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File: 23 KB, 420x420, Home -Remedies -To -Cure -Acne -Scars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8399832 No.8399832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have bad acne scars like in pic related, but more red. I take Omega 3 fish oil pills to reduce redness, but I am still really inflamed throughout the day. Any at home remedies to reduce redness and get rid of scarring? Thx /fa/

>> No.8399843

vitamin E cream

also fresh tomato juice on your skin can even out the tone

>> No.8399851

honey/apple cider vinegar facial mask

>> No.8399883


How often should I apply the mask?


I currently have Vitamin E oil, think I could use that and get the same effect?

>> No.8399908

> aloe vera at night fresh off the plant (5x week)
>turmeric mask before shower (1x week)
>hemp oil for moisturizer (whenever needed)
> 3000 IU Vitamin D daily

Haven't had acne in the 3 years ive been doing this

>> No.8399921

try epiduo

>> No.8399929

sure i dont see why not, but it might make your skin look really oily (while you can wear vit. E cream in the day and no one will notice). idk though, ive never used the oil

also i wouldnt recommend using apple cider vinegar in a mask, it can be pretty harsh on your skin. just use organic honey - you can do the mask as much as you want

>> No.8399950


I used a Tea Tree/Coconut oil mix before, and it was too harsh for my skin and made it even more red than it already was. What effect will the honey have? Redness or scarring itself?

>> No.8399961

honey is an AMAZING moisturizer for your skin
it will make it really soft and reduce redness. as for scarring idk if it will actually do anything permanent

you should try using an exfoliating cloth in the mornings to get rid of dead skin

>> No.8399988


Gotcha. Think I could mix the E oil and honey and make a mask out of that? Thanks anon.

>> No.8399999

I swear to god
If I see another acne thread
Nothing will work except accutane

>> No.8400007

i dont see why not hahah
try some lemon juice in there too

>> No.8400009


Acne and acne scars are two different things bud, try again

>> No.8400014

accutane would probably make him break out again and give him more scars

>> No.8400016


Will do. Thanks for the help anon!

>> No.8400061

>that feel when derm appointment only in august

OP, you can always use cosmetics! I have a mild acne but a lot of scars/redness too, and I use BB cream + concealer + powder + matte finish everyday. Skin went a lot better since I started using BB cream, might be coincidence, but that shit really affects your skin in a good way, or at least it's supposed to.

>> No.8400100

you guys give terrible advice, just because something is a home remedy doesn't mean it's good for your skin. lemon juice is awful for your skin, pH is fuckin important you guys


>> No.8400109

this, go see your doctor

>> No.8400116


Dermatologists don't have shit for acne scars. All they'll do for me is prescribe stuff for acne itself.

>> No.8400127

Not gonna start another thread for this, I might as well ask here. I work as a fitter at a steel mill so I get pretty dirty everyday, what measures should I take straight after work in cleaning my face? Acne is pretty bad as it is, and the dirt n dust doesnt just come off in water.

>> No.8400137


Get a good facial cleanser and use it every morning and every night. Since you can't be washing your face on the job, might as well do it before and after.

>> No.8400173

I've been taking vitamin E tablets, scars are clearing up way faster than I was told they would. 3 weeks without pimples, and the scars have more than halved

>> No.8400181



the things that work for acne work for acne scars as well. any retinoid will increase the turnover rate of your skin cells as well as help collagen production, which will make your skin look better. pitted scars are harder to improve but the redness will go down and your skin will flatten out.

fuck all this home remedy voodoo bullshit, dermos are backed by science

>> No.8400188


I was prescribed acne medication in the past when my acne was at its worst point, and it didn't help at all, only made it worse. I'm really not interested in going back to square one now that I've made the changes and moved past the terrible acne stage. I know that it can help some people, but everyone's different and none of the medication really does anything for me.

>> No.8400197

how long did you stick with it?
what did you take?

>> No.8400200


I used Benzoyl Peroxide cream and some form of pill that I can't remember the name of. I used it for a few months, made my skin dry which was to be expected, but never started to die down and help. Just made it 10 times worse continually.

