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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 17 KB, 450x249, fat-man1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8440466 No.8440466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 330 pounds
>tfw cant find clothes that look good
How do I dress well while being fat? And before you say lose weight, I'm already in the process of doing that and I just want to look decent while I'm still fat. What do?

>> No.8440477

dont worry about spending $ on good clothes while youre so fucking fat

just wear the shit you got and keep working towards not being a slob

>> No.8440478

>330 pounds
Just enjoy being slob until you are half that.

>> No.8440489

As a fellow fat person who has lost over 70lbs so far, I can tell you that a good body can make shit clothing look good, and a shit body can make good clothing look like shit.

For now, stick to what's affordable, like Old Navy tier, since it has been painful having to replace my wardrobe every few pant sizes. STICK WITH YOUR FUCKING DIET, do not crash diet, lurk /fit/, eat a reasonable deficit, get plenty of protein. Do not cheat yourself, you fat fuck.

>> No.8440498

Also, intermittent fasting.
Low-carb isn't really necessary, in my opinion, and will just leave you feeling weak as shit (from depleted muscle glycogen). 100g-150g of carbs has worked out for me for long-term dieting.

>> No.8440503

Lel cut off stemek fetty

>> No.8440504

>tfw 190 pounds and look fat as shit

>> No.8440518

that's called skinny fat

I suggest you uninstall world of warcraft and instead put that time towards an outdoor activity like biking or running and eating a balanced diet.

>> No.8440530

I'm already working on that, running 6 miles a day and cutting off all fast food.

Besides, if anything I should stop watching Netflix that much, only thing I use my vidya console for

>> No.8440541

6 miles god damn.

>> No.8440557

Shit nigga I'm skinnyfat and struggle to mildly jog 1.5 miles. Did 2 miles yesterday and I nearly felt like dying.
I'm so out of shape damn.

>> No.8440559

just buy gym clothes till you get to your goal weight. why waste money on clothes now? youre gonna drop pant sizes very quick

>> No.8440562

oh also you arent running 6 miles a day at 330lbs. thats good for a skinny person, let alone a fat fuck

even if you had the endurance your joints would explode

>> No.8440567

All it takes is a good podcast and I don't get tired, the only reason why I stop is because of time.

Read the whole thread, I'm not OP.

>> No.8440579

Same as you friend, 210lb, doing immense amounts of cardio + no junk and only maintaining. Metabolisms are bullshit, at least I can put on muscle mass easily

>> No.8440608

>I just want to look decent while I'm still fat


>> No.8440657
File: 67 KB, 720x552, 1391880501381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look decent while fat

>> No.8440671


What kind of clothes are you looking for?

Certain brands of clothing tend to have larger cuts than others.

For dress clothes: Brooks Brothers Traditional Fit dress shirts (maybe even regular fit depending on your height)

For jeans: Levi's 501s (they come in almost every waist and length)

For regular shirts: Lands End or LL Bean maybe?

>> No.8440673
File: 167 KB, 756x736, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking nasty. How do you wake up in the morning and look yourself in the mirror? How have you not killed yourself? Guess what, you cant find clothes that look good because nothing looks good on a disgusting smelly fat sack of shit like yourself. People look at you and think, "wow hes fucking gross" as they smell your shit-stained underwear because your probably cant even wipe your ass properly. Just fucking lose the weight as fast as possible, dont even fucking go outside, may god have pity on your wretched soul

>> No.8440674

Also if you're looking at Brooks Brothers buy now, their semi-annual sale ends July 1.

>> No.8440676

Not OP but is Brooks Brothers /fa/ if I were to get slim fit

>> No.8440688
File: 160 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're into the factory stores the sales start tomorrow

>> No.8440692

I mean it started today.

>> No.8440711

What type of shirt? Like dress shirt? Sport shirt? Polo?

Brooks Brothers must-iron Egyptian cotton dress shirts are really nice and are on sale for $100 each right now.

Brooks Brothers' non-iron shirts aren't as good, but as far as non-iron shirts go they're pretty good.

Have you ever tried on a Brooks Brothers shirt before? Their slim fit is the same size as a lot of brand's regular fits. Consider the extra-slim shirts.

Most of Brooks Brothers' outlet line stuff is of noticeably poorer quality than their main line stuff. The 346 dress shirts are not good. Their outlet line ties are on par with the mainline ones though.

>> No.8440725

>Their outlet line ties are on par with the mainline ones though.

Brooks Brothers ties have one of the best price to quality ratios as far as neckties go. I tend to buy them on eBay instead of new though. You can get good quality lightly used ones for less than $15.

>> No.8440760

Yeah I tried them, regular fit I'm a small but slim fit I'm a medium, I'm average body not skinny.

>> No.8440774


>> No.8441065

>projecting as fuck

>> No.8441071


sorry you don't get to look decent being that fat, lose weight then buy clothes

how do you fucks let yourselves get that big, jesus

>> No.8441082

I tried to do what you are trying to do when I first discovered /fa/ and I was 250 lbs. I bought some clothes I thought would look nice but ended up looking like utter shit because I was so fat. It made me not care so much about dressing well right now. So go ahead and waste some money on clothes that wont fit you a year from now and you'll be ok with dressing like shit until you get to an appropriate size.

>> No.8441095

relaxed, as blended in to the population as possible. If you try to dress fashionably i will look like a fat guy is trying and failing to dress well.

also realize im super thin and terribly depressed.

>> No.8441810


This picture is giving me a boner. I'm fucked up

>> No.8441830

You won't. Just enjoy wearing fat fuck clothes for as long as you can, because when you're slim, you'll have no excuse to wear that shit again.

>> No.8442257

Look to the niggers, OP. Nigger fashion is the only thing that's gonna work for you, but I've seen fat nigs pull all kinds of shit and not look totally awful. Also chubstr dot com

>> No.8442269

How about you lose weight you fat fuck.