8527436

Sounds like he's more out there. Wish I had a twin brother :/. Do you ever wear the same outfit that would be rad.

>> No.8527440


>> No.8527462

That's the problem, he isn't more out there. I actually ask him his secrets when he gets home. Its pretty rad having a twin brother, never wear the same clothes, that would be a bit gay. Having a twin brother is always a conversation starter, its great knowing that he always has my back especially since he is a deadset nutter cunt

>> No.8527469

yet i have only had sex with one girl in my life
how do i know if i'm a shade of asexual?

>> No.8527520

But imagine how fucking badass it would be to dress in matching like suits or something.

>> No.8527550

threaten to leave your dad dead in the bathroom

>> No.8527559

i know this feel. too bad all of them are like tons of states away. so much jailbait i could fuck.

>> No.8527569

>meet girlfriend's best friend and her boyfriend
>boyfriend posts on sufu and /fa/
>we chat about yohji and joke about rick quotes
>girlfriends make fun us

i got a hot girlfriend and a new bro to shop with

>> No.8527582

Dress up parties would have endless possibilities

>> No.8527737

>women over 80 at my church comment on how handsome I am
>girls under 10 always seem shy/nervous (in a good way) around me
> girls my age completely ignore me

What does this mean??

>> No.8527867

>new bro to shop with
How the fuck do I find one of these without being a flaming faggot? Actually I need one who can also have sex with me lol. That is the perfect friend

>> No.8527879

It means you're classically handsome and girls our age find us too put together.

>> No.8527880

he said gt3.14 >grill

>> No.8527883

>being this black

>> No.8527894

jesus christ finally someone gets it.

>> No.8527923

it means you need to make the first move

>> No.8527935

cant tell if joke or actual story

even though, i had a pleasent laugh

>> No.8527945


>> No.8528000

im weaing my 3's right now.

>> No.8528031

>be me
>friend is getting deployed
>go to friends place for a barbecue
>me his girlfriend and him having a good time
>3 other friends have beef cuz "I've changed"
>keep making passive aggressive comments about my fit
>"I remember when you use to not wear designer jeans...back when you where cool"
>Friends girlfriend says "actually he dresses pretty fuckin well, you guys should take notes" jokingly
>they go off for 20 minutes about how I'm such a bitch for changing
>kill the vibe
>she laughs, says "if he acted like you thank god He changed"
>not sure what to do so we decide to leave

>> No.8528124

there has to be more to it than them being mad at the way you dress

>> No.8528144

>16 years old
>wear exclusively acne, helmut, dior, and a wang

>> No.8528149

what jeans were you wearing?

>> No.8528185


They do sound like wankers though, what kind of shitcunt does that at a social gathering

>> No.8528243
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At least someone finally saw your penis anon

>not savagely beating people who get $400 shoes dirty
>not going on a shoot rampage screaming muh cp muh designer label wearing a "autistic and proud" cape

>> No.8528289


congratulations, you're on leddit


>> No.8528293

>tfw 34" inseam is too long because i'm a manlet
>tfw uniqlo only sells pants in 34" inseam

>> No.8528323
File: 50 KB, 406x382, that feel effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just starting out trying to become fah, go into a shop to try on some Doc Martens that I can later buy online for 2/3 the price
>Guy who works there comes over and asks where I got my jacket
>Tell him the truth - that I don't know, some store in a different town, I can't remember the name of it but I know there's one of the same store in this mall
>Keeps asking me, I just can't remember the name, it was a while ago
>Gets me a shoe to try on, next asking me where I got my boots
>Have no clue about that either, my dad gave them to me when they were too small for his apparently fat foot and I didn't bother to ask where he got them
>Shoe I'm trying on is too big
>"You have a pretty small foot"
>"Have you ever bought shoes in women's sizes?"
>"Uh... no?"
>That feel when you're a size 6 US in Doc Marten 1460s

>> No.8528463


Yea there is. Kinda lame shit really. I sorta started out growing them and they've been passive aggressively Tryna start beef. I started expanding my tastes and they considered that not cool

Fuck them doe.

>> No.8528472


They are acnes.

>> No.8528614

Then by the time you get them shortened the leg opening is hooj.

>> No.8528652

>size 6 US

dear lawd, guessing you're a manlet but I'm imagining a normal height person with insanely disproportionately small feet

>> No.8528879

>get a plus one to a party last minute
>only got it as i am pretending to be a sober driver for a friend, but i don't even have a car
>pop a few tramadols before i go as drinking would blow my cover
>feeling rekt
>go with two friends, one who wasn't invited and the dude who got me in
>one got turned away
>sorry m9, he decided that he would just catch the bus and not kill our buzz
>go in
>its a small as drinks
>15-20 people, i have me 0 of them
>just wearing clothes from that day (ripped black skinnys, sgc bomber jacket, dark navy pullover hoodie, black cp knockoffs
>every girl in the whole fucking place turns and looks at me when i walk in
>begin absolutely drowning in females
>people adding me on facebook within seconds of meeting me, feeling my clothes, asking me if i'm "fashion forward", asking my friend about me
>friend tells this sneakerhead chick about my raf velcros and she lost her shit
>a couple particularly are absolutely all over me
>catch a chick trying to take photos of me because the flash was on on her phone (seriously what the fuck), make eye contact and turn away
>see her take another photo
>leave with a phone full of numbers and shit

I fucking made it

>> No.8528882

fast forward a week
>go into thrift shop
>margiela cotton/leather biker jacket
>nigh immaculate, fits me v. well

>> No.8528900

the only thing i make is trap, fuking faget :^)

>> No.8528930

What's that short for?