>> No.8400213

can't help you if you didn't know what you were taking

try something else, skincare is all about troubleshooting and figuring out what works for you

and cleanse/moisturize/sunscreen everyday, bitch

>> No.8400219


The cream and pill were all they could prescribe me, I used two different forms of Benzoyl Peroxide.
Thanks for the tip. I do all that basic common sense shit every morning and every night, bitch.

>> No.8400238

was this a gp or a dermo?

>> No.8400242



>> No.8400248

>that feel when derm appointment in November
This wait is ridiculous. I got Minocycline two weeks ago but so far no luck. What should I look for in a face moisturizer? Can I get them at poverty tier stores like wall-mart?

>> No.8400253

go back

or go to a different dermo

>> No.8400265
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stick with it. two weeks is not a very long time when you're talking about skincare

and this stuff is the shit

>> No.8400273


>> No.8400278


holy shit

>> No.8400725

wow not one of you /fa/ggots mentioned Witch Hazel, that shit is what miracles are made of

>> No.8400736


What does it do?

>> No.8400739

it's a toner, naturally anti-inflammatory and anti-septic
should reduce redness, tighten pores, help control breakouts, etc

>> No.8401184

im almost done with accutane and it isn't gonna do anything about the purple scars on my face

>> No.8401209

Vitamin E has no scientific evidence backing it that it actually helps with scarring. Use mind chem peels (5%-20% BHA depending how your face handles it) and panthenol. Vitamin A and avocado masks help a lot too.

>> No.8401397


>> No.8401410

omega 3 wont do shit
go see a dermatologist

>> No.8401411

Fucking dumb shit you deserve acne for being so stupid.

BP is the VERY FIRST thing you ever get put on for acne and isn't terrible effective unless used excessively (acne.org regimen style). The pill I'm guessing was an anti-biotic, again not the most effective but can help a bit.

If you stuck with it you could've seen results, or alternatively gone back to try the next logical step of AHA/BHA cleansing, retinoids / tazoratene gels and creams, as well as the only actual cure for acne, accutane.

Since you lack such basic knowledge I'm guessing you also never once in your life bothered to soruce out scientifically-backed ways of reducing acne by both medication and lifestyle habits.

You laziness literally scarred your face for life. Good job and I hope it reminds you not to be a lazy cunt in future.

As for teh scarring you do have lasers do an exceptional job at fixing that. Another alternative as mentioned is the retin-a/tazorac. Finally, dermarolling followed by copper peptides are another decent solution.

>> No.8401476
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i got prescribed tertralysal for mild active acne

the isotrexin contains 0.05% of isotretinoin which is the active ingredient for accutane

redness and all active acne is pretty much gone but the scarring isnt being helped despite isotrexin

doc told me shit like "never moisturise, your overproducing oil anyways"

would it be okay if i incorporated vitamin E and D tabs in this regimen?
currently not using any other products apart from shown.

>> No.8401491


this this this
>inb4 reddit

>> No.8401518

two types of acne in this post lel gud 1

>> No.8401584

Don't know about redness but if you have pitted scars(rolling, boxed, icepick etc) then you can try dermarolling. It actually works. Not for everyone ofc but no side effects so no harm in trying.
Make sure you don't do it over active acne.
Oh and it is a little painful if you chose to go deeper than 1 mm.

>> No.8401615

should i buy those microderm crystals as well?

>> No.8401648

I had had severe (and I mean SEVERE) acne for 10 years. I was much worse than the photo, I rarely left my house because how horrible my face looked. Now I don't have acne and almost got rid of the scars. I look OK (still noticeable scars, but nothing too serious, girls even find my face attractive now). Let me tell about my experience. Hope this helps you.

