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8523177 No.8523177 [Reply] [Original]

Is getting baked off your ass effay?

>> No.8523182

no way man

drug free is the way to be

>> No.8523199

get baked off your ass and you won't care

>> No.8523470

Well awhile ago I made a post quite simaler.
"is smoking weed effay?"
And as long as you can walk properly after your done you should be good

>> No.8523473


>> No.8523496

Caring is the most un/fa/ thing you can do.

>> No.8523632

being sober or straight edge is fedora as fuck so yes
>inb4 swagfag

>> No.8523668
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idk, but it feels fucking crazy

>tfw hit a g-bong 3 times and 2 edibles for the first time the other night
>listening to miles davis at 3am and hallucinating animated visions of jackson pollock artwork

>> No.8523679
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>doing drugs
>those drugs not being cocaine or cocaine
Fucking lel.

>> No.8523708

Sounds like a good night

>> No.8523727

*tips fedora*

>> No.8523768

coke is so overrated
>nosebleeds, fucked up septum, 5min high, shit comedown

adderall/xanax only things worth doing

>> No.8523778
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>> No.8523825

>Not hitting the rits

>> No.8523855

It's not SAMO, but wow

>> No.8523857


yeah it was pretty scary at first honestly, laid down on a bed afterwards and it felt like I was falling from the fucking sky

>> No.8523867


>> No.8523869

i feel like ritalin is for ppl who can't get adderall

>> No.8523891

wow, this thread and everyone that posted in it, myself included, is fucking retarded.

>> No.8523896

Weed increases appetite which makes you fat.
Not /fa/

>> No.8523903

I use weed to raise my metabolism and then when the munchies hit I use all my willpower and dont eat.

Mfw I dropped 5 stone in a year doing this

>> No.8523911

No, being cripplingly self aware is the most /fa/

>> No.8524037
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Smoke DMT, it's fucking gr8 m8.

>> No.8524248

So long as you aren't getting fat off munchies and ruining your hungry skeleton physique it's fine.