>> No.8528933

>Be in African country for volunteering for a month
>No /fa/ clothes because it's dirty there
>Go clubbing with some other volunteers one weekend
>Lots of Lil John played
>End up grinding on some local chick for a while
>She's really into it, probably because im white or foreign or something
>All the while I'm just thinking about the girl I actually like back at home and how I'm only sort of enjoying this because I'm drunk and horny
>Leave eventually without a word
>Go to bed feeling shitty
>Wake up feeling shitty

Clubbing is just kind of shit, I don't know why I keep doing it.

I got some alright Stan Smiths from a market there for pretty cheap though so that's cool.

>> No.8528971


>Be in African country for volunteering for a month

did you pay something to do this ? can i have some informations ? it seems very cool

>> No.8529186


>> No.8529201

stolen girlfriends club

>> No.8529216

stolen girlfriends club i think

>> No.8529222


Was she hot? Going on a colonial mission on black pussy is a dream of mine

>> No.8529278

if it was 151 that would get a smaller guy drunk on an empty stomach

>> No.8529285

>tfw been in hong kong all summer and all i've bought is a bespoke suit and a couple blazers for my internship
fuck me

>> No.8529293

i'm not gay but i'm most of my friend's go-to guy for shopping

but i need somebody to shop with, not shop for.

>> No.8529339

save up for a holiday you enormous faggot

>> No.8529379

It means the old ladies are unnessecarily polite to everyone and that little girls don't like creeps

>> No.8529435

Only for the flight (kind of pricey), accommodation and food (both cheap). There are probably agencies that you can pay to sort you out but I just contacted the orphanage directly.

Yeah she was pretty good, had an ass and all that. Friends I was out with said she was a good catch.

>> No.8529618

Dude go to grailed or ebay, you could get a black rick / undercover / Helmut lang or a lot better used

>> No.8529677

He is either better at socializing with people, especially women, or he's making that up.

Not saying your brother is a liar but my brothers and I totally stretch the truth with each other. Also sometimes when yli get eye fucked by chicks then you feel like girls were all over you

>> No.8529719

Good one le edgy man

>> No.8529748

>be a pleb
>at a party
>some fuccboi steals my girl
>sad and depressed
>take a couple of shots
>drunk outta my mind
>start acting like a raging bull
>find the fuccboi that took my girl and pulled a dempsey roll on him
>my girl is impressed, tries to cling to me, I push her off me
>just to add insult to injury, I steal his boyfriend and ram his tight ass in front of everybody

>> No.8529786

>be almost twenty-one
>kissless, never had a girlfriend, and hand-holdless virgin
>if the topic of sex comes up I don't shy away from saying I'm a virgin- it doesn't bother me much at all, I figure that you have to own it
>because of being cardio/ottermode and decently fashionable, everyone thinks I'm gay
>I don't have sexual fantasies and masturbate primarily out of boredom, and have for three years
>can be social with relative ease, even when talking with women; but I want to be alone at all times, don't want to be seen, and daydream about homesteading on the plains or in the woods without outside interference

Am I missing something? I've become an outlier among the few people I know, they worry about me and tell me so

>> No.8529859

>bedroom eyes
>tfw u dont know what these are

>> No.8529871

kek'd hard

>> No.8529947

You're probably asexual

>> No.8529952

he masturbates

what he has is called 'autism'

>> No.8529957

>mfw OP is sitting in a basement somewhere high as fuck making up stories for /fa/

>> No.8529976

>be awkward and tryhard as fuck
>DJ at some college party
>play Skrillex and "EDM"
>afterwards get really hammered and start approaching girls and slurring my words
>bump into some a girl, mumble something awkward as hell
>kiss her and start rubbing my dick against her leg
>she runs away and I realize that when I bumped into her it was quite hard and ended up making her spill her drink on my CP's
>slur something about how those shoes cost more than her entire outfit
>everyone starts laughing at me
>go home and browse /fa/

>> No.8529992

No, I don't think I am that arrogant, though I am trying to kill myself emotionally

>> No.8530835

fuck you how'd you know

>> No.8530865

They are.

>> No.8530875

oi m8.
Show me yur sicc beats and I'll show yu mine, bb

>> No.8530893

>live in denver suburbs
>been scoping out all of the regal cinemas in the area trying to find which one birthday works at
>finally see him selling popcorn at the concession counter
>his hands greasy with artificial butter
>tfw too shy to approach him and asks if he wants to be my bf

>> No.8530913

Who the fuck is birthday?

