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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 47 KB, 400x355, CONFESSION_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8503117 No.8503117[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ sins thread

Confess your sins, /fa/, and receive absolution.

>> No.8503125

I wore bright red leather jeans on multiple occasions during university

>> No.8503127

I've been giving people fashion advice here for 3 years and people have actually listened to my tips but actually I dress like shit IRL and don't own a single designer piece

>> No.8503142

Say 5 hail Tricky Rickies and dress solely in black for the next three months. Thus you will be forgiven, child.
Truly you are the fuccest of bois, only through sincere repentance can you receive absolution. You must burn any fake designer pieces you may own as well as anything from H&M or any of their ilk.

Go forth, children, and be cleansed.

>> No.8503146
File: 186 KB, 488x750, IMG_20140716_173048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im buying into the "monochrome is over, muted washed out colors" hype that may just be one or two shitposters and I've been shopping around for dece stuff in that colorway

>tfw easily impressionable by internet fashion trends

>> No.8503158

Only a life of silent contemplation of the use of colours and our saviour Tricky Ricky can save you.

Do you not see all colours are made by the devil to tempt us? His latest scheme is convincing us muted colours are not as bad, but they are! Black is truth. Black is life. Black is Tricky Ricky.

>> No.8503174

rick owen raf simons isn't what I'm usually dressed in.

>> No.8503178

Blasphemer! Away with you, this is a house of Owens!

>> No.8503182
File: 77 KB, 640x960, 10369907_10202365990216404_6089497038246874136_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poster irl

>> No.8503183

I used to wear David Bowie graphic tee shirts almost daily.

Now most of my t-shirts are Alexander Wang though.

>> No.8503190

ye monochrome is havin' a nap this year
when tricky rick starts using pale pink/green/brown then u know pastels and faded colours r in

>> No.8503193

Blessed are the faithful who crusade for the Owens.
You are repenting for your life of sin, say 5 hail Tricky Rickies and you will separate yourself from the flock of fuccbois that seek to tear asunder your wardrobe.

>> No.8503200

Black and white will always look good.

Personally, I think mixing in some greens, browns and creamy colors looks good too..

>> No.8503207

Aye, it is a dark time, but the faithful will prevail once more, as the Owens guides us through the colourfulness.
You wander close to blasphemy, my child. Beware, for narrow is the path of Owens, but broad the road of the fuccboi.

>> No.8503213
File: 530 KB, 685x670, 1403475852851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord rick has blessed us with our geo world, under our geo houses, while we wear geobaskets. A rick

>> No.8503219

is he doing this im not a richard owens mark so serious question

>> No.8503222
File: 30 KB, 630x420, DRKSHDW-by-Rick-Owens-Store-Debut-in-London-and-NYC-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8503229

If you are not a Rick Owens faithful, then I must bid you leave this place of worship.

>> No.8503232

im a manelt

>> No.8503235

Owens has smitten you. Begone!

>> No.8503239

Hail Rick full of grays, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed is thou womenswear and blessed is

the fruit of thy womb, Gareth.

Holy Rick Father of drkshdw, pray for us
sinners now, and at the hour of our dressing


>> No.8503256


>> No.8503262

all my rick is 2nd and one had blood on it

>> No.8503268


Our Ricky who is in Paris,
Hallowed be thy spring collection.
Thy geobaskets come,
thy patterns be done,
on menswear as it is on women's.

Give us now our seasonly collection
and forgive us our fuccboiness,
that we may forgive those that are fuccbois.
And lead us not into colours,
but deliver us from pastels.
For yours is the /fa/ and the Perry Ellis Talent Award and the gothninja.

>> No.8503278

Though you sin, you give these artifacts a second life. Repent by cleaning and caring for them and spreading the gospel of Owens.

>> No.8503281

i dont own anything designer

the furthest ive gone down the fuccboi road was copping a five panel and shoes that were recommended here, wearing black more often, and tying flannels around my waist after i saw theo doing it and thinking it looked p cool.

>> No.8503295

Burn all your fuccboi heresy and say 15 hail Tricky Rickies. From now on, no sheckel shall fall unto the likes of H&M. Thus your soul is saved.

>> No.8503302

2nd hand?
thats not a problem man.

>> No.8503507

>i'm only 5'10
please forgive me lord rick

>> No.8503517

m-m-me too.
>I wear Jordan's
>Louis Vuitton
And worst of all
>ysl glasses

>> No.8503526

I bump WAYWTs sometimes by samefagging my fit.

>> No.8503533

I got a horrible tattoo that ruined my chances of ever being /fa/.

Luckily I live in a poor as shit area where everyone has horrible tattoos.

>> No.8503536

i used to wait a while and reply to my own fits with "only non fuccboi fit here"

>> No.8503539

Your height and taste are an abomination to the LORD. You may redeem yourself by a life of servitude and praise to the Tricky Ricky.
Forswear your false gods and glasses and repent!
Truly you are the worst of sinners, deceiving in the house of Owens. Repent by saying 50 hail Tricky Rickies. Obviously, repetition is not a problem for you.

>> No.8503541


>> No.8503542

I only do it when I have no replies and the thread is like on page 3
>forgive me rick

>> No.8503544

You wear the mark of the fuccboi, and by it you will be known. Begone from here!
50 hail tricky rickies.

>> No.8503547


>> No.8503548



>> No.8503563
File: 350 KB, 500x375, THANKSR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you that speaks for our lord

>> No.8503570

I am but the servant of servants. I allow fuccbois to resent and come into the geokingdom of Tricky Ricky.

>> No.8503572
File: 22 KB, 623x371, guess ive got brain problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm colorblind and my only good fits are grayscale

>> No.8503581

Ricky has smitten you. Begone from here!

>> No.8505155

I fapped

>> No.8505165

>had blood on it
did you kill someone and steal their rick?

>> No.8505170

do you have aspergers

>> No.8505185

>tfw I ate too much today and had three beers at a party.
It's not a good one