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/fa/ - Fashion

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8427386 No.8427386 [Reply] [Original]

I went to get a haircut today and the haircut lady said I have "nerd hair" and i asked wtf that even means. And she said my hair is the dryest shes ever seen, like hay, it looks terrible and it was long. She said to stop shampooing it every day and I said I dont, I shampoo it every other day when I get back from the gym, so 3 times a week. She also said to put avacado's on my hair, idfk what that means. Any advice?

>> No.8427395

>not avacadoing your hair

are you new? read the sticky

>> No.8427397

lol post pics

>> No.8427417

I did, i saw nothing about this

>> No.8427483


>> No.8427532
File: 293 KB, 720x620, Screenshot_2014-06-29-19-23-20-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used bleach my hair all the time back in the day. Went from black to white more than once. My hair started snapping off when wet and breaking of when dry. Twas hay my friend. It was a nightmare. Looking up ways to stop the horror led me to pic related. After the first use my hair felt like silk. Not even joking. I recommend it so highly im touching clouds.

>> No.8427549
File: 1.50 MB, 1527x457, here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.8427558


> 2014
> not putting activated almonds on scalp

Read the sticky you savage....

>> No.8427636

How often should one wash their hair? What do you do if it looks gross and smells gross?

>> No.8427647

wash it with water, it's not that hard to understand people

>> No.8427650
File: 41 KB, 300x300, bleached-damaged-hair-ends-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this.

>> No.8427656

but what if your hair is oily and smelly

>> No.8427668


>> No.8427672

Dry shampoo. I don't know about the smell though.

>> No.8427693

how often do you have to do this?

>> No.8427719

First of all oily hair sin't bad, secondly, the water should get rid of the smell if you do it daily unless it's smoke smell or something.

>> No.8427734

I did mine once a week. But it's ultimately up to you.

>> No.8427736
File: 818 KB, 1480x2200, h34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so strange that boys are never taught how to care for their hair?

like they shampoo everyday with the cheapest brand shampoo and its fucking puzzling

anyway wear a shower cap on days where you arent washing your hair. shampoo/condition when you feel like it's getting too oily. it's not rocket science

>> No.8427758

what about conditioning without shampooing?

>> No.8427768

Yes that's fine I do that often as I bleach and colour

>> No.8427775

will that hurt my hair? or is that better than shampooing all the time

>> No.8427792

probably because i have divorced parents they taught me everything they could on there times they could share with me, my hair is very healthy and thick

>> No.8428545

Change shampoos, shampoo daily.


>> No.8428547

I shampoo daily with the right shampoo. It's magnificently soft and thick.

I think most just pick up whatever's on sale.

>> No.8428891

I get my shampoo from the dollar store

>> No.8429583

Its called VA i believe

>> No.8429592
File: 2.34 MB, 2874x2160, transform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair was gross as shit before I started doing the no-poo method. It flipped at the ends and was a tangly mess and got greasy in the span of a day. (http://www.love-yourself-naturally.com/2013/04/welcome-to-no-poo-hair-care/).). Was grossed out and put off by it at first but then I tried it out. Saw crazy results. I even went back to using shampoo just to to see if there really was an improvement. Started doing shampoo and it went back to the same way. After ridding my hair of the shampoo it got straighter and softer and i can go like 5 days without washing it before it gets greasy. I started just using all shampoo bars from http://www.chagrinvalleysoapandsalve.com/ instead of the baking soda and water and they work wonders too. I still use the vinegar and water cause it works for my hair. Also decided to dye my hair using http://www.mehandi.com/shop/blackbundles/index.html..

And heres the transformation if you dont believe me. My hair is the longest its ever been and my bangs go past my nose even though it doesnt look it

>> No.8429657

you put poo on your hair? wtf?

>> No.8429680


>> No.8430554

looks hella nice n8

>> No.8430647

left looks better

>> No.8430664

if you seriously think that then you probably dont know what healthy hair looks like. there was a time where i thought the same. have fun with your NERD hair NERD

>> No.8430675
File: 670 KB, 1529x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got it yesterday, hows the cut?

