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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 510 KB, 420x545, 1404768606225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8466541 No.8466541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do I into cyberpunk?

>> No.8466569
File: 1.57 MB, 1630x1600, that cyberfeel .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 2 cyberpunk in 10 easy steps:

Step 1: pauldrons.
Step 2: worn-off military wear
Step 3: knee pads
Step 4: goggles. Welding or pilot goggles, functional ones, none of that cosmetic shit without lenses.
Step 5: edgy combat boots with straps
Step 6: green, blue or pink mohawk. Dreadlocks are acceptable, but only if they're actually your hair and not some clip-on shit.
Step 7: wear electronic hardware as jewelry. Nothing that isn't at least 15 years old.
Step 8: raid the HQ of your local megacorp and get your ass kicked by the security. Your local Apple store does not qualify.
Step 9: only listen to industrial and retrowave
Step 10: spend all your free time browsing /vr/ while on drugs

>> No.8466592
File: 160 KB, 856x933, summer_darkness_2012___gothic_pair_cyberpunk_by_joshua_mozes-d596wt6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this picture is cyberGOTH, but I'm posting it anyways because I really don't know. I think cyberpunk is more baggy and apocalyptic looking.

>> No.8466609

>schway as drokk

>> No.8466615

Cyberpunk is just very vague. Cybergoth is cyberpunk in a really gay and superficial way.

It's a shame really because mixing the cyberpunk aesthetic and the goth aesthetic has a lot of potential (as many rivetheads, and goofninja brands showed us) but those raver cunts appropriated the term so that it cannot be used to mean anything other than "ditzy weeaboo kids with gasmasks and goggles that don't work and stupid hair extensions who wear a lot of latex and neon accessories".
I mean everything cybergoths wear looks fucking fake and cheap as fuck. I know that we don't live in an actual, stereotypical cyberpunk society, but if you're gonna cosplay as if you lived in one, do it right.
I guess that the whole cheap superficial aesthetic is consistent with the lyrics of their music, that are all about feeling shallow and fake and alienated. But that's not an excuse, especially since they're only concerned with having fun and never introspect or question themselves.

Fuck I'm mad now. Cybergoths could have been so many things but they chose to be this.

>> No.8466618

y is that man wearing a corset

>> No.8466619

can you spot all the source materials for the lingo used in this pic?

>> No.8466622

You be a punk.

>> No.8466647

Because it symbolizes the appropriation of constraining social norms materialized by body-modifying technology, since our post-industrial age threatens the individual through his own body image and health condition, which can be paralleled with the general conditions of the late XIXth century during which these devices were used and people lived under similar constraints with similar hazards, albeit from different sources; it also manifests an urge to correct oneself that's become more and more prominent in the past decades, due to the self-disappointment and general frustration that paradoxically emerges from a seemingly liberated lifestyle, that leads us to face our deepest impulses and desires, and to find them inadequate or insufficient, resulting in the use of inappropriate and dangerous methods to improve ourselves without even knowing if it's in the right way.

No I'm just kidding he's just a fetishist who thinks he looks as good in a corset as Nero Bellum does.

>> No.8466674
File: 144 KB, 700x1000, tumblr_lqbfie39BZ1qhslato1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into Imperialcore?
I wanna look like I belong to an impoverished Necromundan noble house that tries to restore itself back to glory by recruiting the dreg of the underhive into its ranks.

>> No.8466679
File: 158 KB, 500x742, tumblr_lzxmbi3wJb1qhslato1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8466680

This looks like cosplay

>> No.8466683

Where do you people get the idea that cyberpunk is an aesthetic?

>> No.8466685
File: 269 KB, 816x700, tumblr_m3yr2ppmVI1qhslato1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8466688

I didn't say that it was only an aesthetic. It's an approach to things in general, including fashion.

>> No.8466712
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>> No.8466720
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>> No.8466725
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>> No.8466732
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>> No.8466740

I feel like if a lot more people actually dressed like this on a day-to-day basis, life would be so much more interesting.

>> No.8466748
File: 655 KB, 738x1001, 1328133296187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If life was much more interesting, people would have plenty of reasons to dress like this

>> No.8466764
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>> No.8466769
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>> No.8466773
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>> No.8466787

Btw, I'm loving these pictures you're posting. They're grotesque, but something compels me to look at them.

>> No.8466794
File: 1013 KB, 738x1001, 1328124035618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because John Blanche made them and his entire career relies almost exclusively on that.

