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8418878 No.8418878 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else knows this? When I look in the mirror I see a qt, but when I take a pic of myself I am so damn ugly.

That really shutters my self-esteem and confidence and I am not sure what is the "real" me.

Soo... what is real? And do you have this problem too?

>> No.8418883

No, because I know what angles I look good from.

>> No.8418885

But when I look straight in the mirror - damn qt
when I take a pic of myself straight, like if it'd be a mirror - hideous

>> No.8418897

Have a dark background.

>> No.8418899

I know that feel, thought I was looking good, tried to take a selfie for the online dating app, saw the pic (fucker previews flipped or whatever) and deleted the pic and app.

I get told I'm handsome and even beautiful, I even got the drunken "Im not gay you know...but I'd consider it" a few times but holy shit If it's true why can't I take a good pic. I don't know what to believe

>> No.8418903

focal length of lens
phones have wide af lenses to increase frame, reduce shake etc.
looking in the mirror is like looking at yourself thru a ~35-50mm lens.
also, a living, breathing person is generally more appealing than a still. also, body dysmorphia?
idk, post face.

>> No.8418904

a high-quality video is definitely the best interpretation you'll ever get of what others perceive you as

you're used to what you look like in the mirror, and of course, you have your ego to take into account

>> No.8418909

I take really good flash photos.

>> No.8418911
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>> No.8418921
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>> No.8418924

I tried to take a pic for tinder, for the occasional fuck, but duuuude... all my pics are shit!

>fellow /p/haggot detected
but nigga, 35mm would be eye level for crop sensor, 50mm is eye level for full frame, or am I mistaking?
>implying I post my sack of shit face
no way, I look like shit on pics


>> No.8418940
File: 226 KB, 1072x738, 2014-06-27 17.25.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only slightly attractive

>> No.8418951

I once put up a pic of my MALE MODEL bro (he is kinda unknown and it was a private pic, so google couldn't find it) and I almost always got no and absolutely not

what is this kind of faggot site, srsly?

>> No.8418958

Maybe he's ugly.

>> No.8418965

nah dude, he's not the typical male model with ridiculous jaw line, cheek bones and sunken in cheeks

think more of a rj king type of guy

>> No.8418972

maybe they said no because they thought it was fake pic?

>> No.8418973


>> No.8418979

Oh, well I'm pretty masculine looking and the site is full of mid to late 20s women not teens. They generally don't like boyish looks after 25.

>> No.8418981

thought of that, but as I said, he's a fairly unknown model, I doubt everyone there knew him
also, it was a really casual pic, bad lighting and taken with a shitty handy cam
but he was still very handsome in that pic

to me, that community is bullshit

>> No.8418989
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This is also applicable to clothes by the way. When you take a fit pic, just keep in mind that nothing is actually as loose as it seems in the photo.

>> No.8418988

they prob can't into facial aesthetics

>> No.8418995

Post the pic.

>> No.8418999

oh well, that might be it
he's 18 and looks pretty young, just like rj king

thats my confidence builder number one
I always just tell myself that everyone who finds me unattractive is a damn pleb (I got high cheekbones and a slightly above average jawline)

>> No.8419004

don't have it anymore, that was months ago

>> No.8419021


I got a new iPhone with the selfie cam, and I look like an aardvark with herpes in very picture I take with it. I think it has a ballooning effect on faces, and it really accentuates skin blemishes too

>> No.8419025

Take the pic with a beige lampshade for your lighting.

>> No.8419026

I'm >>8418899
And I was using an iPads front cam, and it think you're right, it was some fucked up giraffe faced shit

>> No.8419028

fucking this
I recently got the iphone 5s and I hate the pics I take with the selfie cam
god damnit
my skin always looks worse/redder on some spots than in the mirror

>> No.8419033

Know the feel.

>cell phone selfies
unattractive if I'm close to the camera, more like I actually look if I go full arms length away

>security cameras, video

usually attractive, sometimes not

I get mistaken for young leo all the time

>> No.8419038

God I love looking at myself in the security monitors at work and at waffle house.

>> No.8419041

>mistaken for young Leo

Do they think you are a time traveler

>> No.8419043

Selfies are a ruse, they can make whales look skinny with angles, attractive unattractive with weird angles and shit cameras, unattractive attractive with instagram filters and other weird shit.

Pro tip: never take selfies, ever. Are you autistic? Do you have a life or friends? If you have a life and friends then you should at some point have a natural picture of you taken. Use that fucking picture you dipshit.

>> No.8419046

lol i don't go on /p/
film student tho

>> No.8419069

Probably, 3/4ths of the time it's Koreans because the only Leo they really know is the Titanic version of Leo. I've gotten it from every race though, except Indians because they're usually mean as fuck and never say anything nice to anybody ever.

>confidence down because no reason I'm crazy
>watching a security camera recording, watching myself walk around the store and people steal shit while I'm oblivious
>to busy admiring my pretty boy mannerisms and swag from the recording to give a fuck about catching the thieves now

omg pretty dude on the internet y'all read my posts look at me
but yeah it's fun

>> No.8419075

Fuck indians. I hate them.