I tried all type of homemade solutions, no more than two or three of them were useful, I later asked a dermatologist and she confirmed me these actually worked:
- Mask made with lemon pulp and a little water (itches as hell)
- Mask made of natural clay (this one even makes your face feel better)
- Mask made of milk a little gelatin (didn't work for me)

And now the important thing: I didn't manage to cure my acne util I visited an esthetic dermatologist. She is a very well known one where I live and taught me a lot.

First of all, chronic acne is the consequence of years of a vicious cycle repeating itself on and on. You need some sort of shock treatment to break the chain. In my case, I had to take antibiotics for 3 months. Btw the "red scars" in the photo are not scars, they're a form of chronic inflamatory acne that can last for years (I don't know the name in english, sorry).

You also must make some changes in your lifestyle if you don't want to end where you first started:
- Diet: it's not a myth, bad food can fuck up your face (ie: chocolate, butter, dairy, fried and greasy stuff). Fish and shellfish gives you better skin. Also, be sure you take the right amount of protein.
- Exercise: sweating from exercise is a perfect skin cleaning treatment and can help. Also, saunas are not ok if you have acne.
- Solar exposition: if you live in a sunny place, wear facial sunscreen. UV rays are really really bad for the face, not to talk if you have acne.

>> No.8401657
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(continues from)

And for the last, you must start a cleaning routine (1-2 times a day). Discipline is a must:
- Wash your face with COLD water (this is important) and a face cleanser (in my case, it was glycolic acid foam, it worked as a charm).
- Wip your face with disposable paper towels (important).
- Put on hydrating cream (one of the causes of chronic acne is that the skin is dry and it tries to moisturize itself by producing more fatty stuff). I used niacinamide + vit C.

Also there're some supplements that can help:
- Vit. A
- Vit. E
- Zinc (if you don't eat shellfish)
- Fish oil (if you don´t eat fish)
- Protein shakes (if you aren't sure about your diet's aminoacid profile)

I take capsules with vit A + zinc daily.

Once you get rid of the acne (this can take months), it's time to work on the scars. You can remove them yourself of have them removed by a dermatologist.

By yourself:
- Glicolic acid (>20%) gel. Apply daily, you must stay home and don't expose youself to solar light for a couple of hours after applying it. Itches as hell (AS HELL!!!).
- Strong exfoliating agents, etc. Can help, but are more agressive.

By a dermatologist:
- Chemical peelings. I used these. There are a lot of types and the number of sessions vary. I needed three glycolic acid (80%) peelings. Remember that 20% glycolic acid itched as hell? Well, try to imagine 80%. They're chemically burning your face skin, so no wonder. Despite that, the results are amazing,
- Roller. Same concept. They destroy part of the skin so it can grow again without the scars, but this time mecanically (pic related). Hurts less than the peelings

Hope this helps.

>> No.8401681

I think you gotta mention you´ll have to apply a moisturising cream as using a cleanser dries out your skin a lot.

>> No.8401720

No at home remedies are going to fix your skin. You could slightly improve it with moisturising etc. but you're better off going to a dermatologist and getting some actual scientifically proven cures rather than "this one time I cleaned my face with urine and now I don't have acne".

>> No.8401755

Look at these. I was about to reply but this anon covered almost everything. Also don't do rolling on your own, at least not at first. Go to a derm.
Are you me? My routine is completely similar. I am at the rolling stage and seeing massive benefits. Did your derm recommend Laser?

>> No.8401804

Roller works like a charm, and it solves almost any problem with your skin. I'm using it now to get rid of some strecht marks... and it works!!!

>Did your derm recommend Laser?
Nope. She told me peelings and roller were much more effective and cheap, and that any dermatologist offering you laser treatments is just desperately trying to recover the insane amount of money those machines cost.

>> No.8401821

Thanks anon. I will continue with the roller. I have done peeling but they showed only so much difference.
And no Laser. I had no idea about the cost recovering thing. It makes no sense for them to suggest such treatments unless the case is too bad.

>> No.8401864

>Omega 3 fish oil pills

actually reduces the bloods coagulation.

meaning you will probably have more redness taking the pills, than without.

i recommend a topical antibiotic ointment. but don't use it for long periods of time.