>> No.8530956

>being THIS new

>> No.8530962

Is there literally a worse subreddit? This fucking one is exclusively out there to ruin OC.

>> No.8531125

>tfw can't have female friends cause of the inevitable sexual tension

>> No.8531171

Mate it's like that with me and my twin. He's better looking and fitter than me, we dress about the same, but girls find me more attractive because, and I'm quoting here, I'm "charming". You just gotta charm em.

You're a fun guy, or at least pretend to be one, so let them have fun with you.

>> No.8531187

Wow reddit really sucks

>> No.8531200

When/If I'm finished I might post it hear.

>> No.8531674

I'm the same. I don't know what's wrong with me either.

>> No.8532628

This happened today

>went with some friends to a café
>bros crush is coming too
>saw pics of her before
>stereotype of the typical goth chick
>almost postpunk cuz of fit and shit
>start having a good time
>bro said she wanted to fuck her
>don't believe him
>it was true
>start playing truth or dare
>ask her who was the most attractive of all of us (including three persons more)
>bro is in 3rd place and I'm 2nd
>don't believe it cuz she wants to fuck him and I'm a hideous fuck
>she says i dress very nice too
>be in postpunk fit so it didn't surprised me
>she doesn't know that bro told me she wanted to fuck him
>somewhat she makes me,spill the soup
>said i knew in a very jokingly way
>tell her i don't even know her name
>she starts being cold with bro
>feel like utter shit
>realize that she just wanted to fuck him and friend zone him
>her friend says the same
>realize that bro has a really deep crush on her
>tfw you cockblocked your best friend with your effay basic fit
>tfw you get told that you're at least a 8/10 qt heroinchic
>tfw bro is mad and disappointed

i think i,saved him from being with a daddy issues vapid cunt but still i cockblocked him, I'm a piece of shit

>> No.8532640

lol pussy, i need like 4 shots just to get all relaxed and secure

>> No.8532654

it was 2hot4u

>> No.8532675

Goddamn learn how to structure a story goddamn

>> No.8532682

Tell me you got summa dat hk pussy at least

>> No.8532692

yeah, the point is that i cockblocked my best friend by dressing all SLP and joking with his crush just yo meet her

also she said that in unapproachable, is that good? I think it means that you look interesting but people just don't want to meet you

>> No.8532693
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> tfw the most fit and well dressed guy in my friend group, but one of the least socially competent
> tfw girls approach me because of my looks but stop liking me once I talk to them and then develop crushes on my friends

>> No.8532699

It means you're hot shit

>> No.8532723
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>constantly get told I'm attractive
>friends tell me I'm attractive, people I meet mention I'm attractive etc. etc.
>think I have a decent personality, make people laugh, people like me, always invite me out
>strangers treat me like absolute shit, 80% time get looks of pure disdain from counter clerks, random passerbys on the street etc.

fuck, what is wrong with me. am I overthinking it? I can't be, I'm not dumb enough to mistake those looks. I know when people are glad, friendly, neutral or genuinely annoyed and for some reason alot of strangers seem to be pissed off/annoyed by my presence. Does anybody else get this?

>> No.8532749

>all that first line
iktf, and my friends are taller and more social

>> No.8532758


Welcome to the fatty life. Time to check your thin privilege while you can.

>> No.8532765

I've had a similar experience except it was just bros. I've since then slowly unfriended some of those friends and left with 2.
it sucks to barely have friends but atleast I don't have to deal with bitchy dudes anymore when I wanna chill

>> No.8532787

cant tell if sarcasm or real

damn, i feel so confused right now, people say i´m not ugly but they never say i´m attractive

i miss the days when i didnt gave a single flying fuck about my looks but it seems i will be interested in fashion for the rest of my life

>tfw all your life now depends on your skill of clothes making

>> No.8532790

Maybe you come off as needy and validation seeking through weak eye contact and body language.

>> No.8532791

nah man i'm serious

unapproachable is a compliment if you're not a smelly neckbeard, means people are intimidated by you.

>> No.8532793


>Tfw also outgrowing friends

>> No.8532796

is that enough of an excuse for someone to give me a look of pure hatred? Although I am pretty sure I look and act completely normal in public.

>> No.8532812

bathe in their jealousy, friendo

>> No.8532819

I'm glad I only visit /fa/ for the sunglasses generals, you're all pretentious self-absorbed manchildren

>> No.8532863

>get clonazepam prescribed for anxiety and panic attacks
>had panic attack
>don't know how to take clonazepam
>stuck a dropper in the bottle, filled it and took everything
>later that day
>farewell party for bro going back to Shanghai after summer break
>put on a sick fit
>chilling, talking with qt I've lusting for a while, having a good time
>bro keeps offering me all sorts of alcohol and cocktails, had vodka, beer, Jagger, tequila, whiskey, guaro, you name it
>turns out clonazepam has a long elimination period and doesn't interact well with alcohol
>end up the most fucked up I've ever been
>threw up all over the living room and my clothes while everyone gathered around laughing, including qt
>blacked out on pool of vomit
>had to throw away those clothes the next day


>> No.8532916

so what's it like being 15?

