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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 200 KB, 544x733, JGL6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8446207 No.8446207 [Reply] [Original]

Glasses thread

or is it better to wear contacts?

>> No.8446210

i fucking hate glasses
especially the new trend of massive ones like in OP pic
they look stupid as fuck and make people uglier

>> No.8446216

I think that having bad sight in general is ugly and unattractive. it means you're a genetic dead end. Just wear dick shaped glasses if you'd like, you're gonna seem stupid to people anyway

>> No.8446228

clubmasters or contacts imo

>> No.8446244
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whatever mans I like them

>> No.8446251

you should get both, i used to only wear contacts, and it dried out my eyes, which led to vessels in the eye swelling up and almost damaging my eye permanently. now i wear glasses to work or when im at home, and when i go out or want to look sharp at work i wear my contacts.

>> No.8446282

fuuuuck yes

>> No.8446284

>virgin talking about genetic dead ends
shut up you fucking autist.

>> No.8446288

>new trend
pls leave you obviously don't know what you're taking about. i h8 summer.

>> No.8446290

This is a really great advice

>> No.8447224

People don't view glasses wearers as stupid. It's pretty much the opposite.

>> No.8447231


>tfw want new glasses but clueless
>don't want face picture on 4chan

>> No.8447241

Glasses instantly make any girl look 5 times hotter.

And that's a true fact.

>> No.8447249

>you're gonna seem stupid to people anyway

have you ever left your basement holy shit

>> No.8447328

Oh come on Elliot I'm sure someone liked your glasses, they were expensive!

>> No.8447336

>he needs lenses to see

blindfag pls go

>> No.8447405

>Tfw -10.5 eyesight

>> No.8447478

that time of the year

>> No.8447505

>stop having opinions
>stop hating something i like
>arbeit macht frei

>> No.8447514

Not him, but outright hating all glasses is petty and moronic

>> No.8447523


>> No.8447528

You sound like a fucking faggot.

>> No.8447529

it's narrow-minded, and glasses are more necessity than fashion accessory (inb4 muh contacts)

>> No.8447536

still doesn't mean they look good, and I find them unattractive
they do make people uglier, especially the new trend of massive ones like OP pic
it doesn't mean i hate the people, or that i would treat friends with glasses differently, but i wouldn't date someone with glasses

>> No.8447550

>tfw without glasses my eyes would look too small for my face

thank you based glasses

>> No.8447558
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All the sufu dudes seem to be coppin oliver people's/soloist collabo

>> No.8447560
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>> No.8447568
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>> No.8447575

What's sufu?

>> No.8447581


>> No.8447598

where can I try these on? live in bumfuck nowhere in england and I only really have specsavers

>> No.8447621

see >>8447505

>> No.8447650


>broke regular glasses
>backup pair is large ones that I would only wear once in a while because of the weight
>nose bridge is raw as fuck now

>> No.8447654

Go to london you doof. Then cop on the net coz u a brokeboi

>> No.8447660

>doesn't realize the glasses are /fa/
>unaware of lasik
seriously butthurt fuccbois itt

>> No.8447669
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is dis u?

>> No.8447672
File: 60 KB, 545x359, 6a00d8341cdd0d53ef0154330bbaa4970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend loves my glasses, and so does every girl ive asked. But i break mine often cause fights and skating. They also slide down a lot, especially during sex.

>> No.8447677

>implying shit opinions don't exist

ayy lmao

>> No.8447685


you don't take your glasses off during sex?
i probably have the worst vision and I still do it

>> No.8447690

sure they do
but the matter is subjective and there is really only two opposite opinions

leading to >>8447505


>> No.8447691

>omg its just my opinion guys i'm protected to say stupid because its my opinion

if they're gonna shitpost something as dumb as "genetic dead end" with only circular logic as reasoning, don't be surprised at the ridicule

>> No.8447695

are you guys thinking i wrote both posts?
i only wrote the first, not the genetic dead end one lol

>> No.8447698

nah i don't but both posts are equally stupid

>> No.8447705

see >>8447505

>> No.8447711
File: 1.35 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20140704_142407_179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girl says my glasses are sexy as fuck.

>> No.8447719

if you're trolling at least try to be funny but i doubt you're capable of that too

>> No.8447723

but youre not, otherwise you would have posted a pic of them on your face, not in front of your monitor

>> No.8447726

so im not allowed to find glasses unattractive, and defending that makes me a troll?

sorry tumblr

>> No.8447735

sure you can, just give a decent reason why other than "i think it makes you look stupid and dumb because you're ugly" and maybe you'll get taken seriously

don't blame other websites for pointing out your incompetency bruh

>> No.8447739

its my subjective opinion that glasses make people look uglier, and that particularly the large frame glasses do this
thats all there is to my opinion but it aint going to change

>> No.8447741

Bro my feelings

>> No.8447752

glasses make me look a lot less ugly, but since switching to contacts when I was 10 wearing glasses gives me headaches and discomfort. I want to get used to them because contacts are kind of a waste of money.