>> No.8401908

>turmeric mask
How is that going to work, won't that make your skin yellow? While cooking it stained my hands yellow too

>> No.8401934
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Anyone have any experience with Tretinoin and Hydroquinone? I'm starting to consider it as an option, but I'd like to know what I'm in for.

>> No.8401967

Tretionine works, but it has some side effects, specially if taken orally. Also, avoid sun exposure while using it.

>> No.8401971

paula begoun has good infos about these on her website

>> No.8402119
File: 64 KB, 700x700, hascoderm-krem-30g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guis listen.

No home remedies will help you with redness and/or scars, because even with mild acne, those are permanent changes.

My dermatologist prescribed me Hascoderm, but the main ingredient that you are looking for is azaleic acid; it worked like a charm, for blackheads too, but it takes some time, weeks at least. Your skin needs to be peeled down in a slow pace to make any changes at all; that said, stay away from any mechanical scrubs because they will fuck up you face and cause drying and irritation.

Also throw out any cosmetics that claim to "clean 99% of your acne/redness/blackheads in one week", because this is straight up bullshit and doesn't work.

Besides that, to prevent futher breakouts - fresh towel on the pillow every night, keep you dirty hands away from your face during the day. DON'T wash you face more than 3 times a day - after waking up, after coming home from work/school, before going to sleep. Azaleic acid will help you with that, because it greatly reduces sweating. Use moisturizer when your face gets dry, it won't interfere with the med. I have never ate totall shit like fast food three times a day, but improving your diet can help you skin greatly.

Save this pls, won't write that shit second time.

>> No.8402149

epiduo did shit for me

>> No.8402205

because you didn't *~* believe *~* in yourself

>> No.8402917

enjoy your colitis

>> No.8403258

>going on year 7 of bad acne and no end in sight

I don't know what I did or who I pissed off, but I'm sorry

>> No.8403464

>Dermatologists don't have shit for acne scars
uh no
they have things like chemical peels and laser resurfacing that actually work, not retarded home remedies. if you can't afford it/don't have insurance that's one thing, don't pretend that actual medicine has nothing to offer here

>> No.8403505

who cares. youre beautiful on the outside thats all that matters

>> No.8403694


tldr the thread but if nobody mentioned - best easiest way to rid of scars and to maintain clearer complexion is to go get a nice sunburn and keep exposing yourself to the sun. it does wonders (short term)....long term consequences (such as cancer) arent as aesthetic but /fa/ person lives for today

>> No.8403715

Okay, I've come to the conclusion that I want to start either Dermarolling or Chemical Peels. Which should I do?

>> No.8403718
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>> No.8403727

>best easiest way to rid of scars and to maintain clearer complexion is to go get a nice sunburn and keep exposing yourself to the sun.
this is absolutely fucking retarded
The most important thing to keep in mind when worrying about acne scarring is STAYING AWAY FROM THE FUCKING SUN and using oil-free sunscreen whenever you are outside
in the short term, this will make your scarring 100x more noticeable as the scars will get much darker. the scarred skin is more susceptible to radiation and this will impede the natural recovery of your skin.
in the long term, cancer

don't listen to this moron

>> No.8403733

smh damn

>> No.8403745

excuse me? do you even know who youre talking to?

aside from the fact that you are worthless reject.

id like to say that the only ONLY ONNNNNLLLYYYYY fucking thing that helped even out my skin tone was the goddamn sun...so next time you have the audacity to disrespect me like that...think twice bc youre gonna destroy that pizzaface dudes life by giving him awful advice

>> No.8403747

nigga im not gonna live to be that old...and thank god for that

>> No.8403748

>excuse me? do you even know who youre talking to?
excuse me? I'm talking to some retard on /fa/ who is going against the advice of every fucking dermatologist, including my own.

you're giving him advice that will LITERALLY GIVE HIM CANCER

>> No.8403777

who gives a fuck about cancer when youve got an ugly face?