>> No.8532940
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she also said i was insecure

so, i´m a 8/10 intimaditing good looking insecure guy?

wut do? i dont want to date her or nothing because of the situation going on

i want to fix my insecurity but idk what to do, how to fix it?

>coolmanluke, help us

>MFW all of us are going to my bros house and smoke weed and get drunk
>MFW theres going to happens something dramatic and interesting

suddenly my lafe has become more interesting

>> No.8533057

You should know that prescription medications that change brain chemistry usually don't interact well with alcohol. This is all your fault for being an idiot.

>> No.8533130

>lol pussy
>i need alcohol just to feel good about myself

>> No.8533152

birthday is new, birthday

>> No.8533631

You may be asexual. If you don't wanna do any of the sex/relationship stuff, no need to. It's not for everyone, don't feel like you need to if you don't feel it man.

>> No.8533664

Then don't buy pants from uniqlo. I didn't realize they were known for anything but their shirts tbh.

>> No.8533681

post pic, maybe your face sends off bad vibes

>> No.8533696

y-you stalk him, too? pls be my stalker-friend.

>> No.8533704
File: 27 KB, 310x310, whatamisupposedtofeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hit the credit card limit and won't make sick cops for the coming months until it's payed back

Heh! At least I'll buy myself a nice winter coat in October or something...

>> No.8533797
File: 88 KB, 1024x681, 1399697044616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit up I.T m8, or all the streetwear resellers in Causeway Bay

>> No.8533821

Alex Vargas?

>> No.8533826

>hit the credit card limit
>months until it's payed back
Some good economic sense right there!

Why not, you know, save up instead?

>> No.8533833

>going to a party next weekend
>qt I met once before will be there
>when i last met her she told me she loved my clothes and how i dress
>copped a new shirt from slp
>hoping it arrives before that weekend
>shipping time 4 - 12 days
If it doesn't arrive I don't think I'll go, I've only got one other semi casual shirt that I really like and I wore it last time.

>> No.8533834

I almost never eat, so I don't think it matters.

>> No.8533896

You better be still going you dumb fuck. People pay attention to clothes maybe 5 seconds, IF they do at all.

>> No.8533941

>tfw too poor for SLP

i want to know the feel of shipping struggle

>> No.8533942

lol im sure

>> No.8533956

Why order an slp shirt if you have only one other shirt?

WHAT ABOUT THE NEXT PARTY? You can't go because you have two shirts and you've worn them both before.

Just cop cheaper shirts man.

>> No.8534014
File: 6 KB, 205x246, feel smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too poor for SLP, but I don't waste money on unnecessary things and I managed to save a little sum of money and buy SLP chelsea boots

>> No.8534025

Nah it's not the price that is really the problem, Its just that I haven't really found other shirts I like that much. I recently purged my wardrobe of all the crap and all my casual shirts were crap and I just haven't really gotten around to buying more anyway so I got caught out. But I'm planning to cop a couple more next week I think if I can find them in my size.

>> No.8534027

Thats a good feel man SLP chelseas are god tier.

>> No.8534057
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 1400135611159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I know, plus I love their slim shilouette
too bad the 4cm heel ones on mr porter are sold out, I had to order the regular heel ones form ysl website
now I have to wait until 30 september to have them shipped ;_;

>tfw I finally manage to cop one of my grails but then I have to wait more than 2 months before it arrives

captcha: tryboots And

>> No.8534072
File: 24 KB, 400x533, 013_87ae5537-995f-4e17-8267-63b530b59e1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats shit bro but the waits worth it. Do you reckon the 4cm heel is better? I have those ones, but I sometimes think I'd have prefered the normal ones. Pretty much everyone I talk to though reckons the 4cm is better. Potentially might cop pic related soon.

>> No.8534077

damn, i feel so poor right now, if i saved all the money i could i could afford a pair in a year and a half

shit is like 29000 mexican pesos and i can save like 500 each month

>> No.8534078

>yfw the average slp consumer is a spic manlet

>> No.8534100

I don't know if the 4cm heel ones are better, I would have preferred them just because I find 'em more "original" than regular chelsea boots
btw the boots you posted were another pair I was thinking to cop, but to me they looked a bit too feminine with the belt arounf the ankle, so I opted for the chelseas :/
however, if you think you can pull 'em off buy them, they're really nice

>> No.8534102

The chelseas are a safe cop. I reckon I can, was also thinking of getting some waxed denim jeans too and really need to get around to saving for a jacket soon but theres so much else I want to buy!

>> No.8534108
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>Be two weeks ago
>Guy I meet at the beginning of uni invites me to his cabin, he's throwing a party
>No idea what to do, I'm friends with him only for my own entertainment and flat money
>Panic a day and a night having no clothes fit for a pleb party.
>Expect everyone to wear pink polos with popped collars, washed out jeans and some cheap addidas
>Fuck it, there's no point
>Black and white fit with a really vulgar designer hoodie.
>Arrive at party
>Drink cheap vodka and homemade wine all night to the point where I'll either black out or throw up
>Having a cig on the porch thinking about going home because I don't want to embarrass myself
>Qt in black skirt and stockings approaches me and compliments my style
>Stare at her like two minutes trying to comprehend what she said
>We are both art students so there's plenty to talk about we end up clicking well
>End up spending the night doing coke with her in someone's tree yard
>Get her number but never dared to call her

All in all it was worth it.

