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/fa/ - Fashion

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8488232 No.8488232 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have one of these. I'll start

Keep it fashion related

>New Balances are old man shoes and if you wear them you look autistic

>People who wear slim/skinny fit jeans and don't have them tailored should just wear boot cut

>All people who wear Nikes are not fashionable

>Wearing joggers tells the world that you gave up on life

>Vans may be an iconic shoe, but they are cheaply made and look like shit

>The only casual boots that look good are Chelsea boots.

>Boat shoes are for queers

>Flannels are pig disgusting

>Cuffing your pants looks like shit

>> No.8488237

Black jeans are played out as fuck

Monochrome will be played out within the next few months

Athletic shoes are ugly

>> No.8488242

skinny jeans are gay
fashion is stupidly expensive and you can get the same look using cheaper clothing
rick owens/raf simons is dumb, goofy, and exploitative as fuck
normcore is pretentious and fails at its core

>> No.8488245

the only one i dont understand is the second one. what kind of tailoring do all people have to get on slim/skinny jeans, and why would boot cut be better

>> No.8488247

Skinny jeans are 2011core and slim fit is on it's way out. If you think skinny jeans look good you are autistic and probably a teenager

>> No.8488252

do we really need the worst thread topic on an already shit board?

fuck off to /v/ or something

>> No.8488256

op is there anything you do like?

i'd love to see what sort of outfits you wear, post a fit

>> No.8488259

My unpopular opinion:
OP is a retard

Oh wait, my bad... That's a popular one.

>> No.8488260
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>>New Balances are old man shoes and if you wear them you look autistic
lol you made this thread solely because you got mad people liked this guy's fit

>> No.8488261

>spending a lot of money on a hobby is not a bad thing.
It is possible to get a similar look using cheap clothing but settling for less is never good

>> No.8488267

Slim fit will always look good. Skinny will always be for teenagers.

>> No.8488269

>slim fit will always look good
>conveniently ignores the history of fashion

>> No.8488276

Form fitting cloths are usually a safe bet though, you have to admit

>> No.8488280

i agree

>> No.8488282

I don't care about that. Slim fit is aesthetically pleasing on the eye and always will be. In style or not.

>> No.8488312

You won't be saying that in a year or two

>> No.8488351

All shoes based on chuck taylors, including chuck taylors, are terrible plebeian trash

>> No.8488353


I don't know. I think pants will forever be tight-ish for this generation. Nobody wants to go back to 90s saggy prisoner pants. It adds too much to ones desirable alpha v-shape to be discarded. Look at how much trouble drop crotch pants are having catching on.

>> No.8488356

Women are sexier covered up than showing everything.

>> No.8488358

I don't think that's an unpopular opinion bro

>> No.8488362
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>> No.8488371

Nah, slim pants are almost a decade old now, and you can get skinny jeans at kmart and Walmart. The fashionable (trendsetters) are already rebelling, it just hasn't filtered down to pleb internet forums like this yet

>> No.8488372

IT's all relative. Full Hijabs aren't sexy in the least, except maybe to /pol/-tards

>> No.8488383

Chelsea boots look terrible.

>> No.8488387
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I like simple fits without obnoxious branding.

Similar to pic related

>> No.8488390

What is the next fashionable cut for pants? Those ones where they are tight around the ankle and calf but get baggier as you go up the leg?

>> No.8488401
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and also

>> No.8488412

i get the idea, i personally dress similar to the second one you posted

only thing i disagreed with was your opinion on flannels, but your style likely doesn't have much space for such a pattern

>> No.8488414
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>> No.8488415

Athletic shoes and any type of sportswear is repulsive.

>> No.8488421

so you're basically dressed by /fa/

>> No.8488422

There's nothing wrong with hats, watches, graphic tees, logos or color

Fashion sneakers are stupid

>> No.8488428

Dressed by /fa/?

All /fa/ wears are new balances, joggers, some cheap kirkland brand tee to give the appearance of drapes and a bucket hat.

Not dressed by /fa/ in the slightest.

>> No.8488431

may not be unpopular but if you pay more than $50 for a pair of jeans and they aren't raw you wasted your money. also APC raws suck nigger dicks. they're probably the shittiest made raws out there.

>> No.8488441

That and 501 types of cuts. Thought they were both lame and weird at first but I'm warming up to it

>> No.8488443

To be fair. You are actually paying for more than the jeans.

You're paying for the cut, quality, and brand. When all those factors are taken into account it is easily justifiable to spend a decent amount of money on jeans

>> No.8488462

The problem with this board is that people can't say
>I do not like the look of X
and instead feel the need to say
>X looks like shit only an autisitic tendhopping man-babby would wear X
Calm the fuck down its all opinion

>> No.8488465


I'd prefer that outfit with a colored shoe, but the dress's fit and execution is pretty spot on. Versatile enough for a casual/creative workplace, easily transitions to night, a comfortable and form-flattering bit of tailoring through the waist and bust, can play well as the more subtle half when paired with bolder layers...if I were a rich woman, I honestly don't know why I wouldn't have two or three dresses like this in various materials/weights to wear all year long.

>> No.8488470
File: 31 KB, 360x364, th (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flannels are pig disgusting
Objectively wrong

>> No.8488473

Black jeans...are played out? Ayy lmao

>> No.8488475
File: 541 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mxkoijJuOn1qjxyjeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. i'm no stranger to spending lots of money on jeans. I'm doing the PBJ-xx012 contest in the fall, and those jeans are $230. but i challenge you to find non-raw jeans with the construction quality of raw jeans. shit like true religion is horrendously overpriced just because of the brand name. there's nothing unique about them.

pic related: the jeans i'm getting at ~3months of daily wear. you can't tell me those aren't unique. indigo warp and weft, selvedge, very sturdily constructed. easily worth $230.

>> No.8488476

that looks like shit.
the girl looks like shit

Please tell me what about this picture is appealing?

