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File: 235 KB, 960x960, AdtJgKh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8432564 No.8432564 [Reply] [Original]

I would honestly be okay being a perfectly average 5/10 normalfag is that was my lot in life. honestly though the comments and snickers and stares people give me because of my massive nose is not okay with me, as it shouldn't be with any human being. i've gotten the usual plethora of jew jokes, people not looking at me in the eye because of it, had a couple japanese tourists who were scared of me because they had never seen a nose that massive before. i've look up massive noses on google, blogs and tumblrs specifically noted for big nosed people, and yet every single damn person there has a petite nose compared to mine. fuck it, i'm researching rhinoplasty if it means I can step out and not be scared or anxious anymore. i'm planning on reading books on the history of rhinoplasty, researching the effects and process and risks associated with it, looking for a surgeon. and if in that year I decide I can't go my whole life with this nose i'm gonna go ahead and do it. I don't want to be handsome, I just want to feel valuable. also i'm undertaking therapy for my (possible) but justified body dismorphia and inferiority complex, and see if that changes anything.

has anyone had plastic surgery? how did friends/family/co workers react?
can't imagine how they'd treat a guy doing it.

cost? process? regrets or hopes if you could do it over again/ not do it

also how badly do i need rhinoplasty (lel) I've already accounted for the fact that as I age and my face broadens it'll look less worse. but itll always be the same size.

>> No.8432644

I think your nose looks fine... Can you post a pic from the side?

>> No.8432675

post a pic from the side, it should help more

>> No.8432690

I have a big side profile but I like it, its strong and I think i'll definitely grow into it. i'm telling you guys its mostly fucking WIDE AS FUCK from the front thats my problem.

I mean having complete strangers comment in public about it means its not completely in my head. but how bad is it really? honestly.

pics incoming

>> No.8432710
File: 225 KB, 768x1024, djz2qQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allright really unflattering profile shots from a long time ago

>> No.8432715
File: 152 KB, 960x1280, yqrP83g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my profile, yes long af but its a straight nose and has a unique shape to it, take a gander at the fucking front though, I think its actually big enough to consider surgery which is extreme, but I have an extreme nose

>> No.8432721
File: 186 KB, 768x1024, nv2eWDh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it gets bulbier if I smile

>> No.8432748

Yeah your nose is big. If you think having a surgery will improve the quality of your life, then go a head. Understand that world is full of dickheads that want to make people feel like shit, at least your nose works as an asshole-detector, both real assholes and human assholes. There's a positive side to everything.

>> No.8432756

I have negro nose and i hate it so much.
but I think I'll never get a European nose, yes?
how much nose surgery in South Korea?

>> No.8432759
File: 80 KB, 461x570, _pMPkXD7mzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget pic

>> No.8432781

you're fine, definitely you should not go for a nose from a different ethnicity. I think all changes should keep the persons face the same, just make the proportions better. look up the gold rule

>> No.8432805
File: 108 KB, 1280x934, tumblr_mzg0ifJGQy1qmemvwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i want toshiro mifune nose or so.
i am not negro :(

>> No.8432809
File: 628 KB, 357x362, mah boy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesu, my man

>> No.8432818

your main problem is your hair, get a decent haircut man.

>> No.8432822

If you want someone elses body part you are seriously fuckong up what elective plastic surgery is. You have to work with who you are, means that theres only so much you can change that would look good on you. Usually shorting length/ humps on ethnic noses and i know that asian rhinoplastys can specialize in giving you a higher bridge. Make sure its what you want and research research research on how to go about surgery. Your face is for life

>> No.8432823
File: 30 KB, 819x540, JGMiBGLh2xM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, how are you?
i am so fucking ugly :(
also you like he

>> No.8432855
File: 11 KB, 277x329, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I search asian nose job and see nothing result to european nose feelbadman

>> No.8432892

Lol that ain't even that big nigga. Mine comes out over an inch even in the middle part and I've still gotten with a few 8/10 14-15yr old hotties.

>> No.8433031

lol are you fucking retarded bruh? big noses are a manly trait, it's your weak ass chin and puffy cheeks that fuck up your looks

loose bodyfat and get chin augmentation if surgery is something you wanna do

>> No.8433049

>tfw weak bone structure with armenian face
i'm gonna take steroids and get on fin soon

>> No.8433059

you have big ears
your haircut is really bad
you have a chubby face although you're skinny
you have a sliding forehead
your face is not angular and linear enough
your nose is too angular
lips are too feminine
chin too small
jaw too angular
fat on neck makes you look really bad, fix that first

i'm uglier than you tho
i just dont give that much of a fuck

>> No.8433080
File: 98 KB, 639x480, MMMMMmmmmhmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna rhinoplasty OP
at least my jaw is decent

>> No.8433084
File: 513 KB, 595x421, rqIv2G0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great fashion thread OP

>> No.8433086

i hope you at least date an ugly girl afterward

>> No.8433089

I had surgery. I had my very exaggerated stick-out ears pinned back. Nobody noticed they just said my face looks fatter.

I also use filler to correct a broken nose and give me cheekbones.

>> No.8433092

why doe

>> No.8433093

stop posting yourself jesus this is why you have low self esteem there is nothing wrong with you or anyone else in this thread

it's okay to not look like a model

and your jawline is average as fuck

>> No.8433095

cause you're a fraud and a shallow cunt

>> No.8433096

>there is nothing wrong with you or anyone else in this thread

>> No.8433098

easy for you to say you werent born with a nigger nose

>> No.8433101

as you age? How old are you now 17?

>> No.8433103

i was born with a jew nose, a weak chin, lazy eyes and a babyface
so what

stop fucking projecting

>> No.8433104

do you know what projecting means tho?
also a jew nose is far better than a wide one, as long as its not wide its fine

>> No.8433105

shallow people are the reason the world is such a shitty place

>> No.8433107

go put on some makeup lmao

>> No.8433111

makeup doesnt fix this faggot
i aint gonna stay in uglyville forever when a simple nosejob can raise me at least one point up the scale and cure my insecurity

>> No.8433112


Seriously, how old are you two?

>> No.8433119

you'll never be confident, you'll always be a bitch no matter how much plastic surgery you get
your looks are going to fade away anyway and you'll have no personality because your face would be your only asset you fucking neanderthal retard.

>> No.8433122
File: 650 KB, 300x167, p5bYsYg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa whoa whoa
I think you need to calm down bro

>> No.8433123

I think he's right though

>> No.8433125

You all want plastic surgery so you can impress some girl, what about when you finally get her and you have ugly ass kids because your face is a lie? Just work with what you got.

>> No.8433126

if you really wanted to look good you'd start lifting at least try the gym

>> No.8433127

go away /fit/ everyone knows facial aesthetics>body
also i play sports and my bf is pretty low

>> No.8433128 [DELETED] 

>bf is pretty low
probably because he's sucking your dick.


>> No.8433129 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 200x195, 1337570881831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish

>> No.8433130 [DELETED] 

probably fingering his ass since he's a fucking twink

>> No.8433132

talk shit post face

>> No.8433134 [DELETED] 

i'm a grill and i'd rather have an ugly guy with a nice body than a cute guy with a skinny fat build and saggy butt

>> No.8433143 [DELETED] 

What happened to all the other funny responses? Looks like there's an overly serious mod recently appointed :(

>> No.8433146 [DELETED] 

annorexic bitch ass moderator

>> No.8433147 [DELETED] 

I got banned for saying I came over the Rick Owens PES game lol

>> No.8433151 [DELETED] 

lol well this board is shit anyway
only monochrome fashion and rick owens cock sucking

>> No.8433297

You're not a great lookin dude, if you can't accept your nose now, what makes you think you went fund a new problem with your face once your nose is taken care of?

>> No.8433452

iktf op

>> No.8433460

I want plastic surgery so I can impress myself

>> No.8433479

dem cute Kazakh guy

>> No.8433498

bones is super model material and he knows it

>> No.8433505
File: 58 KB, 480x638, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw masterrace mixed jawn
>tfw born with perfect features already
>tfw i have a gf so lel at u virgin neets

>> No.8433517
File: 106 KB, 480x640, IMG_0959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are my cheeks to puffy?
Sorry I took picture with a potato

>> No.8433876

hahaha are you serious? a small nose doesn't imply attractive, a big nose doesn't imply ugly. it's all about the proportions of your face. op would look retarded with a small nose.

i'd much rather want a "stable" wide nose compared to a shitty thin nose that looks terrible from profile view

if you actually think a thin jew nose looks better than a wide nose in place then you just have shitty taste and i guess you want to be ugly

>tfw people blame all their unattractiveness on their noses instead of realizing it's actually just their face

>> No.8433884

I don't think you know what "masterrace" is.
Because you are definitely not it.

>> No.8434388

good profile товарищ i'd drink absinthe w/ u