>> No.8534112

>Get her number but never dared to call her
>All in all it was worth it

In what way beta?

>> No.8534116

eheheh I understand you
I can give you this advice, just save money, then, when you think you have enough money saved(500? 1000? 2000? it depends on you), decide what to cop, it worked for me
I'm currently saving up to at least €2000 for a burberry bespoke trench or for a trip to japan, I'll decide how to use this money only when I'll have them
in this way I find it easier to not have the impulse to spend

>> No.8534134

>me and gf go to eat breakfast by the water
>go to kick spider
>shoe flies of my foot and sinks to the bottom of the sea

fuck you spider

>> No.8534137

lol, trunks still mad

fuck off m8, its bed time, you have waiter work tomorrow

>> No.8534138

not him but free coke

>> No.8534142

Point is I act like a social butterfly when drunk and can get along with anybody. In reality I'm just a depressed and pessimistic cunt that can't handle anything and expects everything on a silver plate.

At least I met her. Maybe someday..

>> No.8534162

dont u have some lawns to mow?

>> No.8534177

lel #gotem #rekt dont mes wit trunkz XD

>> No.8534188

>at parents'
>watching the news
>war in Ukraine and Israel, innocent people dying, fathers crying over their dead children
>usually I don't give a fuck about stuff like this
>Suddenly start crying
>I can't control it, I cry and cry.
>Don't understand what's happening to me, look up Wikipedia article on crying
>See image of woman crying on funeral in the article
>start to cry as I imagine how painful it must be to lose someone

Damn I wouldn't be surprised if I wake up tomorrow and find a pussy between my legs. no fucking idea what's happening to me. I can't stop crying.

>> No.8534189

dude, put your trip back again, you're embarrasing yourself

>> No.8534193

I need new shoes but don't know what to I want fml

>> No.8534194

have you had some drastic diet changes lately? The lack of sugar can be the reason

i get depressed and grumpy when my sugar is low and I'm not diabetic

>> No.8534198


>> No.8534216

I'm at my parents' so I eat a lot more than usual. Could be something like that. I just hope it's nothing like depression. Been there, don't want to go there again.

>> No.8534230

dude, you're just agsty your family could die

>> No.8534245

o-okay. when we finally catch him we can sodomize him together :)

>> No.8534265

>what is wearing shoes that fit

>> No.8534640

just keep your diet balanced and back to normal, fast changes in diet can affect your mood drastically

>> No.8534740

>tfw exact same situation
>tfw dropped insecurity out of pure boredom for it
>tfw bitches mirin all of a sudden

>> No.8534846

Don't flatter yourself m8, that was just regular dancing to them

>> No.8534872

I see you turtlefaced toiletman

>> No.8534886

I'm super interested in visiting HK but I'm not sure it's ever gonna happen.

>> No.8534913

>Last week
>Chilling with friends at this local restaurant
>Dressed casually, not trying to show off in front of bros
>One of them invites a girl that they knew
>She arrives, total qt, seemingly fun personality
>Have a good night with her and the bros, trying not to steal her from friend but still show that I'm a bit interested
>We part for the night
>Turns out shes FWB with the friend who invited her
>Learn this as I'm going home from the other friends
>Sad train ride home.

>> No.8534923

>buy doc marten ily docs
>where them around school quite a bit
>flash forward like 2 months smoking bongs at a hotel in a city
>some whore from my school was there
> "hey anon you know i know the person who bags you about your clown docs lol they look so bad lol"
>f-fuck y-you im 6 ft
this srsly cut deep

>> No.8535029

you're clearly depressed man

>> No.8535653

theyre intimidated
which is why they perceive you as arrogant

>> No.8535669
File: 358 KB, 750x750, 1365100248760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf :(

>> No.8535689

>go on trip with friends
>dressing way too fashionably
>friends gf wants the dick
>keeps bending over in front of me w/o underwear and """falling asleep"""" next to me
>friend gets butthurt but I don't really care because he's not really a good friend anyway
>awkward drive home since it's just me that friend and his gf in the car

>> No.8535718

>be me
>be 10/10 cool young trip
>be working new job
>be making $$$$$$$
>tfw make all grill coworkers laugh and smile
>tfw be cool and 10/10
>tfw don't want to sleep with any of these girls
>tfw two at least won't stop aggresively hitting on me
>they are cool, but the the third girl who wont stop hitting on me needs to die in a crash
>one girl always touches me and play hits me and invited me over thursday nihgt

How to turn down female coworkers without damaging my position in the brutally political, sensitive, workplace hierarchy?
don't say something dumb like "just tell them how you feel" because we all know how that goes
>what are you implying?
followed by awkwardness and suppressed bitterness towards me

Also, best site to cop Paladiums all black size 12 in US?