>> No.8488479

it's b8 idiot

>> No.8488485
File: 63 KB, 640x721, 04a50dd0-c6b2-4a44-889a-2030d9fcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drop-crotch is secksy and comfortable
cdg converse are decent
Valhalla hoodies look good
flyknit is overrated
geobaskets/ramones look like Shit when combined with other Rick pieces
raff is gross, that's all there is to it
manlets are cute ;)

>> No.8488486

i r8 8/8

>> No.8488487

>you can get the same look using cheaper clothing
have you never looked in a WAYWT? It is very very diffficult to make cheap clothes look good. Until you can post fits that demonstrate the opposite, you are wrong

>> No.8488488

Didn't you just say cuffs were shit?

>> No.8488489

btw im a girl

>> No.8488500

>New Balances are old man shoes and if you wear them you look autistic
Stop right now!
When I was younger every kid at school wore Nike, but because I had an abnormal shoe size New Balance was the only brand I could find that kind of fit so I wore them. As a result I was teased and ridiculed to the point I hated my life. It got so bad I forced myself to wear Nike but had to stop when my feet started bleeding. I never asked to wear New Balance, it had nothing to do with fashion, it was just the only company that made shoes that I could fit on my feet.

I still wear them as they are one of the few companies that make a shoe that fits as I now wear a size 9.5 EEEEEE with no arch. I can usually find two or three size 16 before I find one that fits my square flat foot. So don't judge people by things like that as you could really be making someone life miserable.

>> No.8488505

Couldn't find a fit with an overcoat without but yeah. I stand by my opinion of cuffing look like shit. Had to settle for that pic

>> No.8488506

i like dressing like a skank

>> No.8488509

I posted that but I wish I was a girl, the female silhouette seems way more interesting to work with then the males, anyways that reminded me:
> It's fine to like something just because it looks "cool", and to dislike something because you just don't like how it looks

>> No.8488511

Not as disgusting as fat nerds who don't like sports

>> No.8488512

>unpopular opinon
Go back to /b/ summer reddit nigger fag

>hurrr I feel I am a fashion icon becuz I bought some knockoff chelseas and can't even afford the cheapest SLP piece durrrr
>I will tell you the rulez of fashions durrrr


>> No.8488516

I don't like denim at all.
For pants I only wear chinos.
Am I pleb, /fa/?

>> No.8488518

literally kill yourself.

>> No.8488520


>> No.8488521


Please stop making a fool out of yourself kid

>> No.8488522
File: 13 KB, 360x279, th (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8488527

>that looks like shit.
>the girl looks like shit

>Please tell me what about this picture is appealing?

>> No.8488530

why don't you like denim?

>> No.8488532

i think roshes look retarded

the only shoes i actually like have flat bottoms or slight heels

>> No.8488540

I just think jeans are uncomfortable compared to chinos. Kinda sucks with trying to put together fits. I usually end up just dressing prep because of it which is boring af

>> No.8488550

sorry the truth hurts fuccboi lol

>> No.8488555

that just means you haven't worn a quality pair of jeans. some raw denim jeans are comfortable as fuck once you break them in

>> No.8488560

>all people who wear nikes are not fashionable

confirmed for salty b/c no jordans lmao

>> No.8488566
File: 57 KB, 492x393, men-preppy-style-739193425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish /fa/ was more into heritage and prep than it is into gothninja and techwear.

Maybe then you guys wouldn't be complaining on not having girlfriends.

>> No.8488570

>nike in general
Ayyy lmao

>> No.8488575


>> No.8488579

completely clueless comment

>> No.8488583

>Maybe then you guys wouldn't be complaining on not having girlfriends.

i doubt that. 4chan is >tfwnogf general.

>> No.8488585

That's probably true considering last time I wore jeans was many years ago when I knew nothing about fashion and therefore was probably trying on shit-quality clothes. Thanks, anon. I might actually give jeans a chance now. Although I'm content with dressing prep so idk if I actually will or not.

>> No.8488586

because dressing like everyone else will get you a girlfriend

>> No.8488590

look for jeans with elastane in them. :)

>> No.8488592

I find tight fitting clothes much more comfortable than baggy clothes

>> No.8488603

i agree, but only on legs. i hate tight tops

>> No.8488620

there are plenty of alternatives to fucking chinos

>> No.8488630

Not that dude, but honest question. Such as? I'm sort of sick of denim and chino is ugly af and the only other thing I can think of is sweat pants and jesus christ no

>> No.8488634

Name some then
Besides sweatpants and denim
I know linen pants are an alternative. What else?

>> No.8488642


>dressing like everyone else

Not nearly enough guys dress prep or heritage. Most guys, unfortunately, are still complacent with gym shorts.

>> No.8488651

>implies that all monochrome isn't played out and everywhere since 2012

How's life in the midwest hick

>> No.8488654

>Muh heritage
Are you autistic

>> No.8488667

Cords is one alternative

>> No.8488678

drop crotch pants are worse than crocs
vans and converse are amazing for the price
short shorts (mid thigh) for men look like shite and are homo as fuck
superdry is a good brand for windbreakers and coats
tapered > skinny in terms of comfort

>> No.8488688
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>> No.8488689

Enjoyed looking like a carrot

>> No.8488694

>Made men
I tip my hat to you sir

>> No.8488728

>blah blah confirmation bias
only look good because namedropping in posts

>> No.8488730

I think men shouldn't even attempt to be fashionable. They just don't have the body for it

>> No.8488732

>muh streetwear
are you 16

>> No.8488733

>How's life in the midwest hick
I live in Paris fucktard

>> No.8488738

too warm

>> No.8488740

>enjoy looking 2009 as fuck

>> No.8488748

Paris, Tennessee

>> No.8488749

I'm 19 and you're overageb&

>> No.8488764

so you're basically dressed by /fa/

>> No.8488774

lol this

>> No.8488778

holy shit i am so sorry

>> No.8488808


>> No.8488846

what are you talking about?

>> No.8488899

Problem with fa is that it's mostly yanks(worst dressed people in the world) come to Aus or England and we will show you how to dress:)

>> No.8488937

i hope australia is fall of planet damn roos

>> No.8488979

I only have one question. Why would you need to get slim/skinny jeans tailored?