enjoy shit quality of life

protip- dermatologist are scam artists. they tell you you need perscription pills/cream/etc just to get you to spend money and keep coming back to their fucking office. they wont tell you the real easy cures bc then their patients wont come back and pay them moneys!

goddamn you stupid fock
eveyrthing about money. nothing is actually about helping you

you know how many dermatologists ive seeen for past ten years of my life? idk either but a lot dude. NONE of them actually helped me....

the sun did :)
i use suncreen
and i dont giv a shit about cancer bc im not a pussy bitch like you

>> No.8403801


I've been using a tretinoin based cream at 0.0% concentration for 4 months and have seen minimal improvements (I think). Should I give it more time?

>> No.8403803

>protip- dermatologist are scam artists. they tell you you need perscription pills/cream/etc just to get you to spend money and keep coming back to their fucking office. they wont tell you the real easy cures bc then their patients wont come back and pay them moneys!
>The secret dermatologists won't tell you!
Stay retarded. Enjoy your skin cancer

>> No.8403859



>> No.8403861

>muh anecdotal evidence
please adopt a trip so i can filter you thanks

>> No.8403874

are you literally using drugs?

you are so incoherent fuck

>everyone does everything for money
sure, all science is a lie

>> No.8403883

whats the best sunscreen that wont give me acne (if it includes a moisturizer that'd be even better)

>> No.8403897

that looks painful as hell

>> No.8403915

um yes i literally am

>> No.8403980

you are able to filter my name without a trip. bbye now! fucking idiot. wouldnt know a good thing if it bit you in the ass

>> No.8404081


>> No.8404202

Does /fa/ recommend I get a microdermabrasion roller? If so, which one if there is a specific brand to lean towards.

>> No.8404216


>> No.8404393

I have been using honey and aspirin mask during the day, retinoid at night. These things can take months to see real results though. I have been doing this since January of this year.

I have seen some improvements but any sort of breaks or stopping causes me to break out really bad.

The only way to get rid of deep scars really is surgery which can be inexpensive depending on how much damage there is.

>> No.8404914

>before shower

>> No.8405391

That's really disgusting.

>> No.8405397

ice cubes + visine/clear eyes on a qtip
>ice cubes for the swelling
>eye drops for redness

it's not a permanent solution, but can help if you need a quick fix

>> No.8405824
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Microneedling/ Dermaroller
>"Use good quality instruments—there are many instruments from different companies; using poor instruments may lead to breakage of needles in the skin."

Silicone Sheets/ Tape

Jessner/ Chemical Peels

Azelic Acid

Bio-Oil/ Pink Snake Oil
>Every other ingredient in Bio-Oil is either a comedogenic or an irritant and can cause- Occlusive Folliculitis, Irritation, Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Photo Contact Dermatitis, and Contact Urticaria. (ie every probable adverse side affect you can get from a moisturizer ingredient besides sweat retention)
>Just buy 100% mineral oil instead if you are looking for something to keep your scars moisturized

Laser Treatment
>Not much to post here... Guaranteed scar treatment, no matter what laser is used.

>This sums up very well all that we currently know about the correlation between diet and acne. There are many theories of sugary, high carb diets and high dairy diets causing acne, but no one has tested these theories to come to a conclusion yet.

That should cover everything I believe (besides the basics),... do note that just about all of these products can be used simultaneously on a regular basis. (note: regular, not daily. Some treatments, like laser and chemical treatments, can not be used as frequently as say, silicone tape or microneedling)

>> No.8405982

What are some must eat foods for clear skin?

I've been eating unhealthy for as long as I can remember and my parents never forced healthy food on me when I was a kid. So now I can't stand greens, fruits or most veggies. I'm slowely trying to force them onto myself to develop a taste for them. But whenever I do it's like something in my brain is telling me I shouldn't be eating it, the texture just feels to damn weird in my mouth. Greens feel like I'm just eating grass and leaves.

