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File: 108 KB, 600x600, tim-howard-tattoo-artist-working-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8493813 No.8493813 [Reply] [Original]

Will tattoos go out of style?

>> No.8493874

It's already becoming a bit passe with the trendy front, but I'd say they'll generally maintain a pretty strong presence, even if it isn't necessarily "fashionable" at a given point.

>> No.8493989

lel that nipple on the cloud looks like a UFO

>> No.8494163


>> No.8494173

back in my day only sailors and bikers got tattoos. Now every tom, dick, and harry has a fucking tatt. Can't wait till these people are embarrassed after the trend dies and goes to hell.

>> No.8494185
File: 109 KB, 660x990, 1401317859007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think tattoos will stop happening? pretty sure humans will move past drinking alcohol before that happens but stay uninformed plz

>> No.8494194

no tatoos is cleaner and more chic imo

>> No.8494353

people will keep getting them, but they won't be "cool" anymore.
what kind of tattoo do you have anon? are you ok?

>> No.8494360

i hope so

>> No.8494399

It was never in style

>> No.8494404

work in customer service job, regularly see 40+ with embarrassingly lame tattoos. ya, maybe they don't regret it, but having a sawn on your arm as a single 45 year old woman isn't that great. most of my co-workers have tattoos. I don't think i'll ever get anything unless I find somethig that is really important/special to me

>> No.8494422

What's it like being a brainwashed faggot that thinks have to be done inside the box and that people have to do certain things or be a certain way at a certain age - complete with you thinking a tattoo has to have special meaning

Stay pleb 2014 #1 fuccboi

>> No.8494424

i'll never get a tattoo unless my cousin or my friend dies unexpectedly. cousin because he should be my brother, friend because he's going to lead squads in the middle east killing turbanheads and that's the least i could do in return

>> No.8494431

:'( I cry. Why you so mean. why i no can be special sheeple flower?

>> No.8494439

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.8494449
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>> No.8494456

im sure your triangle tattoo is really awesome and ur a totally tough dude

>> No.8494463
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>> No.8494485
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In a word, no

They used to represent a counterculture, but they've been appropriated in the last decade or so by middle aged women and teen girls

Soon that market for them (women, specifically, along with hip upper middle class trend hoppers) will likely dissipate. So I suppose in that sense they'll go out of fashion

There will always be subcultures to whom tattoos are more significant than a "LOVE AND RESPECT" tramp stamp in script, though. They'll stick around

>> No.8494486
File: 35 KB, 419x640, 1380583514264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people saying I would only get a tatoo if... and blah blah blah special meaningful bs is dumb as fuck. I think they can look cool and an original creative piece is badass. The ones that you see every damn day are lame to me even if its "for my grandpa" lol so stupid. but I wouldn't get any. Mainly cause I don't think that shit would compliment my body enough to actually want one.

>> No.8494516

>my opinion means more than someone elses opinion xD
who cares if a tattoo 'means something' that doesnt make it any more or less retarded than one that doesnt

>> No.8494562

i think you're missing that when people say, "i'd only get one for special meaning" because they don't want to have just a generic tattoo, because getting a tattoo is cool or something. most people aren't waiting to get there grandpas ugly face on there pec, they're waiting until they think or find somethign that really speaks to their personality,likes, job, aspirations etc. For example, a grad student in my faculty (physics) got an equation that he think is the most beautiful thing in the world, tattoo'd. I can imagine an artist or graphic designer getting somethign that ism to them, of such beauty they want to see it every day. That's not to say people who get tattoos of random stuff, are dumb, i'm just eaxplining what a special tattoo is all about.