>> No.8488994

because pants are still loose below the knees even if they are skinny or slim

>> No.8488996

>lose needs
you should get that checked out

>> No.8489004

I like them that way. They hug your thighs and give a bit more space around your lower calf and ankle. If they should fit like spandex, then OP shouldn't have mentioned slim jeans as well.

>> No.8489072

Except that ignores context and nearly killed me.
As a little kid at my parents friends wedding in Texas during summer heat wave. My parents dress me up in tradition English style suit as many see it as the best in such fashion. Only issues is the tradition English style has its roots in cold weather climate, the wedding is in extremely hot climate. That many layers thick quality black wool is not your friend in 105 degrees with 90% humidity.

I respect the roots of English fashion, but some context which nobody seems to know about is very important. The reason why English fashion was so great was not because it looked good, but because it worked well. But over time the reasoning behind what made English fashion (as with every fashion) was lost as money and social acceptance took over the reason such fashion started in the first place. Remember before we had such a cushy life clothes actually had to serve a real function. Perpetuating old ideas outside of their context is foolish, more so as we could develop even better clothes with the knowledge we have now. I mean pants became popular because they allowed better horse back warfare which change the world, yet in our modern world horse back warfare is not used yet pants are now beyond questioning despite that skirts make more sense in many modern cases. This is why I think fashion is so stupid. I am all for self expression and stuff, but there are times when people need to stop and ask self expression is creating larger problems that are perfectly avoidable.

>> No.8489262

>in fashion

ty 4 the good laugh m8

>> No.8489295

>gothninja is lame, rick owens is a cool guy though
>taking pictures of your fits for approval is uneffay, reeks of unconfidence and caring too much
>cp's are overplayed here and I own a pair

>> No.8489312
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I think being fit is effay, & not runner fit, muscular fit

>> No.8489313

>Thinks like a normal fag.
>Hate normal clothing.

You sir are just plain hypocrite.

>> No.8489317



>> No.8489339

Watch threads are the pinnacle of trust fund kiddies with shit taste and autism, exception being the people who post digital watches.

>> No.8489370

it's a good thing nom de guerre is defunct

>> No.8489376

i dont' hate normal clothing

>> No.8489395

My unpopular opinion is that the more effort you try to deviate from the norm in fashion, the worse you'll look. There's a reason that everyone wears pleb fashion - it's one of the best and easiest looks on the market. Most people on this website - skinny, dark wear, too edgy - look worse than the average guy.

And women who get weird fucking dresses for big occasions are retards.
It appears women don't understand the concept of simplicity either.

>> No.8489418

>you can't learn fashion, you can only learn how to make what you like fashionable
>if you don't know how to sew, you know exactly as much about fashion as a guy who "really likes donnie darko" knows about film
>blue eyes are generally undesirable
>you can't be fashionable if you treat your body like shit
>techwear geeks are putting aesthetics before function, they just don't realize it
>women who are into fashion dress better than men who are into fashion
>israel is a terror state
>blue jeans look like shit 95 percent of the time
>fashion has nothing to do with attraction (or should not)
>"military-inspired" clothing is affectatious and pathetic unless you are in the military
>all-black everything is a mark of laziness, not anything else

>> No.8489429

normalcore is normal clothing.

>> No.8489431

pretentious cuck, who dresses like shit
your vibe

>> No.8489451

id rather die alone then dress like that to attract basic bitches

>> No.8489458

just uncategorised pants. I don't know, I have some damir pants that were just "tapered fitted pants" or something in linen that i love, and some zam barrett ones that are soft as fuck moleskine in a j cut

>> No.8489462

no it's not

>> No.8489467


>> No.8489473

I think men should wear sluttier things so I can stare at their body's. Can sheer or mesh be a new thing for male fashion please?

>> No.8489480

I don't know how to sew but I own a clothing store and am constantly researching new trends, buying from wholesalers, going on buying trips, deal with dressing people every single day, do I still know nothing about fashion? stupid opinion is indeed stupid.

>> No.8489481

dressing nice (not fedora-core) is okay, but trying to dress up like asap rocky or wearing some fashion killa bullshit like a sleeveless jean jacket with black jeans and black hoodie and cool boots makes you look like a tryhard faggot thats so insecure about his image that he has to wear loud clothing to make up for his self esteem.

new balances are ugly as fuck

if youre fat as fuck it doesnt matter what you wear, youre still fat and ugly

glasses on girls = NO

glasses on guys other than oakleys, ray bans or a simple black/no frame = NO

skinny jeans can be ok if youre skinny

graphic shirts can be ok

plaid is fucking disgusting, especially on shorts

blue doesnt go with yellow at all

nike has good shit if you don't wear the "ALL DAMN DAY NIGGA" bullshit

Ralph Lauren Polo is good, most people who fret about the logo are jelly poorfags

purple(when done correctly) is underrated

tattoos are ok if its not some unoriginal stoner culture bullshit 30$ jose tatoo

dressing like a farmer with fishing shades, camo fucking hat, faded jeans, white shirt is just like nigs dressing ghetto as fuck, only flipped for race

light wash jeans can go good

being tan is VERY important if youre white, tanning beds arent a bad thing around winter

wearing snapbacks ever = NO

old men look fucking hilarious with their huge fucking hats and polos with their floppy man tits and cargo shorts

new balance is disgusting

so is reebok

skechers too

boat shoes are fine if you dont try to dress up like some skinny dweeb fratstar when youre not in a frat, kill yoself

a haircut can make or break your image. Dont do the fucking greasy bieber mattress bullshit

people DO notice if you wear the same goddamn shorts 444 times a week
okay. im done.

>> No.8489482

You're right about Israel but that's about it.

>> No.8489501

There are some posters on here that think asians, especially the Japanese, are fashionable by sheer virtue of their gook genes.

This is completely erroneous, unless you think tartan shirts and bubble jackets are the height of fashion.

>> No.8489505

the fucking worse are asians who wear neo-core metrosexual high boots and skinny jeans with a stupid giant poof flip hair cut (short on sides and very highly spiked on top)

>> No.8489515

Greatest post on /fa/ and everybody is ignoring it...