>> No.8419087

Wow shut up

I agree mostly, but I'm 23 and have a job and my friends aren't into taking pics of everything we do, and neither am I. Selfies are a necessity sometimes, and IMO they're fine if you have one or two for purposes, any more and you're a drone

>> No.8419090

But what if I'm good looking but like making goofy faces when my friends take pix

>> No.8419191

fucking this
I never take a selfie because my eyes look all fucking wonky
mirror pics seem okay though

>> No.8419257

So what is real? How you look through in your mirrors, or how you looked flipped in selfies?

In mirrors I look so symmetrical, then in selfies my entire face looks like its bent. It's odd.

>> No.8419268

>Selfies are a necessity

Whoa what a load of bullshit.
Ok faggot, when people on a forum about superficial things tells you that selfies are shit and u insist in calling them a necessity, then u should consider gtfo from this planet.

>> No.8419272

I look good in videos but in a still photo I look like a 2/10 nerd.

>> No.8419329


When i take photos with the front facing camera of my phone i look like someone hit me in the face with a brick. When i take pics with the back facing camera and flash on i look bretty good. I think its just that low quality cameras fuck you face up.

>> No.8419338

who cares if you get pussy?




>> No.8419521

That punctuation is questionable.

>> No.8419662

so is ur mum

>> No.8419720

I'll have you know my mom is as beautiful as freuds.

>> No.8419724

In real life no one cares about your cheekbones or jawline

girls aren't tryna decide if you look like a model or not

>> No.8419757

>When I look in the mirror I see a qt, but when I take a pic of myself I am so damn ugly.

fuck this shit tfw gals asking why I dont use my photos on wechat

>> No.8419763

worst is when people take a cell phone pic from chest height downward at a mirror

makes their legs look so short

>> No.8419788

>implying looks don't matter

>> No.8419792

I'm the opposite. I photograph (when doing it myself) poorly, but just random picture of me/in person I look much better.

>> No.8420372

Digital cameras are not flattering to people.

You're accustomed to seeing your face in a mirror (flipped perspective) and the camera takes that away. If you take a photo of yourself, then flip the imagine vertically, you'll like it much better. Thanks to the mirror, you see the flipped image more frequently, that means it's the version you prefer.

>> No.8420391

Need 80mm+ m8. Not sure what that would be on a crop but on my mf camera it's 135mm

>> No.8420438


Define real. I wouldn't say any of those are real, because both are images processed by your mind. Now, if you're asking how do people actually see you, it's way more like you see yourself in mirrors than in pics.

Take in mind that unless the mirror is curved or has some other kind of trick it's just merely reflecting the rays of light the same way they go in. If you take any object and you look at it directly or through a mirror you see almost the exact same, right? The point that it's flipped is not making it that different.

Now take a pic of that same objetc with your phone. Your eye doesn't work the same way as that shitty electronic device made somewhere in Asia, so you're going to see it larger, wider, more curved, or whatever.

>> No.8420460

It's because our perception of ourselves is very warped and different from what others see and camera shots are simulating another person's point of view. This is because we can only see ourselves from a mirror view unless of course we take a photo.

>> No.8421359
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>> No.8421374
File: 55 KB, 554x367, preston chaunsumlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone links you on a facebook photo
>tfw you look retarded as fuck
>tfw you don't want to ask your friends to take down the photo because you would seem like an autist

>> No.8421392
File: 7 KB, 263x191, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see myself in the mirror
>for some reason i starts posing like Hedi in pic related
>feel like a 8/10
>see photos of me taken by friends
>look whiter and a little bit chubbier

i´m one hideous fuck

>> No.8421396

Take a video of yourself.

>> No.8421451

How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real

>> No.8421479
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8421492

>mfw had the same problem
>got good photos for the first time

>> No.8421494


>> No.8421576


>> No.8421610

>mah nigga

>> No.8421669

just remove the link

>> No.8421769

First of all when you look at yourself in a mirror the image is reversed. You are also seeing yourself at your eye level which makes you seem more attractive than you are because it makes unsymmetrical features less noticable. A camera can capture a distorted image of a person depending on the lens. A wide angle lens will make your nose appear larger than it actually is. But overall a picture of you is a more accurate image than you looking at yourself in a mirror.

>> No.8421935
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>tfw getting voted out and half say absolutely not

i dont even feel that ugg

>> No.8421939

Its because when you look at yourself in the mirror you get used to a mirrored version of your actual face, so when you see what your face really looks like in a photo it looks weird/ugly as fuck

look it up

>> No.8422510

How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real

>> No.8423799
File: 237 KB, 960x674, asdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like 5 minutes for you. Wait a while.

I'm down to 3 hours now and still good.

>tfw no one noticed my user name

>> No.8424188

Maybe we're used to seeing ourselves flipped in a mirror but in pictures we aren't so it looks odd. >>8422510
Suprised no one commented this until now lol