>> No.8494571

>a grad student in my faculty (physics) got an equation that he think is the most beautiful thing in the world, tattoo'd.
lmao what was it

>> No.8494582

if it wasn't the drake equation i'm going to be disappointed
>laughs for days

>> No.8494596

>drake equation
hahah that would be brutal

i don't actually know. he works on solid-state shit, not my field, so when i asked i got lost pretty quickly

>> No.8494600
File: 1.54 MB, 1080x1920, 1379095306855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about people who get shittt tattoos and try to tell you it has a deep meaning when that "deep meaning" is actually just an exuse so they can get a lame tat. I'm not saying a tatoos with meaning is lame

>> No.8494608

Buddy of mine got eurler's identity. Pretty played out but very beautiful.

>> No.8494655

The only reason I'd ever get a tat would be to increase my sex appeal and help me get hotter chicks. And that's what I would tell everyone, because I'm not a hypocrite.

Meaning? Shut the fuck up. Unless you are Yakuza, there is no meaning.

Tattoos are lame. But women are dumb so they find them attractive, because they look like a "bad boy". Yeah, just because i go to gym and get a tat does not mean I'm a bad boy, I'm actually a programmer. But hey, if it's that easy to manipulate you, why not...

>> No.8494664
File: 196 KB, 414x600, 1379096139677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. But I dont value getting chicks that are attracted to tats over how i feel about them on my body. Gotta be attracted to yourself imo.

>> No.8494680

why does everyone ask me that??? i have hand tattoos i did myself and some from friends and i paid for two. when i was younger and depressed i was watching those russian prison tattoo docs and decided i felt like a prisoner. got a rose on my finger and then later figured out roses are for people in jail before they're eightteen.

>> No.8494684
File: 1.99 MB, 308x214, 1402026814266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the edgiest posts I've ever seen

Nothin personnel, kid

>> No.8494687

when i see gym rats walkign around i dont think 'whoa hes gonna mess me up' i think hes hurrying home to guzzle a protein shake and he has a dog
god im so bitter does anyone here like me on this website...

>> No.8494689

You seem fine

>> No.8494692


lol you sound like an angsty fag get over yourself

>> No.8494696

thanks you dont understand what an angsty fag i am tho

>> No.8494707
File: 96 KB, 1812x205, tattoosd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8494716

Dude at my work, who dives in his free time, got a sleeve of a coral reef filled with octopus, fish, coral, plants and stuff. looks really nice and colorful. He's working towards moving to the Caribbean or some such place and becoming a diving instructor.

>> No.8494722

Cool. It sounds nice I don't see it looking nice tho :p jus not my style I guess

>> No.8494727

It's less of a coral reef and more of a sea-scape. i've only really taken a good look at the octopus, he works in another part of the store and we wear long-sleeve shirts, so not sure how good it looks. Just thought i'd share an example of a meaningful tattoo without being
>muh yakuza
>muh dead niece

>> No.8494733

Ye thanks for sharing I think that's a dumb meaning but if it looks good and he likes it w.e

>> No.8494740

Always wanted /delta S >= 0 . Something quite beautiful about entropy always increasing.

"You think you can increase the order of the universes by stacking these rocks? Nah nigga, you just let off a bunch of heat and burned food. Nice try bitch, better luck next time."
-the universe

>> No.8494747

Ya, I get that it's kinda lame, but I guess hearing him talk so passionately made me feel like my life has little end-goal. His seemed to be figured out, he found something he loved and got a tattoo to always remind himself of where he will (hopefully) end up.

>> No.8494754
File: 357 KB, 730x475, 1376785219912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People change their minds and start loving other things they never thought they would love, and loose interest in w.e it is they were once passionate about. Try and find something you love m8 don't get it tatted tho (: unless you reeallly want to. In trying to figure my end goal out too. Dont sweat it too mich

>> No.8494755

Like all things, it's both cyclical and relative. Within certain cultures tattoos have always been popular, with some they are only now appearing, and some have always and will always shun them. As far as what is "hip" or "cool" they are, relatively speaking, recently becoming popular. I foresee tattoos being mainstream for a while, but perhaps the styles changing over time. Eventually they are going to become posh, like all things eventually do, existing once again mainly in subcultures until the eventual crest of the wave breaks and the cycle begins again.