>> No.8489517

>Ralph Lauren Polo is good, most people who fret about the logo are jelly poorfags

You can give a bitch-ass pleb nigga money, but that won't make him a patrician.

>> No.8489533

>spending over 50 dollars on an article of clothing that's not boots or a coat is fucking stupid

>> No.8489540

How is it? It's a bizarre, disjointed rant about how this poster's English-style suit was too hot and that we should all wear skirts instead of pants.

The only points the post makes are that clothing is often extravagant rather than utilitarian, which every motherfucker with eyes is capable of recognizing. Moreover I highly doubt the poster practices what he preaches or else he would be walking around in a bland, monochromatic Orwellian jumpsuit.

>> No.8489542

ACNE and APC are very low quality

Levis 501XX are decent practice fades before you splurge on fucking up some iron hearts and making them look shit

most high end deim (roy, samurai, etc) looks like shit

Edwin is no better than levi,

rick owen's quality is shit. and his cuts only look good on dudes who will look 10X better in clean cut proper menswear.

women can wrap towels around them and put a saftey pin through it and look fashionable, they don't need to spend money on quality.

seriously, womenswear should be low quality crap, but it shouldn't look like low quality crap

if it looks vintage and it is vintage then you're doing it wrong. you should be able to wear and style it and not be able to tell that yohji jacket is from 1994

the idea of local boutiques and startup brands being fashionable is bullshit

fashionable politics, like loving faggot rights no matter what, trying to legalize recreational narcotic usage and whatever tumblr liberal bullshit is the flavor of the week is actually for people who dress like shit, poor and visit mainstream shit like reddit.

only adopt said causes becuase they're bored with life, having nothing exciting for their blogs

>> No.8489588

cropped pants make you look like a faggot
especially with no show socks

>> No.8489597


>> No.8489604

I agree really, I do a lot of thrift shopping and some fits costs me less than. $50 in total, I've been photographed for a few street fashion magazine things so I must be doing ok.

>> No.8489608
File: 13 KB, 240x360, 00400h_240x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11" manlet king who wears drop-crotch, valhalla's and dislikes fly's/roshes reporting for duty

>> No.8489611

i'm an arrogant loner who disagrees with tbe notion that dressing like shit exists, but i'm pretty sure that's what you meant
you own a clothing store but you don't know how to sew? lmfao, do you even realize how ridiculous that is
>researching trends, but not researching history, theory, utility, or artistry
>buying things that other people make for people to buy and convincing yourself that because you do it SELECTIVELY, that means you're an active participant in the process
not only do you know jack shit about fashion, you have deluded yourself into thinking that you do. congratulations, you have successfully commoditized an art form, continue patting yourself on the back for it.
that was the only part that mattered

>> No.8489620

i do think that

>> No.8489622

Do you seriously think people that own clothing stores make the clothes themselves? Jesus Christ man what the hella are you even on about? I know the business side of fashion I know what people want, but I work 7 days a week I don't exactly have time to see hundreds of garments, I was actually considering designing a range but I would outsource the manufacturing.

>> No.8489624

If you don't like all black then you haven't made it

>> No.8489637

most things posted on this board are autist-core

like literally you are walking red flags and dont realize it

>> No.8489638

>Do you seriously think people that own clothing stores make the clothes themselves?
no, and i gave you no reason to think that i do~
>Jesus Christ man what the hella are you even on about?
can you read
be honest
>I know the business side of fashion I know what people want
so you know about business
>I work 7 days a week I don't exactly have time to see hundreds of garments
i'm not suggesting that you do
>I was actually considering designing a range but I would outsource the manufacturing
i actually highly encourage this because i think it would foster an appreciation for what i'm getting at, but it takes literally a week tops to learn how to baseline sew, maybe a year to get a really excellent handle on it. and i said sewing, but knowing about different fabric composition, piecing, and construction is also being referred to.

>> No.8489641

>>People who wear slim/skinny fit jeans and don't have them tailored should just wear boot cut
>>All people who wear Nikes are not fashionable
>>Wearing joggers tells the world that you gave up on life
>>The only casual boots that look good are Chelsea boots.
>>Flannels are pig disgusting
>>Cuffing your pants looks like shit

U hate mi.

>> No.8489643

most things posted here can only be pulled off by male models in big cities with lots of confidence

if you are walking around in your gothcore whatever shit in bumfuck ohio you look like a retard

>> No.8489645

the people who actually design clothing determine what people want

>> No.8489647


Post examples on how to dress pls
Post fit

>> No.8489677

Oh my if only this thread were a gas chamber

Also a lot of these are actually pleb opinions, therefore popular opinions

>> No.8490189

>laughs at things he doesn't understand
explains why you're in /fa/, behind the times unfashionable capital of the internet

>> No.8490193

>harsh truth
b-but women don't like my 2edgy4u monochrome skinny fits because they're plebs

>> No.8490197

>thinks dressing effay will get him nxtlvl fashion bitches

Wake up and get out of ur parents basement u autistic fuck

>> No.8490213

yohji is that u?

>> No.8490214

>implies 4chan isn't mainstream
Ayyy lmao

>> No.8490218

>arrogant loner
so basically undue confidence but crippling aspie social anxiety. You're all of fa, good job

>> No.8490220

>doesn't realize he's autisand girls think he's creepy + gross

>> No.8490223

>does't realize that was a joke

>> No.8490224

you obviously hate /fa/ so why the fuck do you post here? so you can feel superior to people who you think have less fashion knowledge? fuck off

>> No.8490228

>wants to see pics of prep/workwear to call them mainstream and basic and feel better about being a nu-neckbeard
u butthurt bro

>> No.8490230

>normcore is pretentious and fails at its core
this is a popular opinion on /fa/

>> No.8490234

Ya the defending all black & defending athletic shoes are 2012core & pleb as fuck I agree

>> No.8490244

here to liberate you from your tired played out mallcore 2012 fashion memes

like clothes jesus

>> No.8490254
File: 95 KB, 604x800, sarapeALEXhunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is someone more detailed discussion on part of it. It is long, but interesting.