>> No.8535729

and PS one more question:
are Outlier pants (not shorts) nice or kind of shitty?
i really just dont like wearing shorts, but i bought some Outlier shorts and they are good for the gym and swimming. i thought i'd wear them for fits but i dont like shorts in the end.

>> No.8535736

>Go out Monday night with some friends
>End up having 5 pints and 4 rum and cokes
>Walk out of club and get into some random ass car
>guy offers me cocaine
>say no
>offers me weed
>say no
>Just wanna go home m8
>Black out
>wake up in a field with some cops looking at me
>Smartphone got stolen
>Stole 60 pound in cash from muh wallet
>threw my wallet in some random ass place, luckily the cops found it
>cops take me home in a police van at 5am
>bruised leg
>cut shoulder
>hurt left knee
>scuffed YSL boots
no more

>> No.8535737
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insane feelings of guilt.
if I do something wrong at work and I can tell people get disappointed I get the same feeling you'd get as a kid when your parents said they were disappointed. I can't fucking deal with not being enough and I feel like a fucking child for feeling that way. I don't really give a shit about whatever problems I happen to cause, I just get extremely frustrated with my failure and the feeling will stick the entire day. I'm a pussy but I don't understand why

>> No.8535739

she's doing that stuff not because she wants your dick (though she may), she is doing it to test her BF and see how he reacts.

i suggest making a joke about it to ease his mind. somehting to let him know "yea your gf is being a dumb idiot, but don't sweat it bro"

>> No.8535746

oh yeah and I felt like puking all day on Tuesday and still feel like shit today.
make it stop

>> No.8535754

hair of the beast broheem. gotta scratch your other YSL boot

>> No.8535775
File: 45 KB, 356x600, rick-owens-cowl-blouse-in-popeline-cotton-product-1-4413547-952685103_large_flex[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was sitting with her legs open and showing me her pussy when her bf wasn't around or couldn't see, this happened like 3 times

I saw her ass when she was walking from her room to the bathroom lel she def wanted the D no doubt about that. Yeah she would do some v suggestive things when he was around, but she was wayy more obvious about it when he wasn't around

he called me a bitch and accused me of sexually harassing his gf. I mean yeah we both got a little too drunk and high and I started rubbing her leg but she was def into it. He saw me do this but she told him someshit about how she didn't like it, but she obviously did judging by her reaction and body language and shit.

He knows their relationship is falling apart and it's pretty clear that she wants to get out but due to some circumstances that is difficult for her to do

but yeah the point of that greentext story was she definitly wanted the dick and it was partially my fault for being too fashionable

>> No.8535778

u wot

>> No.8535779
File: 3.74 MB, 1792x1286, Owens X Addidas brown-tan colourway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one sells this colourway anymore
>I waited too long out of hesitance

>> No.8535799

>on a monday
but sounds pretty /fa/ dude

>> No.8535803

Fukin students

>> No.8535805

Nah. Not /fa/ at all. Apparently I took a poop in the grass though. Didn't get any shit on my jawnz or anything. Professional.

>> No.8535807

most people are much weaker mentally than you would expect. i'm in the same situation as you, and have been. i've gotten out of it, gotten back in, etc.
no issues getting girls, no issues feeling confident and being cool, but random people dont show any respect and hate for no reason.

is your body language enough for people to judge? absolutely - nonverbal communication is actually very important and speaks a lot, even if people aren't fully aware of what they are seeing. females especially are very in tune with reading body language. for an interesting example about the concepts of "positive masculine" body language (WARNING: NOT PUA) see this:

Like the other poster said, bask in the hate homie. People's insecurity leads to hate, hate is fear, and they fear you are better than them. If you are "different" you're gonna get that hate. It's a reflection of them, not you. It's like when an animal in the wild sees something they don't understand so they put their fangs out, etc, to try and intimidate.

there are things you can do to make it better, but really, what's the fucking point?

>> No.8535810

can you imagine what a girl would have written if she was in the same situation?

>> No.8535834

>he called me a bitch and accused me of sexually harassing his gf.
don't expect him to understand this from your perspective, and don't expect her to say "yea i want his dick"
it's really just something you don't want any part of.

guys will turn to bitches over girls, and all rationale goes out the window. i don't doubt she wants your small dick, but it's really a lose/lose for you. she sounds pretty damn crazy.

>it's pretty clear that she wants to get out but due to some circumstances that is difficult for her to do
it almost seems like your siding with HER and trying to see things from her frame, but that's a load of bullshit man. she'll leave when she finds something better, period. she'll leave him stranded and fuck his life up and if you say he's your friend then you need to set the boundaries now. if you don't care about him, still, don't be a bigger dick than you need to be.

>> No.8535835

she would have written a police report, been on all major news networks, and have an honorary tumblr certificate.

>> No.8535864

>tfw you plowed your gf today
>tfw you tried anal again but she is just 2damntight
>tfw we're gonna get it done eventually

>> No.8535902
File: 36 KB, 720x720, impossibleobject.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've known them both for quite a while, and you were not there so you don't (and won't ever) understand

>it almost seems like your siding with HER
my group of friends (both men and women) have all come to the same conclusion. I even talked to the girl in question about it and although she didn't want to agree or admit it, she didn't deny any of my assumptions (basically what I explained in my previous post). At one point I even grabbed her inner thigh and told her she had nice legs and she said thanks, not rly the reaction of someone who is getting sexually harassed.