>> No.8494785

>\delta S \ge 0

That's one dumb physics related tattoo. The problem really is that the expression really needs some definition. There are so many processes in thermodynamics you could say something like "\delta S \ge 0" about. I'd rather try to symbolise that differently.
There are many beautiful things in physics, but to me at least, this doesn't capture it.
The covariant formulation of the Maxwell equations is beautiful, for example. Just how 4 compact equations with high symmetry turn out to be just one, even simpler equation.

>> No.8494793

is that lord jamar

>> No.8494799

people who use the word badass never dress well, i've noticed

>> No.8494801

They will once you get old and wrinkly. If you get that many tattoos you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.8494810

I dress like a badass.

>> No.8496450
File: 83 KB, 700x425, Don-Kenn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on getting the wolf on my forearm or shoulder.

>> No.8496468

It's shaped like a hog

>> No.8496509
File: 130 KB, 1024x651, 51833893iw011_holocaust_214906722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8496798

nothing says 'I like every I Fucking Love Science status' more than a tat of Euler's identity

maths is awesome :^D

>> No.8496824

tattoos have been around for AGES.

>> No.8496866

/fa/ always manages to confuse people who legitimately like tattoos and trend hoppers. that girl walking down the street with "live laugh love" tattooed on the back of her shoulder doesn't give a shit about tattoos or what they mean and she will regret it no matter what she says. same deal with the guy with the cross on his shoulder. they're trend hoppers

then there's people with quality art on their body, probably encompassing most of their body. these are true tattoo lovers and that will never go out if style. fuck if I care if the average girl has her dead grandmothers initials tattooed on her ribs

>> No.8496962

tattoos are permanent, and its much much harder to change them than change clothes if there's a significant paradigm shift.

in other words, if 20s jazz culture comes back or something completely immersive appears and everyone is wearing it (like hipster/fuccboi now), you'll look retarded with an old tat.

I would only get a small stencil or something in black outline. color and complex tats are tryhard imo

>> No.8497626

Yup it's already beginning

Too many people have them, us clean ones are the future

>> No.8497688

Not just the clean part, but like for myself, I just doubt I would ever settle on a certain design to be on my skin -- i think too spontaneously to make a fucked up decision like that

the only thing that has ever caught my eye are white ink tattoos but I still wouldn't get one

>> No.8497815


>> No.8498213

>paying money to have something that means nothing to you inked onto your body forever.

>> No.8498352

I'm thinking of getting a Crucifix and a Star of David to celebrate my Catholic and Jewish ancestry.

>> No.8498377

No but I kinda wish it will. it's so passe and with "trendy" tattoos, you automatically guess how old somebody is. Barbwire bicep/chinese characters? 40s. Tribal? 30s. Ironic/Sailor Jerry-type tattoos? 20s.

>> No.8499175

lmao how are u still alive old man
the civil war was pretty fucked up eh

>> No.8499184

Tattoos being in style is actually more recent than I thought. I think it would be safe to assume that tattoos will go out of style during our lifetime. Tattoos will be something that old people have, something that young kids make fun of old people for. Old geezers will go "whatever you young faggots are too pussy to get them! Back in my day we were tough! We got tattoos!". I can only imagine how retarded you faggots are going to look

>> No.8499191

pretty dumb to care so much about someone else's tats imo

>> No.8499199

tought it was a buffalo or hog and the girl was a sitting wolf before i clicked on pic

>> No.8499202

After that, there will be a period where people do not wear tattoos at all. Then, it will be cool to wear tattoos again because kids will want to stand out. It's all cyclical.

>> No.8499206

get the sly merchant man to also celebrate ur love of teh ineterwebz

>> No.8499209

If you don't like tattoos don't get them. Stop talking shit, your insecurities are showing.