You are only half right. Sure many people admit there is a lack of utility in clothing. But that is very different then the deeper understanding I am talking about, and even more to act on it. The lack of basic history is frighting for many things from clothes to chairs and many other things we use but really don't understand. Read the link about if you want a deep dive into the argument against pants.

As for practicing what I talk about, I do it more then most, but admittedly not to the level I would like. For example I invested in a nice high quality Mexican poncho (similar to the one in the pic, only much nicer) because it worked very well for weather I was dealing with in St. Louis, it even was water resistance thanks to the tight stitched quality wool. However nearly every day I was stopped by police for looking "suspicious" and ostracized by people I knew. It came down to my boss giving me a very expensive company jacket with the comment that now I didn't need to wear such trash. So after only three weeks of wearing a Mexican poncho I stopped, not because I wanted to but because there was tremendous outside pressure on fashion choice. It was actually much more comfortable and functional as outerwear then the very expensive company jacket which by many respects is nicer then most jackets. If fashion was really about self expression as so many tell me then utilitarian outfits like the one I had made would be seen as nothing more then my self expression, and thus very fashionable indeed.

>> No.8490266

tevas and birks are fucking hideous

>> No.8490287

Gothninja exists as a subculture only because it impresses losers that grew up watching video games and jerking off to children's anime.

>> No.8490312

Yes, I will... Because slim looks good it's just as simple as that. Just because it's not "in" that doesn't mean it will look bad.

Sure, ACNE Ace Cash looks gay as fuck, but that's skinny.

Baggy clothes are coming back. That's pretty cool in a lot of ways... But even if I start wearing baggy shit, I'll STILL think slim looks good.

>> No.8490319

It's not an opinion. More a FACT.

GJ guys, you love fashion so much that you want to look like a mid-life crisis office worker. Great job. So autistic that you have to actually put THOUGHT into looking "normal". Pathetic.

>> No.8490387


I'm the guy who got mad cuz people liked that fit

for the record I don't hate his fit I just didn't think the shoes themselves were very remarkable

btw I think OP's retarded

>> No.8490396

this so much

frankly I'm not a fan one bit of black-and-white-with-anime-and-sadboys-influences-core, but I can admit that there are probably some cool people who wear it, and some of them might even look good

>> No.8490400

Since the norm for dressing looks like shit, it's not that weird.

>> No.8490414

whether something "looks good" is not the only valuable consideration. every piece is also loaded with cultural and historical associations, and how you play with those associations is part of what makes a fit good or bad.

>> No.8490419

normcore is fundamentally dishonest because it mostly emulates what was normal 20 years ago, not now. it's highly stylized and has nothing whatsoever to do with being "normal"

>> No.8490428

it's almost as bad as "look how edgy i am in my all black japanese brands and rick owens" which is autism incarnate.

Basically both aesthetics are terrible and asperger laden and tryhard

>> No.8490475

What if I just wear joggers and NBs while I'm exercising?

>> No.8490487


You sound like a tremendous faggot OP and I gladly would bet my visvim jacket that nobody likes you.

>> No.8490505

>Jcrew is a good retailer.
>UNIQLO is horrendously overrated

>> No.8490517

so butthurt are you crying irl

>> No.8490529

If you live in the city and wear heritage workwear you are an aspie.

Buying designer stuff that's not jackets, shoes or knitwear is really overrated.

>> No.8490533

You forgot to add If you wear streetwear anywhere you're probably an autistic anime fan, nigger, or teenager

>> No.8490539

Or all three, because mono streetwear and also hypebeast sad boy streetwear are autistic aspie virgin incarnate, or for niggers that shop at macys

>> No.8490554

HY and that combover is for old people and people from the olden days

chucks are for fags

so are vans

the pink raf sweater is shit

the white/dark blue one isn't that bad actually

floral print is shit

print in general is shit

nike is shit, especially the nike air shoes

normcore was never a thing

goofninjas are idiots

>> No.8490558

and casemods is beautiful, fuck you

>> No.8490560

bespoke suit wearer detected

>> No.8490563

this thread is full of cancer, i hope it doesnt catch on

>> No.8490564

how dare you besmirch the name of our lord and savior Uniqlo. kill yourself, blasphemer.

>> No.8490565

>Women are sexier covered up than showing everything.
Okay, Emma Watson. Go back to being irrelevant.

>> No.8490572

it will

just like the feels thread

>> No.8490618



>> No.8490619

/fa/ is really going to shit but i still prefer it to all the other fashion forums
stylzeitgeist is slow as fck and filled with akward middle aged men, sufu is boring, care tags too, unwoven is dead, style forum is shit etc.

>> No.8490637

virgin detected

top kek

>> No.8490639

summer is the worst season ever. f/w all day everyday

>> No.8490644

It's not even close to autistic. Rick Owens stuff looks good and has nothing to do with being "edgy". Trunks is a bit spastic with his dresses etc but a lot of Rick is good.

DRKSHDW is a fantastic line full of wearable garments.

>> No.8490652

you do realise that the dude that posted this is gay right?
he does have a point tho

>> No.8490656

what should i wear? Relaxed fit? A skirt

skinny jeans are staying for sure, its a very good improvement to the silhouette

>> No.8490657

Denimbro is worse than sz. You forgot the one good one and fa isn't it

>> No.8490658

post fit

Chelsea boots are glorious, the structure is comfy and provocative, bitches love it

>> No.8490663



>not wearing bootcuts

>> No.8490664


no you're wrong it's autistic. see:tfw threads

>> No.8490671


are u jesting me pal

>> No.8490673

You write like a precocious teenager.

>> No.8490677

>mah silhouette, it's timeless

let's see what you say in a year or two chode

>> No.8490678
File: 230 KB, 427x361, BSoqnzTCYAAPFhb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what I'ved summed up from this thread is that the only acceptable style is menswear.

It's like you people took all your 'opinions' straight from mfa.

>> No.8490681

Tapered silhouette has always been historically favored, that's not going to change.

>> No.8490688

>browse for 2 months.
>think you know jackshit

That's the problem with you and this board.