>> No.8430679

Not the other guy but the right looks like a faggot. By all means keep your 'healthy hair' but stop looking like the 14 year old emo kid nobody spoke to.

>> No.8430680

That's because boys aren't as into fashion, make up, etc. as women are. I mean, girls don't want a guy who spends as much time on their hair as his girlfriend would. Right?

>> No.8430686

>Still thinking girls are into fashion

Stop believing everything the Jew media wants you to believe.

>> No.8430688

it is true that i keep the scenie baby hairstyle. ive been told i look great with it and nothing else really suits me. im not an emo faggot and i dont come across that way so whats the harm?

>> No.8430698

No, because it makes it easier to live.

>> No.8430705

please respond :(

>> No.8430712

it looks fine dude.nothing really special. how did it look previously?

>> No.8430722
File: 660 KB, 1529x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down past my cheek bones, unkept an the back was mid neck level

>> No.8430726

It's a bit too short, but no worries since it'll grow back
also you look about 13

>> No.8430727

well i mean you have a decent jaw and facial structure you could show that off by shaving the sides and keeping the top long

>> No.8430740

hahaa I know, and I agree it mght be a little short, Ive been on /fa/ for a couple years now
Eh I don't like a hair cut that stands out
but thank you for the compliment

>> No.8430756

it shouldn't stand out if you do it right
unless if by "stands out" you mean people would say "hey look he has a nice haircut"

>> No.8430773

:( Im just scared of something extravagant

>> No.8430806

just don't do it too short on the sides/too long on the top. it should look good on you.

>> No.8430818

>mfw he doesn't equivocate his avocados

>> No.8430830

Can anyone confirm this? my hair is dry and frizzy as fuck and im running out of ideas

>> No.8431131

His hair looks like it needs a wash. Once that happens, maybe we'll be able to tell if it's healthy or not.

>> No.8431163


i haven't been that high in awhile

>> No.8431176

this was all you?

>> No.8431192


>> No.8431228
File: 6 KB, 191x250, 1393194315552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d...does this really work guize

>> No.8431261

it's a troll as old as the internet itself. it'll turn your hair bleach white. see>>8427650

>> No.8431266

anon said he used it to help his hair after he bleached it. dont make fun of me

>> No.8431275
File: 212 KB, 324x348, sick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't do it. unless you want sickboy, then go ahead.

>> No.8431281

i have the same problem as >>8430830 and don't know what to do

>> No.8431295
File: 217 KB, 449x562, wale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do anything. deal with your nigger hair. get dreads. wale's got some good ones.

>> No.8431303

but my hairs straight yo

>> No.8431330
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, mfwbeard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Wale has better aesthetics than 99.9% of /fa/

>> No.8432569

how long have you been doing it for

>> No.8434362

ehhh lets see probably around the start of junior year, but probably more like a few months in. so like almost a year maybe?

>> No.8434400

Avocado is rich in fatty acids and is full of vitamins, it is a good natural moisturiser - hence she recommended it. I suggest a deep conditioning hair mask every week or so.

>> No.8434418

fuck that old cunt and go to a real barber you shithead

>> No.8434459

>tfw started no-poo some weeks ago
>tfw had to start work again
>tfw sweat in my shitty hat every night
>tfw had to use baking soda more frequently
>tfw just went back to poo instead
>tfw hair looks good as fuck after alternating between cold water and cheap poo
deal with it nerds

>> No.8434484

ehhh lets see probably around the start of junior year, but probably more like a few months in. so like almost a year maybe?

>> No.8434494

youre doing it wrong. did you even look into the process at all? theres a muge hump you have to get over where your hair looks like shit and is shit. it gets better if you stick to the process.

>> No.8434505

I recommend using dry shampoo or baby powder during the adjustment period, it soaks up excess oil without disturbing the scalp, makes greasy hair bearable for an extra day.