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/fa/ - Fashion

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8446697 No.8446697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ola /fa/
i don't know shit about interior design
which colour should I paint this floor?
looks like shit right now

was thinking of either doing cremewhite or white or light grey

>> No.8446699

tbh I like it the way it is now but if you say it's shit then I guess cremewhite would be fine too

>> No.8446703

could you sand off the paint? doing that then varnishing it would look better than paint. then get a rug or something.

>> No.8446704
File: 276 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_n836ktfDsJ1s8aujyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks a bit crackhousey on the other side of the room
especially in front of the door but you can't see that on these pics
thnx tho

>> No.8446706


I'd leave it the way it is and put a short dark rug in the center. Put a nice mirror behind the sink. Maybe a small couch on the right, bed on the left. Pretty much done for I guess is a dorm room.

>> No.8446707

get a floor sander and sand off the old paint. then stain the wood.

no reason to cover up beautiful old wood floors

also, why the fuck is there a sink in the corner?

>> No.8446712

It looks good the way it is.
Put some stuff on the walls and get a rug.

>> No.8446713
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just sand it down and varnish it up. Paint isn't going to look good unless you got a smooth surface to work on. I used boat varnish for that glossy vibe. Easy to keep clean too.

That's one dingy ass room btw for Maastrich standards. I thought living there was dirtcheap compared to let's say Leiden or Amsterdam (shithole).

>> No.8446716

this also sounds like a good idea
what's the difference between staining and varnishing?
all sinks in this house are placed at weird places. idk this house is pretty old
Exactly my plan for placing my stuff.
meh I pay 310 euro/month for 25m^2
it's allright, I could do a lot better but this was the only house where me and my friends could move into (5 people!!)

>> No.8446720

+ I now have a roof terrace and a giant garden <3

>> No.8446739

pic of garden?

>> No.8446753
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Needs some cleaning up but for parties and bbq it will do

>> No.8446774
File: 2.44 MB, 5605x3412, PRSydFlatOnBed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this if you want te be truly hip

>> No.8446794

where is this OP?
looks like a nice place

>> No.8446824


Project of architect here.

Painting your floor sounds kind of weird. I don't think I have ever seen that around here. Try to get some advice from someone who knows how to treat wood. I'd try to take out the paint it already has keeping it as natural as possible. If that's not possible I think I'd paint it white but then you might have to paint the walls as well of some different colour. You know, it could be too white. However fuck that guy up there and his gloosy vibe.

Also, get rid of that table or whatever, paint the sink (lel) white and try to integrate or hide the radiator and the pipes somehow.

The room looks nice. Good light and views I guess.


>> No.8446842


>> No.8446847

I think it's just the ceiling that is high, it's an old house apparently

>> No.8446854


>> No.8446862

Staining is like dyeing the wood. Varnishing puts a glossy coat over top of the wood

>> No.8446867

Fuckin hell my parents are pissed as fuck even for suggesting to varnish them . 'That would take ages!!' 'And we bought this expensive white paint especially for you( without asking me)' so yeah the floor is gonna be white..

>> No.8446869

white should look nice tho~ at least you don't have to pay for the paint!

>> No.8446888
File: 28 KB, 432x324, PublicSchool_Oxdords_blackleather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand. Did you buy this place or what?

>> No.8446914

Rent, its just one room
Im a poor student
And i need to move everything in this weekend
True i should be grateful
Id just wish my parents asked me first

>> No.8446918

what total plebs

dump the paint bucket all over their floors and ask them how they like it white. then declare that you are becoming an arts major

>> No.8446939


>> No.8446940

So your parents rent it, right?

>> No.8446965


Industrial designer coming through.
4 options are available.
1. white
2.dark grey
4.sanding and varnish

qhite wooden floor look #shabby , that's quite the entry lvl aesthetic , wouldn't do it

black is kinda edgy

varnish is classy

I'd go dark grey , kinda understated but still very modern

I have fishtail parket with an antique finish , If my landlord wouldn't kill my I'd paint it grey.

>> No.8446966
File: 71 KB, 640x480, window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace the window with a more effay one like this

>> No.8446979

Leave it as it is, get an antique rug in the center to break it up a bit, a sofa, mattress on the floor.

You could even scatter heroin needles everywhere.

>> No.8446983

Nah free govenrment money and i work
My parents do help me out tho>>8446965
I'm going with white. Better than nothing I suppose.>>8446966
I wonder how much this costs

>> No.8447016


Your window is ok, there's no point in changing it. Plus, it'd be quite expensive and the owner probably wouldn't let you (who wants to have a window different from every other one in his house?)

>> No.8447019

Smear those walls and floors with blood and feces.

>> No.8447025

yes, replace a perfectly fine window and go for the lovely prison vibe

>> No.8447030

No point in changing cause its my entrance to the roof terrace

>> No.8447044

>prison vibe

i think you mean comfy 18th century european apartment vibe

>> No.8447182

First try
Shit looks shaggy but dw we used tape and all that

>> No.8447189
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Im dumb
This is just the first layer btw

>> No.8447193

Why are you even considering finishing up the floors if you're only renting?

>> No.8447201


Bc he's going to spend there a year and painting it takes an afternoon you lazy fuck.


Yeah, it's going to be too white. Get colourful navajo sheets formyour bed or sth to contrast.

>> No.8447210
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White as fuck :(

>> No.8447226

I think it'll look good if you paint the - (bad english, not sure of the right word, the bit of wood that goes around the bottom of the walls) - a different colour, to break up the white a bit.