>> No.8490692

keep lurking summerfag

>> No.8490693

i tipped my fedora so hard to these

>> No.8490694


Slim and skinny makes you look gay. You can easily see that if you compare 90s fashion to today. The oversized-ness of the 90s made everyone look athletic. The slimness of today makes everyone look weak and homo.

There was some point in time in the late 2000s when looking handsome and/or sexy became "out". That's the problem of today's fashion. People don't want to look attractive anymore, they want to look boring and/or sick.

But thankfully, the nadir is over. The nadir was sometime in the very early 2010s at the height of the hipster craze when people wore clothes that looked like shit on everyone. Skinny and slim fits are a remnant of that, and that's why they will go soon.

The only thing that will become a staple from these ugly times is that full beards will stay acceptable mark my words.

>> No.8490695


I think you should go back to /b/.

>> No.8490699


Truly, truly euphoric.

>> No.8490704

>Nobody wants to go back to 90s saggy prisoner pants.
Everyone wants to do this, actually. They're more comfortable and look less infantile.

>> No.8490706


10 bucks you're a comp sci/engineering student.

>> No.8490712

It's called tapered and fashion will likely brush through them quickly and go back to straight leg or baggy. I wouldn't buy too many tapered pants or jeans, they will probably be popular for a short time before we go back to normal fits.

What will be more interesting is if jeans will get a higher rise soon. The low rise stuff fucks up your silhouette by giving the image of short legs, and they're also bad for posture.

>> No.8490714
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Do you want a wallet chain with your fedora?

>> No.8490720
File: 1.75 MB, 240x320, 1396382090717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that these opinions are considered unpopular here goes to show how autistic this board is

>> No.8490725

> oakleys, ray bans

No, I think you and him are.

>> No.8490728

Nah, I'm over 30 and have seen trends come and go. You /fa/ggots sound like the guys who thought the bro and emo scenes would last forever 10 years ago.

Objectively, baggy clothing makes you look more massive, therefore more intimidating. When I was young, the tough boys in the 90s wore layered baggy clothes to look broad shouldered. It worked. Watch old movies, people look more muscular, fit and healthy simply because they wore more bulky clothes.

Of course, there's no need to go back to X Files-style oversized coats, but this skinny silhouette shit needs to go. It's only wearable by skinny runts, and it makes them look even more skinny and runty.

>> No.8490731

Autist spotted.

>> No.8490732

>implying that is baggy
How herb can you get, fuccboi. smh

>> No.8490735

There's also the problem with the overall look. Skinny jeans silhouettes are SHIT. LMAO clown shoes etc.

>> No.8490739


You sound very disconnected from fashion and it's trends, and it's probably in your favor to stop posting while you can.

I understand you want trends to return to a period that you personally favor, but that's called bias and has too much sway over your opinions. Not to mention your obsession with manliness and athleticism is erring on the side of possible latent homosexual urges.

>> No.8490744
File: 14 KB, 300x300, baggy jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We /fa/ now.

>> No.8490752
File: 88 KB, 738x820, 1392276768174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing like a faggot
mfw liberal yuppies in my town dress like that

>> No.8490755

>skinnyjeans fuccboi
>calls others disconnected and biased
Dunning-Kruger in effect.

Also, what obsession? Look, the point of fashion is to make people look good, sexy, beautiful. Not like bums or anorexic tweens.

>> No.8490757

Most NBs are ugly
Roshes are ugly as fuck
Black/white Geobaskets? Ugly
I actually like some of the stuff Gareth Pugh releases, and own a couple things
I think you should dress for yourself rather than dressing just to look good, even if you end up looking a bit silly to other people

>> No.8490765

>skinnyjeans fuccboi

Please don't project, if anything I advocate the historical perpetuity of slim and tapered silhouettes. It's also funny you deride said trends but use their words like fuccboi, you understand what fuccboi means, right?

Also, you should realize 'good, sexy, beautiful' are entirely subjective, with the closest solidarity of these terms being decided largely by collective trends (trends which currently oppose your ideals). So your idea of good, sexy and beautiful, and the trends that make people look as such, are your own.

For someone your age, being this ignorant is very unbecoming. Like I said, it's in your favor to stop posting now.

>> No.8490771

nope. i'm a newfag. doesn't stop his "point" from being retarded.

>> No.8490775

How old are you? You sound like a 15 year old.

And no, beauty is not subjective. The fuck do you kids learn in school these days?

>> No.8490778

enjoy your monochrome virginity and weird looks from girls

>> No.8490780

The left look is ok, the other two would be alright if they wore straight leg instead of skinnies.

>> No.8490781

>implies everything that isn't autistic monochrome is mfa

ayyyy lmao

>> No.8490785


Hey buddy, I'm not the one using words like butthurt, summerfag, kid and fuccboi. I'm being a nice guy and assuming you really are 30 and that's that, but to focus so much attention on the other party's age as an argument is something that only younger people do.

In all honesty, you don't sound like you belong here, so why are you even here? I gave you the benefit of the doubt when reading your OP, but more and more I'm inclined to believe you're just very detracted from what you're attempting to talk about.

>> No.8490788


Autism is dressing like a middle aged businessman and bringing a suitcase to uni, you dumb cunt.

>> No.8490789

>doesn't realize skinny jeans/monochrome is the new neckbeard uniform

>> No.8490794

>thinks anyone but virgin anime nerds and plebs wear skinny jeans

U get ur jeans and trillby at hot topic bro

>> No.8490797


You're delirious if you think people are still on the skinny jeans monochrome shit. /fa/ hasn't been advocating skinny jeans since 2011 at the latest (please make the proper differentiation between skinny and slim), and you'll find the most popular trend being colors influenced by the easy eyed, almost pastel-ish, colors sourced from the asiatic fashion wave.

So what fucking rock did you crawl out under? It must have been pretty warm because you sure think you're hot shit.

>> No.8490799

>thinks the only alternative to autistic effay core is menswear

do ppl dunk on u in ur high-school every day

Very euphoric of u by the way

>> No.8490803

we talking about all alternatives? because I was talking about the dumbass post specifically bout menswear. take your nerd ass out of here.

