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File: 614 KB, 1892x1280, This style is rare now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8410859 No.8410859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily fucking reminder some of you "hipsters" started out with the emo lifestyle and converted into the most fucking disgusting style of choice possible. Enjoying your dadcore button ups and stupid rimmed glasses? Your big stupid beard and your beanies with your dumb boring looking shoes?
Emo clothing was colorful and unique. It involved colorful shirts, shorts for girls and tight cut jeans for guys. colorful streaks of dyed hair and armbands. little fickle chains...all of it.

Thanks, hipster community. Thanks for destroying the only thing I loved in life. Thanks.

>> No.8410864


>> No.8410865

nigga are you 12

>> No.8410866

Can't tell if fake or pathetic

Or both

>> No.8410867

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.8410869

nohipsters here dude, just awkward skinny fat kids in 2nd hand designer clothes

>> No.8410870

>tfw youll never have a qt3.14 scene girl

>> No.8410872

No, Infact, I'm going to be turning god damn 21 years old next week on the third, and it only pisses me off that the only community I enjoyed to be with died out. Only legit people with the same choice of clothing continued to go on wearing casual shit, and the others zombifuckinfied themselves into this hipster bullshit that looks terrible.

>> No.8410882
File: 726 KB, 400x225, 15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only hipsters talk like this.

>> No.8410884

u just copied that off the internet lol

>> No.8410887

>hanks for destroying the only thing I loved in life.
im i on myspace?

>> No.8410894

no ur on 4chan doofus

>> No.8410895

Lol I doubt this is real.
But if it is, I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about.
That style is boring as shit, I think you should be mad at MFA if you're going to bitch.
Also, dressing like an emo makes you look like a child. Lurk more faggot.

>> No.8410897

u just copied that off the internet lol

>> No.8410902
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pic related

>> No.8410908

>still emo
top kek

>> No.8410909

emos to me are hipsters
dude you werent even in high school in 2003-2005 back when emo was kind of a thing so why so fucking mad?? remember that fad's come and go and emo was just a fad for socialy awkward people in the early 2000's

>> No.8410915

but nobody fucking dresses "hipster" anymore. all the people deemed "hipster" have moved on, and here you are going on about old as fuck trends.

for the record, emo was shit too. and it was never "colorful" or "unique." it was just a bunch of melodramatic, self-absorbed whiny suburban kids that wore all black and cut themselves while listening to shitty MCR and taking myspace/vampirefreaks selfies.

>> No.8410920

What's the new trend?

>> No.8410934

> tfw you will never be scene and a have a scene gf again
I'm actually ok with this.

>> No.8410944

as far as fa goes, it's all techwear, normcore, or gothninja shit now.

but i don't really follow any particular trends, so i couldn't tell you what those are all about.

>> No.8410950

Is this post from 2004?

>> No.8410955

And, ugh, this copypasta is so wrong and people need to stop using it. Go read What Was The Hipster, even just the short NY Mag article by Mark Grief.

>> No.8410967

this is my fav copypasta.

emo aesthetically looks like cheap shit.

Rick is literally perfect for you. You can get all your nerd angst clothes in a way that actually looks good.

>> No.8410973

Nothing can be more summer and faggy than your post OP. Please go take some high school summer classes.

Also, I would love to plow that chick in pic

>> No.8410978

wtf is wrong with u

>> No.8410979

yung lean and sadboys.

>> No.8410986 [DELETED] 

Reported actually

>> No.8410987

uhh you're just wrong.

Your problem is you're thinking of "Hipster" as some defineable social demographic. That in itsself seems really nebulous and like something someone from an ad-agency in Brooklyn would invent.

Anyway, what the copypasta is talking about is the use of "hipster" to describe someone. Have you never been called a hipster after talking to someone about music or heard someone described as "hipster". Honestly the word has only entered wide use within the plebulation in the last 4-5 years.

People basically use this word when they see something they are unfamiliar with and recognise as being non-mainstream.

>> No.8410990


>> No.8410992

dude that article was written in 2010 right when hipsterdom was at it's peak/breaking into the mainstream.

>> No.8410994


>> No.8411034

u just copied that off the internet lol

>> No.8411043

health emo is trending now

>> No.8411053

isn't it called "health goth?"