>> No.8499214

tattoos have literally been around for millenia
theyre not like fashion trends
thats like saying wearing clothes is trendy and in the future ppl will walk around naked for a while and then start wearing clothes again when it becomes cool

>> No.8499223

if ur worried they will dont get them
not having tattoos has never been out of style
and if u only want to judge other ppl for havving tats
stop that

>> No.8499234

Yeah they have been around forever, but there have been periods of time where most people didn't have them. Everybody wears tattoos these days, but 100-600 years ago people did not wear them. They existed, but people did not wear them.

>> No.8499263

do u mean ppl as a whole
or ppl in north america
also 100-600 yrs ago is 5 centuries
a much longer timespan than the one u suggested which was within our lifespan

>> No.8499779

Dis nigga a true OG

>> No.8499844

something will pop up even more extreme than tattoos and people will start doing that.. dying your skin different colors or something

>> No.8499918

thats literally what tattooing is tho?

>> No.8500040

>"hope an important person to me dies soon so I can get one of those cool rip tattoos!"

Don't be so negative brah

>> No.8500173

thats not at all what he said lol

>> No.8502526
File: 5 KB, 250x250, House-Martell-heraldry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get a game of thrones tattoo will you all think its stupid. I love the books and show and the house Martell is my favorite.
I always wanted a tattoo and think this is a good choice on my right sholder.

>> No.8502542

every crotchety old guy has been saying this since caveman times

>> No.8502562

>nice nerd tattoo brah

>> No.8502574

Is that a bad thing?
I don't look like a nerd in real life though.

>> No.8502859

this would look bretty pad
shoulder tattoos in general especially if circular should never be a thing

>> No.8502865


>> No.8502891

if u get any fandom related tattoo most ppl will think its dumb
it looks passable as a reql life thing so idk

>> No.8502897

This might be the most autistic post I've ever read on /fa/.

>> No.8502932

This can't stand it lol. Lemme guess you love neil degrasse Tyson too?

>> No.8502959

Stupid, not so much. Just of rather undeveloped taste.

>> No.8503504

I don't know, because at a point it seems that jobs are gonna have to say fuck it and start hiring people with tats, since it seems like a high number of millennials get them mindlessly because it's a thing to do. If they haven't already gone lax on that.

I remember at a point, if you had a tat you were a gangster or some shit, now every pussy gets one and thinks they're hardcore. A lot of people do it because they believe they're never going to work a job and will find a path where they're their own bosses, or some people feel are just contempt with with working fastfood and other dead end jobs for the rest of their life. I've actually known people who got tats and justified it by saying they're going to own their own business so it doesn't matter, and a lot of these people are working walmart and fastfood now.

I have two on my arms that are visible, can easily be hid under work attire. I will never get any dumb shit like my ears stretched or face, hands, or neck tats. The tattoos are meaningful to me, so I really don't feel the need to have ones to show off, since I'm not an attention whore.

If I get more, they're gonna be in places that can be easily hid in a professional work setting.

>> No.8503514

You have a point. Just to add to that, be aware that the 'bosses' of the next 10-20 years are of a different generation aswell. Their viewpoint on tattoos might not be as conservative as the current.

>> No.8503626

may dad's coworker and friend had yakuza tats everywhere save for his legs and i had no idea until i went to a bath house with them lol
tatttooed ppl are so much more common than it seems

>> No.8503780

Thank you for your inputs. I made me realize that particular tattoo is not the best idea and I will come up with something better later in life.

>> No.8505108

>having a sawn on your arm as a single 45 year old woman

Wtf is a sawn?

>> No.8505116

>I don't think i'll ever get anything unless I find somethig that is really important/special to me

This. This right here.

This is when you get a tattoo, not because you think something looks nice and is "artistic" and want a permanent imprint of it on your body.

And get it on parts of the body which you can cover. No neck, hands, face, head.

>> No.8505868

most tats are pleb shit
shit drawing
shit aesthetic