>> No.8490806

>spends too much time on fa

are you enraged

>blah blah muted colors
there was a thread full of people calling this aesthetic faggy yesterday while everyone was all "herp my black and athletic shoes are euphoria"

>> No.8490809

>gets bullied at his high school

>> No.8490811


sorry i actually try and inform myself of the shit i talk about. sorry. i guess that means i spend too much time here right hurhur.

>> No.8490812

>true religion jeans
you almost had me. gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.8490818


because people who dress full menswear don't get bullied at high school? top fucking kek m8, don't tell me you use fountain pens too.

>> No.8490833

>thinks anyone wears menswear in 2014

ur perfect urban stealth makes you invisible to the girls in your 3rd period home ec class eh pal

>> No.8490838

>wants to dress japanese

cool, excellent

>> No.8490840

legit tho can you do anything else other than drop a strawman

>> No.8490845

How the hell is beauty not subjective?

>> No.8490847

>says strawman

ah, the last ditch effort of a losing argument. the autistic act of trying to point out a fallacy

is this tumblr now

>> No.8490849

and any garment

but the trick is coping clothes that barely fit and tailor them yourself

i saved a lot of money bi doing that and people love my tailored jeans and chinos, even on WAYWT

>> No.8490851

>ladybody ottermode obsessed with japan calls someone gay

u jesting

>> No.8490852


I've been to a fest this weekend. Guys with any kind of hy/shaved sides looked like shit. Most of them were flamboyant faggots. I saw an old mate wearing an all black drapey ricky style outfit with mayflys and honestly he looked much better when he wore more normal clothes.

The guys that looked their best had all a vibe of not giving much of a fuck. Mid-lenght hair, not overstyled. Shaved or not overcared beards. Not afraid of colours. There was this guy wearing a navajo printed jacket he must have gotten from some thrift store that looked pretty dope.

>> No.8490860

those are pretty crappy NBs tbh

>> No.8490863


>> No.8490864

Psychology has studied sexual attraction and found patterns toward objective beauty. It comes down to health and fertility.

>> No.8490873

Disregarding the weaseliness of that nonspecific cite, beauty and attraction are definitely not the same thing.

>> No.8490876

I got a skinny tumblr hipster goth gf and I dress in a denim jacket with a tee shirt, and graphite jeans most of the time.

>> No.8490887

Jeans and denim almost always look terrible or like shit

Dressing in monochrome is still dressing loudly

Graphic shirts are almost always terrible

GATs and CP's are absurdly overpriced

Color coordination is far more important than brand

Dick Ovens is a genius for convincing idiots to buy his astronomically overpriced shit

Raf, Ann D, Kris Van Aasche, and to an extent Hedi Slimane are all hacks

Chelsea boots are hideous, especially when paired with skinny jeans

Tattoos are marks of compulsive and impulsive people, who are so inept that they spend hundreds to thousands of dollars to tell a story they're too incompetent to speak with their mouth, and upwards of 97% of tattoos look absolutely terrible and thoughtless

Burberry, Barbour, Belstaff, and most British designers are hideously overpriced and overrated

Cuffing your pant legs from the inside instead of out is the superior method of cuffing

Male femininity expressed through clothing is fucking disgusting

Workwear is the superior wear

>> No.8490888


Don't be such a snowflake.

>> No.8490890


>> No.8490893

nobody anywhere likes islam

>> No.8490897



>> No.8490899

because it is a fallacy

i could assume you're a jewish transvestite with a penchant for smoking meth up your ass but that wouldn't contribute to the discussion at hand, would it.

the problem is that fallacy is the only thing in your responses. so i'll pray 4 u, poor bby

>> No.8490900

That's still not beauty.

>> No.8490908

Rick's only good pieces are his sneakers and outerwear, the rest is just fucking autistic

>> No.8490922

prove me wrong. post a fit

>> No.8490925

Never trust a science article that says things like "according to a recent study..." and "scientists say..." Typically, this means don't trust any science reporting from major outlets. A single study proves absolutely nothing, and you can cherry pick as many uncorroborated studies as you want to prove anything.

>> No.8490930


can you believe that nigger is 30 years old


>> No.8490938

Drop-crotch pants of any variety look idiotic.

>> No.8490944

Just google it yourself then, it's not a new idea they teach it in high school.

>> No.8490947

ya nah you're right, we should be the peoples' moral police.
post your wranglers fit.

>> No.8490988

If your teacher told you that and said it meant that beauty is objective, your teacher is an idiot.

>> No.8490999
File: 100 KB, 640x640, 1404222600886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are some spectacularly shitty opinions

>> No.8491004

You're such a tryhard

>> No.8491043

Did you really just say girls can't wear glasses

>> No.8491070

>only thinks rick owens, nike, and wrangler exists

jesting rite

>> No.8491077

>asians are automatically disqualified from ever being /fa/

>> No.8491094

he also said the only glasses guys can wear are ray bans and oakleys

fucking lol

>> No.8491096


>> No.8491176

judging by this thread, this opinion of mine must be unpopular:

if you think "anyone who wears X garment under Y circumstance is an autistic clueless fat fedora-tipping tryhard anime dadcore meme faggot nigger teenager virgin idiot aspie. top kek" then you need to do some serious introspection

>> No.8491210

judging by this thread, /fa/ is having an identity crisis since no one likes anything anymore and seems te prefer to call everything autistic.

>> No.8491219
File: 9 KB, 340x340, 378001-25613-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>downie rant

jesting rite

>> No.8491223

i like lots of stuff, just not monochrome, athletic shoes, skinny jeans, or hy hair

>> No.8491227

everyone on /fa/ thinks the trends they don't like are super common on the board

workwear people think gothninja is 90% of /fa/

gothninja people think basic bitches who have never viewed a runway show are 90% of /fa/

people who like new balance think everyone here is hostile to new balance

people who hate new balance think new balance is taking over the whole board

nobody has any idea what the demographics actually look like

>> No.8491231

it's because some people realize that the reigning fa aesthetic is old & boring, some people are experiencing trauma from realizing it, some people are fighting change tooth and nail, some people are desperately hunting for the next big thing

spoiler:muted earth tones & more relaxed (not baggy) pants are actual next big thing

>> No.8491238

Everyone wants to b unique snowflakes, typical symptom of aspergers/autism

>> No.8491248



>> No.8491252


You don't know shit about the next big thing. Stop pretending you know shit about the next big thing.