>> No.8411057

OP confirmed for newfaggotry

>> No.8411060

She's cute as hell in both pictures.

Also I think you're mixing up emo and scene.

emo > scene

>> No.8411061

Is this 2012?

>> No.8411073


also to continue this.>>8410987

this journalist has the problem so many modern journalists have of wanting to understand and classify a cultural phenomenen more than ANYTHING ELSE. His micro-analysis of minutiae of "hipster fashion" is mostly bullshit.

for instance, the thing about skinny jeans is a joke.

>> No.8411084

the ones with the bar across the bridge of the nose

>> No.8411091

>That in itsself seems really nebulous and like something someone from an ad-agency in Brooklyn would invent.

You see, this phrase is hipster. You try and create a cultural context for certain actions and attempt to raise awareness to that context. That is an integral part of being a hipster. Without even realizing it, your analysis shows you possess a hipster mind-set.

>> No.8411111

Emo ended around 2007~2009 or so, not early 2000s

>> No.8411112
File: 74 KB, 1200x499, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you go on tumblr most of the women post
>me two years ago, so embarrassing
usually a pic of them as a scene-faggot sometimes it's a post or drawing
usally has XD's w/ pretensions wetboo shit
you can smell the scene
one trend to another right
OP ur a fuckin' dickhead

>> No.8411116


>> No.8411127

>wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).
snotty and meta

just watch portlandia!
just watch ifc!

>> No.8411131

yhea your right. my bad.
honestly curious to see if it picks up.

>> No.8411135

lol. that sentence is almost nonsensical. Are you talking about me pinning bullshit millenial articles on Brooklyn? That doesn't make me a "hipster at all".

To re-iterate more concisely:

-the subculture talked about in the article has existed/does exist but many of the details in the article are really tenuous guesses at that culture.

-the word "hipster" (at least where I've lived in aus/nz) is used by young people SEPERATELY TO THE DEFINITION GIVEN BY THE ARTICLE. It is basically used whenever some plebe encounters some aspect of culture that they aren't familiar with and, to some extent, feel threatened by.

really the confusion comes from the word being used in so many different ways and being so poorly understood.

>> No.8411154

That's scene, you dumb cunt. It's not even second wave emo. It's scene and it's shit. Post hardcore died in 2005.

>> No.8411158

>-the subculture talked about in the article has existed/does exist but many of the details in the article are really tenuous guesses at that culture.

we aren't talking about you're second point. hipster as in subculture like from emo to hipster. why would it be from emo to a word used by plebs to describe aspects of cultere they aren't familiar w/, you're a fucking tool.

>> No.8411163

Taking Back Sunday was the biggest 2nd wave emo band and they peaked in 2006 so you're right.

>> No.8411168

>the confusion comes from the word being used in so many different ways

>> No.8411175

Don't forget Panic at the Disco as well.

>> No.8411179

Yeah, but they were bad. So were the used and fall out boy.

>> No.8411180

lol why are you young men so angry???

obviously it's important to distinguish between:

a) the kind of person living in Williamsburg


b) people who are often called hipsters

if we are going to have a discussion about this.

If you want to talk about the first definition, that's cool. I just want to establish this difference.

WHat is your point exactly?

>> No.8411185

Reggie watts

>> No.8411188

seapunk and its alternatives made more nostalgic music

>> No.8411190

I never listened to them, but I just remember them being super popular.
In high school I was into scenegirls a bit, but going to a private school meant I never actually met any.
Spent too much time inside too.

>> No.8411197

Scene girls listened to escape the fate and bring me the horizon.

>> No.8411200

Never even heard of those.

>> No.8411204

Are you like 25?

>> No.8411209

Emo scene goth soft grunge all that shit looks the fucking same just gets a new name

It was all shit the only style that has stuck is preppy, which proves it's the best style.

>> No.8411221
File: 263 KB, 409x516, 1396898148035_henry-viii-tights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21, but talked to a fair share of emofags growing up.
Fuck that shit, we need to bring back tights

>> No.8411227

point is OP is obv talking about hipsters as a sub culture and your post was pointless also not the same guy you've been replying to, bruv.

>> No.8411230


There were only a few in public schools anyways, MySpace just made it seem like there were a lot.

>> No.8411231

What your saying is, that there's actually something like a hipster, there's a definition. You're saying that there are things inherent to being a hipster.

That leads to following conclusions:
those things have to be somewhere, there must be a place where they have been written down. Where is it? Who did it?

There is a 'line' a difference between people who are and who aren't hipsters. Where is it? Can you pinpoint it? At what point does a person become a hipster and not just someone with 'uniqe' ( or generic 'snowflake') taste?

There aren't any inherent things, there are no lines and distinctions. Nobody identifies as a hipster. The label only comes from 'outside', from somebody calling someone a 'hipster'. Thing is, people use and bend this word in a million different ways, usually to offend and label someone whose taste is slightly different. Claiming that the word has any meaning and that there are 'hipsters' is ridiculous.

>> No.8411239
File: 43 KB, 450x300, gpbtp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's coming back

>> No.8411247

a hipster is someone who should go back to /mu/(you)

>> No.8411248

Those all look different and are different genres. Grunge kids try to look poor have long bad hair and listen to melvins and dinosaur jr, scene kids wear neon shit and black and have feathered hair over one eye, emo kids wear skinny blue jeans and tight band shirts and have bangs in general or just normal hair, goth kids wear black in general and also look poor and listen to industrial with bad hair that is styled weirdly.

Goth - boots
Scene - checkered slip on vans that they colored some squares
Emo - plain black chucks
Grunge - white chucks that are filthy

>> No.8411250


Girls like the preppy style the most and you'll never look like a try hard or stand out in a bad way.

It's the goat style

>> No.8411259


>> No.8411267


Most normal people cant tell the fucking difference so who cares.

>> No.8411269

Most normal people are complete plebs.

>> No.8411278


>> No.8411290

Hipster is just another word for unique. See dr. Autism/Assburger(you)! Hipster is good. Life's not that bad! You're special and you're worth it *hugs* :^)

>> No.8411295


>> No.8411315
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>> No.8411319
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>> No.8411322
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>> No.8411323
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>> No.8411327
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bathroom swag

>> No.8411328

see, that's not what i think a hipster is, that's just what annoys you, you just proved the theory right.

>> No.8411329


>> No.8411333
File: 30 KB, 510x488, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


brought to you by fb.com/groups/beingemoisok


>> No.8411359


>> No.8411362

OP is a retard/troll.

I was just pointing out the difficulty that comes with discussing "hipsters" because of the range of definitions for the word.

>> No.8411434

are you people delusional
you know that 99% of the people in the "real world" have never heard of the word gothninja, normcore, sadboys, techninja?

>> No.8411505

i still love this son

>> No.8411563

Shut up.

Hipster = Owns Macbook, has gay beard, probably posts on Tumblr, drinks at Starbucks, liberal views


If all of those apply to you, then you are a hipster. Congrats.

>> No.8411601

>another dipshit that believe's hipsters came off of emo

Lol no, dipshit. First and foremost if you're talking about 90s real emo you may be right, that was part of the "hipster" scene of the 90s, which also encompassed other musical and fashion scenes.

Emo of the 2000s ran concurrent with hipsters in the 00s and have jack shit to do with each other really. Yeah, some emo kids may have grown up to become hipsters. Just as well as many of them grew up to become plain sweats and denim college students and.

Hipster is not an "evolution" of emo. Hipsters don't go anywhere, just take up some other kinda movement.

In the 90s its was shit like Pavement, Guided by voices and slacker culture. Also club kids and other shitheads could be included in this.

In the 00s it became Williamsburg dickheads who listened to shit like The Strokes, dance punk bands like The Rapture, and other trash.

So no, hipsters are not "grown up emos".

Plus that shit is dead anyway. Go back to 2010 with that trash. Carles perfected hipster bashing and shut it down.

>> No.8411604

Hipster doesn't mean shit, and that girl in your picture doesn't look either scene, emo, or like a hipster.

She looks like some weeb more than anything.

>> No.8411612

Loads of people dress similar to sad boys? They just don't call it that. Bucket hat, Nike roshes etc

>> No.8411613

>calling someone a hipster
>using shit like "obv"

You sound just like some williamsburg faggot.
Pretty much if you want to see hipsters, you need to get out of backwater shitholes and stop living through the internet thinking swagfags and tumblrteens are hipsters. Inspired by 2000's hipster culture? Yes. But the people that morons like you call hipster are as hipster as watching Juno.

And good luck with that since the whole hipster thing is dead anyway and rendered irrelevant since pretty much everyone has got their cut of that pie. Those "hipsters" you see these days are people wearing what's pretty much normal shit and sold in stores, so no it's not hipster fashion anymore.

>> No.8411627

this is the whiniest and dumbset shit i ever read
if fall out boy and mcr is your definition of emo, then have a go

but most "real" emo bands dressed plain and shit. look up a real emo band and see how these guys basically looked like any fucking chud on the street

that makeup and spiked hair shit is glam faggy shit
you should be so proud to have once been a hot topic victim

and "emo" (mid 00s pop punk) died because people got tired of hearing the shit and the bands all changed their style because they didn't want to be associated with it

fall out boy went full pop rock
panic at the disco was never emo, that was cabaret mixed with electronic and rock
mcr was made that nanana song, brightened up and then broke up
and shit like dashboard confessional and taking back sunday were an embarrassment

what you think of as emo was nothing more that moody pop punk, you fucking faggot

>> No.8411633


Lol, you're thinking about scene kids
Emo was pretty much goth's sissier little brother. Emo's wore nothing but black. Scene kids were emos who couldn't really fake the attitude and instead started listening to trash like brokencyde
And emo/scene was anything but unique since every sissy and his mom was emo or scene in the 00s.

>> No.8411651
File: 113 KB, 504x628, hchc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time emo was a part of the hipster scene was with first wave. And first wave emo's didn't dress like faggots

first wave (the only emo music)
pretty much pic related is what most emo bands looked like

>> No.8411654

>calling someone a hipster
stopped reading

>> No.8411658

>faggot can't face the facts

Face it, you can dish it but not take it. Don't samefag your own threads arguing. And don't use gay shit like "obv" if you want to make a point.

>> No.8411667

Who gives a fuck? 99% of people in the real world don't care about or will ever wear shit like Moschino or Raf Simons, doesn't stop fashion blogs from covering them

>> No.8411698

>Face it, you can dish it but not take it
not samefaging, bruv
emo&scene are terror & that pasta is embarrassing

>> No.8411820

>not being scene

do you even want to get laid?

>> No.8411885

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8412128

90s emo was top tier, you're talking about pop punk

>> No.8412167

scene girls were great, so so fuckable and easy mm

>> No.8412206

Sauce on the girl?

>> No.8412224
File: 92 KB, 630x533, a75af570-fc56-11e3-85ad-71a8685fea4f_Bq6zNUwIAAEgwCj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want to know how to get a goth chick to like me when I am really chavy

Listen to some rock but I dress wavey and my iTunes is just grime dnb etcetera

>> No.8412232

I wish my grass was emo so it wuld cut itself

I'm glad I never went through this phase I was just thrown into a atmosphere of nothing but ghetto back in 03 never even knew what a emo was until HS

>> No.8412265

too old for the fad sadly, myspace wasn't a thing yet when i was in high school.
i was a senior when it started to get big, by that time i was already on the way out on the accelerated college/intership program

also i was pretty lame in high school, suede black work boots, grey or black dickies, white and black plain t shirts

i think all the cool kids were wearing womens jeans with greenday and my chemical romance patches

i do't really remember i did't really care or care to have alot of friends

>> No.8412291

protip: its not about the music, when i was in college i heard girls talking about the attractiveness of certain band members which is what dictated what they listened to,

besides the burnout college kids who loved fucking asher roth for some reason

but that shit was tail end of my undergrad in shitty riverside, ca mid recession

>> No.8412399

>tfw I actually miss those days
>tfw I'll never have another scene gf

>> No.8412426

Hipster spotted.

Hipster is pretty dead, anyway.

>> No.8412432

Emo was the last real subculture we had. Hipsters were basically a parody of subculture and now that they're gone, subcultures in the sense we used the word in the 20th century don't really exist anymore.

>> No.8412442

>that's not what i think a hipster is
That's because you're a hipster and don't want to be stereotyped. It makes about as much sense as an Emo saying bangs, skinny jeans and makeup isn't Emo.