>> No.8405994

stop peddling this bullsh!t

>> No.8406013

remember to drink shitloads of water every day

>> No.8406022


>> No.8406025

Water is pretty much all I drink, with the occasional tea and coffee. Only really drink pop at work and I still drink way more water.

>> No.8406113

As of now, the only diet related cause of acne is from vitamin deficiencies(common) and allergic reactions to certain foods(rare). Just make sure you are taking a multivitamin, getting your water, and supplementing 50mg of zinc daily/ as needed.
And don't force yourself to eat foods you don't like...

please go

>> No.8406137

Is there any recommended multivitamin? Right now I'm just taking vitamin A, Zinc and fish oil.
>As of now, the only diet related cause of acne is from vitamin deficiencies
Ok that's really good to know, I'm pretty sure that's my problem, with all the frozen, instant and fast food I eat I'm getting far less vitamins than my body needs. Which would explain not only why my skin looks like shit, but why I feel like shit all the time.

>> No.8406205

There is no perfect multivitamin. Most like to overdose vitamin c, underdose zinc, selenium.. the list goes on. But a good multi for someone who can't be bothered to buy the vitamins individually and take a handful of pills regularly (ie most people) this is a good compromise:

And it is interesting that you would mention your mood, since that is the first thing people notice improve once they start taking these multivitamins.

>> No.8408200


>> No.8408939

anything to get rid of blackheads around the nose/cheeks area? i've had them for years

>> No.8408979
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Not too sure on scaring but I do know that these are a good remedy for acne in general as I have been using them for just over a month and I am clearing up nicely in combination with soap made of salt from the dead sea. They contain a crazy percent of your RDA of most vitamins and are rather cheap for such a product, I can get as little as four hours sleep and feel great. Side effects are luminous green piss and you will most likely feel the need to sleep earlier.

>> No.8409000

Cortisone cream, breh.
I don't have acne, but I occasionally get really annoying deep pimples that hurt like hell and get really red. I also pick at my face, so I have permanent red marks from old battles with skin shit.
Cortisone takes the redness off within minutes and keeps it down for the day, and helps the tissues heal. I just dab a thin layer on in the morning on the trouble areas.
It's also really good for speeding blister/scab healing.
I buy the non-prescription topical cream. You have to ask the pharmacist for it, since it's not on shelves.

>> No.8409108

>try using moisturizer
>just makes my acne look even redder.
Well fuck

>> No.8409210

how to remove acne on ur dick?

>> No.8409613

cut it off

>> No.8409680

stop masturbating

Not even a joke
same shit happened to me

>> No.8410045

I was prescribed Epiduo 0.1% / 2.5% and it seems to be working, I just apply it to my nose after a shower and massage it in. Good luck.

Does anyone know how to deal with red bags under eyes? I've had them for years now and I hate them. People think I'm addicted to something hard. Anyone got any advice?

>> No.8410260

exfoliating strips, low % peels, and/or oil face cleanse

>> No.8410289

Dip it in lemon juice.

>> No.8413305


>> No.8414091
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>having middle-light acne whole life until now (almost 23)
>popping zits is like a hobby, more liek obsession
>1 (!) scar on forehead until now
genetics is the name of the fucking game

>> No.8414238

>blames genetics
>pops his pimples

>> No.8414421

Need halp I broke out this week on my forehead and cheek and nose and chin and its not going away with my products/cleansing.


>> No.8414560

see pic
do cycle until it clears up and continue zinc use after cycle
also make sure your products are not to blame. check Ph, brand, ingredients, ect

>> No.8415219

Apply apple cider vinegar on your face every night. After a while, your face will get used to it and it will be less effective. That's when you start using lemon, dilute it with water if it's too harsh. Apply that every night after you shower, but for only 10 minutes.


Vitamin E Oil is garbage don't use it.

>> No.8416287

put whitening tooth paste on your face so you look like a nigger blending in.
leave it on, this shit burns your eyes to death but fuck it.
if you get through 5 mins you're a champ.
Wash off
Shit with be all mentholy but whatever.

Also, Acne can get taken out by antibiotics