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/fa/ - Fashion

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8423377 No.8423377[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is my hairline too far gone, /fa/?

what would be my best option? just buzz it? because frankly I'm incapable of attempting all these fancy hairdos I see on this board.

pic 1/2

>> No.8423378
File: 43 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20140628_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8423383

Hard to say with these pics. Your line still looks straight and wide which is what truly matters.

>> No.8423391

just imagine where my hand is, the hairline begins, at least the corners of the widow's peak

>> No.8423399

grow it out, slick it back, blond dracula

>> No.8423425 [DELETED] 


>> No.8423437


>> No.8423439


>> No.8423500 [DELETED] 


>> No.8423514


>> No.8423572

bump, any ideas of what to do with it? I just kind of awkwardly comb it to the side atm

>> No.8423599

Just buzz it. My hairline is receding and the hair on the whole top of my head is thinning so I just started keeping it real short(like under 1/16") and everyone thinks I look better now. I had thought about getting that hair transplant shit where they take hair from the back of your head and put it on the top, but that shit ain't worth it. They cut a piece of skin off the back of your head to take the hair from, leaving a huge scar on the back of your head, and it's just a temporary solution.
Buzz it. Don't bother with other shit.

>> No.8423603

a quality response at last, ty anonymous

>> No.8423997


>> No.8424005

Is buzzing it the answer to any haircut dilemma, receding hairline or not?

>> No.8424009

essentially yes, unless you're female

>> No.8424175

lol is /fa/ pretty much going bald?

there's one of these threads everyday

>> No.8424672

you should get roger Sterling's cut from mad men he's had mad mpb since the first season and i've always admired his hair
i don't have to worry about mpd tho my brothers started losing hair at 17 and i'm well past that.
feels good

>> No.8424694

my father wore hats and my brother decided to become smooth and bald
neither are /fa/ but my father has very strong features
strong jaw high cheek bones,my brother has very smooth blob/women features, pretty tall tho
>deep voice, strong jawline, thick hair, high cheek bones, tall
>have all the best traits while my brother and sister are fucked
feels good

>> No.8426548

you're an asshole though.

>> No.8426575
File: 1.96 MB, 3888x2592, IMG_0766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my hair 1/2

>> No.8426580
File: 2.92 MB, 3888x2592, IMG_0797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my hair 2/2

>> No.8426606


>> No.8426616

you have hairline recession but your hair is very thick. Imo you wont ever experience any rapid hairloss..maybe take fin to be safe

>> No.8426647

that's an hd ass camera god damn

btw your hair is fine you still got probably 15 years of good hair, op on the other hand...

>> No.8426663

>just shave it bro
u dun goofed enjoy your egghead

>> No.8426679


i'll better follow ur advice

>> No.8426681

>They cut a piece of skin off the back of your head to take the hair from, leaving a huge scar on the back of your head, and it's just a temporary solution.
Are you still in the 90s? Look up FUE hair transplant. The don't cut your skin anymore.

>> No.8426694

if you have little family history of baldness i wouldn't bother tho.

>> No.8426698

Look up finasteride, minoxidil and dermarolling.
After you've done your research, consider starting the treatment.
Also, this >>8426681

>> No.8426918

where to buy minoxidil on internet?

>> No.8426928

Google. But consider finasteride first. Minox grows back, but finas is what stops your hair from falling, growing it thicker eventually. Also, using only minoxidil would make you shed like a motherfucker.

>> No.8427409

unrelated but what camera is that?

>> No.8428070

like 90% of men recede.. most people here are under 25 so they think they are immune for now.

>> No.8429544

i dont really think this is that bad yet, might just be your mature hairline

>> No.8429902

>like 90% of men recede

p-prove it


>> No.8429953
File: 53 KB, 802x540, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically same question as OP, as I don't know what haircut would at least not look completely shitty.

>> No.8430203


that's what u get 4 bullying me in high school
low testosterone 4 lif

>> No.8430303
File: 323 KB, 960x640, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad hasn't receded at all well into his 50s but my mom's dad apparently receded. I'm extremely paranoid about it at the moment, because although it appears relatively fine at 18 I swear I can feel thinning at the temples.

>> No.8430307

looks fine

>> No.8430364

haha, it's coming nigga. my hair looked like yours at 20. all the subtle signs i can detect. i am bald as george costanza now and you will be too within 10 years.

>> No.8430382

Subtle signs like?

>> No.8430497


you don't know how you made me laugh dude, you are evil ahahahah

>> No.8430515

i lfd

>> No.8430527

bald fag here
it comes from your mothers side

>> No.8430580