>> No.8491255


A pair of nice jeans (not skinny or tapered), chucks, a white t shirt and shaved head will always be god tier.

You people try way too hard. The males in this thread should just chop their penises off. Caring about styles and trends is a feminine trait.

>> No.8491267

>butthurt that fashion left him behind

sorry for ur loss

>> No.8491268


>discerns a specific style as god tier
>proceeds to state caring about styles is a feminine trait

So where do you want my dick in you, you feminine faggot?

>> No.8491278


And you're some great fashion savant, right? You're nobody, cunt, pretending to be somebody.

And fyi, people on this board have been predicting earth tones and straight cuts since 2011. You're just another sore ass dickrider.

>> No.8491288


That shit is basic and ALWAYS looks good. Have fun throwing out all the clothes you bought next year because your shitty "style" is out of fashion.

Skinny jeans looked like shit in the 80's and guess what? They still do.

>> No.8491290


That's pretty feminine of you to care so much about styles.

Like I said, where do you want my dick in you?

>> No.8491291

i see a taped calf with a baggier thigh/butt becoming more popular

>> No.8491293

>crying irl
you are very mad about fashion on the internet

>> No.8491297

speaking of things that are played out

>> No.8491301

tapered is already popular. even in mfa. just not fa yet. ppl still say "lol carrot jeans" because fa is 2+ yrs behind

>> No.8491307

maybe he was jesting

>> No.8491308


damn sorry, did I burn you too hard? dw cop some vaseline your ass will heal fine.

>> No.8491310

i meant including the baggier thigh/butt

>> No.8491311


Looks like I hit a nerve. Enjoy flushing your money down the toilet trying to impress people with shitty fads.

>> No.8491316

That's exactly what 'slim' is.

Are you retards daft? Where the fuck are you faggots coming from?

>> No.8491318

>still trying to argue online after being ethered

its okay to be upset pal we all get angry sometimes

>> No.8491319


Just pointing out hypocrisy where I see at, friend. Think before you speak.

>> No.8491326


Poor baby, you're in my prayers tonight :)

>> No.8491332

god tier regular straight leg or Gtfo with ur tired jean fits

>> No.8491334


Think before I speak? I think we know who the loser is. Thanks for playing.

>> No.8491337
File: 84 KB, 739x877, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao holy shit.

also i know you're an aspie because only mfa tier retards would dare say 'a pair of nice jeans' like it's a jar of delicate Moroccan beans.

>> No.8491343


> Thanks for playing.

oh my god, could you be any more euphoric.

>> No.8491346






>> No.8491352


Just cause you're balding doesn't mean everybody else needs to pretend they don't have hair.

>> No.8491383


You're on the wrong board, maybe /v/ is more your thing.

>> No.8491418


hey protip: only manchildren care about the pretense of masculinity

you remind me of my engineering students I took out for drinks after finals. They were too afraid to look girly ordering cocktails so they ordered straight vodka and could only take tiny sips before wincing. There's nothing 'masculine' about trying hard to look masculine. Drop the act, grow up.

>> No.8491470

>All people who wear Nikes are not fashionable
maximum this
>Cuffing your pants looks like shit
only most of the time
>Vans may be an iconic shoe, but they are cheaply made and look like shit
also this

>> No.8491482

As a matter of fact, it's actually ironic to TRY and look masculine, if "caring about styles" is feminine.

That being said, there is a difference between caring about style and following trends, and one is inherently more "masculine," the other "feminine."

Let's not delude ourselves to believing certain traits and characteristics are more feminine/masculine than others. For example, not ordering a drink you like out of fear it will be perceived as "girly" shows insecurity. Being comfortable and confident with your decision shows leadership.

However, agreeing to drink something unfamiliar to you, with your friends doing the same, is a good way to build camaraderie through challenge.

>> No.8491548

I made a crucial typo in this post here:
>Let's not delude ourselves to believing certain traits and characteristics are more feminine/masculine than others.

should be

>Let's not delude ourselves to believing certain traits and characteristics aren't more feminine/masculine than others.

There are masculine traits, and there are feminine traits. If you disagree you don't know a damn thing and should stab yourself in the side with the longest knife you have, pull it across your abdomen, reach inside, pull out the first internal organ you touch, stuff it in your mouth and slam the side of your head against your desk or wall one time as hard as you can. If you are a guy cut your testicles out of your scrotum individually and if you are a girl post pics of you bent over showing pussy and asshole.

>> No.8491710



>> No.8493157

lol at this nigga, since i started to dress in postpunk bitches started eyeing me and paying me more attention

prepcore is for kids trying to look mature

>> No.8493172

i just wanted to be cool, its fun tho, i wont change my style for a bunch of autist in the internet but some of them know about colours and proportions and no one IRL has the balls or knowledge to say why my fits last ok like shit

>> No.8493183

>Ralph Lauren Polo is good, most people who fret about the logo are jelly poorfags
kek, everyone in Mexico has at least 3 garments of Pleb Ralph Lauren, even my dad has two or three shirts and the classic parfum for men and we are middle class

>> No.8493411

no, i am just too fickle to keep friends
>secretly hate awkward and anxious people

>> No.8493435
File: 58 KB, 640x591, f57f0a6356f6c0edc91f34a23651aae8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get that? I honestly would like to know how you came to that conclusion.

I may only be 26 and still look 15, but I have more experience then most do in their whole life which makes me more like 70. I have travel the world, published a novel, worked as an engineering consultant on satellite development and many other things. My life has been full and rich with happiness. You may think I am naive and don't care or some other precocious teenager stereotype, but I can tell you I don't really care because I am so experienced. After a point you realized how wasteful it is to worry about such trivial things. Sure you are not an island, so you have to live in the world with others, but that is not the same as giving up who you are.