>> No.8447761
File: 157 KB, 252x312, 21d48f9f-921f-4abe-96d7-0330d2ebb762[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you incapable of detail or something
we get it, you don't like glasses but it seems like you yourself don't even know why
leave that dumb subjective argument to youtube commenters, it's a last ditch argument to hide the fact that you can't explain anything

here i'll help you: i like glasses because the right frame/lens pair can complement the face accentuating the chin/jaw, eyebrows, cheekbones, eyes, haircut

you can also consider the color playing with the person's skin tone. toro y moi's skin/glasses color contrast add a bit of character to his look; how cool is that?

>> No.8447768

I do not like glasses because of their appearance? whats so hard to grasp about that? you don't need to needlessly complicate shit that just isn't. I do not like the appearance of glasses, I do not find it attractive

>> No.8447796

I literally cant see at all without them, but thats not why. Its just like, I dont want to look like a stranger to her when she looks up, and it just feels more natural.

>> No.8447801
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so you wanna call something stupid and not get called out on it because m-m-muh opinion ok got it

honestly if you don't like glasses, that's totally acceptable, i'm just trying to see why esp. if you're being so disparaging about it

>> No.8447846

>kind of a waste of money
>a miracle of science that gives you crystal clear vision with a simple film of soft material

>> No.8447851

Read "a simple film of soft material"

>> No.8448005
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>> No.8448280

+short hair

>> No.8449001

>I literally cant see at all without them

Same here I just thought it would be weird.
Like leaving your socks on

>> No.8449002

I need them to see you fucking faggot.

>> No.8449114

I wear glasses but I hate them
you feel so vulnerable and you can't swim with them, and it leads to stupid tics (correcting them randomly even when not wearing them)

I'll get LASIK when I can afford, I wear contacts rarely when I want to look better. they're annoying in the "you cannot sleep or you're fucked" and the "no swimming at all times" aspect

>> No.8449124

>mfw /fa/ is entirely made up of blind betas

>> No.8449233
File: 2.73 MB, 400x393, 1370219478712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ told me to stop wearing my glasses so I stopped

I haven't been able to see shit for a month.

>> No.8449242
File: 189 KB, 750x1000, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to think clear frames were for gaylords but then i realized im ok with being a gaylord so i got these coming in a couple weeks

ive been wearing browlines since 2011 and i figured my next pair had to be as equally unconventional as them so here i am

>> No.8449255

how much they set you back?
if I needed glasses, I'd cop ones v. similar to that.

>thank fuck for perfect eyes

>> No.8449260

my parents' insurance covered most of it and i ended up only having to pay $40 out of pocket, but they retail about $340 normally

>> No.8449262

I spent most of my childhood in front of a screen, so of course I have bad eyesight.

>> No.8449286

need new glasses and was thinking of going with something like this.

>> No.8449290

just looked at the picture again
i'm a dumbass heh

>> No.8449478

w2c cheap sunglasses that still protect my tender eyes?

Retail Stores preferred.

>> No.8449480

Depends on your face and the look you're trying to achieve. I'd say doing both is the best option.

>> No.8449506

haha i also leave my socks on. Insecurities, man

>> No.8449985

>muh environment fucked me up not genetics
get lost

>> No.8450037

anything that says uva uvb

>> No.8450048
File: 77 KB, 600x300, PO9649V-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting glasses for the first time. The prescription will be filled mid-July, what do you guys think?

>> No.8450555

I like that kind of shape. I've been thinking about getting that kind too.

>> No.8451930
File: 391 KB, 2048x1530, 1404593369854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /fa/ think of these?

>> No.8452058

>3 MacBooks
>jew hair
>freddy mecury glasses

complete faggot shit

>> No.8452071
File: 260 KB, 970x641, Maison-Kitsune-Oliver-Peoples-Spring-Summer-2014-Capsule-Collection-04-970x641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate Please,
Sunglasses are completely detachable

>> No.8452101

they look good

they are slightly dif shape than the drakes tho rite?

>> No.8452103

Knew this faggot was from Cali the second I saw him. He's straight out of casting.

>> No.8452121
File: 167 KB, 575x650, JFK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image inspired me to buy some tortoise shell raybans. Coming in the mail soon.

>> No.8452125

sup mega

>> No.8452198
File: 58 KB, 598x465, killyourdarlingsglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c round tortoiseshell glasses like these for cheap??

>> No.8452207

>macbook pros poorfag

>> No.8452225

I have two clubmaster pairs. I have the second for uniform only (Navy) and the other pair for regular day to day clothes.

>> No.8452232
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woops forgot pic

>> No.8452237
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