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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.8413187

Two looks a lot better imo

>> No.8413212

I appreciate your input. C: Thanks.

One person I asked (a male) said 2 looked overly masculine due to the 2 flaps and the shape. Can you explain why 2 looks a lot better?

>> No.8413252
File: 114 KB, 572x506, Screen Shot 2014-06-26 at 1.00.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a side picture of #1

>> No.8413255
File: 136 KB, 574x578, Screen Shot 2014-06-26 at 1.02.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a side picture of #2

>> No.8413281


>> No.8413294

Two looks more sturdy and the sole looks nicer, and if you're smaller that heel is more noticeable but won't be uncomfortable.

>> No.8413310
File: 74 KB, 300x300, 1396803730453.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: if you're 6'0 or over
2: is you're 5'10 and under

it is that easy

>> No.8413328
File: 15 KB, 300x256, t_91f241a422ae4791aa56803f309d4e15[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt azn

>> No.8413339

Oh. True. Thanks C:

Appreciate the help. C: Thank you.


>> No.8413347
File: 9 KB, 148x160, Screen Shot 2556-12-09 at 9.40.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is for you
and if you're calling yourself a "petite, qt azn"

>> No.8413379

I don't like neither one

>> No.8413440

That's okay. c: Thanks anyways.

>> No.8413443

Do you >have< to buy one or the other?

Or do you have other choices

>> No.8413497
File: 167 KB, 612x612, 815b80d233e611e1abb01231381b65e3_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've kind of had my heart set on a nice looking pair of shoes I could wear in decent material. My current shoes are 101% shit-tier. Found some black suede shoes before that I liked but were marred with a logo.

I don't know what else to put on my feet. I can't get along with the sneaker look that seems popular. And I'm reluctant to spend over $100. The only thing people I know wear are sneakers (like Nike), chacos (Kill me.), and Sperry's (Crying). I don't know much about what options there are that I could reasonably obtain.

>> No.8413579

There's a derby thread, you might want to look into it to see which look you want the most.

If you're looking for lowtops
I'd recommend clark desert londons
Their DBs are also pretty okay

>> No.8413609

Ah. Thanks for the suggestion.
>Mentally adding "derby" to my vocabulary.

>> No.8413620

Oh damn, please lurk more, it is not twitter, stop attentionwhoring.
For questions that do not deserve their own thread (read as: "retarded questions") there is fuccboi general.
Stupid piece of vagina cccccc:::::

>> No.8413653

Ok. Thanks! C: