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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 71 KB, 630x420, handsomemugshot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8405543 No.8405543[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Daily Reminder that if you're not good looking, all your clothes are for naught and you're just wasting your time.

>> No.8405612


>> No.8405624

Clothes aren't just for looking good

>> No.8405639

well, clothing also happens to protect me from the elements when its cold, so i guess that serves for something

>equating fashion w looks
>being this much of a plebe

>> No.8405656

I'm bouncin whoop whoop

>> No.8405676
File: 129 KB, 600x453, jeremy-meeks-brother-lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mmmm what a babe
Nigga takes one good photo and you faggots go apedick over it

>> No.8405683

still pretty fucking good looking... can't think of name examples but look at cara delevigne while partying...everyone looks like shit after drinking and etc

>> No.8405690

mugshot angle makes his nose look but he is good looking

>> No.8405695
File: 90 KB, 550x554, jm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one bad pic where hes pulling a goofy face doesnt make him ugly either

>> No.8405696

I really think it's just his great jaw and cheekbones, the rest of his face is eh. I wouldn't let him fuck me based on his looks.

>> No.8405711

White boy detected

>> No.8405716

those eyes scare the shit out of me

>> No.8405723

yeah, they're like murderer's eyes
oh wait

>> No.8405727


daaamn, i fucking hate my face, just look at his face made me want to suicide. seriously. fuck my dad for his ugly face.

>> No.8405744

so many insecure racists here. you'd think this was /b/

>> No.8405745

It's hilarious how much jealousy this dude creates

>> No.8405751

you've rustled all the middle class white boy, how will their insecure self esteem suffer even more now?!

>> No.8405757

White Grill here,

He is so hot, I don't usually favour black men, but id let him do whatever he wanted to me whenever he wanted, it would be impossible for me to say no to him

>> No.8405763

literally laughed out loud. thanks.

>> No.8405764
File: 99 KB, 800x526, IQ_by_race_by_SES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying whites don't have the superior genetics

>> No.8405766

>there are several threads with actual fashion topics
>this one's the most active

>> No.8405775

>I'm a grill btw XD
Sure bro.
Daily reminder he looks shit in other pictures and he's ghetto and tan, but still mostly white. (Enough to have blue eyes)

>> No.8405781

>but still mostly white. (Enough to have blue eyes)
still thinking that colored eyes only developed in europe. stay pleb

>> No.8405785


I'm Asian grill my parents don't like black people. But I don't care I couldn't resist him he's so much hotter than Asian and white men. I would dump my white boyfriend just for a chance to suck his dick and never be spoken to again

>> No.8405801
File: 574 KB, 250x164, 1349809571806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i dont like where this is going

>> No.8405832

He's white, why do you think he's black? Are you so uncultured that any color other than white is instantly black?

>> No.8405837

not this

black girl here and my parents really want me to stay within my race when it comes to relationships but i think niggers are ugly. that guy is somewhat white but i can still see the nigger in him. i really need some white cock in my pussy.

>> No.8405838

white men are unnatractive and look like lizards. he's nothing like them, he's perfect

>> No.8405842



>> No.8405843

IIT: cucks posing as girls

>what happened to /fa/?

>> No.8405850

angry ugly beta detected

>> No.8405866

He's mixed. Look at his older pictures, he looks more "black", especially with the regular nappy hair.
He's only "white" because he's attractive.

>> No.8405877

tfw the only reason I'm gay is because black people picked on me and it turned me on

tfw still only like black men to this day

>> No.8405888

Don't use that as an excuse faggot, you may be turned on by taunting and humiliation but blacks had nothing to do with being a homosexual

>> No.8405893

I'm ugly, so I fucking give up. I won't even bother with girls, just do my own thing. Go on runs, play the piano, and start a business. Fuck them all.

>> No.8405902

yes it does

I've had white boyfriends they are barely even men. they're so beta and weak, black men know how to fuck. I wouldn't be attracted to anything if black men didn't exist, they are real men.

>> No.8405914
File: 80 KB, 448x604, 1396727329141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8405923

Don't you mean Asians?

>> No.8405939

Seriously leave our fucking board alone I know who you are.

>> No.8405941

You guys seriously consider him attractive? He has strong jaw and nice face shape, but overall looks rather scary, and the lips are tad too big.
btw i'm a man xD