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8482239 No.8482239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guess who's staying home on a nice warm saturday night?

also what do
It's been 3 days, I seriously feel like popping this motherfucker

>> No.8482245


do it then

>> No.8482256
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Take a thin pin and lance it, then slap a hydrocolloid bandage on it. Sometimes you can find hydrocolloid bandages sold for acne purposes, but mainly you'll find them marketed as blister bandages. They are designed to draw out the fluid/pus from nasty shit.

>> No.8482258

why wouldnt you pop that? heat it with a hot towel, pop it, then apply toner

>> No.8482292

buy some mupirocin, its magical. That shit will be gone in like two days or less

>> No.8482296

make a webm of the popping

>> No.8482301

why not pop it? i always popped them and i don't have any scars or marks on my face

>> No.8482312

maybe you have god-tier skin
my skin is shit and I always get scars

too late but I just squeezed that fucker and showed no mercy
currently applying ice

>> No.8482330

did you listen to >>8482258 ?

>> No.8482355

put neosporin on it after you pop it

>> No.8482379
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yes but I don't have any toner or neosporin so I just washed it with water and soap

>> No.8482438

enjoy your bruise and scab and scar


>> No.8482465

use vodka, you need to kill the bacteria brah

>> No.8482473

>I just washed it with water and soap

FUCKING KEK. Soap is gonna create even more bacteria now, good luck with the acne you've self inflicted. Best go buy some accutane.

>> No.8482475

shit's the worst

I had clear skin for the longest time, and all of a sudden in the past couple weeks I'm starting to get acne again. some combination of stress and hot weather, I don't know. I'm using a clean towel over my pillow every night, all that shit.

>> No.8482477
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>> No.8482494

wait what? FUCK
hopefully it'll form a scab before I go to bed though

>> No.8482561

bar soap is alkaline, your skin uses an acid mantle to prevent bacteria breeding so it's good to keep your skin mildly acidic

>> No.8482634

it formed a scab, I'll just pick it tomorrow for maximum aesthetics :^)

>> No.8483289

>water and soap

explains how you're getting acne in the first place

>> No.8484023

Best way to get it ready to pop

No joke put vapo rub on it. Fall asleep. Wake up and its white as hell. That will make it ready to pop and faster healing process

Check it on YouTube if u like

>> No.8484069

what should i use to wash my face
not op
because i wash my hands w/ hot water then use soap and water

>> No.8484086

something specifically for your face
regular bar soap often blocks pores and dried your skin out

>> No.8484101


>> No.8484115

it's like some of ya'll never heard of cleanser before

figure out if you have dry or oily or combination skin and go from there

>> No.8484119

This is disgusting people with acne need to be cleansed from the gene pool

>> No.8484213

What's the benefit to not popping a pimple?

I'd rather have a red mark than a whitehead.

>> No.8484264

the possibility of scarring I think

>> No.8484414

african black soap is incredible for acne

>> No.8484452

Holy fuck your that worried of a pimple? Just fucking pop it and go out you stupid faggot.

>> No.8484582
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>tfw super sensitive skin on body, will scar from a mosquito bite, lots of scars all over body
>tfw never scar on face no matter what

>> No.8484595

>tfw late adolesence
>tfw no spots till like 17 or so

>> No.8484599
File: 105 KB, 283x302, this kills the man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually put soap on their face

>> No.8484600

are you me?

>> No.8484609

weird isn't it?

>> No.8484791

>not drying it off with toothpaste

>> No.8484829


Damn, that sucks.

>> No.8484842
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>15-16 years old
>go see dermatologist, prescribes some products and offers a "skin cleaning"
>takes a needle and proceed to bleed the fuck out of me, piercing and picking out all blackheads/zits, painful af
>become worried ask: "w-won't I get scars from that ?"
>dermatologist just brushes it off says the scars go out once the acne's gone
>5 years later, skin is smooth no acne besides the occasional zit or ingrown hair
>mfw it doesn't matter because I have Danny Trejo scars on the temples and cheeks cause of that fucking dermatologist

>> No.8484846

it was nice having clear skin through the majority of school
especially since i was also fat for a while and it might've entirely killed my self esteem

but it does suck getting it at a later stage too, it sucks getting it at all (i thought i never would since I didn't when others did :,¬( )

>> No.8484973

exfoliate, bruv

>> No.8486701

What's some good facial cleanser?
I haven't had acne in a few years but I still get the occasional red spot.

>> No.8486711


>tfw acnefag
>tfw take accutane
>tfw close to no more acne


>> No.8486887


>> No.8487287

Pop it as soon as the white appears on the zit OP. Try to make sure you get the 'root'. Then wipe it, drain it until it's done, wipe it with alcohol, clean it and wash your face with a good facial wash. Don't use soap. Then just don't touch it or your face anymore.

>> No.8487376

a million times this

>> No.8487382

tfw get bad acne in senior year after a huge amount of weight loss

2 years later and i still have it :(

>> No.8487400

are you me?

>> No.8487439
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Not OP but WHAT?

>> No.8489172

then we must be the holy trinity, are you both me?

>> No.8489180

for fuck's sake never pop your zits, I wish someone had told me that years ago

>> No.8489199

are you a fucking ass? just wear a bandana over it ya twat, like Solid Snake. fixd. next!

>> No.8490555

>tfw I have post acne all over my face and still go out
I guess I just get used to it after years of fighting acne

>> No.8490589

Sterilise the pin first for fuck sake
And wash the surrounding area before too

>> No.8490621

Put some tea tree oil on it twice a day and pop when fully ripe

>> No.8490640
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OP here
water and soap seems to be working just fine

>> No.8490647

>take needle
>push it through/in the pimple
>press the shit out with your fingers
>spray antisept on it

i never disinfected my pimple-needle troughout my teens and i dont have any scars from pimples. Its probably better to do it though.

>> No.8491171

i know this feel my acne is under control but i have loads of red marks that i have no idea how to get rid of

>> No.8491286

Please someone, tell me how to get rid of the redness left from my Acne, should I see a derm? What should I ask for?

>> No.8491305


>> No.8491335

try black soap
Never used it myself but I've heard it helps get rid of acne scars

>> No.8491902

I did it with a fucking nail when I was like 13. Got a boil.

>> No.8494354

really? I took accutane and the only place i have scars is my right temple where I had one before I started the medicine.

Also have one on my cheek where I got shot with a staplegun but that's almost faded out by now

>> No.8495759

>>staying home on a nice warm saturday night

I don't get it... your face is not perfect, so no one will notice a little imperfection more, even if your face was perfect no one would notice a little imperfection on a perfect face