>> No.8466798
File: 1009 KB, 738x1001, 1328040334237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8466805
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>> No.8466813
File: 869 KB, 461x787, tumblr_lh3oauB9Wa1qhslato1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ideal gf

>> No.8466820
File: 127 KB, 558x700, tumblr_lismodM26y1qhslato1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is my favorite.

>> No.8466829
File: 521 KB, 795x1233, tumblr_llcdb8hxYM1qhslato1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8466839
File: 89 KB, 473x700, tumblr_lpwe9j41Mt1qhslato1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so basically:

>get carnival stuff from your local disguise store
>combine it with military wear, industrial worker clothes and goth/punk accessories
>be extremely ugly
>style your hair in the most ridiculous possible way
>ostensibly carry at least three weapons at all time

>> No.8466844
File: 140 KB, 552x800, tumblr_lq2io09HH41qhslato1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear if someone tries this style and manages to pull it off he'll become the king of effay for at least a decade.

>> No.8466853
File: 381 KB, 390x492, 1326826547064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8466854
File: 187 KB, 640x480, 8788700381_92cea59f46_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeating myself from last thread: Cyberpunk is a past phenomena; lots of people are influenced by it right now, but we're dealing with something different that needs a new name.

I can't pin down what it is, but toss out some ideas /fa/, I did enough typing last thread.

As far as what cybergoths were/are - yeah, ditzes shat over the term, but wasn't that Punk, too? Band where no one knew how to play their instrument and that was a big part of the point? It took Vini Reilly and his contemporaries to come around and fix that shit.

A lot of that was pretty useful, though. Like think Beatriz Preciado:

>The day of your death I put a 50-mg dose of Testogel on my skin, so that I can begin to write this book. The carbon chains, O-H3, C-H3, C-OH, gradually penetrate my epidermis and travel through the deep layers of my skin until they reach the blood vessels, nerve endings, glands. I’m not taking testosterone to change myself into a man, nor as a physical strategy of transsexualism; I take it to foil what society wanted to make of me, so that I can write, fuck, feel a form of pleasure that is post-pornographic, add a molecular prostheses to my low-tech transgendered identity composed of dildos, texts, and moving images; I do it to avenge your death.

"...to foil what society wanted to make of me."

One big problem: what do you mean by "right way," IDK what you're talking about?

(Preciado, left, best fit pic I could find in ten seconds on GIS, plus really neat fit on some interviewer.

And best review I know of the book that's from, Testo Junkie: http://www.publicseminar.org/2013/12/testo-junkie-by-beatriz-preciado/#.U7zBCVHMISk))

Like this stuff. Although a quick GIS suggests it was contemporary to Punk, it's treading in different aesthetic territory, I think - and it's also very heavy on now.

Think Grimes; Grimes is one of the best examples of the kind of synthesis we're at now.

>> No.8466860

This one is just incredible.

>> No.8466881

Yeah but at least punks had two or three decades to develop themselves before faggots took over.

Cybergoths could have been a real thing, and could have become a cool subculture instead of this, but they never had the time

>> No.8466892

>what do you mean by "right way", IDK what you're talking about?
that's the thing about goths, they aren't sure if they're doing the right thing or alienating themselves further, and that torments them.

>> No.8466902

What the fuck does Grimes have to do with anything?

She's just an ugly teenager who sings insipid stuff and appeals to hipsters.
What does she have to do with punks, goths, cyberpunk, or warhammer 40k? Or even fashion?

>> No.8466906

techwear is the most philosophically 'cyberpunk' way of dress that isn't meme-y as fuck (inb4 techwear is epic maymay)

>> No.8466914

except it isn't even remotely punk at all.

it's futuristic I guess.

>> No.8467189

the most tasteful ones just dress like Mortal Kombat ninjas.

>> No.8467210
File: 158 KB, 723x983, cyberpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*unsheathes katana*

>> No.8467246
File: 206 KB, 800x541, grimes-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's just an ugly teenager who sings insipid stuff and appeals to hipsters.

Lol. Literally none of that is true, and saying "hipster" in the present tense invalidates whatever you're saying in 2014.

>What does she have to do with punks, goths, cyberpunk, or warhammer 40k? Or even fashion?

Are you paying any attention at all? I can't go full argument mode right now, but the kind of culture she's in/making/part of would not be possible without Punk, Goth (which is probably an okay term to apply to her), or Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is less obvious until you look at your window and realize the kind of world we're living in.

There's a ton more going into Grimes, obviously, but that's part of what makes her so potent, and makes her such a great representative of the moment. I can't think of any major force in culture right now that she hasn't been obviously influenced by in some way, any tendency she hasn't integrated.