Then get a darker coloured rug, maybe matching this wood bit.

>> No.8447242

Yeah I agree with this guy, painting the skirting board a different colour like black would break up the strong amount of white you're going to have.

>> No.8447244


Oh I'm sorry did I hurt your tripfag bf's feelings?

>> No.8447246


This looks really bad. The nasty floors were better at least they had some personality.

>> No.8447252

>european shacks

>> No.8447259
File: 63 KB, 500x667, 1402848400119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aim for this bruh, i believe in you

>> No.8447260

>american normcore suburban housing

>> No.8447262

use a paint thinner and a high gloss paint. sand between coats and wax it when finished. and tape off the baseboards you animal.

>> No.8447273

Ill show u some personality>>8447262
They were taped off with small tape!!>>8447259
Thanks sensei>>8447242
Dad thinks thats nonsense and 2 much work, might have to do it whn he is gone

>> No.8447275

oh and use water when sanding between multiple coats. high grit.

you are now aware that getting a good paint finish is a lot of work.

unless you're going for that shitty vibe.

>> No.8447284

i dont think you know how much windows cost

>> No.8447286

>living in houses literally made of cardboard
amerilels everyone

>> No.8447290

So much work.. Maybe i should just go for the shitty vibe. Its only a dorm room an my dad thinks he is some paint guru who doesnt need any advice. Thanks for the help thi

>> No.8447375
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>> No.8447391

the brown finishing looks good

>> No.8447414
File: 160 KB, 960x432, kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol @ that europoor kitchen

tiny sink in one corner and a hotplate on a counter in the other,

my kitchen has two ovens, a gas powered grill, 6 burners with ventilation hood, over-sized double stainless steel sink, 70 bottle wine cooler, french doored refridgerator, a $10,000 espresso machine imported from italy, not to mention the granite countertop and mahogany cabinets

>> No.8447423

>a "european garden"

>> No.8447428

>italian espresso machine

Confirmed for retard the Germans make the best ones

>> No.8447429

Thats not my kitchen
Also im a poor student u probably have a full time job>>8447375
Wooooow thanks

>> No.8447433
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>> No.8447437
File: 1.18 MB, 260x173, bm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're just b8ing but you can't really expect much from a student's dorm you know
>mfw Americans spend their most important national holiday trying to make Europeans mad on 4chan

>> No.8447439

that kitchen is ugly but I have that same fridge.

>> No.8447456

das sexy as fuc

>> No.8447467

i don't even use it, it's just for show. i picked it up at an antiques store in amsterdam, apparently it used to belong to some 17th cent. dutch banker who was gifted it by the pope

>> No.8447472

Ismt that dangerous as fuck to paint
One drop of black and ur fucked?

>> No.8447479

use some ground sheets and masking tape and it should be fine

>> No.8447498 [DELETED] 

don't be stupid, put something on floor like old newspapers

>> No.8447616

I dont get why these people never use a bed frame??

>> No.8447639

leave it as is.. 'slacker chic'

>> No.8447687
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paint it white or black man. you have nice natural lighting so as long as you dont skimp on the artificial lighting it will look cool

>> No.8447740

There is no need for one.

>> No.8447747

>lel those cdj's
>o wait theyre stoves

>> No.8447749

ohhh this looks really cool
2 late
what about hygiene? doesnt your mattress get kinda dirty?

>> No.8447753

In my country we don't wear shoes in the house, so there's that I guess.

>> No.8447767

lucky you
I'm thinking of using a pallet. looks pretty dope

>> No.8447797

>lel that midi controler
>o wait theyre electric burners

>> No.8447813

thats a cool idea but I would sand it down a little bit first. they can splinter pretty easy and you can tear your sheets or even the bed. you think about staining it at all?

>> No.8447825

Those pallets are clean as fuck, mine are beat to shit, it's so hard finding them in the right size but stealing them is always a laugh.

>> No.8447859


I bet they look better beaten. Gotta steal my own when I move to my new place. Where did you get yours?

>> No.8447867


They are like a tenner for a brand new 1m2 you bunch of ne'er–do–well street urchins.

>> No.8447868

They look ok it's just the odd board looks like it has been chewed by a dog. They're everywhere on the streets in London, someone is always having work done and they're there for the taking, feels naughty.

>not being a thieving cunt

>> No.8447874

10 pound for 1 square meter?????

>> No.8447884


If it's brand new it ain't punk

>> No.8447913


>> No.8447931

where are you going to shit?

>> No.8447949

Lmao i know it's shit but man no other student I know even has a garden here
So im not complaining>>8447931
In the toilet?

>> No.8447957

you said it was just that one room and I don't see a toilet in there

>> No.8447969

Shared multiple toilets, showers, and two kitchen

>> No.8447975

i couldnt deal with no being ableto have a relaxing poo

>> No.8447982

jesus fuck that's terrible

>> No.8447985
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Never been interrupted before

Pic related old room, only one small ass window to the kitchen lel

>> No.8448072

and I thought I was sheltered

>> No.8448264


>> No.8448366
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now the whole room is white?
What colour should my couch and bed be? Or do a pallet bed?
Pic of deak

>> No.8448394

Yeah I like it the way it is now too
>tfw one with the /fa/ hivemind

>> No.8448402

Before or after?
I liked before but after is also clean

>> No.8448404


>> No.8448413

I didn't see after, but that looks good too

>> No.8448428

Here the left part >>8447210

>> No.8449017

>you will never be pepyn


>> No.8449048

the frame is pointless, what isnt is the box spring. it makes your bed more comfy