I know I sound like I am a really fucked up person, but this guy honestly lost all his close friends a long time ago after he did something incredibly fucked up (and irrelevant, i'm not getting into it) and lied about it to everyone thinking we wouldn't find out. This dude's been honestly bothering us and it's so clear to everyone but him (including his gf), and his gf did p much everything to let me know she wanted to fuck short of explicitly telling me so.

>> No.8535937

>not rly the reaction of someone who is getting sexually harassed.
you aren't understanding me. I KNOW you didn't sexually harass her. Ive been in your position before. i am sure she is giving you lots of reasons to make you sure she wants to fuck, and you probably could do it.

if you dont like the guy, whatever. go for her.
but if you think she's GF material, you are being stupid. if you just want to fuck, have at it.

however, don't EVER think she will tell the truth, and don't think she won't do the same to you as she did to him. your friend may be a piece of shit and so is she. that's evident in the "he sexually harassed me" card, and it will only get worse.

saying i'll never understand is like saying "she's a special snowflake" i may not know every intricate detail of the situation, but i don't need to. this is common behavior, and you are demonstrating a lack of understanding towards the female genders rationale.

man i don't care what you do. i'm not trying to stop you, i'm only trying to tell you what's going on. if you don't think anybody can understand you, why did you post it? if you are waiting for someone to say what you want to hear, just do what you want anyway.

>> No.8535946

bad idea bruv

Don't buy things you can't afford

>> No.8535964
File: 28 KB, 330x357, 98xc0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw looking through all my clothes and realizing how many sick clothes i have

>> No.8536029

if she's just a fwb, you got a chance

>> No.8536175


know that feel

>> No.8536187


Was it nice?
Innie or outie tho?

>> No.8536249

>tfw left eyelid droops slightly lower then the right eyelid.
Kill me now please

>> No.8536263

A straight up feel about /fa/

>5'5" manlett at 20
>lost weight, not that it matters because I have terrible bone structure and a babyface
>fits are hard to find
>can't wear certain things because of these things
>understand what looks good and who looks good in it
>will forever have to look on as other people look good, never being able to do so myself

I'd rather not understand things at all instead of understanding it and not being able to actually do it.

>> No.8536299


>> No.8536349
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>> No.8536362

>tfw a girl at work called me a "edgy hipster" today

>> No.8536621

Get a devils threesome going.

>> No.8536642

>tfw I stick out in a good way with my group of friends
>Bomber, thin black hoody with grey undershirt layering, black Acne skinnies and memebaskets
>Friends dress pretty much like plebs, ugly River Island graphic tees, hi-top Adidas Neos on shorts
>Don't call them out on it unless they talk shit about my 2nextlvl4them fits
>Generally not a dick about it since they're still cool dudes, although I sometimes think about what it would be like to have a more fashionable crew
>Grills mirrin when I go somewhere alone
>When with my friends not that much
>Don't want to ditch group of friends and become a no-friend autist

It's the grill-attention per se, but if only those fuckers knew how to dress a bit and take care of themselves

>> No.8536685

what you at? let's start an effay squad.

>> No.8536730

I work in a cafe type deal, and I always assume the worst of pretty girls, am never friendly to them unless they are specifically friendly and cool, but not if it doesn't seem genuine. That's because I'm bitter that they're better looking than me. I never look attractive male customers in the eyes or interact with them properly because I am scared they'll think I like them, also I dont want to spaghetti, they make me very self conscious and uncomfortable.

so as u can c it is possible that its because people are jealous or intimidated and fuck u for being attractive

>> No.8536801

Maybe :/

>> No.8537182

>at college for summer workshop
>go to lunch down the street and grab seat by myself, flipping through waywt posts
>6 or 7 grill come sit down by me and notice they are from photo course
>ignor at fist to be /fa/autistic
>over here that one has a hassy
>start convo and by end get a number for shoots in the streets for a grills portfolio
>didnt spill spaghetti for whole convo.

>> No.8537203

dude you are a pretentious faggot, you really don't even deserve friends. They probably would laugh at your face and tell you to fuck off if you tell them "how you really feel". If you base your group of friends off of their attention to something YOU like, you should kill yourself.

>act and talk like a autist
>thinking your friends make chicks not like your company
>fucking kek

>> No.8537250

Get checked for stds

>> No.8537347

Free coke is the shit. That would be a great party

>> No.8537368

iktfb. I dont know what to do about it either.