I know nothing about Warhammer 40K beyond that it was a game, and from quick skimming that the guy who did these drawings ITT did some illustration for it. But I am/was looking at style and reading the drawings in a decontextualized way, which I probably should fix, but I don't think it has too much bearing.

As far as fashion - are you kidding me her fits are amazing and she literally did an SLP collab.

I think we're seeing it now. You see a lot of Goth people and cultural stuff leaping out from behind the bleachers onto every medium imaginable. I mean, what's the Internet nickname for half the clothes we talk about on here?

Interesting; I have to think about this.

>> No.8467271


>There's a ton more going into Grimes, obviously, but that's part of what makes her so potent, and makes her such a great representative of the moment.
She's representative of the moment because she isn't potent, she doesn't understand her influences, is completely shallow, and has nothing more going into her than the average tumblrite does.
And her fits are objectively terrible. They're the kind of shit you'd see, well, on tumblr, typically.
She isn't relevant to this discussion any more than any other vapid /mu/ waifu.
If you had mentioned Death Grips, in spite of their "meme rap" rep, I would have agreed. But Grimes? She's nothing. She's an epiphenomenon, like hundreds of one-hit emo bands were in the early 2000s.

>> No.8467295

This is the "quantity of culture" gambit, the idea that cultural capital is something that you consume until you're an interesting person with interesting points to make. Don't confuse rumination with analysis. You can always muck around and call it a statement. You haven't blended themes and ideas just because you've blended the visual styles that those ideas begat. Somebody could analyze a point out of the mess, but they've done the hard thinking, not you.

>> No.8467323
File: 408 KB, 500x268, Really_seriously_WHAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand her influences


I'll mount a full response tomorrow, but are you seriously demanding your artists also be your theorists and critics?

Like, pic related.

(To be clear, you're also wrong, but that's beside the point.)

>> No.8467328

>voice changer on ankle
every time

your footsteps just gotta sound compressed and reverb'd

Like, you're walking.

The average guy, when he walks, he goes "flop flop flop flop"

What you need is you walk and it goes "UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ"

that's what you need

>> No.8467337

Her influences aren't worth understanding. They're just that, influences, not actual inspirations, and they're the same as the average tumblrite's, she doesn't make anything special, unique or powerful out of them.

>> No.8467381
File: 332 KB, 1417x1101, pingbody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the FUCK are we talking about Grimes instead of Stelarc or something?

>> No.8467385

An artist who doesn't know why they do what they do is not an artist worth paying attention to. And, for your part, a writer who can't write a thesis is not a writer worth paying attention to.

>> No.8467445
File: 398 KB, 1600x870, 1383269932972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think cyberpunk has had its razors dulled because all the aspects of cyberpunk as a cultural movement that were transgressive are no longer counter-cultural, but have spilled over into mainstream culture. What's happening in the tech world now is weirder and more interesting than what cyberpunk writers have imagined. The hallmarks of cyberpunk life/style are now for the most part acceptable behavior. Things that were transgressive are now passé.

>Encrustation of technology on the body
>Veneration of technology above Gods
>Addiction to immersive game worlds
>Entire economies transacted in cryptocurrency
>Governments writing viruses for espionage
>Warfare being the provenance of robots and drones
>Holographic pop stars

Even if one buys into the philosophy of early cyberpunks – ill-advised as that may be, given the nature of the changing climate of international politics and its relationship to the Internet – there's really no reason to dress like them. You don't need to be crenellated with outmoded technology anymore because your phone serves 95% of those functions. You might as well wear Yohji. You might as well be in a suit working at the NSA or in desert BDU in Afghanistan. The style was always for those who wanted to mark themselves as such.

>> No.8467548

>here's a ton more going into Grimes, obviously, but that's part of what makes her so potent, and makes her such a great representative of the moment.


>As far as fashion - are you kidding me her fits are amazing and she literally did an SLP collab.


>> No.8467850

>Lol. Literally none of that is true, and saying "hipster" in the present tense invalidates whatever you're saying in 2014.

Disgusting man. You're just gross.

>> No.8468154

>> get some tips from /b/ about never leaving your basement again
>> get some d 20 dice
>> start browsing /tg/
also cyberpunk isnt /fa/, you will be the guy even /b/ makes fun off

>> No.8468173
File: 344 KB, 1920x1080, 1402082451618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step it up m8, Cyberpunk is dead, it is now time fore stalker-core