It's constant too and is just wearing me down

>> No.8537407

>tfw dad died a few days ago
at least i'll be able to cop some sick pieces with the insurance money, r-right? ;~;

>> No.8537474

beautiful feeling

>> No.8537498

>knowing how I feel
>and also posting MC Ride
You and I are soulmates

>> No.8537583
File: 26 KB, 634x418, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when start seeing this girl
>things are going surprisingly well, we're hanging out a lot and fucking and stuff
>tfw she tells me she has assburgers
>tfw when might be slightly autistic myself

>> No.8537714

Hey man don't know if you're still around in this thread but they have the 4cm ones on Ssense now. https://www.ssense.com/men/product/saint_laurent/black-leather-wyatt-chelsea-boots/109800

>> No.8537779

>get brother to chat up qt, get her interested
>says he has to go bathroom
>you come out instead and continue talking to girl


>> No.8537864
File: 206 KB, 956x988, 1saqw77p.wizardchan.4363534523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u are me
have you considered using benzos? thinking of getting a xanax script

>> No.8537871

>men aren't allowed to cry
>not even in private
have fun being a slave to a shitty society's standards

>> No.8537893

>>mfw this drunk bitch spills her drink all over my cps as she's trying to take her phone back
>>start acting like a faggy little bitch about my shoes
>>storm off like a man-child

How beta can you be to not get pissed over some whore puking on your shoes? Be it $400 or $40, I'd get mad if some whore pukes on me or my shoes.
>he hurt her feelings! what a manchild!!!
leddit is the fucking beta central

>> No.8537925

Instead of crying I lift weights to glassjaw and drink to waylon jennings.

I also yell at full volume at anyone who inconveniences me while driving.

>> No.8537954

so if someone close to you died and you involuntarily start crying would you feel intense shame? my only beef is with the whole shame thing

>> No.8537977

fuckin lol'd idek why

>> No.8538135

You always sutistic but it has kept you from going insane

>> No.8538626
File: 60 KB, 500x722, HYZ1Ci5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this feel

>> No.8538641

>6'2" feelsgoodman
>tfw stupidly small hands

>> No.8538686

>big hands
>big feet, I actually knew that your feet are as long as the distance from your wrist till your elbow
>skinnyfat, but hungry skeletor in clothes
>looks ridiculous, thin arms with big hands and tall body and big cranium

lmao I'm an alien
a little alien
I'm an asianman in vancouver

>> No.8538689

>hungry skeletor
nigga what? Skeletor was swole as fuck.

>> No.8538693

imagine malnourished skeletor :^)

>> No.8538725

>Praying to God everyday to be 6'2"
>Researching ways to get taller everyday
>want to go to the clinic to get a few doses of Somatropin/Genotrpin

>> No.8538731

Being tall ain't that great. I always get a sore back and because I'm not lanky I can't wear anything besides straight cut jeans and shirts are impossibly hard to find

>> No.8538734

It must be better than being 5'9" doesn't it?

>> No.8538745

If youre 5'9" and decently built its better than being a 6'2" lank. I'm 6'3" and built very solidly, besides ill fitting shirts life is pretty good

>> No.8538765

kek, try being 5'7" faggit

>> No.8538786

this is ,like pro wrestling on crack

>> No.8538819

how does any1 find this guy funny

>> No.8539210

I know right? I'm fairly confident I could bang one of my female friends very easily. She's sort of cute but her personality and bad breath kill any desire I would have for her. Plus I don't think I would be able to deal with that post-sex awkwardness

>> No.8539593

>tfw little brother is better looking and a lot more successful with girls
>He dresses horribly and won't take my advice.

If I can't dress well, I'd like to at least live vicariously through him.

>> No.8539608


>tfw i can't have female friends because i end up sticking muh meat in any chick i hang around long enough

>> No.8539675

>complaining about being 5'9
5'5 here. You don't understand pain.

>> No.8539677

>tfw all of your female friends end up wanting to fuck you after a while

>> No.8539791
File: 56 KB, 263x267, 1403840571718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking through city with the bois
>grill walks past us
>she does a literal 180 as she passes, eyes locked on me
>mfw feel the jealousy radiating from my m8s

>> No.8539815
File: 31 KB, 306x273, 1387115542346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl at work asks me when Iast had sex since she's certain she gets the least out of all of us
>she had it more recently than me even though she's fat and uggo

>> No.8539818

>Answering a question like that
Did you not go to middle school/high school? People asked shit like that all the time to bother others.

>> No.8539824


M8, any woman in the world can have sex within 10min if she wants to...

>> No.8539837
File: 100 KB, 1109x677, 1382526636773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gr8 cheekbones, jaw and eyebrows
>tfw shitty personality

>> No.8539845

I'm not an idiot m8 I played it coy, she told me when she last got it first

>> No.8539883

just say "what time is it?"
implying that it was very recently.

Me? I say "what time is it down to the precise milisecond" and everyones jaws drop to the ground. they never knew i was a regular sex getter.

>> No.8539900

she asked that question specifically to let everyone know she had sex recently. it's like when someone says "oh god i hate my painting" just so you complement them.

>> No.8539979

are you me? seriously

>> No.8540012

lol my life.

>> No.8540018

>tfw good looking
>tfw /fa/
>tfw great personality
>tfw beautiful gf


>> No.8540041

>only having one GF
looks like you have your life figured out.


>> No.8540351

well fuck, thanks for reminding me my social problems